Is it wrong that I am sometimes naked around my teen sons?

are you in a towel? or completely naked? is the door shut? or open? details matter ma lol
but if its fully nude in front of them at this age then ya its a little weird lol

Towel covers more than a bathing suit, I see no offense here.


So what you are saying is… you walk around in a towel in your home! Oh goodness tell whoever had a fit over it to shut up!

Yes it is wrong and it’s disgusting that should be no reason why your grown sons should see you naked


Shit atleast your in a towel my moms boobs be out and in the open for the world to see sometimes lmao they are your children I think they will survive :rofl:

I don’t see a problem with it.

However I can understand your son being upset about it.
17 &18 yr old boys hormones are insane, girls are now sexy and give sexual feels. Their embarrassment levels are high, their insecurities are high and the way they look at women is now different.

Are you wearing an actual towel around or do you go to ur room take off the towel and walk around naked as u get dressed with the door open. BC I can understand a teenager not wanting to see their parent naked. If ur in a towel and nothing’s showing , I’d just have a discussion and ask why it bugs him?..

Everyone raises their children differently… I say do you … their your children…
My boys walked around when they lived at home in their boxers… I would wear a towel after my shower and go to my room…
We lived in Florida then and they seen so much more on the beach by people they did not even know
It’s called life

I have zero privacy. With this I mean my kids literally walk in on me in the bathroom while using it and while in the shower. So they see it all and to be honest it’s just a norm in my house. My kids pay me no mind neither. So I don’t see anything wrong with it at all.


People only take offense when they don’t do it! It’s Your house and if your kids are used to it then it’s nothing new for them! My mother did it as long as I can remember and it was never a big deal in our house! You make it a big deal then they will too! I have walked around in a towel around my kids and so have they, hell my 23yr old son came and sat on the couch in a towel and asked me to brush his hair (he has long hair) after he got out the shower! We don’t body sham here!


In Germany this is completely normal! When we lived there my children seen males and females naked all the time. It Is only as weird as you make it.

Me personally, my body is only shared with my husband. My kids see me in a towel though, no biggie.


You’re all good you do you…my oldest daughter still comes and talkes to me when I’m in the shower so be it

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Not weird AT ALL this is exactly how we were raised in our house. Why should this be shameful!? Nothing malicious or ill intent is going on. A mother is literally getting dressed out of the shower. If said young adult were to happen to see her in the towel briefly who TF cares. It’s weird if you make it weird🥴


I have girls I don’t even walk around in my underwear

Nudity isn’t inherently sexual. As long as they’re not uncomfortable there isn’t a problem


Wearing a towel around you is Not the same as being naked. It covers more than any bathing suit.
I think that’s fine. Now running around stark naked I would think odd and I wouldn’t do it but I’m sure there families out there who promote that in their lives so to each their own.


not a problem some people need to get over themselves.

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I seen my mom naked growing up, It never bothered me. I have no problem with nudity, I don’t think it’s weird or sexual to just be naked. Some people do, this people are the strange ones to me :joy:

People should just mind their business

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Nothing wrong with it at all

Weird!!! VERY!!! Sorry not sorry!!! She asked so that’s my opinion. Also, you write in the beginning that your naked around them, then you switch it up to being in a towel??? Which is it because your their mom naked, that’s odd in my book. Having a towel around you is completely different. Naked or towel around you??


What would Malcolm in the middle mom say?

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The towel covers more than a bikini, also if someone has a problem and it’s not you or your sons then they have issues


It’s only a problem if you or the kids think it’s weird.


This isnt a question for a group but should be a wurstion u ask ur sons. If it makes them uncomfortable thn no if thy are fine thn do u

As long as nothing is showing ur fine

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That’s completely normal. For me at least. That’s how I was raised. I’m comfortable nude (at my own home)

You’re not being malicious with it or anything. It’d weird if you make it weird.

People are raised differently, even when it comes to the human body. Some are raised to think its natural and nothing is wrong with your body being seen. Others are raised to hide their bodies. We all have different beliefs as well.
If youand your children have no issue, I wouldnt worry what others think/feel. Everyone will have an opinion about it one way or another.


Are they seeing you naked or with a towel wrapped around you? Big difference.


Which one is it? Are you naked infront of them, or in a towel? Naked is weird and not okay… but in a towel after a shower is fine. As long as they’re not seeing your boobs and private areas

I run by my lil lads room to grab a towel wouldent let him see me hes ten U said u dont walk around in ur nude but they see u naked there not kids there teenagers its not nice fullstop

So are you naked or covered with a towel? Two different things.

I’m sure your boys would love for you too cover up although they don’t say anything.


I guess the only question is’Do you have to?’
Is there no door on your bedroom?

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Being “naked” and wrapped in a towel is two completely different things. Figure that out then re-ask the question.


Would you want a dad naked around his teenage girls? Not okay.


Well hmmm ok so send me a pic real quick and I’ll tell ya if it’s ok or not! :thinking:


I personally don’t find it to be strange. They are your kids. And it’s really teaching them to not sexualised women’s bodies. So many men see cleavage and go crazy because at home their parents treat nudity like a taboo. They are your kids. I think it’s normal.


Omg I can’t believe I even just read that question. Isn’t that obvious??


Nothing wrong with it.

