She could wear a nipple shield maybe? It’s not a big deal either way
l Get paid over $120 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $18611 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
I wouldn’t mind at all! That’s actually pretty awesome that it works out for you that way!
What you call a wet nurse
Years ago my grandmother was a professional wet nurse …she nursed other people’s babies as well as her own
The only bottle mine will take is those tomee tipee. But no it isn’t weird
If I trust someone enough to watch my kids I would trust them enough to nurse them too. Definitively cultural and not super common around here, but I would 500% support it.
Tommie Tippie closer to nature bottles were the only bottles my breastfed babies would take
I breastfed my best friends baby, while she was in the hospital, for the same reason. I thought she was going to be upset with me but I was helping her mom out bc the baby literally wouldn’t stop crying and wouldn’t eat. You do what you have to do in those situations.
Oddly my 2 breastfed babies would only take the .98c (probably more than that) Walmart plain Jane bottles parents choice after I had spent hundreds trying to find a bottle they would take.
My mom’s friend breastfed me when she was sick and In hospital. Your baby has to eat
Not weird at all
As long as you aren’t intaking a specific diet for your baby(like no dairy) and the sitter isn’t there isn’t any reason why it shouldn’t work out! Obviously unless she has one of the few diseases/infections that can be transmitted through breast milk.
That’s awesome though your sitter is willing to do it.
Don’t let people’s opinions thinking it’s weird or odd bother you. It’s literally been a thing for hundreds of years. No different than using donor breat milk honestly.
I don’t think it’s weird at all! Babies gotta eat
I also have heard great things about this bottle! Moyuum!!
Breastmilk is the same as blood.
If you trust her enough I don’t see an issue.
I’d breastfeed someone else’s baby if they needed to be fed … My partner thinks that’s weird .
If the worst thing your sitter does is offer to be his wet nurse keep her forever.
Not weird at all. If she’s willing and you’re comfortable, go for it. Much less stress for you and baby
If I know her well
If you know her diet
And it aligned with what you eat etc … for me I would want to ensure that she’s not vaccinated etc …I would totally be ok with it
That actually was a common practice years and years ago
Let’s change the words around and ask this differently. We need to break stigmas here.
Is it weird for a woman to offer to nurse a baby that refuses a bottle and is hungry and missing their mom?
Wet nurses have existed forever. I would have given anything to have someone I trusted offer to nurse my baby while I was gone. It’s not weird at all.
Not weird at all, its awesome if she is willing. Both my breastfed babies used Avent bottles, but I feel like any bottle with a bigger nipple will work (they are more like boob nipples than skinnier bottles)
My concern here is that you don’t really know what she can be passing into baby.
I think it’s strange, there’s no way I would let anyone breast-feeding my baby!
It’s only “weird” because it isn’t our norm. If I was unable to feed my baby and someone else was willing too I’d be grateful. I would also do the same for someone else’s baby if needed.
I was joking around with my sister one day about this when our sons were little. Mine had colic and a tongue tie so I didn’t breast feed and regretted it. I told her he probably wants your breast milk instead of his bottle jokingly and she said because the child she produces for (her son my nephew) and my son are so different in age about a year that she didn’t produce the proper nutrition my son at his age needed that her milk was meant for an older child. Not sure if that’s true or not but worth asking
If you trust this person and know that they aren’t on anything crazy etc. then I would be OK with it
Pump your breast milk
Would it be weird to receive donated blood, marrow, plasmas, a kidney, a heart - nope. For me, the breast milk is no different. So long it’s clean and aligned to your needs - bon appetit for the baby. Fed is best, however it happens.
I imagine your situation is weighing heavy on your heart and mind. Going back to work is a tough transition for many of us, worrying about feeding on top of that is alot to carry. Be kind to yourself Mama, so many parts of this parenting journey certainly takes a village - there is no shame in asking or accepting the help.
Not weird, however… My youngest was the same way, he refused all bottles and still didn’t take a bottle by the time I had to go back to work, I was so nervous for the first day… He actually did okay, but he would only take comotomo bottles… He also will not take bottles for ME specifically or if anyone else tries to give him a bottle and I’m around he will not take it.
Not weird, many many people donate breast milk. It’s actually a norm in other cultures.
