Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

Yes we have a cat and the baby was fine when I was pregnant

Wear a mask and gloves. Iā€™ve hand 0 issues with mine. Its more for outdoor cats is what my dr stated to me

I had cats through all 4 of my kiddos. Just donā€™t change the box and youā€™ll be ok

I have cats and clean out the litter box. Just wash your hands when doneā€¦ā€¦ donā€™t touch the poop

My mother contracted contacted toxoplasmosis when she was pregnant with me. She said that she had come down with a cold nothing major. I was diagnosed by john Hopkins university in maryland at the age of 7 when i had trouble reading the blackboard. I have 8 blind spots scar tissue to my brain. Should have been born blind and possibly retarded. My vision long distance sucks but i can read the smallest print up close. I am also terrible at face recognition. At 50 years old my vision will never be 20/20 even with glasses. When i became pregnant 30 years ago i was tested because ive always have been a cat person. She tested negative and i scooped the litterbox. My cat was an indoor cat. All 3 pregnancies tested negative and when my daughter was pregnant and tested she was negative too! She was never aloud to scoop the litterbox. So all that being said if you have an indoor cat the risk is lower than having an outdoor cat and wear a mask so not to breath that stink in!

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I wore gloves and a mask and washed good after.

I had a kitty but my husband cleaned the litter box so i was never near it

Ive never heard about parasites, but you should probably take your cat to the vet if they have parasites in their feces. The ammonia is what you want to be careful with.

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My sister has two cats and had them while she is pregnant her husband cleans the cat box

Had a cat changed the litter box every other day wore a mask and washed hands afterwards. Daughter is almost 3 she is happy, healthy, and smart. 0 issues.

I had 2 cats and changed the box with both of my pregnancies. I wore a mask and gloves as a precaution when I did and both of my boys are happy and healthy.

Just wear gloves itā€™s not even that big of a risk especially if your cat doesnā€™t go outside and is clean

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Doesnā€™t matter. I never had a cat but the parasites can live in the soil. They can enter your body by the soles of your feetā€¦ my son was born with toxoplasmosis which is the parasite. It affected his eyes and he is legally blind. Like I said it doesnā€™t matter.

Iā€™ve had cats through all 3 of my pregnancies and it was fine. If you have a partner, ask them to do it to avoid any risk, if you dont/they wonā€™t then just wear gloves and wash your hands afterwards.

I had cats during all my pregnancies. I was fine. With my first I changed the litter box no issues .

As long as your cat does not go outside, you are fine to clean the cat box. Itā€™s a parasite they get from eating animals they kill like birds.

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With all the awesome litter boxes out there these days I donā€™t see why there would be an issue. Get a self cleaning box.

We had 2 with both my pregnancies. No problems at all! Just stay away from cleaning the kitty box and youā€™re good.

I never went near the litterbox during all 3 of my pregnancies. My husband just always cleaned them for me :heart: But yes, doctors will tell you to stay clear.

Yes I had cats while pregnant. Really just be careful when cleaning the litter. Wear gloves and a mask if you want and wash your hands when done. Or have someone else clean the box. If itā€™s an indoor cat that you have had a while and the cat actually has something chances are you have already been exposed and your fine. You can also get these same parasites by gardening or not cleaning off vegetables properly.

As long as itā€™s an inside cat it shouldnā€™t be a problem.

Iā€™ve got 8. My husband cleans the litter boxes.

Clean the litter box often, the longer it sits dirty makes the risk worse. Wear gloves and mask and make sure to wash your hands and arms really well after you clean the box out if you havenā€™t got any help.

3 Cats through both pregnancies. Iā€™ve always changed the litter. Wash my hands good right after. Never any issues.

Just wear gloves and a mask. I didnā€™t know I was pregnant and cleaned out my cats litter box without protection and had a miscarriage

I cleaned my cats litter box both my entire pregnancies

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I had a cat during both my pregnancy. I had no problems. My husband took care of the litter box. If you donā€™t have someone to change the box then wear a mask and gloves.

Following. Thanks for all the comments. I was interested as well

If you have an indoor cats that never goes outside you have a very low chance of parasites or disease.
If you have to change the litter Box wear a mask and gloves and wash your hands after.

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Iā€™ve always had cats. Make bd do it if heā€™s in the picture (no judgment if heā€™s not). You could also use a mask and gloves.

I have catā€™s. My boyfriend helps but I will do it if he doesnā€™t remember. I wear gloves and wash my hands really good after. When I was pregnant with my daughter I didnā€™t have anyone to help so I did it all myself and sheā€™s fine.

