Is it true they can detect marijuana in an unborn baby?

It takes 45 days for weed to be totally out of a persons system! This person was asking a question, NOT asking to be JUMPED ON! DAMN!

Why would you smoke marijuana while pregnant?

Should never smoke it wen pregnant anyway wow

Why would you do that

Baby In womb: :face_in_clouds::face_in_clouds::face_in_clouds:

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Anything you put in your body your baby gets it too, stop being careless and if found of CPS can arrange to take your child away when born because hospital have to report to them

In the blood work yes

You effing cow! You are obviously. More concerned about being vilified for doing dope while you are pregnant than for the health of your unborn child. If there were any Justice in the world you would spend a great deal of time In prison for in vitro child abuse.


Shows on babies first merconium sample.


Why would you ne smoking it when you are having a baby far out


Just stop now…and stop being an idiot for smoking while pregnant.

If you smoking weed while pregnant your an asshole. You need to stop and think about your unborn baby’s health.

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I’m a believer in all things THC but they do test the baby and if baby is positive you will,at the very least have CPS at your door. I’ve heard many that have had their newborn put in fostercare

She asked a question , not to be judge on the question :joy::joy: bunch of Karen’s

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I medicated throughout all of my pregnancies. Never had an issue with the hospital but that doesnt mean they wont give you a problem about it if they do test. My midwives and doctor told me to continue medicating to help with my norning sickness and to help me eat and maintain weight for the pregnancy. Now, keep in mind they are suggesting to do it in small amounts. They are not saying go out and smoke blunt after blunt or bong rip after bong rip. Its medicine and you use it like that.
Also none of my kids were born with any medical issues. If anything it made my children smarter seeing as though all of them have been above grade level in all of their classes.

Jayde Greer Jack Lambert

Stop being an egoistic piece of shit and stay off drugs, smoking and alcohol during pregnancy. If you can’t do that, then you should not have kids.

Why would anyone want to smoke week during pregnancy? Or even smoke at all. Surely the baby is more important, I personally wouldn’t take the risk.

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They will for sure at least test you. Im sure if you show positive for anything they’d then check the baby. I had a test right at the beginning, middle, and at the hospital when I was in labor. Honestly I’m glad they are testing this way. It catches people who are on hard drugs. As far as Marijuana I would think it would depend on if you’re in a legal state or not. If not then im sure it could cause some issues.
Really not a good idea to smoke anything when pregnant anyway. Not good on baby.

My baby turned out fine they didn’t even test x

Yes and if you have Medicaid they randomly test placentas

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I had my daughter 3 months ago and smoked through my whole pregnancy for medical reason. They tested me and her at birth with only are pee. Everything was fine after and she was healthy baby.

You can test clean in as little as two weeks just drinking lots of water. I did it twice

Yes they can if testing but Never tested any of my babies poop for anything

Yes they can I don’t know how far into it they find out. I know people lose kids deu to drug use of any kind. Cps is a call away for the doctors.

Why not just not smoke it whilst pregnant? Idk tho lol

This shouldn’t even be a question.

The tragedy here, is the Mum actually asking this question?

from experience … stop 6 weeks before your due date just in case the baby comes early , you both will be fine unless baby is a premie .

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Marijuana is a herb and its daily use is a part of life for many. Used in teas, medicines etc. Not just for smoking and getting high. Smh.


It’s so sad that you think your unborn child would have drugs in their system! Nows the time to stop and realise what’s really important to you. :woman_facepalming:t2:


Just don’t do drugs and you won’t have to worry about it.


Yes it xan be tested in newborns urine poop and cord. It stays in longer bc the poop has been in their system longer.

Yes. Be careful and make sure any medication given is documented

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If your pregnant you shouldn’t be doing nothing


It depends on the state you live in. I know they can get dcs involved. All these comments kill me. Marijuana is an herbal medicine. Legal in most places now. I personally would rather see a utilizing the medicinal properties from a plant than big pharma. Its not like she asked about meth cocaine opioids. Those things are proven to have an effect on a childs health and not thc. Also if you use CBD products they do and can contain small amounts of thc. That does show in a drug test. In healthcare many people who use cbd products have tested positive not knowing that they contain approx 3-5% thc.


