Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

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Soooo I had 8 cats while pregnant :sweat_smile::joy: clearly I’m captain save a hoe when it came to rescuing the neighborhood cats (one of which had a litter of kittens). We had many litter boxes but my sister cleaned them daily so that I didn’t have to. My son and I were both completely healthy. :raised_hands:


Absolutely safe! The only issue I had was one of them wouldn’t stop protecting my belly from the other. :smirk: Definitely would have someone else clean the cat box though. Best of luck mama!


I’ve had cats while pregnant each time. Just an excuse for my hubby to deal with the litter….I even say I still can’t scoop it while nursing and he’s never asked questions :crazy_face:


You can clean your litter box because you were exposed before you got pregnant, just not a different litter box or after a new cat. That’s what my doctor told me.


We have 3 cats… no issues! Our cats don’t pay much attention to the kids unless they want pets. The cats are great with our kids


I believe the main concern is in developing toxoplasmosis. I am a landscaper and a cat owner…who’s S/O didn’t stick around to help. As a landscaper - it meant being diligent and wearing gloves in the dirt for possible feces/urine/bacteria. At home - I wore plastic gloves and a mask for the cat litter and made sure to wash my hands before any hand to mouth action. I have a very healthy boy and had no issues…

I have a friend with a blood disease because his mother had a cat and cleaned the cat box while she was pregnant with him.


If you clean the litter box daily you shouldn’t have any issues. But wear a mask to be safe

Only a concern if cats have toxoplasmosis. I have 2 cats and cleaned cat litter during 2 pregnancies. Just wash hands and use gloves.


I’m on my second pregnancy and have 3 cats. I just used gloves and washed my hands very well after throwing away the litter.

It’s safe , your just not suppose to change the litter .

I had cats. Just wash your hands good after. I always wash my hands after doing that pregnant or not!

My mom had cats while she was pregnant with my brother and I and didn’t have problems changing the litter box. I had a cat while pregnant and I changed the litter box every week myself. 4 years later and I have a handsome healthy 4 year old!

I had 2 cats through both pregnancies and both of the babies are fine, my first pregnancy I even cleaned the litter box the whole time!

We had a cat! My husband just had to change the litter box because I couldn’t! We did end up revoking him shortly before the baby was born because we had to move and my family wouldn’t allow us to bring him with us

I did😁 I used a dust mask and wore gloves when scooping the box…Throw out the gloves and the mask when you’re done, then wash your hands and forearms when you’re done, good to go!!!


I had no problems. And when I had to change the liter box every once in a while, I wore gloves and a mask. I was my hands right after

Wear a mask and gloves to clean the box. You can also have the vet do a fecal just in case. Wash your hands and you can even change your shirt or wear an apron. It’s totally okay! I had 4 cats through both my pregnancies and I was fine

I didnt clean the litter box because I was told not too but I still have my cat and he loves the kid

I did, doctor said if I’ve been doing it a long time it should be safe. My cats are all inside cats too

Wear a mask and gloves while cleaning the litter box, wash your gloves and hands thoroughly afterwards and you will be fine. *I used the cleaning gloves instead of disposable ones (because it’s cheaper in the long run) that’s why I said wash the gloves.

Husband cleaned the litter box but once baby was here it kept trying to steal his milk so we had to rehome but it was young so maybe a 3yr wouldn’t.

We have two cats and two kids, no issues! My husband changed the litter though.

I have 2 cats it’s Perfectly safe to have cats while pregnant just don’t clean the litter box.

I have had cats my whole life the only reason it’s a problem is if you’re cat eats raw meat or goes outside they can get toxoplasmosis which can be transmitted however it’s very unlikely and if you are concerned wear a mask and gloves to clean the box then wash your hands afterwards

i had a cat through out my pregnancy. my pet cat sometimes sleeps beside me. there was no problem. I just avoid cleaning the litter box. my husband did the cleaning for me

I have one cat. Had him thru both my pregnancies. Never changed the box and didn’t have any issues related to the cat or his litter box during either pregnancy.

I had a cat… No issues… But doc had told me same, not to handle the poo or breathe in the dust from the litter box

Zero issues … use gloves to clean the box and wash your hands. Do not get rid of the cat. Better yet … have someone else do it if you can.

Same cat with both pregnancies, everyone is fine. Hubby just cleaned the litter box.

I wore disposable gloves and a mask while I was pregnant and would clean the litter box. No issues.

I have a cat. My hubby just did the litterbox for me during my pregnancies. No issues at all.

