Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

I kept both of my cats through my whole pregnancy. I was fine.

I had a pregnancy and although i did not change the litter it happened to us our baby was born at 25 weeks and was in the nicu 121 days. It is not worth it. My son has cerebral palsy and autism. Please be careful. And know its not just the littlerbox. I did all the right things and it still happened to us.

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I did. Np at all. I wore a mask and washed my hands really well after cleaning box which I only did once or twice because my brother did it for me (we lived together at that time)

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I had cats while pregnant, no problems at all. Just have to be careful

Yup we use to, well it was my sisters but we were all in the same place, and no issues what so ever.

I’ve had cats all my life, in clouding through 3 pregnancies. I always changed the litter myself, no gloves or mask, and I have 4 healthy kids. With that being said, if you’re worried about the litter, and have no one else who can change it, wear a mask and wash your hands well after changing it. Personally, I’ve never scooped litter. I always dump the whole box and put fresh litter in.


My fiancĂ© does the litter box typically for me but when I do it myself I use a mask and gloves, it’s the ammonia that they are really worried about.

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I was told to avoid the litter box but yes it safe to have cats

I have 2 cats and never had an issue

I used gloves and a mask when I had to clean the kitty litter box when I couldn’t get my hubby to do it while I was pregnant

Nope I made my bf clean the litter box and my daughter is 11 months old and healthy and when I had to do it I just washed my hands after. Never wore gloves or a mask but windows were open so the smells could get out

Make sure to wear gloves and wash hands well afterwards. Make sure there’s good air flow as well. If not, wear a mask.

I had three throughout all three of my pregnancies, no issues with any of my pregnancies and no issues for my kids

I’ve had cats. Still do. Every pregnancy I took care of my fur babies, feeding and cleaning up and everything was fine. I’m not suggesting ignore your doctor by any means but me and mine were perfectly fine the whole time.

I have had my two cats for 6 years now two pregnancies everything was find. And my twins love my cats

I have a cat and my boyfriend changes the litter. I’m 36+3 weeks.

I have 3 cats and in my 4th pregnancy. Mostly thats for outdoor/indoor cats. I have to change mine because bf is allergic to cats and has horrible asthma. My big kids scoop it for me and I dump it weekly. No choice so he doesn’t have an attack. Never had an issue. My kids are 12, 10, 2 and unborn. My cats have never been outside except for transport when moving.

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The only time you can actually get toxoplasmosis is if your cat is an indoor/outdoor cat. Strictly indoor cats don’t carry the parasite. That’s what my OBGYN and specialists told me.

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Had cats with all three. Changed the litter boxes. Just wash your hands after and youll be fine. No need to fear.

I have 4 cats and was pregnant twice and kept them

I wear gloves and wash my hands every time. I also wear a mask. Stay safe momma!

Yes. And yes you can clean the litter box providing you wear a mask and gloves.

I was changing litter box at nine months pregnant lol
If you take certain precautions you will be fine.
I would recommend changing the box every other day at least, wearing gloves and a mask, and using a litter that doesn’t have a lot of “dust” such as pine or paper pellets.

I had 3 cats when I was pregnant. Switch to the crystal cat litter and wear a mask when cleaning. My OB gave me this info. Also if you scoop once a day it lowers the chance of bacterial buildup and the ammonia scent.

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I had a cat before I got pregnant, kept her throughout my pregnancy, my bf changed the litter but if you don’t have someone who can for you, just wear gloves and a mask when doing it to be safe. I even got a second cat when my son was a month old. They both love him and take naps with him and watch over him constantly


Toxoplasmosis is aerosol. It’s ideal to have someone else do the litter boxes or get a self cleaner. If absolutely necessary, west a mask and gloves and wash well after dumping the boxes.


Just make sure the box is cleaned every day or every time kitty poops. Wear gloves or have someone else do it. I recommend not letting kitty on your bed or couch, on tables, etc.

I’ve always had one and as long as you wash after changing it and scoop in an area with good air flow your fine. My older kids or husband usually changed and scooped the box when I was pregnant. Your going to be fine.

I just changed mine outside and never scoped just put fresh liter in every 4-5 days

Just don’t touch their poo

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I’m pregnant with my 3rd child and have always had cats. My first OB had even told me that having pets during childhood is good for baby, it can reduce the chance of them having allergies. I’ve always just had my spouse clean the litterbox.

