Is it wrong for me to ask my childs grandma to stop taking so many pictures/videos?

I would not mind all the picture taking or videos but sending it to people you don’t know would personally bother me because too many creepy people out there

Be happy she’s in her life. My husband and I both lost our mothers. This kinda pisses me off. People take so much for granted

I ask my mom to limit the pictures she takes to a few (not the best picture taker) and not to share them. I continue to have issues with her posting pictures on Facebook that I have taken but not posted online (kids wishes). No problems with my in-laws and pictures

I’d be talking about the fact your baby gets shy of the camera instead of how many pics etc, if it makes her uncomfortable then so be it, but if someone was shoving a phone in my face wanting pics all the time and I didn’t like it I’d tell them :sweat_smile:

You need to stop… I could understand concerns of the shares, but who is she sharing them with? I’ve been on both sides of the fence. Case in point, when asked to share pics either I am not answered or am told after she shares them, okay I’m fine with that. I understand wanting to share pics of your child first. But, that’s when I get an answer, I usually don’t. I then go on to see that the maternal grandmother with a public social media account shares pics that I’ve asked about sharing that is loved by the mother. Are you concerned with who may see your child’s pics or are you being petty? Now, with that being said, I still have a child at home whose pictures I share. My social media is not public. When they were younger, I posted then as well as other family members. I would have been thrilled had paternal grandma had something to do with my kids or cared about them. At the end of the day, it’s your child. If sharing the pics in public is the issue for you, tell her this. Many women dismiss the paternal sides family and any feelings they may have, but ask yourself this before you get upset… would you say the same to your mother? Is this retaliation for something else? I understand why you may be upset with who she is sharing them with, but the complaints about her taking them seems like nitpicking.

My grandma will take 4 pictures all the same way. She could be making a photo album for when your kids get older. As long as she’s not sharing them with everyone, what’s the big deal?

I don’t think you should ask her to not take them, but I would defiantly speak up on sharing the pictures, you never know who ends up with the pictures

Are you serious, I am sorry but you are overreacting, I have 4 grandbabies and love showing my videos and pictures to all my friends and family…

Let her take the pictures. Maybe she doesn’t see them as often as she would like and loves to look at pictures. But ask her not to share if you don’t have nothing to do shared

To me, the real issue is the child’s comfort and best interests. That is not okay for the child. Or their relationship.

No you aren’t. As you said she’s missing out getting to know your daughter. I’m a grandmother and I’m reluctant to share pictures of my granddaughters because I have no idea who knows a pedophile, or someone else looking to snatch a child. Bottom line she needs to respect your boundaries or you need to limit her access Don’t let her guilt you into not standing your ground

Let her take the pictures & videos she’s a proud grandma showing off her grandchildren.

Let take all the pictures! But don’t let her share them with just anyone. That’s a little scary toe because you do know who she is sharing with.

i dont think taking pics is a bad thing maybe for memories but sharing them with people you dont know I wouldn’t be ok with

Maybe you should take some videos that way they can both be in them.

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Pictures are memories for your children…I would let her know how you feel about sharing them with everyone…when I share pictures of my grandkids I tag the moms and also ask first…Good Luck and God Bless

No you are not too controlling. This is your child not hers. You need to tell her outright no more videos and pictures. She can take them on holidays and her birthday but only a few

I had to tell my mom about this as well. She didn’t take too kindly at 1st. I further explained how ppl prey on kids to kidnap and abuse. She took me serious after that.

Guess I’m different :woman_shrugging: because I absolutely love when my mom in law or any other family members take videos & pictures of my son’s espicially when I’m not there to capture the moments myself but they always ask if they can share or post them, I actually get really upset when I’m the only 1 that cares to take pictures & videos because no one else does or doesn’t feel the need to have their phones on them especially capturing those special moments, the 1st time whatever it is, Vacation or anything else we do, Pictures are everything to me & memories to look back on someday & share with my future grandchildren :woman_shrugging:

You are entitled to your feelings and choices concerning your child. Have you consulted with the child’s father on this?

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At least tell her to stop sending it to random people. Had to tell my mom and mother in law to stop doing that. It should be up to you if she shares pictures of your child.

Nope you aren’t. There are boundaries and you’ve got to set them. I tell my family no and that they need to show me what they want to post first, and I have rules on what they can post. No shirtless, nothing inappropriate, and nothing personal (name on a shirt or something, addresses, commonly frequented areas (like sign names). I send my in laws pictures every so often and usually 50+ at a time.

Its up to you momma. Dont matter what ANYONE has to say. Seems she just wants to show off that shes a grandma. She should spend more time with her grandchild. Not sit behind a camera the whole time. The child will know the camera more than grandma

As a Granny, I would feel fine with my grandchilds mom asking to take less pics. Just explain that it makes your daughter a bit embarrassed and uncomfortable to have so many pics taken of her. And I definitely wouldn’t send pics to people that parent of child doesn’t know. I understand shes a proud grandma, but if she wants to brag then she should show her friends the pics, not send them pics. Too many hackers & pedophiles out there.

