Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

My doctor told me as long as I wash my hand right afterwards and don’t get anything on me I was fine

I have always had a cat, didn’t have any issues while pregnant. Just not allowed to change the litter box due to the ammonia etc. you’ll be fine :blush:

I have a cat but I don’t touch the litter box because my significant other cleans it

And the stench that fills the homes with those disgusting litter boxes … Nah I would never risk that.

Just stay clear of their litter pans. Have someone else change them. We had 3 kitties throughout my pregnancies. Baby is now 2.5yrs old. Lol

I have 11 cats and just had my 4th baby. I fidnt scoop litter bixes but baby is perfectly healthy

I got a respirator mask to do mine! I didn’t have anyone to help, so I wanted to be safe. The Dr was shocked I went as far as that :rofl: my Dr said even simply washing your face/hands/arms with soap and water after you clean the box is just as effective. :heart: (I still used my mask to give me ease of mind, though)

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I cleaned the litter box while pregnant with my daughter. If you feel comfortable with it while pregnant, see if someone else could do it for you. Wear gloves and always wash your hands when you’re finished…

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I have four cats I’m in my 2nd pregnancy I just wear a mask and gloves and wash my hands after changing the litter

I’ve always had cats and I did through two pregnancies. Get someone else to clean it, if you can, keep your cats indoors. Wash your hands well, wear a mask and gloves.

Depends on if your a risk taker. Some people had no problems but not everybody will have the same experience. I’m not a risk taker. Wouldn’t have a cat in my home. I also tried to avoid pumping gas in my vehicles as much as possible.

It’s called toxoplasmosis and can cause birth defects. We have a cat- my husband just had to take over cleaning out the litter. Easy.

Cats dogs sheep horses lol just use good hygiene

If someone else can do litter tray be better, but I just wore gloves as my husband vomits if goes near litter tray. If an indoor cat the parasites aren’t such an issue.

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Had 1 of my cats with both pregnancies and 2 with my 2nd

Multiple cats and no problems :slight_smile:

Wear gloves and use normal cleanliness rules. Wash Hands and forearms

My friend kept her cats but someone else did the litter box for her


Short answer, no. If you’re the one that’s going to be cleaning the litter box, no.

I had them and did just fine. Use gloves and a mask.

Get someone else to clean to box

I have 5 and a dog but my husband cleans the litter. Just wear a mask or two over your face when cleaning it and you should be fine I think.

I had a cat through my last pregnancy and couldn’t get anyone else to be on litter duty. Instead of scooping daily I would just dump the whole bin weekly. I didn’t have any issues but I was super paranoid about it.

Wear a mask and gloves and you’ll be ok

your doctor should do a toxo blood test to see if you already have antibodies to toxoplasmosis the parasite you can get from cat feces, and undercooked red meat. and they should tell you IF you need to avoid cats because you haven’t been exposed yet to this very common parasite that most people have been and have antibodies to. Once you have antibodies to it i don’t think you have to be careful, but ask your doctor.

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My husband did the litter boxes while I was pregnant.

Use gloves and a mask to clean cat litter. Wash hands well. If you use good hygiene you will be fine. I cleaned multiple cat trays at a shelter while pregnant. It’s about being aware and careful. But the cat itself is not an issue.

It’s best for someone else to clean the litter but if you have to do it just wear a mask and wash your hands after.

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I wore gloves and a mask. No issues

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I wore a mask and cleaned myself off as soon as I was done and everything was okay.

Don’t be a drama queen. Wash your hands after cleaning and you’ll be fine


Had cats all my life ,but my husband took care of the cat box when I was pregnant .if you have no one to help you get the litter mate ,or wear gloves when cleaning and make sure to wash your hands

So if you live in a home. Train your cat to go outside. I used a litter box for two weeks inside, after that I put it on the porch and showed them, each time they went to the door. After that take it off the porch and put in yard, for two weeks. After that throw it away. Mine are completely outside trained. They scratch at the door. Also, ours are neutered/spayed so when they go out we don’t have kittens come back…

I kept my cat during my pregnancy but I had my husband clean the litter box. He did have to go out of town for work for a month though and I was paranoid about being alone while pregnant (FTM lol) and my Mama being the amazing woman she is stepped up and cleaned it for me. There were a few times that I had no choice but to do it myself and I wore gloves and like 2 mask when I did it. I also didn’t clean it fr I just scooped the poop out in one big scoop with the scooper thing and double bagged it (I do that normally anyways) tied both bags and tossed them outside trash. That was only a few times though. My OBGYN said during her pregnancy she got an electric litter box that was like self cleaning and recommended I do the same if I didn’t have anybody to do it for me.