I cleaned the box while pregnant and my son is perfectly healthy

I had three cat throughout two pregnancies - no issues
Just made the hubby to the litter

I had my cats throughout my pregnancy I just washed my hands carefully and tried to make sure I was in a ventilated area when cleaning their box

I’ve had cats my entire life, through 2 pregnancy and had no problems.

Have someone else clean the litter box. The cats aren’t the issue

I just wore a drywall mask when I cleaned the litter and thoroughly washed afterwards.

My cat has little to no interest in my son! Have someone else change the litter box while you’re pregnant and my doctor said to keep kitty away from baby right after they’re born cause they can accidentally cuddle/suffocate baby and/or attack after baby is born cause territorial reasons. But we’ve had no issues with either!

Second pregnancy now, we have 2 cats my husband does the litte box. Otherwise we’re fine :smiling_face:

Yes and I also cleaned the litter box because my now ex was abusive and never did anything to help me even if it risked the baby. I just put something over my face to keep from inhaling the dust. They do make different kinds of litter now…

Yeah have the father or someone clean the litterbox during pregnancy. There’s more than just parasites. Just breathing in the urine is dangerous. Otherwise, cats are safe

We have 4 cats and I have had 2 pregnancies with em. Its safe to have cats. If you need to change the litter box wear gloves, try to do it in a well ventilated area or wear a mask (like the n95s) and wash your hands really really really good

Completely safe just use mask and gloves when cleaning litter we have 4 cat and 4 kids now no problems at all

Have someone else change the litter box while you’re pregnant.

I’ve had mine for years all through my first pregnancy and didn’t have an issue. My ex husband took over cleaning the litter box and didn’t have a problem and when he was born him and my kitten were best friends even to this day

Cats are fine. Have someone else do the box. If you have no one else to do it wear a dusk mask and your good to go

I did with both my pregnancies. Just wear a mask and gloves when doing it and make sure to wash your hands when you done.

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Safe. Just have someone else change cat litter, thier pee isn’t good for a pregnant lady to smell.

I have cats and kids. Never any issues.

It’s mainly a concern for outdoor cats as they eat a few different things than an indoor cat.

You can either have someone else clean it, or wear a mask and gloves. :blush:

I just wore gloves and a mask to clean it out

My now ex took care of the cat for me while I was pregnant.

I have two cats! I had no issues at all :slightly_smiling_face:
Sending you positive vibes! :two_hearts:

I had just wash your hands good afterwards. No issues.

I had cats, no problems, just wash your hands after.

Never had a problem with cat boxes

Yes am 26 weeks and got 2 cats

I have two cats. It’s fine.

Just don’t scoop the litterbox w/your hands

I had a cat, changed and scooped litter box daily while pregnant and all was fine. I just washed my hands afterwards.

Yeah. I had the same car for over 3-4 years when I got pregnant so revoking was definitely not even a thought. I typically just didn’t clean out the litter box myself and my spouse did it, or used my shop-vac and wore a mask and literally sucked out everything (while outside) then sprayed it down with Mr. Clean and let it sit for 10-15 min. After that just rinse it and let it dry.

The cats are safe. It’s just the ammonia from their litter that is dangerous to inhale. Change it everyday, wear a mask or have your partner change it for you. My man took care of it for me while I was pregnant. Some women change the litter but it’s better to be safe than sorry!

I have 3 cats, & am 35 weeks. My boyfriend just changes the litter for me for now.

If your cat is indoor only, has been cleared of worms and diseases by your vet and you wash your hands: you’re fine. Doctors are going to try to scare you away from eating everything too. Suddenly lunchmeat isn’t even okay to eat. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing and be more hygienic :woman_shrugging:

If you wear gloves and a mask you can clean the litter box.

You cant scoop it…its bad for the baby even your doctor can tell you that! Have someone do it for you or pay someone to.

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Well we’ve proved masks dont help but gloves may

I had 5 cats while pregnant with both babies. It was fine :joy:

You’re fine as long as cat isn’t an outdoor cat. If it is then someone else needs to change it.

I have cats but my husband did the litter for me

Yes,they advise you try to have someone else clean the box because you can get toxoplasmosis.However,if you must change the box wear a mask & gloves

I had a cat while I was pregnant and I even had to clean out the litter box no. My boyfriend most of the time we clean out the litter box that I did it quite a few times because let’s face it it’s not one of those chores that is the first thing done. But when I did it I just held my breath or held a shirt over my face and try to hold my breath as long as I could. My child came out fine and I didn’t have issues from it. I would definitely try to have somebody else clean the cat box if they can otherwise use a mask and gloves and blow your nose. If my cat used to like to cuddle up to the belly cats are so much fun especially when you’re pregnant

There are millions of women out there with cats while pregnant. It’s a very low chance you would get sick. Just wear a mask and gloves when cleaning the litter box. Also make sure your cats are utd on all vaccines.