I have had cats for each of my pregnancies. My husband was born blind because his mom worked at a dairy farm, around cat feces. He did regain vision eventually, but itā€™s a real thing!
I have someone scoop my cats box for me now, but if you donā€™t have someone to do it for you, mask up and glove up and then wash your face and hands and arms really well after.
I donā€™t really recommend it, but not everyone has a support system.
Also, maybe you could look into a self cleaning box

If someone else can do it then let them, but if not just wash your hands very well after dealing with it

I had a cat during mine and changed the litter a few times and didnā€™t have any issues x

Its safe as long as you had the cats before pregnancy and they are indoor cats AND you donā€™t have rodents. They get toxoplasmosis from mice/rats. Make sure to wear disposable gloves and a mask while cleaning their box, and wash your hands after.

Iā€™ve always had cats

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If you have a partner, Iā€™d definitely suggest them changing it. However, it is completely possible to do on your own, just where gloves and a mask, and clean yourself up after. If you touched the faucet or doorknob, Iā€™d disinfect those as well, too.

Just have someone else clean the litter box the ammonia is not good for u but my Dr said if I had to do it do it outside so there is entry of ventilation and wear a mask god knows we all have at least 1 now a days lol and most of it is once the baby is born be careful cuz the cat will want to lick milk/formula from the babies face and suffocation can occur not on purpose of course just got to be cautious and aware. Congratulations on your new baby

Gloves, and a mask. I pulled my hair back, and just made sure to wash well after. Clean 2 times a day and the risk is lowered significantly.

We had a cat , I didnā€™t do the litter box except maybe the 2-3 times he forgot before leaving for the weeke for work. I wore gloves & a mask (The smell made me sick) and washed my hands well.

If you grew up with cats, youā€™re likely fine without PPE but best to be safe rather than sorry.
Its from the rodents the cat eats.

I was cleared to clean the litter box with gloves and in a well ventilated area.

I did. Just mask and glove up. Wash hands after and you should be good.

I had a cat with 2 of my sons never had any issues used gloves.

Had my cat for 14 years and both my pregnancies I did the litter box.
Just make sure to wash your hands thoroughly :woman_shrugging:t2:

Wear a mask and gloves always. While pregnant, let someone else do it.

Just have someone else clean the litter box, my husband did for all 3 of my pregnancies

Yes, you just canā€™t change the litter. Youā€™ll need someone else to do it, due to the ammonia in cat pee

Put on a mask if it worries you. Always wash hands immediately after. Itā€™s not that big of a deal honestly


My kitties are both indoor so thereā€™s no risk but I still get someone else to help usually just to be cautious. If I need to clean it I just be sure to clean my hands and arms well.

I have 3 cats, currently 23 weeks pregnant. I wear a mask & gloves when I clean their litter boxes and wash my hands really good afterwards. So far no issues

If anything just wear a mask and gloves while changing the litter

I did. Just wear a mask & gloves when you do it and wash your hands when your done

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Just use gloves and wash your hands and arms after

Iā€™ve always had a cat, even during my 3 pregnancies, I never had any issues. People were pretty strict about me not changing the liter so I was never around it.

I had two cats while I was pregnant and even changed the litter tray a few times I was absolutely fine. Maybe just wear a mask and gloves to do it but yes itā€™s completely safe x

I had a cat during my pregnancy. Had my husband clean it out. Other than that no issues.


Omg stop worrying. Your fine! Just wash your hands!


I have 2 cats. I cleaned their litter box, always wash hands real good after, shouldnā€™t have a problem.

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I had at least one cat during all three pregnancies. I had someone else clean it most times, but I did it too and just washed really well afterwards. Change the litter more often too

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Usually itā€™s because of a toxity disease some cats can carry- but if youā€™ve had the cat 3 years chances are youā€™ve been exposed before so it wonā€™t harm you. Wash your hands and wear a mask youā€™ll be fine

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Just donā€™t clean the litter box. Have someone else do it. I had cats for all of my pregnancies. All is well.

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I had 3 during my pregnancy and even changed the litters.

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I wanted a cat when I found out I was pregnant but decided against it because my dr said absolutely no changing a litter box. Iā€™d be the one always changing it so I just stayed away until I had my son.

I did with my 3 older kids and all was great! My 4th ones dad hates animals.

Yes, you can have cats.

I asked my OB this when I was pregnant. You can absolutely have them, be around them, love on them and even clean the litter box. Just pull your shirt over your face or wear a mask when you clean the box and wash your hands when youā€™re doneā€¦

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Just wash your hands thoroughly after cleaning the litter box, or you can get big boxes of disposable gloves pretty cheap. I had cats with both of my pregnancies, no problem.