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I can understand with posting or sharing photos. Too many weirdos these days.
But as far as
taking of the photos that’s just grandma.
Tell her you don’t want them posted or sent to people you don’t know if that’s what you want.

How often does she visit? If it’s now and then…leave that lady alone…is this her first grandchild? That answers everything…

The easiest thing to do is to ask is it okay crazy times now the internet opens a whole different game I am grandma to 9 with 4 greats and no drama know your boundaries parenting is different now just ask

She should be asking you about sharing the photos! As far as her taking so many I’d probably let that go

I would limit it if your child is shy about it. I would also limit the sharing. This world isn’t the same world she had babies in. It is your child not hers. You have final say.

You’re the mom you have the right to tell her to stop taking pics and especially sending them to random people.

I wouldn’t care about her taking the pictures, but I would have a problem with her sharing pictures with every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

Would you have had a similar feeling if it were the maternal grandmother taking the pics?

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You’re children, you’re rules. Period. If you don’t want her doing those things with content of your children, put your foot down. It’s never too late to teach the grandmother of consent.

I would say something…if its to the point she’s not enjoying the visit then I would just record her at home and send the pics and vids to her

My kids paternal grandparent has been banned from taking any pictures or videos when shes around my kids. Its your choice do whats right for your kids and you.

Way too controlling. Just remember, no one cares about seeing those pics or videos. At least she is involved. Pick another battle.

I agree it is a bit controlling because she wants to remember everything and you never know when her time on earth will be over but you should talk to her about sending stuff to people you don’t know

I would have no pictures taken,only if parent agreed. It’s part reason why so many people know so much about you. It never leads to goood.

This is not an issue, be happy instead you have grandparents that are over the moon over their granbabies

my daughter In law laid down the law early on… mostly due to her mother posting many pics of our first granddaughter… my son and daughter in law take the pics and we get to see them online… they are not shareable to just anyone… this is fine by me… with the world the way it is today i think it makes sense

It’s okay for her to take them for her own viewing BUT you have the right to ask her not to post them on any media sites or on any places that can be accessed by technology. As a grandmother it brightens my day to look at pictures and/or videos that I have of my grandchildren!? That helped me through the lockdown caused by this pandemic!

It’s your child. Every visit is just to much… it obviously is adding to much stress on you & your daughter. That’s not ok… :cry:

Let her be, unless you want your kids to restrict you later. How harmful could it be?

If it makes your daughter selfconcious and uncomfortable then you should tell grandma to stop.

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Your child will get used to it and maybe she will share them for a memory book when she graduates. The novelty may decrease in time.

There is a boundary , or should be there , hugs , kisses & chatting before video Time , connect first At least.

Taking them is one thing but sharing is a whole other ball game
One has to be careful who sees them as there are many sickos out there hiding in sheep’s clothing
I also agree on consent of the child
If the child is shy that should be taken in consideration

Take pics of everything . My sons dad got mad I took a ton of pics of him and our son my sons dad passed away in 2015 when my son was 5 I’m glad I took pics I take pics of everything

If it was really a problem you would stop the visits period :roll_eyes:

She is missing everything if she stays behind the camera

I’ll just say that you recognize the importance of pictures when thats all you have left.

I love taking pictures, and I also love looking at them throughout the years… They’re little for so long and then they hate their pictures taken. I’d let her enjoy those moments, but also make sure SHE’S in those photos too. :heart::heart::heart::heart:

So at one point I would’ve agreed with you. However, now that I am about to be a grandma, nah :joy: My camera is gonna be at the ready 24/7

It’s ur child. You’re the parent. Speak up & put ur foot down. Stop letting others run all over u.

It’s not called a “Grandmas Brag Book” for nothing.

Also… be fair. Would you do this with your own mother? I doubt it.

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Is ok to set your own rules. I had a no pic rule with both my family and his family the fear of a pedophile looking at my baby or my toddler was high. You can take pics but definitely do not share with people i dont know

Im the opposite sometimes I forget to take picture I’m so much into being there.

My grand parents always had that camcorder on their shoulder. No problem

Your child, your rules. What others think doesn’t matter.

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Who cares what everyone thinks at the end of the day its your child do what you feel you need to do.

Nope not at all. Your her parent you can raiser her as you choose… tell her with all the freaks on line you don’t want your daughter being out out there…

Why? Is she posting these on social media and you disagree? If not let her take pictures

Grandmas deserve pictures. I bet if it was your mom doing it you wouldn’t have an issue. You can bet when my boys have babies Im gonna take millions of photos and the mom can like it or not. Those kids are half her sons.

The pictures are not a big deal - her posting them without permission is a no no. Too many perverts out there.

Ask her not to share them or any information about her. That’s how the sicko’s get the information.

She’s the grandmother. Let her take the damn pictures. Jesus. Let her share them with HER FRIENDS…Who cares? She’s a proud grandma. You sound uptight AF. Must be your first.

