Is it weird for a toddler to be naked while potty training?

my grand son when he was 2 and potty training he to had to take off all his clothes do not know why he does that but after pottying he puts clothes back on he does not stay naked but also when my husband went to bathroom he takes his shrit off no reason he says but shirt must be off lol

My kids were always naked when they were potty training!

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I put a long shirt on my son and a dress on my daughter and commando underneath. My son got chilly being completely naked and my daughter likes her dresses. Whatever works for you, go with it. I’d family had a problem, they can wait til the kids are potty trained to come over :woman_shrugging:t2:

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That’s how I potty trained my girls!

My son is 2 and we’re sort of potty training sort of not. We’re going at his pace. He likes to be naked so I just let him run naked while nobody is over. Definitely helps with the emergency situations too

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All four of mine (3 boys 1 girl) potty trained naked. :woman_shrugging:t4: All potty trained in less than a week before the age of two.

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That’s how mine learned lol currently have a 2 yr old

I want to train my kids like this as it’s better and easier for them but mine refuse to stay with out and still trying to train my 3.5 year to do number 2 s and it’s all in his undies

Last year my 3 yo nephew ran around the back yard naked as we were potty training

It’s totally fine and cute. It’s so much easier to have them naked when potty training.

My daughter is going to be 4 in April and she hates wearing clothes. She wears her big girl panties but hates wearing anything else. Less laundry to do I say.

I see it as fine for younger kids. If they were like 8 or somwthing, I could see the issue. We are working on potty training and my son runs around naked at home. Our problem is he does great 100% of the time when naked, but when we try underwear or pull ups, he quits going to the potty :woman_facepalming:

My 18 month old is the same lmao :rofl: I think it’s natural and normal for children I think and to be so comfy

My potty trained nearly 4 year has recently started stripping as soon as he’s at home :joy: I’m just grateful he doesn’t do it in nursery or daycare :sweat_smile: it is perfectly fine for your little one to be naked in his own home. Ignore whoever said it isn’t, that’s their own issues…

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Both of mine were all the time and sure number 3 will be too. It helps a lot with potty training. I was actually told by my son’s pediatrician when he was that thats the best way

All mine ran naked when it was potty training season.

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My kids did the same thing.

Whoever said a naked 2 year old is inappropriate, needs to be kept far far away from that child… what kind of deviate mind would think that?!? Yuk


It is one of the ways some moms use to potty train as it’s easier than cleaning millions of pair of underwear everyday and helps prevent rashes as they run around in wet undies. As long as it’s just family there and no one can see in then go right for it. Might have to clean up puddles but it’s par for the course as they say. lol. Some use timers and underwear and some go all natural. Up to each mom and child.

Thats how I taught my 1st, only with underwear on so she felt when she got wet from peeing on herself

I tried everything until I let her run naked. Only took 2 weeks! :astonished:

Those family members need to mind their business and if they don’t like how you run your home, leave!

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Nothing wrong with a toddler being naked in their own home, I just wouldn’t have them running around naked with random people in my home.

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My 3 ran naked until 3.5 yrs old for potty training tell them to mind their own if that’s the way ur child is comfy just let them

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It’s his home if they don’t like it they can leave

My son is always in a dipper and or undies when he’s home only time he has cloths on is when we are about to leave the house
The minute we get home he’s Starts undressing

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Totally normal. My daughter would strip down just to sit in potty. Lol

Don’t worry what everyone else thinks. Its totally normal. My ex and I let my son run around naked at that age. At first we didn’t, but he figured out how to take his diaper off. That’s when we started buying pull ups. People now a days are quick to judge others. Just do you and don’t worry what others might think and say. I hope this helped. Have a great day!!!

My kids went without a diaper/pull up/ pants while potty training. They’re in the comfort of their own home. I’d worry more about the people saying it’s weird

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Not weird at all. One of my kids did this while potty training. I just thought it was because it was easier for last second need to go now situations, and didn’t need to pull down pants and try to get on the potty without an accident. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Not at all thats totally normal. We have the toddlers clothed when people who live outside our home come by (aside from their grandmas) but the toddlers run free until they have potty training down otherwise I’m cleaning loads and loads of peed on clothing that otherwise wouldn’t be necessary.

Some times they like to wear big kids panties. They do have a lot for boys and girls! :woman_shrugging:t3:

Tell me, what toddler actually LIKES wearing clothes? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: My two sure as hell didn’t. They would let themselves be dressed to leave the house, but as soon as their foot steps in the door… WHOOSH! Deal is off and clothes are the devil.


That’s how I potty trained my first kid, my second I’ve tried that and she doesn’t care to potty train yet.

I had a nursing friend & co-worker, who was a little OCD, she would strip down naked, wherever to go to the bathroom. To each their own :slight_smile:


Girl my daughter has been potty trained for a while and still runs around naked. Idgaf what people outside of my home think. If theyre uncomfortable with it they can leave.


