Is it true they can detect marijuana in an unborn baby?

Just don’t smoke weed while pregnant. No reason for it


It stays in the babies first poop. I only know because the hospital “warned me” after I had my baby even though I hadn’t been doing drugs. The nurse was like okay but that will tell on you. Don’t know why she was like that. Anyway, don’t do marijuana, or any drugs while pregnant then you have nothing to worry about. Someone I know had a baby and the baby’s first poo had it in it and dfcs got involved. She wasn’t even allowed to take her baby home.

They can test the umbilical cord which goes much farther back than the babies poop

Its recommended to stop smoking after 23 weeks.


I know a mom who smoked her whole pregnancy. Was honest with the Doctor the whole time. Smoked on the way to the hospital even. Nothing happened to her. She only ever smoked pot tho.

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They don’t take babies for having weed in your system stop trying to scare this lady …but its okay if you have oxys and percocets though right cus its prescribes such sheeple on here keep listening to the media…we all can be doctors doesn’t mean they know everything they just read and learn that shit out of a book keep believing everything you here… hate to see the day when Marshall law comes a lot of you stupids will be locked up looking for help and they trying to get rid of all of us don’t matter who you are just a little rant wake up and learn some stuff yourself

Yep it shows up. I did 6 months of cps after my son was born because of it. Not worth it…


I live in ky and work in the hospital. They check the babies cord blood. If the baby test positive, CPS is involved and most moms don’t leave with their baby.


I smoked during mine they detected it and took them away


In Alabama its considered a felony


If mom test positive, baby will too. And she greatly risk cps or dhs stepping in. It’s not worth losing her baby over. And it doesn’t matter if it is legal to smoke in her state, when a child is involved even during pregnancy, it’s considered child endangerment.

Is this for real??? If you can’t put down the drugs, please don’t have a baby.


Maybe just don’t do drugs… :rofl::woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


Certain states test no matter what and if it shows expect a drop by from cps while still in the hospital.


I think if you wouldn’t give your newborn baby weed or blow the smoke at them…then why give it to them when you can’t see them(preg) he/she is still a baby and your child


Someone I know just had a baby maybe 7 months ago and baby she herself tested positive and the hospital HERE (not everywhere!!!) Said it was fine cause it’s going to be legal soon anyways so they aren’t using up social service for things like that. But again that’s here in my city. Best thing you can do is call and ask anonymous if your nervous I wouldn’t know how long it takes for baby’s system to clear out as there hasn’t even been much research going into it because fearful mothers mostly

:woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: If you can’t put aside your addictions for the sake of your baby being healthy perhaps buy a goldfish instead ?


I took CBD gummies while pregnant & my 2yr still tested positive but it wasn’t enough to send CPS after me


My hospital checks the baby’s umbilical cord and that goes up to ur second trimester not worth it if ur in an illegal state just wait till after baby is born

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They test the placenta/cord for substances which is about like taking a hair follicle test as an adult. It can go back as far as 20 weeks … but drug withdrawal in babies can last up to 6 months after birth.

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PM me please. You’re okay momma. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Nope, it stays in the meconium for five months. I work for CPS and we get cases for this allllll the time


We live in Cali. Told my OB that I was smoking because it has helped me with the anxiety, appetite, sleeping and nausea. Not to mention, it was better for me than the medications which can kill your baby or even you. He said he can’t legally prescribe me weed but if it helps, go for it.


And just remember that you can have that baby at anytime.

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False it took me 30 days

I may have to leave this page after this post!


It can be in the cord blood for months.

