my breastfed baby refuses tot ake bottles and i have tried so hard…i have to go to work soon and he will be with a sitter and i have no idea what i am going to do…she also breastfeeds and she said she would be fine but idk how it makes me feel…is it weird for a baby to breastfeed on someone else? what can i do if he refuses all bottles? is there a bottle a breastfed baby prefers?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it weird for a breastfed baby to breastfeed on their sitter? - Mamas Uncut
if you’re both comfortable with it, i don’t think it’s weird at all…it’s completely natural momma. However that sitter better get a pay raise jk
I would not be ok with that as a mother or the sitter. Babies will adjust to a bottle.
wet nurses have been around forever I don’t see a problem with it
Wet nursing has been a more unspoken thing for many, many years. If you’re comfortable with it, then by all means. If you trust her and what she puts in her body, it’s not a bad idea. You can still continue looking for other bottles in the meantime. Have you tried the Latch bottles? They were the only ones my middle would use
Whatever works and is comfortable for all party’s involved many cultures feed each other’s baby’s
I don’t think it’s weird. You do what’s best for your baby
Your baby, your decision.
These bottles helped my three 3 girls transition. The bigger nipple feels more like the boob.
No. Not if you trust her. It used to be common place
Oh man this is beautiful that you have that opportunity TAKE IT!
My daughter is 3 months im going back to work when shes 4 next month. Lansinoh bottles are the only ones shes starting to like. I bought her a teether that has like nipples on the sides she entertaines a while with it. Try maybe it will help you. Im also giving her a bottle at day time at night time i breastfeed her shes getting used to it.
It’s not weird, it’s been a thing for centuries now
My son was the same and had to get him on bottles for daycare. The only one he took was the pigeon brand. This is it but the yellow bottle. It has a note on it saying best for breastfed babies as it’s close to the nipple.
I don’t think it weird. Back in the day most women used wet nurses.
Look up wet nurse. Not a big deal as long as she is trustworthy.
If you can make sure that she does not have Aids or Hepatitis then he can breastfeed on her!
I don’t think it’s weird at all. Wet nursing is such a beautiful thing.
Keep trying hun. As fussy as babies can be, they’ll eventually take it. But yes, perfectly okay for a wet nurse situation, maybe just get some health screening done for peace of mind or express and just keep trying
It’s not weird! Look up wet AND dry nurses.
Not weird , a fed baby is a happy baby , im a kiwi
Its love. Not weird x
It’s unusual in our culture, but very common in others. Sometimes a ‘wet nurse’ is used, or a family member like Sister, Aunty or Grandma. I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable but in a pinch I would have allowed a family member to help (only one that ate a healthful diet etc).
Personally I think that is weird and uncomfortable. But u know people do that… baby will take your breastmilk in a bottle if you aren’t there. Mine did with her father when I wasn’t home. She got hungry enough that it didn’t matter but would NEVER take it from me. Do what’s best for you guys tho.
And if you do let her please get a health screen done. You just don’t know these days
If she’s breastfeeding her own baby and obviously you trust her. Then go for it if you can’t find a nipple your baby likes.
It’s not advisable for anyone else to feed your baby… It’s dangerous! There’s so many health concerns… It’s strongly not recommended!
People used to do it all the time. It’s the bond you’re worried about
Try lanisoh brand bottles / nipples. It took me 8 different types to find one that worked.
I did breastfeed exclusively and my kids refused for a while too but I had to find a bottle with a nipple that worked
I’ve let my aunt breastfeed my son when he was a baby. She was ending her almost 10 years of breastfeeding and said she’d never experienced feeding another child but her own so I let her do it. And it was quite beautiful fed is best
As long as your aware and she doesn’t catch feelings then I say it’s genius.
Look at it this way… would you let your baby starve if you couldn’t produce anymore or even if they don’t take a bottle but your only option is for someone else to breastfeed. It’d make me uncomfortable but in the end the baby needs to eat regardless of how
I wouldn’t do it. I know a lady who let someone else breastfeed her baby and her baby died. The woman wasn’t doing drugs or drinking…
My aunt nursed me while my mom finished her classes. If you’re comfortable with her, and your baby won’t take a bottle (like I and many other babies won’t) then personally I’d let her, your baby will be fed, that’s what’s important.
““That’s one of the first ways a baby is colonized with bacteria, within a mother-baby pair,” she said. “Every mother has a different set of bacteria in their milk and that’s different from person to person.””
Comotomo leave the baby with husband for the day. When baby gets hungry enough they will take the bottle.
It’s normal in many cultures. If you are concerned about health risks I would suggest talking to your GP or a Lactation Consultant
“But even for women who don’t let strangers breastfeed their baby, seeking milk from unregulated sources could expose their infant to harm.”