My son would always strip down when he went to the bathroom. I had to teach him to not try an do it when we were out but always at home lol

Not weird at all. The members that thinks it’s weird probably shouldn’t be around the child anyways. They can leave or get over it

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It’s weird that those people want to put their nose in your business lol. Keep doing what works, momma!

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My son(2) has to take everything off to sit on the potty after putting everything back on 3 times I say F*** it and let him run naked.

Potty training is a huge pain as it is, I don’t se a problem as long as what they’re doing goes in the potty lol

Both of my grandsons,3 and 5 still strip all the way down when go to the potty when they are home or at my house. It’s not weird , it’s them being comfortable. People are so judgmental of others, when they need to worry about themselves.

My 3.5 year old boy is always naked lol

Literally fight with my son to get dressed :rofl: he is 4 and potty trained, he just loves being naked. I honestly don’t mind, obviously if we have company I get him dressed otherwise he is just naked lol

Tell whoever to mind their own business. Your baby isn’t in danger & potty training is a headache all on it’s own. So clothes should be the last of your worry.
Do what works for you & what makes your little one happy :blush:


Awk my god your we ones 2!! My 1 year old loves running about with just his nappy on! It’s their home and if they are comfortable tell the ones that aren’t to not come back if they don’t like it… most people potty train with mostly nothing on. Saves a washing pile the size of a mountain lol xx

It’s called bare bottom potty training and it’s a real thing. I have used this method on all 6 of my kids. When we had people over they were warned ahead of time and we would put an over sized t shirt on our child while leaving their bottom bare. There is no way I am going to bend to make someone else feel comfortable in my own home. You have been warned, come or don’t :woman_shrugging:


My daughters are 4 and 8, they both run around out side with just undies on. My 4 year old is toilet training as this is our goal before she goes to school next year

Every child I have ever known has run naked while training. The people saying it’s weird are the weird ones


That’s what I did with my daughter since it was just me and her usually and if someone did come over she had on panties or a pull-up and a shirt but now with my son with my daughter being there he wears his undies and usually a shirt but most of the time he prefers to have his pants or shorts on as well but I make sure he’s at least covered but he hates being naked anyways so it doesn’t bother him thankfully

Maybe not running around strangers, but my ex would still get totally naked to do #2 and I’ve actually come across many men that do that. As adults. Not sure why but I’m sure they have their reasons🤣

Attempted potty training age 2 1/2 but didnt happen until 4…typical boy!

Potty training at 2? Great job! Mine took a little longer.

Oh, and the naked thing. It’s a freaken toddler. Who cares? People need to get a life.


I have two- two and a half year old girls who strip as soon as we get in the door. It’s not wierd :rofl::rofl:


My kids loved being naked and now are always in their undies. They are only around us. It’s normal to us

My 4 and 3 yr olds are always running around naked it’s mom and siblings and then when dad comes over but if my sister where to come over they would have shorts on at least

If they’re wòrried about certain family members seeing then they shòuldnt be letting them around kids period


Nothing wrong with it as long as you’re in your household with no guest.

My 6(boy) & 5(boy) & 3(girl) & 2(boy) years olds run around in diaper/ underwear all day. During the summer outside in just underwear/shorts and during the winter inside only.

If anyone comes over and says that to me, I say there is the door and outside of that is the driveway and in the driveway is their car, you know how to start it and never come back. It’s my kids home, their safe place and if you want to make them feel uncomfortable in the comfortable space then you don’t deserve to be in their comfort zone. Good bye.

My kids comfortable and safe space comes first before anyone else’s feelings. I don’t care if your their grandma or grandpa or aunt or uncle. It’s my kids home not the family member home.


It’s her house to I’m grown and half of the time I don’t want to wear pants my self in my home

I don’t see any problem with this, except in my home, we had my cousins little boy stay with us. He was 4 and my daughter was 5. I only had concerns because they both had questions about the others’ body parts. But if there is no other young opposite sex person’s walking around asking questions I see NO ISSUES.

My daughter ran around with no clothes on for like 2 months, when she was potty training. We finally put an end to it because she has a bay window in her room & wouldn’t stay out of it. :woman_shrugging: But we also never had visitors, and when we did it was for a short period of time, so she just wore underwear at those times.

If it works for you and your child. Do it. Who cares what others say.

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It’s completely normal, it’s a phase all kids go through


Thats how I trained all mine


That’s the way my youngest was and he did the best with potty training! He went straight from diapers to undies, no pull ups in between. My 7 y/o still has accidents at night but my youngest has never had an accident! I am amazed at how good he did and I swear giving him the freedom to wear nothing once out of his diaper in the morning really helped!

Do what helps with potty training. You know your child

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Nothing wrong with it till you get company

Toddlers naked around nuclear family…not weird. Toddlers potty training naked in their own home…not weird. It’s actually fairly common for adults even to strip naked before going to the bathroom, especially #2. My teenage son is one of them. I too thought it was strange when he was younger and it never stopped so I started looking up statistics about how prevalent it is and it really is common…so I left it alone.