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It’ll stay in meconium or the cord from second trimester on basically. Not worth it


Everything in the meconium at 20 weeks is there at delivery


For everyone on here shit talking did any of yall consider she just found out she was pregnant and thats why she’s asking ? She never said anything about how far along she is or anything… And alot of people don’t even realize they’re pregnant until months in.

plenty of obs let you smoke just tell you to quit in time because youll get drug tested. i quit 4 weeks before giving birth to my first and it was in neither of our systems. i had terrible morning sickness and if i didnt smoke i couldnt even drink water and the dr said it was fine as long as the baby was getting the right nutrients and i smoked heavy towards the end


In my state …in the hospital I gave birth to all my children in in… they check mama, baby, placenta, and baby’s first poo for all drugs… any positives will result in cps envolvement.
Every hospital is different though…I’m sure every state is different too with those types of things


None of mine were tested but I’m assuming that’s because all of my urine samples and blood samples were negative. So I’d say if you test positive for drugs then they will test your baby as well.

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Oh man, the easiest time to protect your baby is when they are inside of you. Look after yourself and you’ll be looking after your baby. You clearly know what’s right and wrong. Just smoke up after you have baby, your not missing out on anything not smoking for a few months.


I think it’s time for me to make a exit out of this group. While I believe everyone has the right to do as they see fit, as a mother and a woman who also lost 3 of her babies do to miscarriage I can not believe that a woman is more concerned about “ will pot show up” in her newborn child. Seriously, get a God damn grip. Make a f@cking sacrifice for your child. That’s what being a parent is. Not “ will it show up” this actually makes me sick.

Why, you can’t stop smoking for the sake of your child?


Man… I can’t believe people are still so weird about pot.


Yes and I have seen people fail with their newborns, but I don’t think that they actually test every single baby I think that they have to be tipped off by the doctor to actually test them.

I quit 8 weeks before mine was born they found it in her

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Maybe just don’t smoke at all while pregnant? It’s interesting that you’re concerned about when you have to stop to not get caught but not about potential consequences for the baby.


Legal and recommend often in Washington


If your pregnant and smoking weed you don’t care much about your baby


You can’t be tf serious? How old are you?


I quit smoking at 6 weeks went to an appointment at 14 weeks they found thc in my system because my first Dr said my cbd gummies were fine

Stop smoking that while preggo???


I hope they do this in Australia! Kirsty Stuckey Crystal Walpole

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I’m not sure on how long it takes but if it’s in the babies system they’ll open up a case and DHS (not sure what it is called where you are at) will come and do a check up at your house and if everything is fine there they will just close it.

Tell your doctor now that you smoke… they will tell you what you need to do to help you and the baby that your carrying and will know what to expect when the child is born … DO NOT LIE ABOUT IT IT WILL ONLY MAKE MATTERS WORSE


Why would anyone take drugs when trying to have a baby?


