Is it wrong of me to ask my husband to be home at a certain time?

He is already done with you —NOW, you need to be done with him !!! He doesn’t want to be there so make it official !!! IT only gets worse, the longer you allow this to go on …no more fantasizing —he is being clear —-Your turn and I hope you and any children do very well w/o him !!!

Why you asking people on the internet.aint you got your own opinion.

Sounds like time to get rid of him

It sounds like he’s cheating

I don’t understand he’s not trying to provide for his family but goes and sit somewhere else all day and nite… Darling he’s using u as the maid and ur home as the BnB… Kick is sorry downlife backside to the kerb… And u provide a healthy life for urself and ur babies… U don’t need a dumb ass low life who doesn’t care a wits for his family… Think positively u can and will do this on ur own…

He’s a loser, and you’re better off without him. Kick his ass out!!

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He should be thinking about looking for a job instead if worry about being in the streets if he has a job working that’s one think but too be out just to be out I ask him why is his ass itching and he need to be working get a Hobbie besides being in the streets like a teenager like grow up already

First off… I would not leave your children with that man at all. Even if he is the father. You don’t trust him now I sure as hell wouldn’t leave my babies with him. He already gets mad that you have to wait to get your children to school, he wouldn’t get them to school if he had to do it. Take your children to a safe place, then do what you have to do. Its not the children fault. Its between you and him. Then later maybe you and him can explain to them. If they are older they Probably already know and just not saying anything. Its mostly likely hurting them inside and just waiting for a blow up between you and him. So before the children see and hear a big blow up with you two. Take care of the problem now before its too late.

What goes around comes around . Give him a dose of his own medicine do you leave for a while and don’t answer your phone who is controlling who each other especially when he’s a broke ass man and who is giving him the money to put gas in his car? You are !!!

Dump his ass. If he isnt gone because if work you dont need him he isnt helping by bringing in money or helping with the kids. I get the occasional guys night out when he has been busting his ass working but staying away from you all day while kids in school something is wrong. Or even if he is temporarily laid off he should be using that time to spend with you with the occasional time out with friends. Most likely it’s another woman cause most men would enjoy the opportunity of no kids home and getting some alone time with their partner.

I wouldnt deal with that. If my husband did that i would tell him shit needs to change or Im gone. Its not fair to me or the kids. Besides what so important over there?

Have some self respect and get out. Fuck that guy.

This is why I always tell my daughter to have her own money and make sure that she can take care of herself. This is nothing but blatant disrespect and she said herself that he doesn’t want to be there so she needs to file for divorce. Not having a job and not looking is a deal breaker for me