Is it weird for a toddler to be naked while potty training?

My thoughts are it’s your home, and anyone who finds it weird is sexualizing potty training your child and that’s what’s weird :woman_shrugging:t2:


I did it… just wore a shirt…

I wouldn’t shame anyone, but I personally would AT LEAST have some undies on. Bc I also taught mine their private parts were NOT for others to see.


If people find a TODDLER running around naked for potty training weird then they have some deeeeeep soul searching to do :flushed:


Um no. My daughter did.

Id be reassessing the mental state of a person who thinks a naked 2 yr old is not ok. If this person or people thinks it’s somehow sexualised for a child that young to be running around naked I’d personally be keeping that person right away from my child.


The weird thing is the adult sexualizing this…now thats the problem


Do what’s best for you and your family

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My boys were always running around naked

My 2 and a half yr old daughter never has bottoms on

Mine both did it lol

When it comes to potty training, whatever works is fine.

It’s the child’s home, they are free to leave us they don’t like it.

My boy is 7 and is a nude nut. Inside his home HE has the right to be comfortable and puts on clothes when we have guests or usually runs around in underwear.

It’s TOTALLY NORMAL!! I have 3 kids… when they started potty training they were in panties or underwear only… my son got to the point where he didn’t wear underwear and preferred be naked… his sisters are 10 years older then him… it was just family in our house as well. No one thought it was strange or weird. It helped him so much with going to the potty. It’s not forever but during the process it is… the girls weren’t grossed out or bothered by it at all. We all cheered him on after going to the potty. Just part of the process. So yes let your toddler go naked… if that is what they prefer.

We always kept them diaper free during the day to help encourage potty use. I think it really helped them pick it up quickly

Lol whoever is telling you that’s weird needs to be watched (or not allowed at all) around your kids… There is absolutely zero weird about that. It’s a TODDLER potty training and yes being naked is a totally normal and common (and successful!) Way to start potty training. They are in their own home with immediate family members. Whoever is making that out to be “weird” is the one that needs watched. Only in the US would this even be a question :woman_facepalming:


It’s not weird for people to be naked in their own home. Nudity isn’t inherently sexual and nudists have existed as long as humans have existed. Bodies are natural. If it makes your life easier (and laundry load smaller) do it.

My son ran around naked at home until he was three. Does not matter they are babies!! Let ‘em run!!

When starting out potty training it is a god send for them to be naked. When people came over I just put a very long shirt on them. That way they still felt free but their parts weren’t swaying in the wind for company. When it was just us they free roamed the house lol. When they got older and could control more they wore undies. Than we added pants. It’s a process I believe. Do what’s best for you guys

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Not weird at all. My son started out potty training naked. After he mastered potty training naked, we worked on pulling pants down to use the potty.

My son is 8 and he still runs around naked at home his autistic and hates clothes has since he could take them off his self. I dont see no problem


My Nearly 5yos run around the house naked. They prefer it and idc. As long as they’re comfy with it let them do it

One of the better techniques if I might add.

Put them in underwear. Idk if it’s weird bc it’s there home… but I’d worry about the child being use to being too open in front of random people

If you and baby are safe and happy…who cares!!

My oldest refused to poop on the potty so one day I took all of his clothes off. Finally when he had to poop he ended up pooping in his own hand cuz he freaked out. From that moment forward he pooped in the potty.

whatever works. y’all r home, just family. Nobody elses’ business.

It’s a right of passage for all my babies!:joy:

My son was a preemie and in the hospital they had to take his diaper off or he would cry…diaper off he stopped…now he is 28 years old and still prefers to just have his boxers on…of course not cool in front of mom anymore…but even when he comes in my house shoes and shirt come off…so I’m thinking it’s natural…adults are who make it unnatural

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All mine did it and it really saves on the washing :joy:

Let the child be naked! Ain’t no harm.

I have no issue with nudity.

How this is not seen as normal is beyond me.

We potty trained nekkid. It’s all fun and games til something shoots out of them like a rocket and they run across the house crying making a trail :joy:


Kids will be kids. :rofl:

Awwwe the freedom of being naked, it feels so good! I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as they know they have to get dressed sometimes.

No that is how I potty trained my son , he was trained in 3 days

Definitely! It makes it so much easier for them!

I naked trained mine until they got the hang of it.

If the family feels uncomfortable around a naked child they shouldn’t be around the child. Period.


The only I problem I had with that with my older son. Was getting him to quit taking his clothes off every time he went to the bathroom, anywhere he went to the bathroom once he was trained…

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My son was a free bird at that age… Children also need to learn there are times, places and situations that they must wear clothes too😅 Just your household, no biggie. When company/family are visiting, it’s learning the difference between appropriate and also, sadly, the need for children to lean privacy for safety reasons.


Geez…she is a baby!!!

It would be weird to think it isn’t appropriate. There’s nothing wrong with naked in your home. Also nobody’s business.

Perfectly acceptable and very practical

Most kids I know have started going naked around potty training time.

Nothing wrong with it at all. As the child gets better at it id pop some underpants on so they can practice pulling them up and down though :blush:


I potty trained my oldest naked, he wouldn’t wear pullups, undies, nothing. I even tried to let him pick them out. He just took them off, I’ve had tons of electronics(Xbox, wii, ect) ruined from him peeing onto the fans ect. My second just knew because big brother was trained and he just watched him. So he didn’t go naked much. But still, naked is normal.