I agree with others that honesty is the best policy. If you come up positive for it and they do test your baby and you’re confronted with it, just tell them the truth. You suffered from severe nausea and nothing else worked and you didn’t feel good about it, but you realize now that it probably wasn’t the best decision. Lying only shows that you are not aware that it is an actual issue and are unable to take an honest look at yourself and behaviors in order to better yourself for your child. I am 100% for the use of cannabis but even I stopped smoking as soon as I even suspected pregnancy. Do I think that it would harm an unborn baby? Honestly, no, but in all fairness there hasn’t been adequate studies to prove that it DOESN’T affect an unborn baby for me to feel comfortable continuing. I also know that it may have been easier for me because I did not suffer with morning sickness or any nausea at all throughout my pregnancies and I had two very smooth pregnancies. I try not to judge others and I would assume you did so with the thought process that it would be a less harmful way of treating your symptoms and allowing you to live a normal life without taking potentially harmful prescription drugs. A lot of women will be harsh and say that you don’t care about your baby, but in reality I’m sure you do care otherwise you wouldn’t be concerned enough to ask the question and receive harsh criticism. All I’m saying is that most women who smoke before pregnancy try to quit while pregnant for the same reason that many women try to eat healthier while pregnant, or stop drinking so much caffeine. You want to give your baby the absolute best chance to succeed and the fact of the matter is that it is a substance that is going into your body with unknown effects to baby either in the short or long term. Not to mention that who wants to worry about the exact thing that you are having to worry about now, which is the potential legal ramifications of smoking while pregnant, when baby is born? To me it just wasn’t worth it to continue and I look at it this way, if I can’t put my child first and abstain from something for the better part of nine months, having a fairly normal pregnancy, then maybe I should have prioritized things before I got pregnant because the second you do, it’s no longer about you, it’s about that baby. Also, like I said I really try not to judge others, but 100% of the time anyone has ever told me “I smoked the entire pregnancy with so-and-so and everything was fine!” It has not been the best case for smoking while pregnant being “fine” LOL that’s mean to say I know, but a few of my friends who went on to become addicts, their mothers smoked during their pregnancy. I know at least three other women who said this and either immediately or in time got their child/children removed from their custody either permanently or temporarily… I’m not saying that’s all women who smoke while pregnant, or whose Mother smoked while pregnant, I’m just saying this is in my personal experience and the stories I’ve been told. You rarely hear of a rich, upper class, educated person saying that they smoked during pregnancy. It’s usually middle to the lower class working folk and either minimally or under educated. People who are well educated and well-off financially, statistically wait longer to have children. They’re usually at a higher level of maturity due to their age during pregnancy, have more life experience, and are able to better assess risk. They also tend to make decisions that are not solely based on what they can afford, but since they have the money, they can make choices that are first and foremost in the best interest of them and their baby before worrying about the financial aspect of it. Again, not a judgment, just a very honest observation, some of which backed up by studies and actual statistics. (For the record I am a middle - lower class working mother who Is “minimally educated”. I graduated from a technical high School with my cosmetology degree and never went on to college. Being minimally educated in no way means that a person is less intelligent because I would like to think that I am far from stupid. In some cases though, it does give someone a better ability to assess risk and make better choices based on fact rather than personal opinion or emotion.)


TF did I just read :thinking:


I can see why this post in anonymous… what did I just read :expressionless:


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it true they can detect marijuana in an unborn baby?

The baby will test positive. And cps will be in your life.


I just wouldn’t be smoking it while pregnant very simple!


Don’t smoke while pregnant! Protect your baby!


Don’t smoke at all,definitely would not while pregnant…best way to go…


I could see a prudent doctor prescribing medical marijuana for certain conditions while pregnant in a variety of forms…but…smoking it while pregnant is asinine. The route of administration makes a difference.


They can test the umbilical cord tissue which can detect THC as far back as the first trimester. It just depends on the hospital, if they are aware of past and current drug use, the state.


I dont think they do that test in oregon anymore unless there is probable cause for threat of harm. And some people should be less judgy; that’s exactly why no one asks for help


My niece tested positive at birth and the State came looking to take her. My brother quit smoking and did everything he could to keep his daughter. My SIL left before my niece was 6 months old.


My doctor actually suggested I smoke while I was pregnant , for my morning sickness ! You are not a bad mother for smoking while you are pregnant don’t listen to all these Karen’s ! I however didn’t smoke but I am an avid smoker :woman_shrugging:t3:


Yes it can show up, and yes it does take about that long to get out of the system. I have actually heard and read online it takes about twenty weeks… I would recommend stopping by around 14 weeks.

If you smoke, use nonprescription drugs, or drink alcohol you are irresponsible and should not have a child in your care.

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If you are clean at the birth of the child, you give them no reason to be concerned. If you test positive for it while giving birth they will take further action


Please try to stay away from alcohol, tobacco and any drugs illegal or otherwise unless okayed by your doctor. Your baby deserved the best start in life.


To each there own. :woman_shrugging:t3: if you’re going to smoke pot stop at around 34 weeks pregnant so that it will be out of your system and the babies. Yet once again you’re the parent and it’s your choice.

implications that come with consuming marijuana, you might want to think twice before you reach for a joint while pregnant. But what if you didn’t know you were pregnant at the time and you rolled one with your friends? Will it show up on a drug test at the hospital?