I would have her give him the bottles first and try it for awhile. If that doesn’t work then you can always try. My daughter wouldn’t take bottles either until I was gone. She should drink them for my husband.
There have been “wet nurses” since the beginning of time. It’s just not popular here, but still ok if you’re ok with it.
If your baby doesn’t take a bottle (try sample bottle kits online) and you have to go to work you may not have much of a choice. I’ve donated tons of breastmilk to other kids of different ages (mine was a micro preemie born at 25 weeks so I had to pump) and I donated to babies and some over a year old. They all did just fine with my preemies breastmilk even when she was still in the nicu under gestational age. It would be hard for me to allow someone to nurse my child and it not be me, but honestly if you fully trust this person then it should be fine. I’m sure her milk is safe if she is nursing her child. It’s a lot of work to nurse a baby not just everyone does it. I would sit with her one time while she does it and see how you feel and if your okay with it. If your not ok with it then I’d be looking up ways on how you can go back to work. Maybe you can pump your milk into a certain bottle?
I wish my best friend still breastfed by the time I had my youngest, she watched my daughter and she was straight breast fed and REFUSEDDD to take bottles, she said she so would have for her if she could still on the nursing her part. and girl I’ve bought every bottle imaginable at so many different stores and didn’t work. If you trust her, I think it would be great. My best friend did this for a friend of her and they’re such great friends still, something she’ll never forget
I don’t think it’s weird at all, I wish I had another person to help me feed so I could get stuff done lol (my boy also refuses bottles)
I find that totally weird. One, he’ll be breastfeeding on a person who’s not his mom. And then you are trusting this lady’s milk, that she’s not eating things that could upset him, or not drinking alcohol and doing stuff.
I wouldn’t be comfortable with it personally but that doesn’t mean it’s not ok…try pumping and using different types of nipples…if the baby is hungry enough it will eat… nursing is a special bond I wouldn’t want anyone else to have with my child i did however have someone donate milk to me…but thats just me
Disease ,Viruses, bacteria, medications , alcohol & other things can be passed through the breast milk. It would personally be a no for me. Breast milk coming from someone else needs to be tested. It’s a kind gesture but there are also health risks involved.
Wet nurses have been around for centuries, it’s only weird if you let it be.
I’m kind of on the fence on this one. First any fluids from someone else can potentially be problematic. We strive not to get anyone’s body fluid on us for all sorts of different reasons yet we find it okay to use someone who isn’t related’s breast milk for our babies. I totally get it we get transplants and use someone else’s blood all the time. However My thought on that is that stuff is tested for everything under the sun. How can you test her to see if she’s completely free of anything harmful? You are also putting a lot of trust into someone… anything she eats, drinks or drugs she takes will effect your baby. I’ve known people who appear to be 100% wholesome and turns out they were addicted to pain killers. You could have their milk tested today, and still tomorrow you have no idea what they may do or what disease they may obtain. In my opinion there’s no way I personally would use someone else’s breast milk!! Sure it’s best, but to me only if it’s from the mother because there’s just too many variables when using someone else’s.
My niece refused bottles until I got the milk warmer than a normal baby likes. Most babies want it body temperature, she wanted it hotter.
How do you know if sitter has any health issues
It’s up to you and her if y’all are comfortable with it. And I use como bottles to get my baby to transition and she hated bottles
That’s been done since babies have been nursing, it’s only an issue if you make it one. If you truly trust your child with this person it shouldn’t even be a question.
Yeah I think it feels way weird just because you never know what she’s taking in ect and who these people are that being said we can’t always live in fear soooo that’s definitely a situation your going to have to analyze yourself for sure who that person is ect
back in the day they were called wet nurses so it’s not to weird but I would trying to find a bottle ect that works before going straight to that if baby used a bottle while in the hospital find out what kind this was hot I figure out what bottles my kids would take had similar issue but I just couldn’t produce enough so I had to supplement for a while
As a mom of 4, I think her willingness to nurse your child so they are fed is the ultimate sign that she has love for you and your baby. Nursing is hard and she will need to make adjustments in her food intake and water intake to keep up taking on that extra little tummy… I would count it as a blessing and so selfless of your sitter… it’s not weird at all… it takes a village and it sounds like your village is badass!!!