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If your partner can’t clean the boxes for you, just wear gloves and a mask. Then wash your hands when you’re done.

Had cats through three pregnancies n fine through all

Wear a mask and rubber gloves and then wash your hands after. I have 2 cats

Owner of 6 cats here
 just make sure you wear gloves & a mask & change the litter in a well ventilated area (preferably outside), change your clothes straight after & wash your hands very well

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I have a Cat I’m almost 7 months
 But I purchased an electrical self ckeaning litter box and I have my Hubby just take the little baggie out. Made life easier than worrying about doing something that could harm the baby

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Just wear gloves and a mask!

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I didn’t. Have. Any problems I meani. Didn’t have. Any problems. Mine. Just. Run off but you. R not to. Change box

I just used a cat box that you rolled on the ground and the the poop was in a little tray.

I have 2 and just had a baby in april. My fiance did the box just ti be safez but they say as long as its inside only and youve had it for so long and use to it, you should be ok. But id definitely speak with your OB! I have a hairless thats strictly inside and the other is mostly inside but he loves to go roam every morning and afternoon. So i didnt mess with it, mostly bc i knew i could get him to take over doing it for me :joy:

I worked in veterinary when I was pregnant :slightly_smiling_face: all good here


I had a 3 year old cat during my first pregnancy (almost 3 year s ago now). And I currently have a one year old cat only thing I can’t do is clean the litter box but you can absolutely have them around.

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Yes with all four of mine. My kids did but it was genetic stuff that are their problems nothing for cats

I brought all 3 of my kids home to 3-6 cats. We have 6. If your cat is strictly indoor, the chance of it even carrying toxoplasmosis is like slim to most likely none. My boyfriend took over most of my scooping, but I did do it a few times with gloves, mask, and lots of hand washing. Btw, you “dog people” know dogs can get it on their paws from the soil as well. Not bashing dogs, just don’t wanna hear the whole dogs are better bull crap! :cat2::cat2::cat2::cat2::cat2::cat2:


If you absolutely can not have anyone else clean the boxes, which is ideal, keep your cat indoors, wear a dust mask during box scooping, scoop multiple times a day to prevent any possible toxoplasmosis from hatching, wash your hands after scooping, and seal poo in a bag and put outside. Toxoplasmosis is very damaging to a fetus but is rare, especially in inside cats as they get it from eating wild rodents. You can have a cat during pregnancy. I had 2 cats during pregnancy and my 12 year old scooped the box.

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Put gloves on when cleaning the cat’s litter box

Put on a mask to clean the litter box. Otherwise you’re fine.

Have the ol man do it

I own 7 cats plus worked at a cat shelter for the whole 9 months of my pregnancy My son was born fine He is now 18 and going to MSU on a full academic scholarship
Yes you need to wear gloves when changing the box wash your hands afterwards

I had 3 babies, and have always had cats. No problems. Wash your hands.

Perfectly safe to have a cat. Just no cat box touching at all.

Ive had cats while preggers. I wore gloves to clean cat box. Never had any issues.

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Only had one outside so didn’t have a litter box
but yes it can be dangerous if you get it while pregnant for the baby
maybe look into a self cleaning litter box cheapest I saw was online for 44 bucks. Or protect yourself with gloves and a mask if you can’t find anybody else to change it. Just having the cat is ok they just don’t want you changing the litter box bc the parasite is passed through the cats feces.

I had 4 cats when I had my son

Use gloves and wash your hands after

No issues even cleaned the litter myself, used gloves and washed my hand for 10 mins :joy: even a mask cause I couldn’t stand the smell at all​:sweat_smile:

I cleaned my cat boxes my whole pregnancy. Never had an issue.

I have 6 cats
 Lmao absolutely safe.

I was fine. If there is anyone else that can clean the litter box have them do it but if not wear gloves and a mask

I’ve had 3 cats for both my pregnancies! Cleaned cat box with mask & gloves and washed hands immediately after and no issues with either baby! And my kitties are huge snugglers

I have four kids. I have 2 cats. I just had my husband clean the cat box. We’ve had no issues and the cats are protective of my kids.