As long as you’re in your own home and they are naked just tell anyone that visits that they may see a naked baby at some point. If they can’t handle it they shouldn’t come over.

Normal & I’d it helps then so be it! Potty training is hard lol so I would totally let it slide, 1 less fight to deal with.

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Why r ppl worried about it’s in your hm it’s not like your child is in public running around naked. Ppl mind your own business n let this person do what’s best for her


I let both my kids run around naked or even in just there underwear when we were potty training them


Nope why would it be

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My 5 year old daughter is butt nekkid on the couch next to me playing a game. I think you’re good, man.

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Naked? Or with underwear on?

Whats the point of potty training if theyr not learning to take their undies off then put them back on when theyr finished… I mean hes naked all day goes toilet what happens when hes got undies on hes guna piss them cos he won’t know to take them off :joy::rofl:

Yeap thats a good way to potty train. Easy.

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My little girl who is 3 constantly runs around her home naked! When I dress her she takes them back off… if she is dressed it’s normally a top naked bottom :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Nope, easier for them

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What’s not appropriate is your family being weirded out or offended by a naked toddler.


Mine hated clothes. So he spent a LOT of time naked once he figured out how to take clothes off lol
Finally at 4, I had to tell him he had to wear at least undies, as the dog might hurt his penis thinking it was a toy. He then wore undies only lol

At home…even now at 9, he’ll strip down to his undies and we don’t even blink lol he’s walked around naked to, and we don’t bat an eye.
Home is safe. Home is comfort.
It’s body parts…just like hands,knees and toes 🤷
But I’ve been one to walk around in a bra and undies tho, as well as naked…so nudity isn’t a big thing in my house🤷 no one even reacts to it lol
We just make sure curtains are closed in windows that can be seen into, just in case lol

… Yeah my son when he was 2-4 years old usually went outside to play in his kiddie pool naked joy of being rural lol :joy:


Those people telling you that are whack af :woozy_face: that’s how I potty trained my youngest 2 kids. It’s their house they should be allowed to be how they please at least when they’re younger. My mom let me do it you know why? Because she didn’t want me to be ashamed of my body by telling me to cover it up.


No, just do you, I wouldn’t worry about what other people think, that’s how I potty trained mine and my grandkids. The next step is teaching them to pull their underwear up and down. You got this​:balloon::balloon::balloon:


If someone who lives in your home is uncomfortable with a naked 2 year old running around GET THAT PERSON OUT OF YOUR HOME!!!


This is what we do except he keeps a shirt on most says, but naked on the bottom half, it helps him when it comes time to go potty cause he can’t get his undies down fast enough by the time he realizes he’s gotta go. If they have a problem with it tell them not to come over

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No all my grandchildren took off their clothes when they were potty training. Potty training opens another set of curiosity in kids and they are taking notice of how things work and how different they are. The toddler will stop doing it as you are training them let them know they don’t have to take clothes off to go potty.

Perfectly normal. My grandson is 3 & it felt like he was naked the whole time he was 2 :face_with_hand_over_mouth::rofl:
Now he goes to preschool 2 days a week & he stays fully dressed.

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This is totally normal. My mom potty trained 8 children this way. I potty trained both my girls this way as well since it was easier for them to run to the potty chair & just sit. I’d be telling your family they need to stay away from your child if that’s what they’re thinking when a 2yr old is naked in his/her own home.

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Your kid. Your rules. Period!

Depending on the family members your allowing them to run around naked around … but besides that whats the problem with being in your own home naked espeacially when your potty training … theres no need for so much laundry :neutral_face::neutral_face::neutral_face:

Your house, your baby, your rules! Tell them to Eff off!!


A naked 2 year old is not the problem. The adult trying to sexual it IS! Please also use this opportunity to starr teaching your child the correct terms for their body parts and about good touch, bad touch.


Lmfao🤣 tons of people potty train their kids this way.
Creeps me out someone is making this a sexual thing though.:flushed:
Not sure I’d be having them around very much anymore.


What idiot told you that lol

I’d be asking them why they think it’s wierd or uncomfortable to see a naked toddler, and then I’d keep my distance. Naked toddlers are normal, that way of thinking is not…


It’s only weird because American minds have been conditioned to think it’s weird

Pffft they’re just jealous. Hell I’d run around naked in my house if I could! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::rofl:

What’s inappropriate and gross is the personal sexualizing a 2 year old potty training.


It’s the people you least expect that would hurt your child. No put that baby some clothes on. At least underwear.

Mine ran around in his undies. Or pullups. First pullups then when they understood and started to get a hang of it I changed them to undies so they would feel like a Big Boy. Or Big Girl. That way they could go easier and without mom constantly running after to help.
If an adult is uncomfortable with it , I’d be weary of my child being alone with them. It’s a definite red flag. It shouldn’t bother anyone. They are just babies.
My daughter started asking at 10months. My son at the same.