In the past people hired a wet nurse to feed their baby
Essentially someone who either was still nursing their own child or their child has been weened or passed away.
If you trust she lives a healthy lifestyle the only drawback would be the antibodies received would be from the sitter as well as the ones your child is getting from you. Hopefully there is no conflict
I nursed my goddaughter who was born 2 days before my son after my son was a month old
This used to occur all the time with wet nurses… I am not sure why this is such a hang up. You do what works for your little one
Get easy mold silicone putty, get a bottle nipple and cut the top out that is the circumference of your areola, as soon as you’re done feeding baby grab the nipple you cut out place your boob into it then place it in the putty making sure it goes around the entire bottle nipple to include the crevice where it locks into the plastic piece of the bottle top, that will complete the mold for a nipple that replicates yours and can go onto any bottle of your choosing, glue or tape the nipple back together from the inside. Then you pour in non toxic liquid silicone, only to half of the molding, then grab the nipple you put back together and push it into the mold until the liquid reaches the top rim of the nipple let it cure. After it’s done curing, pop it out of the molding pop the old nipple out of it and then you get a needle and stick it through the tip of it, depending on the age of baby depends on how many holes you need to make for the flow on the nipple. If you feel as though it needs to be hollowed out more you use a sanding drill bit to hollow it out to your preferred flexibility of the silicone.
This is what I did with my kids when I went back to work and it worked like a charm. It’s a lot of work but totally worth it if you’re uncomfortable with the idea of wet nursing.
Do as u feel I see nothing wrong with it as long as she is sober and drug free
The world has gone mad think about it logically she’s breast feeding her kid so she don’t have anything dangerous to children if she’s a child minder and u think drugs could be in her milk who would leave there kid anyway ??? The only thing I think may be an issue is two lots of breast milk at the same time as every mothers milk is different, wat about a replica nipple for a bottle what I think it worse is breast feeding mums not being able to get bak to work or being with there baby 24 7 because they feed I think mothers doing this is a special thing and ppl forget that it takes more than mum n dad to really successfully raise a child ppl make danger about everything these days it’s been done for centuries in many cultures and it brings a bond between others so kids grow up with a lot of love n support instead of only being latched to mum I think wet nurses and cultures that help other mothers like that it’s an amazing thing x
It’s not going to be weird for the baby , a baby will suck a wall of the wall produce it milk . If you knows her sure , why not, but if is just someone you hire to baby sit your kid I will not allow it
Its personal preference. If you are comfortable with it then go for it! I personally would not be comfortable with it and would give a child formula before letting someone else breastfeed the child. Again, its all about preference. If you are ok with it then more power to you!!
Try cup or spoon feeding
Honestly that would make me alot happier knowing I’m leaving my baby with someone who can feed them than leave the baby knowing they’re screaming and crying and upset because they can’t take a bottle !
So… a Wet Nurse? I don’t see the problem
I mean, women used to do that as a profession. (Wet nurse)
Go for it, your baby needs milk so it’s a no brained. Don’t listen to the horror stories. Congratulations on the new job🌸
I wouldn’t hesitate. You and you sitter are putting your baby’s needs first. Breast milk is breast milk. What a fabulous sitter you have!
There is breast milk banks specifically for the purpose of mothers not able to feed for whatever reason. If you’re comfortable with it, and the donor is healthy I think it’s great!!!
I have no issue with it. I actually think it’s kind of wonderful.
If you use breast shields put one over nipple on avant bottle and put babies hands on bottle then start taking shield off
It used to be very common. I think it varies from person to person. If you’re both ok with it then I don’t see an issue. However, if you don’t feel comfortable try a bottle. My son was exclusively b.f until I went back to work. He stayed with dad and dad tried multiple bottles, when my son got hungry he would eat. But the one he preferred is the one given at the hospital woth brown nipple.
It’s awesome for her to offer to do that too but it’s easier to transition sooner than later but breast feed when u can some to keep the production hormones up
I did this for my SIL son when she returned to work as he refused bottles. Wasn’t weird for me or for her. It was just feeding a baby. I’d feed mine and hers at the same time (they are four mo apart). Totally personal preference but it worked well for all of us.
That’s honestly up to you. If she’s breast feeding her baby and if you truly trust her. I would talk to your Pediatrician 1st. Our Pediatrician advised us not to. There are risks of infectious diseases It can also expose an infant to medications, alcohol, drugs, bacteria or other contaminants.
Nope. Not weird at all. If you trust your sitter, I’d do it in a heartbeat!
I have breastfed my sister in law’s daughter when my daughter was little as well as my sisters son when he was breastfeeding and they fed both of my babies for me just the same. There is nothing weird about making sure the baby is fed.