Be excited and love the fact that your daughter has a grandma in her life that cares and adores her.


There is nothing wrong with taking pictures

Yes you are too controlling . Don’t be a Karen


Lighten up it’s a proud grandma thing.

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Oh my goodness…one day you will be thankful for those precious memories! Be grateful!

Your the mother, it’s your child, u have every right not to have ur child’s photo sent to someone, if you need to have a “sit down talk” , with her…and ask her not to do this, and exsplain ur feelings to her,then do so.
If she loves you-she’ll respect you.
If she won’t., TEACH HER TOO RESPECT YOU and keep ur daughter away for a short time., (when she asks WhY you haven’t brought her Grandchld around,Exsplain why.,and what respect You exspect)
If she’s willing to listen …
Then it’s safe to say, it’s just an over excitement of being a grandma., ( we do get excited with our grandkids)
I am a mom of 6.,
And went through this very thing u r…,
Lay down boundaries.,
But I’m also now, a first time grandma.,and get excited with takeing pictures(plus love photography;).,and love being a Grammie; but if my daughter ever asked me to stop., or back off some /I would .

You absolutely have the right to tell her not to share them with anyone. Thats your child and if thats a boundary you feel is being pushed then put your foot down. My childs grandmother knows shes not allowed to share pics of my son without my explicit permission. I also believe she should ask your daughter before putting her on camera. I always ask my son before I take pics/record him and hes five. Consent is important to teach and if shes not comfortable with it she should have the right to say no.



You’re not too controlling.

Her blowing off your concerns and preferences regarding your own child smacks of narcissism.

What else might she blow off?

Cut toxic people out of your life.

YOU are the mom here.

I wish my daughter would…:joy::joy::joy:lol this Mimi is going to show off her grandmunchkins. Only thing is she asks me to put their pics on friends only on my FB page because of weirdos :grimacing:

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Who cares let her take pics shes a proud granny. I could have one who doesn’t care at all

I wish my kids grandmothers paid attention to them.

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Enjoy the fact that she is involved with your child, some children dont have that opportunity.

Anyone who has lost someone they love takes pictures like this

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God blese one day his mama will be dead and you know what y’all will find and treasure yep all those damn pictures you want to complain about.i swear some of you really don’t get the pride grandparents have .my mama has been gone 7 and a half yrs ,tbe pictures and drawings she kept .gpd bless the ignorance of some. I hope hubby stands up to yoih and tells you to leave it be ,my grampa woukd tape everyone on new yrs eve and ask how is your night now on the last day of the yr then ask what do you wish for the new yr .he took lots of pictures and guess what dude got alzheimers towards his 70s into 80s ,and all them pictures we used to show and gave his great grand …my kids remember all that papa did and the pics he took .it was a wall of family in his home then it was 2 walls of family. God bless America for anyome trying to take from that

Yes. Let her take the pics. But talk to her about sharing with random people

The only thing that would bother me is her sending the pictures u can show some people but dont send my kids pics to anyone

So all these people throwing a fit cause she shares them with her friends, do you expect her to remove any and all pictures from her house whenever she has company over?? I’m sure gramma has friends over that DIL doesn’t know. I wonder if maternal grandma takes pictures or has any up in her house and if that’s ok or not?


Damn this is an uptight mom. Get a life. It’s her grandmother for fvcks sake. That’s what they do. Be glad her grandmother is there.

I take as many pictures as I want. I ALWAYS ask before sharing with fam or posting on social media. They are not my kids.

Yes, I think you are. As a Grandma myself, it’s what we do.

No your not. If you have rules she needs to respect and follow them

My mum don’t take pictures of my kids :broken_heart:… however I see your valid concerns her I do … maybe just try to get her to understand your point of view… xx :purple_heart:

I would let her take pictures but to share them with people you don’t know I wouldn’t like that.

Is she sending them to random people she meets online type thing or family friends that you just dont know personally ? .

She wants to preserve memories. Nothing wrong with that. Tell her it makes you uncomfortable that she shares your daughter’s photos with strangers and ask her not to do that. But other than that, let her take as many photos as she wants.

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First world problems :roll_eyes:


Ask her if she wants her granddaughter to remember her or her phone

Is this your first baby? First grandbaby?

This is a lifelong relationship and should be handled with love and grace.

There are things that irritate the piss out of first time moms and by child number 3 you will not even be phased by these things.

Try not to steal joy from someone who loves your daughter.

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I am a picture taking Grandma, don’t share any on social media.

I can understand the sharing thing, cause we do live in a time where it’s endangering to do that. However, as long as you at least explain that to her, I don’t see why she should be limited to picture’s though! Your children are lucky to have a grandparent who loves them and wants lots of pictures! All my children’s grandparents are horrible people or dead. 🤦🤦

You won’t understand until you are a grandma

That’s what grandmas do

I’m in nc and my son is a nd my ano so are my grandkids all I have are fb picture for now

I love the fact grandparents want to make as many memories and if that’s taking pics then I personally wouldn’t have a problem, each to there own x💕