Generally, hospitals don’t go around drug testing all pregnant women before they give birth, but if your doctor suspects that you’ve been using illicit drugs, he may ask you to do a blood test or urinalysis. If it turns out positive, there’s a big chance that your baby will get tested for cannabis exposure after birth.

While in utero, babies receive all the nutrients they need from the umbilical cord, meaning that your baby takes in everything you have consumed. If the mother has consumed cannabis while pregnant, cannabis metabolites will be transferred to the placenta. Provided the mother is suspected of substance use, tests on the meconium and the umbilical cord might be done after birth.

Testing the Meconium and the Umbilical Cord Tissue
Meconium begins to form between the 12-16 week of gestation and it’s essentially your baby’s first bowel movement that gets released after birth. It’s composed of materials ingested in utero like amniotic fluid, mucus, intestinal epithelial cells, lanugo, and water. On occasion, babies release the meconium into the amniotic fluid, but when that doesn’t happen, it can be used to test for the presence of drugs.

Meconium drug testing is most commonly used for detecting fetal drug exposure and it can detect whether the mother has been consuming cannabis. The detection period is the last 4 to 5 months of pregnancy, or the later stages of the second trimester, and the full third trimester.

If meconium is unavailable for testing, doctors turn to hair testing (if the baby has enough hair samples in order for the test to be performed) or testing the umbilical cord tissue.

A multicentered study in Utah and New Jersey concluded that the umbilical cord test can provide faster results compared to meconium testing, as babies may take a few days to pass meconium. This test can be done to check for fetal exposure to cannabinoids, and also methamphetamine, opiates, and cocaine.

No reason this should even be a question while pregnant. In my opinion. If you can’t stay sober while pregnant you shouldn’t get pregnant. I’ve raised 2 children while being disabled. Pain sucks but they are fully dependent on you to be responsible and care for them. The way this is worded sounds like you are more worried about the consequences you will face rather than the poor baby.


I smoked otw to hospital cps dont even make a case anymore

Shouldn’t be smoking in the first place.


When my son was born the girl across the hall baby tested positive and the police were posted at her door and the nursery. DHS took him the minute he was released. Mom and her parents kept saying it wasn’t her smoking she had just been around it. DHS didn’t care she lost her baby.


They sure can. Then they will call in social services and child protection

Don’t need to smoke or drink if your carrying a child


Yes they can detect it and most of the times will just send a social worker to make sure you got water/electricity, but I think it differs per state, maybe?

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I’d be less worried about being caught for it in their poop than the potential damage for it being in their system to begin with.


If you’re pregnant you don’t need to be having drugs in your system so so stupid question to ask. Stop doing drugs while you’re pregnant


Here is the problem… No one wants to be a test subject… No one is willing to, nor is it even legal to use babies as a test subject … Soooo…babies who came out fine, came out fine… Babies who came out with problems and parents, “chose” to want to know why. Get the questions. They sorta answer, maybe right… But nothing is verified, nor documened durring pregnancy. So it can’t be official. This is why one med can be fine one year and not the next. One way of sleeping works, one time, and not the next.
Basically, we have to use an educated guess as to what went wrong. Not in all situations… most people have common sense… so an educated guess works great.
What they do know… Thc DOES show up in a placenta. Thc will show up in breast milk, and in a newborn… that it proven.
What they don’t know is the side effects that go with it. How much? How often? And, eaxh pregnancy and genetic make up is different.

Sooo… imo, if you are uaving an major issue, this is something you should bring up… Thc, betrer then many other drugs. Thc vs other meds needed durring. I can’t say which is worse. Cbd is “safer” but that isn’t always the case, cuz its not regulated, so who really knows what your are getting, and who you can trust. Most cbd products, actually it has positive for THC. Even though they claim there is no THC.