Wet nurses have been around for a very long time but when push comes to shove it is your decision. If you want him to continue breastfeeding then either you will need to either stay home with him, set up arrangements with your employer to come home and feed him at times or allow her to feed him. And if you don’t want her too and the other options are not an option then you need to at least partially wing him before you go back to work and get him use to bottles. There are tons of different types of bottles out there and just have to find the one your child likes.
I breast feed and my baby is almost three and never ever would I let anyone else do it because 1. Your baby may not take your milk again 2. The infections and whatever one else was saying and 3. Your milk and hers isn’t the same she may have the consistency of the flow different and thicker or thinner but besides that if your baby feeds from her he may not want from you a friend of mine did this (she Hispanic) so bottle feeding for most of them is a no no and she let the baby sitter do that and about a week later her baby refused and hungry or not never would take her milk and ended up in the hospital for lake of feeds her baby sitter just up and quite so she had no idea why baby wasn’t sick nothing like that but he was used to the other milk and refused mommas milk so they admitted him and got him formula he wouldn’t take her milk even from bottle he knew it wasn’t the milk he wanted after he had the other so it’s not a good idea ever to let anyone do that for you don’t offer the breast at all til he starts taking bottle for about 24-48 hours is what my doctor told me
I wouldn’t be comfortable with that At All. Talk to the pediatrician and ask for help on this.
It could be the bottle. Try different bottles. My babies only liked NUK bottles. Wet nurses did exist back in the day. If you’re uncomfortable don’t do it
It is easier for babies to take a bottle from someone else. Maybe have other people feed the babe and see on a local market place page if you can get a few different types of bottles to try
I couldn’t do that. You don’t know what she put in her system. Talk to your doctor first if this is what you really have to do. Maybe have doctor do blood test on her to ensure she has no health issues
Wet nurses used to be a thing for moms to have breaks but for babe to still have boob. If you find someone who’s still nursing and you both communicate clearly your/your baby’s needs, I don’t see anything wrong with it
It would be a big NO for me. You don’t know what she puts in her body that can be passed on to your baby. When he’s hungry enough he will eat
Your breast milk is unique to you for your baby. Your milk changes as the baby grows. Your body knows what your baby needs and adjusts. Yes there have been wet nurses forever. Pump, pump, pump. Freeze your milk. Try different nipples. No baby prefers the bottle over mom. But they adjust quickly.
Wet nurses and been around for forever.
Breast milk bank exist for a reason.
That is the dream! Perfect world right there! I would count my blessings if I had that.
It’s up to you. It used to be perfectly normal. People had wet nurses. My sisters helped breast feed each others babies.
Humans have used wet nurses for a very long time. If you are both comfortable with it, fed is best.
Not weird… A friend of mine couldn’t make enough milk to feed her baby so I pump most of the time and fed her baby
Wet nurses have been around for generations…on saying that it would have felt weird to me to have someone else breast feed my children
Try having other people bottle feed while you leave the room…often that works
Is the baby not eating bc the nipple is coming out alot faster than the boob? You kinda have to pace feed them if this is the issue. You can also buy nipple shields to get the baby used to the texture. Start off with you bottle feeding & if any of this works and the baby still doesn’t like the bottle from the sitter try leaving a shirt or something with your scent on it.
I personally wouldn’t be comfortable with it because our milk is made for our babies and I wouldn’t want another woman bonding with my kid in that type of way, but that’s just how I feel Abt it personally.
Ma’am baby bottles are the ABSOLUTE BEST!!! They are just like the nipple, They are flat. Check them out. My baby was a breast fed baby and I tried several different ones until I found this one. I have referred all of my clients and family to these and 99.9% everyone has loved them!!!
My daughter breastfeeds and her baby will not take a bottle from her but will take a bottle from me.
Not weird at all.
No it’s not and if you both are comfortable with it then go for it. I had a wet nurse sitter for my exclusively breastfed baby and I would do the same in return for her.
Wet nurses used to be very common
Not weird at all and actually great for the immune system
I don’t think it’s weird… baby needs to eat! & if she is okay with it then Let her!! I breastfed and I used tommee tippee bottles. They were amazing!!
Absolutely nothing wrong with that! The world has used wet nurses for years and it’s completely normal not to mention natural
I wouldn’t allow it. What if your babysitter has HIV, then your baby will have it as well.
