Is it wrong for me to ask my childs grandma to stop taking so many pictures/videos?

Talk to her. Even older people have issues and addictions. She obviously doesn’t have balance and isn’t respecting your boundaries. It’s not her child. It’s your child. Ask your daughter too.

Thats called having a personal problem hunnay!

I think it’s ok for her to take lots of video and pics as long as she is not posting anything not approved by you on social media…cuz it sounds like it may be over load…and I think it ok to tell her when your child is feeling shy to respect that and focus more on in person bonding without a camera

Your child ,your rules.

Who cares? She is grandma. Leave her alone

Your child, your rules!!

Nothing wrong with taking memories and freezing them ! Chill out

Kind of, yeah. That’s the kids grandma it’s not like she’s taking pics to sell him on the black market.

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You sound crazy af​:joy::joy::joy::skull:

I am very careful about how many pics and videos I post of my children. We are living in a time where privacy is almost null and so much of our lives are online. Pedophiles are stealing pics from others’ sites and using them for their sick purposes, even innocent, sweet pictures. Some are using them to choose their next victim as they become obsessed with someone’s precious little one. Please believe me— I was raised by a pedophile. There are no boundaries and you don’t want tons of your children’s photos on social media. For this reason I would sit her down and explain your reasoning. Make boundaries of when and where she can share her photos, and if she doesn’t comply, then ask her not to take any at all. It’s your job to take care of your child-- not to please grandma with unlimited photo access.

how is this harming you

My grandmother would randomly call me to go to her adult daycare so she can show me off to her friends. I would drop everything to do that for her. She passed in 2013 and it makes me sad that I cant do it anymore. She was never a bother and my kids and I miss her so much.

Instead of making it into a fight how about you offer to take the pictures of them and maybe have them framed so she can display them around her house.


This may be drastic, but if your daughter were to ever be gone, you would be extra grateful for all those pictures/videos/memories. I lost my mom and when I see a new pic of her, I am completely ecstatic about it. My mom adored my daughter and always took pictures. Now that she’s gone, I love seeing all the pictures she took of her and them together. It’s a wonderful memory. I think you need to relaaaaaaax


I think this is childish, both of my children’s grandmothers are deceased. I would love for them to have a grandma to be proud enough to show them off.


I think you should let her.

I’m so thankful to have video and photos. Enjoying the moment is great but also when she leaves- she deserves to have all that to watch over and over.

I personally can’t remember about 5 years of my sons life, but thankful have many video and photos that help me “remember” him growing up.


Yes. I’m a hobby photographer, and our grandkids are 24, 24, 21, 21, 15. I’ve take LOTS of photos of each/all of them since Day 1. I’d have been extremely upset if my daughter or DIL had asked me not to take so many. They change overnight, sometimes, …or so it seems.

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My question is why cant all of you parents realize what these grand kids mean to us. I am a grandmother of 2 beautiful girls my daughter n son hass no problem if I do pictures/ video. The old saying is this you love ur children but the love for the grandbabies is a love beyond words. My pictures are printed off and given to my children and other family members bc alot of times I captured what they miss. When ur daughter gets a little older she will Express to her grandparents they dont want to take pictures my grandbabies tell me and they are 5 n 8.

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Take it from me I lost my daughter her birthday just passed August 27th
I receive pics I’ve never seen before from a lot of people
I would just tell her not to send pics to strangers she can show them herself or they can see them on her fb (if she has one)
I was grateful for all of the pics that I’ve never seen. Explain your concern with grandma and go from there.

Definitely not wrong. If anyone wanted my child on camera that much, they’d be putting their phone & camera in a bowl when they come in my house or leaving those things in the car. Abuse the privilege, lose the privilege. Grandparents don’t get to do whatever they want because they’re old & raised one of the parents. That’s not how life works.
&This comes from someone whose children don’t have grandparents who are involved in their lives.

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If your child is made uncomfortable ,granny should stop after 3 or 4 . Remind grandmom that while she is taking photos she is missing spending that time really interacting and bonding.Having her photos and sharing them with her friends is what grannies do. My grandchildrens’ parents have an absolute right to protect their child as they see fit. Being Grandma does not give you absolute rights

Stop :joy: you need to calm down because what happens when your older and miss those times and look back on pics…my favorite time was looming at pics with my Oma.

Yup too controlling. Just appreciate your child has someone who loves them. Why is that so hard?

Lol you’re rediclous

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OMG, really!? Be grateful that they give a shit. There are a lot of kids who don’t have that kind of love in their lives.