Whoever this woman is, please message me. I can send you to some judgment free 420 friendly mom groups I’m a member of. I smoked with all 3 of my pregnancies. In my state if you dont give them a reason to test the baby they wont do it. If they do test the baby they open a DHS case and as long as everything is clean and put away from any children they close your case and walk away. Marijuana is not a drug people, it’s a plant. And for all the people shouting “how could you do that to your baby” cannabinoids occur naturally in breastmilk, even if momma has never smoked a day in her life, and everyone on this planet has cannabinoid receptors just like they have serotonin receptors. Our bodies were literally made to coexist with cannabis so back off with the judgmental bs until you can prove your own perfection.


It’s literally so disgusting to read some of these comments, she was just asking a question! And to the ones calling marijuana a DRUG. Please get a f* grip! It’s damn near legal in MANY different states now. Including the one I’m in! You don’t even know if she is referring to MEDICAL marijuana or not , and if it is do some research on the benefits of medical marijuana !!! Plenty of pregnant women smoke while pregnant due to pain, morning sickness, to eat, and lots of other issues! To the mama who posted this, just stop smoking a few months before your baby is born and you will be fine . I don’t know what state you are in, but being honest with your doctor is very helpful too! I smoked during my pregnancy, because I couldn’t eat and I threw up non stop so it was the only thing that helped but once my morning sickness was over I finally quit . That was when I was about 4 months pregnant . I am due July 15th! And NO your baby will not have marijuana in their system as long as you stop smoking way ahead of time ! Good luck to you girl! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

The reason why many hospitals now do a meconium (poop) screen on infants is because they show the drugs that moms have done throughout their pregnancy. It does not go away in the baby’s poop.

Ya I’m just trying to understand why they wood be testing a babies poop for anything?

Yes they can detect it

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Mom and baby are both tested. If you’re early on in your pregnancy, quit now ! Even if you’re 9 months still quit !

I asked someone whose specialism is this. Yes, definitely, was their answer.

Not all doctors are the same. My daughter’s supported her using marijuana because she was sick the ENTIRE pregnancy. She lost 25 pounds because of " morning" sickness. She was still sick in the delivery room. My grandson is a normal 8 year old with no health or mental issues. Please do the research before you point fingers at others.


Be honest about it… it will be in your baby’s cord blood. I used delta (thc) 8 tincture because I had VERY bad morning sickness all the time no matter what time or day and it was the only relief I could find. Even though it isn’t thc 9 or illegal, it matabolizes the same way and shows up the same. For everyone putting angry faces… get over yourselves. There is more harm in taking pharmaceuticals prescribed for morning sickness and they don’t work for everyone. I was honest with the hospital. I accidentally had my son in my Grandma’s van trying to get to the hospital and went right after his birth via ambulance.

Marijuana is not a drug. All yall Karen’s stop. Half of yall probably popped anxiety meds while pregnant


Karens of the group back off …jeeez


I smoked while pregnant morning sickness was a B. I couldn’t gain weight anywho my son was born without my knowledge my urine was tested and it was positive they test my sons urine, once born his was negative. I live Illinois where things are legal, however my son is 20months and fine as a glass a aged wine.


Yes they test moms and babies!!! Not worth the risk to have your baby taken away.


Stop a month before having lil one

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They take the cord blood now and it goes back to around 16 weeks if you are in ky or tn I went through hell bc my first had it in his (social services parenting classes drug classe the whole 9) and that was in 2015 my second one I stopped at 15 weeks bc if it happened again I couldve lost them over marijuana. Marijuana was the only thing that helped me eat and not be nauseous. My first son was born extremely healthy and has had zero health or mental problems his entire life he is now 6 and i smoked the entire pregnancy. My now 2 year old i smoked only in the beginning and he has had rsv 3 times and had a low birth weight at 39 weeks and 5 days so in my opinion marijuana is not harmful at all but like my dr said its still illegal so he couldn’t promote it

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Every time i smoke and get pregnant i wait for bout 9 weeks to go to the ob and everytime they test me its always negative for that. I never had any issues with the baby having it. I never smoke marijuana, cigarettes or drink or any other bad stuff while im pregnant yes i smoke marijuana and drink when im not prego. But being pregnant i don’t think any women should be smokin that, cigarettes, drinkin or the horrible bad drugs that noone should be on.

I work for child welfare and yes. They check the poop and the umbilical cord.

Never had an issue. My daughter is 11 and smarter than a whip. Marijuana is not a concern with pregnancy and breast feeding. There was a study on exactly this in Jamaica, it was ment to continue over 20 years to track the babies progress. The research program was dropped shortly after most babies were born as the evidence didn’t show complications like they had hypothesized, didn’t back up their claims, so funding was pulled.