Dose the babysitter do drugs? No? Dose she drink frequently? No? Then it’s fine. I understand it feeling awkward but society has mad the act of feeding an infant the natural way thing to be shamed in public , that’s wrong, and your baby needs to eat
Not at all . That baby is getting milk and not going hungry. if your ok with it momma, then a boob is a boob for baby .
I only breastfeed all mine so I get the struggle of them only wanting boob .
I’m sure you wouldn’t let them feed if you didn’t know this person. My best friend dried up early so I was able to pump and still feed my Littles as we always had ours close in age weeks apart
I personally would ask for a disease screening on your sitter and if everything comes out normal and everyone is ok with it then do it. (STD, HIV, etc)
I have breastfed a struggling strangers baby, in Walmart A baby is hungry, when a baby is hungry.
Nurse maids were used back in the day!
I would absolutely not ever let another person breastfeed my breastfed baby especially since your milk is made specifically for your baby. I find it weird for myself and if anybody tried to do it, I’d flip out. If you’re okay with it, then that’s your choice. The few times my daughter has taken a bottle, it’s been tommee tippee or avent
Once upon a time a child was always breastfed, though not always by the mother. As long as the babysitter is in good health (not on medication) and amenable, I see nothing wrong with feeding hungry babies. I know I will get a lot of flack for this opinion, but as a great grandmother I am less influenced by social media and more influenced by real life experiences
They will adjust. What if your sitter eats or takes something your baby is allergic to. It sounds cold BUT if he’s hungry he will take a bottle
Not weird in the slightest. Babies gotta eat.
I wouldn’t allow it. That’s a bind that a baby shares only with their mom. Good luck hope you find a bottle your baby will take
Not weird at all. When i babysat my nephew i would breastfeed him.
It’s called wet nursing
As long as you know she is clean and you trust her not to put anything in her body that would harm baby I don’t see anything wrong. Baby will be fed and happy and you can pump at work to keep your supply.
Wet nursing has always been a thing I’m not sure why people find it so strange…
Not weird at all! If you trust this person to watch your baby I don’t see why you wouldn’t trust them to nurse your baby too!
Is understandable that you find it weird, that’s because it’s not common anymore and because of medias sexualization of the breast. It’s not though, it’s called wet nursing it’s something that was used before formula was invented.
But it isn’t wrong to feel weird about it it’s what you were raised to believe. I think if your uncomfortable then your just gonna have to figure out a bottle for the baby , there are dozens of choices and eventually after awhile of trying the baby will get use to it just takes time especially if baby is more use to the breast.
A babysitter that will breastfeed your baby? What a dream. 100% a go for me
Not weird and if it was a family member or someone you know well, I’d do it but you gotta be careful cause you never know what people can have in their bodies…
Are you comfortable with it??? If you are that’s all that matters other people’s opinions shouldn’t matter
I would, since she’s said she doesn’t mind. I don’t see anything weird about it.
Breastfeeding Babes:breast_feeding:
I’m not sure how I’d feel about it although we used donor milk. But my daughter adjusted well to the MAM bottles while I was technically breastfeeding but if I needed a sitter that’s what we used.
I wouldn’t be ok with it. Your body makes milk based off what your baby needs. Her body might not make milk that has all the nutrients your baby needs. Also, unless you know what she eats you don’t know what affects her milk will have on your baby, your baby could keep you up all night with gas. And do you know if she keeps her body as clean as you do? I would take more time for my baby to adjust to the bottle before going back to work.
My guess is that the babysitter loves her breastfed baby just as much as you love yours and she’s going to provide both a nutritious feeding and the 2nd best snuggle time… go for it! It’ll be good for baby and when you’re back home he’s still gonna want to nurse on you too!
I certainly understand. Our youngest daughter never took a bottle. At 6 months I returned to work, but my older sister was her sitter and since she would not take a bottle, even though I expressed milk she still wanted nothing to do with it. So, I would feed her before I left for work and then my sainted sister would bring her to my office for her next feeding. Don’t know what I would have done without her. If you know your sitter is already nursing her own child, I’d jump on that deal. Best of luck.
If she wasn’t on any dangerous medications/drugs and her baby looks pretty healthy, heck yes I personally would!
That’s literally what wet maids or wet nurses were. It’s only “weird” now because society makes it weird.
My son would only use the platex vent bottles and they have different nipples to choose from