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I had 2 the first time then 4 the second time, no issues, cleaned the litter box lots the second time but wore gloves and a mask and washed up after

I’ve handled kitty litter for most of my life so likely already had the parasite pre pregnancy. During pregnancy I took extra care doing it if hubby was at work. But yeah. If you’ve done it before. You probably already have it anyway.

Get a cat genie. I got rid of my cat when I was pregnant though.

I had my husband clean the boxes while I was pregnant. But if u have to do it wear a mask and gloves. It takes the toxoplasmosis oocysts about 24hrs to sporulate. So clean daily and you should be fine!

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I had 5 cats, sadly one recently passed, but I def had cats throughout my pregnancy. My issue was I just physically wasn’t strong enough to change it while pregnant or during recovery so my husband did it for me. But my little sister is a single mom with cats and a dog and did everything herself.

My mum got toxoplasmosis from doing this when she was pregnant with me, this was 38 years ago. I was born with little ambilical cord and barely a placenta left emergency c-section another day i would have been dead. I weighed 2.5 pounds. Get someone else to do it. Safest way

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Do not clean the litter box. I did and my son died from the toxoplasmosis shortly after he was born. I did not know about the dangers of cleaning the kitty litter at the time.


I know someone who is blind because his mom cleaned the litter box. (Toxoplasmosis)


I have 6 and we were good :slight_smile: I wore a mask and gloves and washed up after.

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My daughter has occular toxoplasmosis in her left eye. Wasn’t discovered until she was in school. She is partially blind. I had cats during pregnancy and as my daughter was growing up and the retinal specialist said it could have happened in utero or after birth. It’s not something that can be cured. This parasite lies dormant until the immune system is weakened. It can affect the brain and eyes. Proceed with caution. Let me add Yes I washed my hands. Cats get poo on their feet then track it around wherever they walk including your furniture. You can also contract this parasite from under cooked meats. Symptoms are flu like.

The risk is way higher from gardening where other cats will potentially be pooping in. Strictly indoor cats have a VERY low risk of carrying toxoplasmosis and even outdoor cats have a low risk.

Those who did catch it, you’d have to test your cats to see if they’ve had toxoplasmosis because guess what, that’s not the only way to catch it. Also undercooked meat.

Picture is from a CDC document.


So I didn’t know I was pregnant for the first bit of my pregnancy and was always cleaning the catbox until I knew I was… after that my ex did the box. However, it was too late. My daughter was born a month early and I had her emergency c-section. She spent the first 10 days of life in the NICU and had a heart murmer. This was all due to toxoplasmosis. Luckily, it did not affect her eyes or any other organs and she is fine 18 years later, but she has been told that if she ever has babies, she needs to tell her Dr. that she was born with it because it could also affect her babies…


I kept my cats during my pregnancy they are family members. I dont understand how people can be so cold hearted to think of getting rid of them. They have feelings too and won’t understand why they dont have their people anymore. I feel that way about any pet unless they are harming people or terrorizing the household. My husband cleaned them throughout my pregnancy and if he was at work and things needed done I wore gloves and a mask. Worked out just fine. :blue_heart:


Have someone else clean litter box but I never have had any other issues. There are electric cat boxes and wear a mask if have too,

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it safe to have a cat while pregnant?

I had a cat while pregnant with both my boys and never had problems. I found an article I thought may give you peace about the situation.

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I’ve 5 kids and foster cats/kittens and 7 of my own. I cleaned the litter boxes every time. I’ve never had any issues other than the smell. I just made sure to wash my hands thoroughly. This is something you should do anyway. If you don’t feel comfortable have your partner do it or wear mask and gloves. Everyone is different. You do you.


I have had cats my entire life and had two boys. I wore a mask and gloves when cleaning out the litter box when I had to. All was fine and never had any issues :heart:


Mask n gloves might work
Get your cat vet checked and vaccinated


No concerns and if it’s an indoor cat even less

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As long as you don’t clean the liter box, shouldn’t be an issue.

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4th pregnancy, here. No issues with my 2 cats. If you can’t find anyone to help you clean the cat litter box: open window/turn on fan, wear a mask/gloves, & immediately wash hands after. Spray with febreeze after and wait a few minutes before going back to the bathroom. Also, you can put some carpet powder in their litter to deodorize it.

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i did and that was 45 years ago before anyone knew about these things. I did have someone else clean the liter box and all 3 kids now are successful with families of their own

I’ve had cats through both my pregnancy I personally did not change litter boxes dad always did but if you have to do it, I’d wear a mask and possibly gloves and make sure to wash your hands well,(which is something you should do regardless) and you should most definitely be fine. Congratulations on baby :heart::heart:

During my pregnancy I would clean the litter box and just make sure to clean my hands very well and sanitize after

I had cats and have 4 kids. They are all in their 30s and 40s now and just fine. Just mask and gloves while dealing with litter.