I smoked my entire pregnancy, stopped 3 months before delivery, baby didn’t test and had no problems

At 20 weeks and above, everything you do is in the baby poop. Weed stunts the brain developement and emotional development as well.

Not every where tests. I had my son in memphis tn and it was never an issue. My doctor also advocated for weed instead of anti nausea meds. I had my daughter at WK south in shreveport 3 days after my husband was shot by his brother. They tested me and then ran me through the ringer all just to close my case and send me on my Merry way. My social worker couldnt believe they even wasted her time with my case. It depends on where u are and ur insurance.

Have a homebirth or give birth With a midwife at a birthing center. Have them take away the placenta and make pills out of it immediately. Avoid the hospital. Midwives are much more understanding.

I smoked the day of my first son’s birth and the day before my second son’s birth. We all tested negative. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Yes I have a Grandson who was born toxic he is 23 now and has had to overcome short term memory loss as well

Not sure how long it can be detected in a baby but if a Dr is suspicious of it they can have the Wartons jelly from the umbilical cord tested. Most drugs can be detected for up to 6 months in the Wartons Jelly.

I know in the state of Florida, if you have a Medical Marijuana Card…you will be alright and CPS will just validate whether or not its legit. When they see its legit, the case will be dropped.
Same thing happened to my best friend. But she had a medical card so she was cleared. If you do not have a Medical Marijuana Card…You are screwed.

Have an adopted son…whose mother was alcoholic…has lots of issues…some showing up later…rather than earlier…


my daughter is now 28 yrs old and when i was pregnant with her i had hyperemesis gravidarum. I was hospitalised several times throughout the pregnancy for dehydration. I spent the majority of 9 months vomiting, with accompanying nose bleeds. I weighed less at full term than i did before the pregnancy. I can tell you that the only times during the whole 9 months that i had the slightest appetite (and could sip very slowly on banana smoothies that actually stayed down) was with a little bit of weed.
Sometimes, people, there’s more to the story … just sayin’

I did not smoke pot during my first pregnancy. My second pregnancy, my mom passed when I was pregnant. Also my cousin lost a infant twin during my pregnancy. I did smoke pot and my son is 36 now! I worried his whole life. He a wonderful son and father(8 kids)! Now my beautiful dil, got pregnant with #8. Poor dil, had hyper ememis! Couldn’t keep anything down her whole pregnancy. Bed rest and a pic line to keep her hydrated. Doc told her to go ahead and smoke weed as long as it helped keep food down. Well, then at 33 weeks she had placenta rev’s! Our baby almost died. A c section later, and 2 weeks in the nicu, she went home. 4 years later, my beautiful grand daughter is the smartest child I have ever meet. She will be 4 on 8/8/21. She can spell her name, knows the alphabet and recognized most of the letters. She knows her numbers, She can add and tell you what number is higher when comparing 2 numbers. She is more advanced than her 6 yr old cousin. Yes they did find weed in her system. Dr signed off on it and cps did come to the house. They did not condemn my dil, for smoking. It was not legal here then. Also found a medical article that states that marijuana has benefits that actually helps children build brain matter. And is benifical, with intelligence. It is now legal here. We still don’t smoke in front of the other children. Yes I’m a advocate for marijuana, it helps with my, anxiety, headaches and believe it or not with stomach and lung issues! You all can nay nay it all you want. But remember the are so many medical trials out there, do the research.

Why would any pregnant person wanna indulge in any type of drugs or alcoholic drinks stop doing it you don’t have to ask this question :cry:

It takes longer than 10 days
Smoking pot while pregnant can kill your baby… 10 days you wish.

Ask the professionals not people on Facebook

Yes. My nephews mate smoked right before delivering. My sister in law volunteered to stay at the house for the first 30 days. CPS returned a few times and afger 30 days retested baby. They were cleared after that but it was a nightmare and very scary for the whole family. They knew better too. Do t be silly. Youre going to be a part for life. If you can’t hold off for 10 months, don’t have a child

Yes, pot can be detected in a newborn if mom has ingested or smoked . They test their first poop for it. Not sure where u are located, I’m in Michigan( it depends on the state) and the only time they test the baby’s poop for drugs is when the mother has Medicaid thru the state. Ans if its positive the hospital calls CPS .If you have private insurance they do not test.