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I had two and never had any problem. Made sure I wore a mask when cleaning their box and washed my hands when through.

I had cats with all 5 of mine. If you’ve had cats for a while it’s really nothing to worry about.

I had a cat with all my boys but i did keep a liter pan but she hardly ever used it since she would rather go outside. I just wore glove or a mask when I cleaned it. And wash my hands real good afterwards.

I can only speak to my experience. My older son changed the litter box while I was pregnant with my baby. My cat would sit on my belly and purr and baby would kick, a lot. To this day, my little boy adores our cat😃.

I had two cats while i was pregnant with couple of my pregnancies. Just don’t breath in while changing the litter box thats what i do. Or if u have a mask wear that while changing it.

I wore gloves and a mask. It’s totally safe that way and just wash your hands after. :heart:

I have had cats during my 2 pregnancies. With my first I wore a mask and disposable gloves while cleaning litter box. Second pregnancy my daughter stepped up to clean it.

I had a cat while I was pregnant & had no issues, but I did not clean the litterbox and I always washed my hands/changed shirts after doing anything with her, but I was overly paranoid because of my mothers paranoia lol

I’ve always had cats, and no issues. I changed the litterbox before I knew not to, then hubby took over but I never had a problem even doing it.

My mon cleaned her cats litter box while she was pregnant with me. I have a giant scar on the back of my eye due to exposure to toxoplasmosis. Eye doctor found it on a routine scan when I was in college.
But it’s caused me no issues and I don’t wear glasses or contacts. It’s just there :woman_shrugging:t2:

We had cats during my pregnancy and when my husband was out of town for a week I changed our two strictly indoor cats litter boxes. I was about 30 weeks and wore 2 face masks and made sure to be in a well ventilated area and washed my hands thoroughly with hot water after. My baby is 6 weeks now and perfectly healthy.

I’ve heard that pregnant women should not clean the litter box plus I heard you need to be careful when the baby is born. They say sometimes the cat can smother the baby if they smell the formula on them. I personally didn’t have a cat while pregnant, only a dog so I truly don’t know first hand. You could always ask your doctor to be on the safe side.

I had one during and after pregnancy, cleaned the litter box but I also bought a 3 system litter box that had 2 boxes and a plastic sifter that goes in the top box or you can put it in the middle and pour the old litter in the sifter and clean litter falls into the new box. I wore a mask and gloves as well and washed afterwards. As far as after we had no issues with our cat he kept his distance while he was an infant and now he sleeps at the foot of my son’s bed

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I had a cat but I never cleaned the litter box while pregnant and everything was healthy for us.

I have 4 cats. Just wear a good mask and gloves while cleaning the box. Or get one tht scoops it’s self. Also don’t just get rid of animals tht you signed up for.

Yes just wear your mask and wash your hands after you clean the litter box IF you don’t have anyone living with you capable of cleaning it for you. It can become stressful but don’t give up on your pets just because the baby. Trust me it’s all worth it in the end. :pray:

I had 4 while I was pregnant with zero issues at all other than sometimes they wanted to cuddle and I was super overheated already so the fur didn’t help

I did, a kitten at that… Everything was fine.

3 cats during my twin pregnancy. Hubby cleaned the box

I had a cat during my pregnancy and he was extremely attached to the belly so much so once he was born he would sneak into his crib. The only thing I didn’t do was clean his litter and thankfully my husband took care of that for me… That’s all I heard about cats with pregnancy that their dirty litter is not good so as long as u don’t clean that part is ok… best of.luck sweetie

I wore a mask and wore gloves when I cleaned the litter box and washed my hands after. No issues. 2 perfectly healthy babies.

I had 4 while I was pregnant and everything was fine. Just made my useless ex husband clean the litter box :woman_shrugging:t2:

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It can cause retinal detachment in the unborn child at some point during their life. I know 3 people in my life it happened to. It’s a real thing sadly.

Perfectly safe just make sure someone else is cleaning out and refilling kitty’s litter box while you’re pregnant and keep it out of areas you are in often. Best place to put it is somewhere with lots of air flow to outside and not commonly used. Cats have lots of things in their droppings that are unsafe for pregnant women to be around so get someone else to clean it or invest in a self cleaning litter box if no one else can