I mean at least a shirt lol

My kids all did it… thats how we were taught as kids our parents grandparents and so on…

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Nothing is wrong with that

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My middle son had 1 accident(he pooed) lol…and then every single time he used the bathroom after he had to b TOTALLY naked,he grew out of it,I think,but it was normal for our house lol

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This is EXACTLY how I potty train. It’s actually a potty training method. I believe it’s in the “oh crap” potty training books :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Girl let that kid run naked. Who cares what Anyone thinks.


My son would literally strip down completely naked everytime he went potty. Even at daycare, but in the bathroom :rofl::woman_facepalming: I still have the picture his teacher sent me of him when he was maybe 3.

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Totally normal mine wanted only underwear on and people still had things to say!

Normal, my kids & grandkids have spanning over the past 46 years till now no big deal.

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Little boys are very hard to keep clothes on until about 4… And little Lasses too. There should not be an issue unless someone makes it an issue. The more we drop children from being children the harder their little lives are. You child is 2… It should only be a concern between the parents…

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Your house, your child your family your choice is what say and both my kids were the same way…


That’s how my daughter was 99% of the time

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It’s normal…mine did it and it was better because they didn’t feel nothing next to there skin they used the potty more…

Um if your family members are uncomfortable with a two year old being naked then something is wrong


That person sounds crazy. Totally normal

Not weird at all. Helk when my daughter was 2 she got her shirt wet at the public library so she ripped all her clothes off and took off running. The Grandma volunteers thought it was do cute and hilarious…I was mortified trying to catch her to put them back on. Needless to say we left and I never went back.

Only before 1980. Clothe your kid.

I’d be questioning where their mind goes when they see a naked 2 year old… cause this is sooo normal and who ever that person is that said it’s not… they are not normal


I’m currently potty training my little boy and he’s naked 99% of the day I don’t think it’s a problem as long as we’re indoor.

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My son fights to keep his diaper off it’s normal

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Normal. Whatever makes potty training easier.


I thought everybody did this… lol my two girls wore long shirts but no bottoms when potty training and we couldn’t keep clothes on my son no matter how hard we tried so he was naked. If family or friends came over, we just put clothes on them


That’s how I potty trained my son. It made it so much faster!


Again world has gone mad …your in your own home, your child if anybody isn’t comfortable with it they don’t have to come in.


My daughter was naked 98% of the time when she was a toddler, she just wouldn’t keep her clothes on. She was in her own home and she was safe, absolutely no harm in it. Let their freak flag fly!

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All kids imo go through a naked stage.

My girls are nearly 3 and nearly 4, both toilet trained and both spend most of their time at home as “nudie bums”
Clothes are over rated

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They are at home, safe :blush:of course it’s ok for them to he naked

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We potty trained mine naked basically and the daycare told us they’ve never saw a kid train so quickly… Do what works for them and the process will be much less stressful on everyone

It’s normal. Our grandson did the same thing— no worries!

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Toddlers love to be naked, period. Especially while potty training, it’s 100% normal, and fine. You should know when your kid should be covered or not with who’s over. If it’s someone that has changed that babies diaper or babysat or dressed or bathed and you as a mother are comfortable with them, don’t worry. It’s completely normal.

No. It’s your home. It’s their home. I’ve had 4 children, and they all did this. It’s none of you Family’s business. If your children are safe, and loved, and you’re still their Mother everyone else needs to butt out.

My daughter is literally naked constantly

Girl. Who cares.
They like being naked and free…its one less thing to remove when they rush to the toilet.
Don’t let others opinions affect how you choose to do things with your child

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It’s normal for toddlers to want to be naked. We are comfortable with that in our own home. We do dress around others for the most part unless it’s close immediate family that watches him from time to time.

It’s only weird people who think that toddlers being naked is somehow wrong. To them, clothes are a real discomfort and inconvenience and they don’t have any other meaning

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100% normal.
If ppl are “uncomfortable”, they can leave.

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My boys and my daughter have spent the majority of the time at home “noodie toodie “ while potty training and even after. I wouldn’t have the people around who find it inappropriate because they see like the weird ones. They are still babies ffs.

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So much easier you do you hun

Unless there is a real concern about the family members the child is around I really don’t see an issue! Surely it’s the easiest way so you don’t have to keep dressing and undressing!

Completely normal, I’ve never met a toddler that liked clothes. :laughing:

I would worry about people who say it’s inappropriate. If they see it in a sexual nature then something isn’t right with them and I’d keep my babies far away from that person!

Mine stayed naked while potty training! It makes it so much easier.

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Best way to potty train

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My son did it for awhile and he was potty trained by 2 1/2 years old and started preschool as well. Trust me it works .

I personally don’t like to wear clothes at home either :rofl: why should the baby have to!? That being said my toddler isn’t ready for potty training yet he’s 15 months but he frequently spends the evening nakie for some diaper free time

I’m doing the same thing. It’s a lot easier and when I do put clothes on her she takes them right off, so I figure what the hell, why not.

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What toddler doesn’t try to constantly remove their clothes. It’s like a challenge.

Honestly little one is two years old…let them run around being free…all my children have done it and I think as long as the house is warm then it shouldn’t be a problem…bugger what family members say they are only little once and if potty training makes life easier like that then so be it.

My kids literally run around all the time nakey. Shouldn’t be an issue. This is their home. This is the one place they should be safe to do so. I run around in shorts and a tank top all day. My toddler runs around nakey sometimes and my son wears his boxers lol

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Whoever told you it’s weird is making it weird and I would be concerned about that…not a naked toddler