Let it go she is a proud grandma

Just stop! This is ridiculous!

Sounds like my MIL lol

She is a happy grandma!!

Shit my grandmother use to set up a video camera and record the whole weekend while us kids were little. Now that she’s passed US grandchildren enjoy popping in a tape and watching it

Don’t know about u, but I would love to see the day when my mother will take pictures of my children

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Suggest she limit it.

She ain’t hurting nothing.

Yes. I would let it go.

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If only my child had grandparents, they passed away when he was 7 years old. I would give everything to hear him say grandma.

You’re her mother…if you don’t want a camera in your kid’s face all the time, you are well within your rights to tell grandma to cool it. A few pics, a quick video here and there…but why so many? She should spend her time interacting with her grandchild, not filming and posting. That would tick me off… No one should post pics of another’s kid without permission.

Shit just be happy your child has a grandmother that is involved🤦Alot of kids dnt get that :100:


Yes. You are. Gosh, I’m glad my grand baby’s mom isn’t like this.

Maybe empowering your child to let grandma know if she’s had enough filming she should let grandma know is all that’s needed :woman_shrugging:t3: Their relationship will be what they decide it is. And as mamas you’ll be there if child has any questions or concerns to talk her through it

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My daughter has had an issue with me taking pics of my granddaughter and sharing them on my Facebook page aswell. At the time she even felt inclined to let everyone know that she fears for her daughters safety with pedophiles out there. Which I can understand her point of view in a sense when it comes to safety. What I don’t understand is why is it ok for her to take pics and post them but not me as a grandmother. If people think memories don’t matter, wait till pictures are all you have left. Then what? People need to stop complaining. Some complain if a grandparent is in their grandchild’s life too much and some complain that they aren’t around enough. Sad that nothing makes people happy anymore.

Yes. Be happy your kid has a grandma in her life that loves her.

My child’s grandparents aren’t allowed to have photos of my child because they are toxic people and because they’ll send them to people we don’t want our child having any contact with.

One day all u will have left are photos. Then maybe you’d appreciate it

No mention of how your husband feels…it’s his kid too

I hope she doesn’t post them on social media without asking you !!! I am a proud grandma of 6 myself however I would never post without their permission too many creepy people in the world Period


Hell NO! You’re not controlling at all, ask her to back off a little bit , she needs to visit also.


My daughters paternal grandmother does this. She also adds people she’s never met before on Facebook. I can’t post a single photo without her saving it to her phone and uploading it on her own Facebook page as if she took it

I definitely understand my father that was in and out of my life tried to be a huge part of it after I had my daughter and was posting pictures if send him of her or that he’d take of her on FB all of the time and continued to do so after I asked him to stop several times. It took me telling him I wasn’t comfortable with sharing her pictures with him anymore for him to realize how uncomfortable it really made me… He gets pics every now and again

Oh let her
if it makes her happy why not
Grandmother’s love to brag about their grandchildren

Yes, you’re too controlling. Grow up. Let grandma be grandma.

That would really annoy me. How is she sharing the photos? Facebook? Text message? This isn’t about how much the grandmother loves her grandchild, this post is mostly for privacy. People don’t need to know every thing online or through text. If she’s posting on Facebook, anyone can see those photos, technically, once you post a photo on Facebook that photo now belongs to Facebook and they have the right to use it however they want. Even if you delete the photo the photo will be saved somewhere. You don’t know who have screen shot that photo. If it’s sharing through text, you don’t know what that person is going to do with that photo. It is now in their possession to do whatever they want with it. I have a huge problem with the sharing aspect of it. Tell her to not share the photos with anyone and only share those photos with you.

This why so many people have issues with boundaries. Family does not give automatic rights. If a parent requests something. They need to abide by it

If it makes u and especially her uncomfortable I think it’s a valid request. Sounds like it not asking her to stop but to cut down on it. I think u both can come to a reasonable agreement.

Just ask them to stop and tell them why that your girl , Does not like it and if there dont then say stop coming around then

I think it depends on the family, we constantly take pics and vids of the kids, me included, mom to 5 and nan to 17, we love looking at them, just been doing that very thing.

Make sure grandma is in the pics with her. I have absolutely no photos of my mom with my daughter. None. My mom has since passed away. Make sure you are in pics too. I barely have pics with me and my daughter because I was the one taking the photos. As we get older these photos mean so much more.

Stop being a bitch. Simple