I had 10 cats while pregnant. I cleaned the boxes and either covered my face or held my breath haha. Washed hands after like anyone should. someone else did it for me a lot so I didnā€™t really worry. Itā€™s doable, donā€™t stress

I have 2 kitties, and I change their boxes myself. I just wear a mask and disposable gloves and when Iā€™m done I was my hands really well. And all seems well with my boy! Iā€™m 32 weeks currently and have been changing the boxes from the beginning.

I had cats for both of my pregnancyā€™s and had no issues

i had one and reusable gloves to clean the litter

Just wear a mask and gloves and youā€™ll be fine. Wash your hands after up to your elbows if you wanna be safe

Wear a mask if you have to clean the box if you are that concerned.

Iā€™ve had 3 healthy pregnancies with 2 indoor cats and I changed the litter box with no problem!

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If u clean litter box use cloves and goggle and mask I knownlots of peoplenqith cats whim done this and their babies are fine

I worked at an animal hospital all the way up until my due date, it is absolutely safe to have a cat. But wear gloves when changing out the litter, or have someone else change it if possible. Wash hands after dealing with the litter box, and after baby comes just make sure the cat isnā€™t in same room as baby alone. The cats can try to lay on baby if they smell milk. I never had any problems with my cats but itā€™s better to be safe than sorry. Good luck mamaā¤ļø

Cats a very protective over babies I had a cat jsut donā€™t empty litter tray itā€™s a myth about trying to steal the milk my cat sat on my belly all the way through

Totally fine.
I cleaned the litter box too but I kept it clean, washed my hands like crazy afterward, and avoided taking deep breaths while dumping the box. But also i wasnt scooping, we only have 1 kitty so i used non clump litter and dumped it and replaced it with fresh litter weekly. Still do lol

I had two kittens through my last pregnancy. And I was really the only one who cleaned their litter box, except after I had my c section and couldnā€™t bend over for awhile. I always washed my hands afterward. But no complications.

I had cats with both my kids and changed the litter box. Really you dont use your hands to clear litter then stick your hands in your mouth unwashed
If youā€™re concerned wear rubber gloves while changing it then wash hands well .

Just wash your hands like you should after changing litter anyway

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You can have your cats feces tested for toxoplasmosis.

Always had cats. Never a problem. One even slept in the crib. I do know my cats were healthy.

Our kitty loves him so much his so patient with him :sob:

I did and had many cats. I wore gloves and a mask.

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Iā€™ve had cats my whole 3 pregnancies.

If itā€™s strictly indoor catā€¦ youā€™ll be fine. Wear a mask while cleaning it out.

My dr said the problem is actually with cats that go outside because they get toxoplasmosis by consuming things outdoors.

Purely indoor cats arenā€™t a risk.

If youā€™re concerned though wear gloves.

I cleaned boxes through both my pregnancies and wore gloves while doing so (which I do anyways even when not pregnant) and obviously wash your hands well after.

I had a cat and just had someone else empty his litter box

Yes!! Just wear gloves and a mask while cleaning the litter box. :grin:

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Just uses gloves when you clean the box. My cat slept on my belly my entire pregnancy. Then once my son was born he slept next to my sonā€™s cradle and always followed him around.

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Yes had cat during pregnancy just wear a mask n gloves and youā€™ll be fine.


We had cats with all four of my pregnancies. The only thing that I did not do while I was pregnant was clean the litter box. However some people still do that and they just make sure they either wear gloves and a mask so they donā€™t smell the ammonia smell or they just make sure to clean their hands really good afterwards.

Just be careful and wash your hands. I had cats through all four of my pregnancies. Was even scratched but never had a problem

Iā€™ve had 2 since I was 17. If you have someone thatā€™s willing to do them for you either for the duration or just periodically thatā€™s great but if not, just wear a mask, have air flow-avoid deep breaths, wear gloves and wash hands thoroughly. Also, Idk how true it is but I heard that the only risk to doing the cat box is with cats who go outdoors because that parasite is in birds and rodents and if the cats eat them, thatā€™s how they end up with that parasite that cause harm during pregnancy. My cats are strict indoors only but the cat box fumes arenā€™t great either way.

Just wash your hands/wear gloves. I took care of ours while pregnant most of the time.
Myself & the baby, all good :+1:

Yes, just donā€™t change the litter, have someone else change it

Ideally someone else in your house should do that cat litter, but if youā€™re lacking someone else to do it, glove up, wear a mask (the blastocysts can be carried in the dust from the litter) and wash up thoroughly afterwards and you should be ok. Most indoor cats donā€™t even carry the parasite that carries the risk unless you get a lot of mice in your house.

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I had 3 cats in my house while pregnant, I just had someone tend to the cat litter because its not safe for a woman to do it while pregnant.