If your cat is indoor only the chances of them ingesting an outdoor animal with toxoplasmosis is very small.

If you are concerned…

Wear gloves and a mask. Wash your hands after. Shake the scoop really close to the litter box and you get less dust being kicked up into the air.

But honestly, your chances are super low.

If your cat is an indoor cat you can probably assume it doesn’t have the parasite … but still practice safety measures or have someone else clean the litter box … and don’t let your cat roam outdoors … however NEVER clean up or touch feces from an outdoor or unknown cat … it’s not a rumor or myth … toxoplasmosis can be very damaging to the baby

I had one cat with my first pregnancy. I have always been ocd about cleaning and disinfecting too. I never touched the litter box or handle the cat being pregnant. Unfortunately I caught the bacteria which led me to have an emergency c-section. is very risky during labor. Not safe at all.

Always be safe. Why take any risk for your unborn child. Have your partner clean the cat litter. Or as someone else said. Wear mask n gloves and wash once done!! Clean in well ventilated area!

If you wash your hands frequently and use a mask and gloves when changing the litter you will be fine. My doctor said it the litter box that you have to worry about.

I’ve had cats all my life, and with both pregnancy I did just fine doing the cat boxes! Now I’m not telling anyone to do just that, just saying i was fine and so were my babies! The only problem I had was the smell :face_vomiting:


I have cats and to be safe my fiancé always cleaned them, but I never had any issues. Wear a mask and gloves as the above people mentioned and make sure to wash your hands

I have always had cats, when cleaning up the litter box just don’t touch the feces, I wash my hands thoroughly after cleaning the box even now when my kids are grown. Never had a problem when pregnant…good hygiene is always necessary.

I wore a mask and gloves while pregnant. Researched and was told this is safe way to do it to avoid the bacteria (if I remember correctly) that could be found in their feces.

I would suggest to avoid if possible, but if you have no one else that will clean for you, get gloves and a mask and you will be good.


I have 4 cats and I’m pregnant with my second daughter and I’ve never had a problem. Get your partner to help if that’s an option, if not just wear gloves and a mask. You will be fine

I did nothing happened just make sure if u ever do have to clean letter box don’t touch nasty stuff aka poops and stuff and do have the litter box near u alot or in a closed room ur in alot other then that u good cat might love u a bit more that’s about it

Have your partner clean the litter box or if your single momming it wear a mask and gloves to clean it and bag it then tie it up and take it out. You should be fine then


Just make sure to wash your own hands afterwards for sure and you should be fine. Never had a problem with it.

I had 3 cat for both of my pregnancy’s, but my boyfriend changed the litter box and cut and cleaned there paws. I still loved and cuddled them.

I read that its safe to clean the boxes as long as its fresh. Dont let it sit. Thats when the parasites grow. Keep them cleaned out everyday.

I had two cats during my pregnancy

After the practice people have had over thee last almost 2 years this should be easy.
Wear gloves and a mask sand wash you and everything well afterward.
If someone can do it for you then it is better.
Really though if you regularly clean the box it really shouldn’t be a problem.
Stay safe

It safe as long as you don’t empty or handle the kitty litter

Yes, just have someone else change the litter box

You are not suppose to clean the car box but if you want to take the chance it’s up to you.

use mask and gloves to empty/clean litter box if you have no one to do it for you

Had three girls and cats with every pregnancy. If you have indoor cats you’re more than likely immune. Here’s an article about toxoplasmosis and pregnancy for your information.

I always wore gloves and had no problems

Never had any issues. Wear a mask, use gloves, immediately wash hands after. Should be fine.

Have someone else clean out the box…

I’ve had cats with all 3 of mine, my doctor told me to just wear gloves and a mask if I had to change the litterbox

We always had two cats. No problems.

Just wash your hands. I had 6 while pregnant and still have them

Use caution, talk to your doctor. Problems happen sometimes.:neutral_face:

Just don’t clean the litter box

I was ok thru both. I didn’t clean cat boxes tho.

Had cats with every pregnancy

I’ve always had cats just need to be extra carefully when attending to then. Gloves are a must when clean the cat litter

Just keep the cat box clean and surroundings too.

Yes it’s fine and I never had any issues. Don’t get rid of your cat for such a silly low risk thing. Pets are a lifetime commitment. Get an automatic litter box or make your partner scoop/change litter box if you’re that concerned.

I had cats and wore a mask and gloves

It is 100% safe to have a cat or a dozen.

I had cats. Just don’t clean the litter box

Buy an automatic cat litter box.

Check out this site. I belong to a few vet pages. And your more likely to be exposed to these toxins in raw meat compared to your cats feces. But read up from CDC reports for most accurate information.