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So for everyone saying pot didn’t effect their kids…… I used hard drugs through the first trimester of both my pregnancies…… totally healthy kids …… honor roll , emotionally/behaviorally healthy. But I don’t think it’s ok to do so just cuz my kids are fine. If at any time they face struggles later the guilt will eat at me and I will blame that/myself regardless. So if something goes wrong w your babies be. Prepared to have that guilty voice in your head and wonder what if I hadn’t………

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If your positive the baby is. My last son I smoked a bowl thinking I had 3 weeks left, nope went into labor shortly after. They had CPS call me, the man said he didn’t care if I blew the machine up as long as it was only weed n my boy had a crib I’d never see him again. My son is 5 now n I’ve never seen the man since that day :slight_smile:

I smoked my whole pregnancy but I did stop 45 days before my due date, just because I didn’t feel like the hassle of a dfacs case, but that was in 2015 when I had my one and only child…

I smoked pot thru both of my pregnancies because I had such bad morning sickness for the entire 9 months that I needed it to cope with the debilitating nausea and constant vomiting. If it wasn’t for pot, I wouldn’t have been able to eat at all while carrying my babies!! Both my girls r happy, healthy and successfully graduated high school and the eldest has gone on to complete her Masters Degree at university. Neither was impacted by the pot use while in utero…both were carried to term, were of a healthy weight when born and both had excellent APGAR scores when tested soon after birth. Both were successfully breastfed for the first 6 months at least and both have been fully vaccinated throughout their lives! They were always well fed, well clothed, always had a roof over their heads and never missed out at Christmas, birthdays, Easter etc and went to good schools. As far as I can see, my pot use has not affected them in any way and they have a much more relaxed, less stressed mother looking after them as a result. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thought they could only detect cocaine in baby’s 1st stool.

Really depends on what State you deliver in.


Babies shouldnt have marijuana in their system

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yes. And it take 6 weeks to get marijuana to get out of the system. My be that long for babies. And any drug is in the first poop

First question. Why this is the question? Is it fear of punishment? Judgment? Or health issues. I think theres something much deeper that should be looked/ asked first.

Smoking marijuana and drinking alcohol is fine please don’t do it when you are pregnant

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I smoked with 2 of my pregnancies not cigarettes I was able to quit those but Mary Jane keeps me alive & well thank you judgmental fucks very much! My 2 cannababies were & STILL are my healthiest of all 5… oh yeah… & I also exclusively breastfed BOTH!!! Those are the only 2 pregnancies I was able to completely quit cigarettes too… & they were my biggest babies too. Idc if they tested their shit or not because nothing happened I stole my son from the hospital because they tried to judge me for something else that I had happened to be a victim of! Told them to fuck off too & they left me the hell alone after that!!! For all you saying, “I would NEVER smoke or drink pregnant… bet you would if your life depended on it… & I’m also willing to bet your not fucking perfect either!! All acting like your shit don’t stink because this or that… well guess what?! For some marijuana is fucking NEEDED!!! No need for any nasty comments at me neither…

Omg stop. Give your baby the best chance and not expose them. :frowning:


Don’t test dirty for anything or your baby at birth… CPS will be involved before you leave the hospital


To put it to u in plain words ur baby is gonna have a defect. And that is gonna be ur punishment

Be more concerned if the learning delays your kids is about to face. My mom takes heavy with me and it was hell.

I was told by OBGYN… that one cigarette is more harmful then 10 organic joints

She didn’t say she smoked anything :roll_eyes:

Ì don’t give a monkey’s who does any sort of drugs but it’s downright cruel to use when.pregnant and I hope the ones who do are prosecuted …utterly selfish

Never dealt with cps and the doctors knew I did or anxiety attacks and depression

No it doesn’t show
If you smoke much before do it lesser
It helps in morning sickness and eating habits
Before you come here to argue please read

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People don’t need babies if they are doing that why put that poor baby under all that crap!!! Y’all are so cruel doing that to babies!!

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Don’t smoke at all during pregnancy.