I personally wouldn’t have an issue with it, my baby was extremely prem and my milk never really came in so he was on donor breast milk. I see it as the same thing because you won’t be there to offer the boob, so this person is offering theirs.
As long as you are okay with it. And the sitter. Then it’s perfectly fine
People used to literally pay nannies to nurse their babies for them. As long as you trust her and she’s clean from anything you wouldn’t want your baby ingesting there’s no problem with it! I just saw a tiktok of a woman with a low supply letting her sister nurse her baby so whatever keeps baby happy and healthy
Just be prepared for their bond to be very strong! The baby is going to look to her as a second mother
I breastfed my aunts baby, lol it’s fine to have some weird feelings about it, but a fed baby is a happy baby
Babys can smell milk, so he might have a hard taking a bottle even if your not there if she’s nursing too
Wet nurses have been around since the beginning of time.
It depends if you’re comfortable with it or not.
Just make sure you don’t have a sitter like the one in the movie “Hush” lol
If you want to get baby on the bottle, try using the Lansinoh bottle that comes with the hand pump. It’s the only one my 1 month old really uses. And just remember that baby will not starve themself. When they get hungry, they’ll eat no matter what their being fed out of.
But as everyone else has stated, wet nurses have been around forever! That’s how babies were fed before formula when moms couldn’t feed their own babies for any reason. Its the same as getting donor milk, it’d just straight from the tap! Lol
Nope. People have been doing it since the beginning of mankind.
Wet nurses have been around forever.
They say to syringe feed a baby if anything. Nothing wrong with wet nursing. My son wouldn’t eat anything for 8 hours while I was at work not even food. So I would only work 4 hours because that’s too long for a baby IMO. He had so many health issues him being dehydrated was the last thing I needed.
They used to have wet nurses, nurses who would breastfeed babies because the mothers couldn’t (for whatever reasons). So I feel it’s totally up to you!
l Get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18611 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Not weird at all as long as she’s not a drug user or anything. Wet nurses have been around a long time. Just make sure you pump to keep your milk supply up.
I personally don’t like it I think it’s a very personal connection between mother and child. My breastfed baby prefers bottles that look a similar shape to a boob
I wet nursed my best friends daughter. I see nothing wrong with it.
Wet nursing is natural and fine and the bottle you are looking for is a nanobebe breast milk bottle . It’s in the shape of a breast
I personally would decline and more them likely find another sitter because I would be worried that she would do it anyway. You have no idea what she eats or partakes in when she is not baby sitting. That is just me tho.
Wow! I couldn’t imagine my baby feeding from another woman! Donor milk in a bottle I get but OMG!
wet nurses used to be a huge thing and i wish they came back, i wasn’t able to breastfeed my baby and i wish there was someway i could give my 3 month old breastmilk
I’ve wet nursed my friends baby when she was working and she nursed mine while I was working. I was just thankful my baby had that comfort when I wasn’t there and was able to eat, and then I didn’t have to worry about baby preferring bottles to breastfeeding.
Try using nipples for premature babies. It worked great for two of my grand children it would not take a bottle.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with your friend nursing your baby and hers. Wet nursing has been around forever.
Weird lol but that’s my opinion
My youngest absolutely refused a bottle. There wasn’t a bottle she would even consider, but that was several years ago and I’m sure they are more advanced now. I wouldn’t have a problem with someone else feeding her if it meant she was safe wasn’t going hungry.
If you trust her I would let her.
There are a lot of natural antibiotics and nutritional benefits to breast milk that there just isn’t in formula, no matter what anyone tries to tell you.
If the woman is clean and healthy, your baby will benefit from her milk and not get the taste for formula or the feel for bottles, so you can continue feeding as usual when you get home
People have been using wet nurses for thousands of years!
Wet nurse back in the day people did it all the time !
Trying to get my kids to take a bottle of breastmilk was a night mare we probably bought 50 different bottles trying to find ones the would take ! All the way down to one that looked like a boob
There is nothing wrong with her breastfeeding the baby. Wet nursing is great.
Try different nipples for the bottle. I would decline as well. That’s odd to me and you don’t know what she puts in her body etc.
It’s Not weird at all!! It’s been going in 4 a long long time.
I find it very generous of her to offer.
It’s a cultural and personal thing… personally I’d be hesitant. Things to consider, AIDS and other diseases, traditionally I think it’s a beautiful thing… I just think times have changed.
Yes wet nurses have been around a long time. However, there also wasn’t all the street and prescription drugs back then or diseases that there are today that absolutely affect breast milk. If she’s healthy and you can trust that she is then give it a try.
You do what is best for your baby. Full stop.
It’s definitely weird but whatever works lol
It’s not weird. That how we got the term “wet nurse”. As long as she doesn’t have any health issues. Count your blessings!!! Not many ladies would do this.