Is it wrong of me to ask my ex for money?

No ask him and use the dollar general app for coupons for that kinda stuff only way I afford anything at all

Oh no please talk to him about your situation if he has any sort of empathy at all he will help out

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You will probably get less from child support if you file, and you definitely shouldn’t file just because you fell on hard times and can’t make ends meet right now. I would ask family and friends for help with anything that isn’t a need for the baby. If you need him to take the baby until you are financially stable then do that.


Heather Hotaling He is already giving her money willingly! She is the one not working. And expects him to pay more? When they aren’t together and he doesn’t live with her. How much do you think he should pay her?? His responsibility is to help with their child. Not her, Not her household. This is exactly why men get a bad name! Even when they do give money for their child, they still want more. Get a job. Point blank. And both take care of their child. It’s always the men who are the bad person. But he’s already giving her money. She’s the one Not working right now. :woman_facepalming:

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Get child support! And don’t ask him money…

Gonna have to really get out there and find a job. We don’t know how much he gives you in those 2 times a month. Ask him for help. Maybe sit down and decide on an amount. If its very little or he won’t help, then file, but you need to do everything you can to find a job. Sign up for food stamps. Call local churches.
I’ve been in this predicament. I asked for help from my kids dad, got 2 jobs that I walked to, filed for food stamps and got on my feet. And if all else fails, have dad take them for a bit. I did when I was living in a hotel as that was no life for children. I got them back once I got those 2 jobs and an apartment. I know it’s hard mama, but you got this!

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You should just ask him nothing wrong with asking him for help. I like how everyone is going straight to child support because she can’t pay any of her bills, child support isn’t for that it’s for the kids stuff not so she can pay all her bills with no job. Honestly if she is incapable of financially taking care of the kids then custody should go to him. None of you even asked do they have shared custody or how often does he have his kids you just jumped straight to child support

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If there’s no CS support in place, then by all means ASK!!! And then go after wkly/mo child support thru the legal channels.

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Make him step up. U didn’t have those beautiful babies on ur own! If he doesn’t then u shld look into child support! U shldnt struggle to just make it easier on him. Ur doing the best for ur kids. Keep ya head up and stay strong

Don’t go without. Ask him

Why don’t you do child support do yous have 50/50 custody? If not and you have them more he definitely needs to be paying child support also go apply for emergency assistance so you can get foodstamps, cash and health insurance.

File for monthly child support so you are able to pay for the necessary things for your children every month. and dont be afraid to ask for a little extra help for things that benefit your children for the time being…definitely keep looking for a job though. If you need help you need help. Dont listen to these meanies

Lots of jobs available every one is hiring!

See if there is a child services organization in your area. Check with the local places of worship and let them know what your needs are. They might even be able to help you find a job. Some states have free meals for kids in school. Check that out for your state. Check and see if there is a food pantry in your area. A few more meals might give you better food security and lift your morale a bit. Food pantry’s generally provide more than just food, by the way. Look for a Family Services place; sometimes the Catholic Church has these places, sometimes synagogues and the Jewish community provide support. The Mormon/LDS church might be able to help you as well. They run Deseret Industries and they may be able to provide you with goods in exchange for volunteer work. These places typically get donations of toilet paper, diapers, wipes, and paper towels. Check and see if you qualify for unemployment benefits or welfare. If you qualify for welfare, they typically help you get a child support order in place.

And, yes, ask the kids dad for help with necessities. You might reach out to your family, too.