Put a mask and gloves on and wash your hands. You’ll be fine.

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Dumbest thing I’ve ever read.

I had a cat during my 3 pregnancies and my kids are fine
 (I think lol)

I did and did catbox. Caused excess fluids around baby. But they leveled out in the end.

We have 2 cats, and I just don’t clean the litter box. Cats are not a threat to your heath as long as you listen to your doctor.

Have 2 cats and have had no issues at all

I grew up with cats! Never not had cats, I also have kids. Never stopped doing litterboxes! Don’t touch the actual feces with your bare hands and you’re fine! Put on gloves and you will be fine!

Just practice good hand hygiene after you clean litter boxes and you’ll be ok. Wearing a mask can help with not inhaling the dust from the litter as you clean it

I had 2 cats and my husband would clean the litter boxes

I had 2 for years before getting pregnant and throughout entire pregnancy and had no issues
 i did have my husband clean the boxes daily though

I have two cats :black_cat: I’ve had through my whole pregnancy’s never had a problem

But also my cats do their business outside n not in a litter box

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Yes it’s safe. If there’s someone in your house who can clean the litterbox for you then that’s best. But the truth is 30-50% of cat owners already have toxoplasmosis.


I was born with toxoplasmosis which my mother contracted from her cat while pregnant. I am completely blind in my right eye because of it. There is a parasite in my brain because of it. The parasite has been laying dormant my entire life. It is not safe I’m living proof.

Yes it’s safe, get your other half to clean the litter tray out if you’re that worried, if you want to do it yourself, wear a mask and gloves and wash your hands regularly

You’re fine I had different cats during each pregnancy and I cleaned the litter boxes as well. Wear a face covering and wash. We switched to an automatic with YDS so it was easier but I still took a shower afterwards. Don’t let your cat outside. And cats don’t cause excess water during pregnancy thats caused by multiple other reasons.

I had cats for both when my husband was away I got disposable boxes and used gloves and a mask i was super paranoid both me and babies are fine :slightly_smiling_face: cats are good too

I did all 7 and never had a problem

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I cleaned my indoor cats toilet when I was preg all the way through, I got used to it as was worried about it, I just stuck some yellow gloves on, a face cloth around my face, was completely fine, had no problems, and washed my hands afterwards

Wouldn’t clean the litter pan

The threat is toxoplasmosis transmitted in feline waste. Wear a mask and gloves or do what I did - ask hubby to do it. Love my fur babies.


I had a cat during both pregnancies but didn’t change their box, doctor told me not to do I didn’t. My husband took care of it

I would just make sure you wash your hands thoroughly wear gloves and a mask if you feel like you need to but I had three cats at one time while pregnant and while I didn’t clean the boxes everytime because my family would help I did sometimes but always covered my nose and mouth and wore gloves and washed my hands well after words and be careful not to inhail when I dumped them

I had cats during both of my pregnancies, and still do. Just don’t touch the contents of the litter box with bare hands, and use good hygiene. You’ll be fine.

My husband changed the litter while I was pregnant. We have three cats. No other issues. Trained them before she came to not go in to the nursery or our room for safe sleep once baby was with us.

I had 4 cats in an apartment during My whole pregnancy. My twins turned out perfectly fine.

You only have to be concerned if it’s an outdoor cat.

You can wear a mask.

I just wore a mask and gloves and didn’t have any problems

If you’ve had cats for awhile you may be immune to toxoplasmosis. There is a blood test your dc can give you to find out if you are

This is ONLY if it’s an outdoor cat. Indoor cats are significantly less likely to develop/produce toxoplasmosis. My cat is about to turn 10 and he was my best bud while I was pregnant. He is strictly indoors and my husband stepped up with the cat box.

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My boyfriend or my sister took over cleaning cat trays for me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Had 2 kids with cats and changed the litter . NO problems

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

I had three cats when I was pregnant and had zero issues. My husband took over litter box duties.

You can clean the box with gloves and a mask. The risk is very low.

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I had a cat through my pregnancy and had no issues

I first read that as though you were having a cat baby not a human baby


Just be careful and you’ll be fine. Gloves and a mask if you have to do it yourself

If no one can clean the box for you, just wear gloves and maybe a mask to avoid touching their feces as it can cause toxoplasmosis which can be very dangerous