If your covered I guess but aren’t they curious

Its not as though youre pole dancing naked for your boys is it? Theyve grown up with this and are used to it which is actually a good thing. My boys are 17 and 20 and have been brought up the same way. Which was a good thing when i couldnt get out of the bath! Theres nothing wrong with it as long as its not sexualised x


I can’t believe you are asking this question…and on FB? Girl, cover up! Completely inappropriate…


This is not okay at all those are ur kids u should no be letting ur sons see u like that


It’s your house. You can walk around how ever you want. My mom always walks around in just a shirt and her underwear. At home. That’s how she grew up living with my grandparents. We walk around our own home how we want. Because it’s our house. And nobody can tell us what to do.


I don’t understand why people have to sexualize everything these days. They are her children, she carried them inside of her body. I’m sure they don’t “enjoy” seeing their mom naked (because cmon, would you?) But if you’re in a towel or even if you’re all the way nude and your boys don’t have a problem with it, then you keep doing what you’re doing mama. There is nothing wrong with it. Now…if they were your stepsons, I could see where it could be weird. My husband actually asked me this the other day when his son was home…“would you walk around in your underwear or naked if he was yours?” I said absolutely and he just laughed and agreed.

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My son was raised in a home where we didn’t close doors really. As a teen he didn’t want me to walk in on him but never once was phased by walking in unannounced and finding me In states of undress. If he had he’d have started knocking I suppose.

Put some clothes on. Geez


Being wrapped in a towel covers more than most swimsuits. You’re fine.


This post is misleading. Covered under a towel if fine. Point being that you’re covered there isn’t a problem with it. It’s your house. Any prudes you can just tell them to kick rocks.


Towel covers everything! Don’t worry about it I do same thing :joy:


As a 19 year old girl I come in and talk to my mum and sit on her bed to have a conversation and if she’s getting dressed I don’t really care, I dont think your sons or any one else should. Your house, your space. Sad people don’t understand safety and comftortability.


Lol we are always naked here ages from 2-16 we don’t care lol …if you don’t wanna see dont look ha!


I raised 2 boys and always covered-up…


First you say you’re naked. Then you say you’re not. Which is it? A towel is fine. Naked, not so much.


If ya got a towel around you your not naked… Everyone I have ever known that was some what normal… All lived the same way… I don’t know what some of these peoe are talking about… But apparently some of them have issues…


Your covered, no big deal…

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American and still saying Americans need to stop sexualizing nudity… nudity is not sexual.
If the kids aren’t uncomfortable, then you’re fine. It’s your own home, :man_shrugging:t2:


I think it’s your house you go to work to pay the Bill’s. They are your biological children and you can walk around YOUR home as you please if they were 6 or 7 still no one would bat an eye why in the hell does it matter because they are 17-18?


I dont see it as an issue. I have 3 daughters 16,14,6 and I am the same way. I cover up when my step daughter is home but that’s about it


Your not naked in a towel everyone has a towel, and you see more in a swim suit


Omg a bathing suit covers less. :roll_eyes: your totally fine and that person clearly has a judging problem or needs to see a therapist since something happened in their child hood to think that way.


It’s very inappropriate if you are completely nude. Once boys hit a certain age I say between 5-7 it’s time to stop being naked in front of them. Towel or your bra and underwear is fine until a point as well but at some point it has to stop all together.

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I think a towel is fine, if you’re nude, I would cover up not that you have too I’m just saying that you should. After all people are aloud to be nudest in there own homes. Weigher its appreciate is a completely different Story

Are you naked or covered with a towel? :joy::joy: also I just wanna laugh at the carried them for 9 months part. Teenagers dont give af about that anymore


Uhmm I’m confused you started with that you are naked in front of your son’s, then say you are wrapped in a towel, which in my book isn’t naked lol. That situation there is no problem with, they need to mind their own business lol. Now if walked stark nude your boys may have an issue but the hell with everyone else. How they know you are like that anyways?

Fuck whoever is being a weirdo with their thoughts around your family honestly.

Same here but usually just a robe! And definitely no bra all the time! :joy: and my son is 22, daughter 15. Been doing this since they were born so no big deal to them or me!


It’s totally :100: fine Karen’s /and Jim’s need to mind their own business … it’s your kids your home your body !!!


My mom was basically a nudist, and was always naked around myself and 3 other siblings(1 boy).

People do to much! Always minding someone else’s business


My mom always walked around the house like that, hell sometimes the towel would drop. I have a sister and two older brothers. I’ve literally never even questioned it, as you said, I came from that woman. But I also wanted to say, that there has been studies done that show kids who have parents that are comfortable with their own bodies like that end up being comfortable and having confidence with their own body.

I also wanted to say to y’all, if she walked around Walmart in a towel you’d say “why is that lady naked in Walmart” and not “it covers more than a bathing suit” so instead of nitpicking and laughing at her wording when you know what it means maybe just answer her question or scroll.


It shows they respect your body as a body not just sexually most people are fucking cave ppl and think everything is about sex ugh

Naked no way. Teen boys. Not a grand idea. The naked body is for love making. Not for your kids to see you. Soft porn.

My mom walked around naked all the time. She didn’t care who came into her house she would remain topless around them. If you are comfortable and they are ok with it then who cares.

I would never walk around naked infront of my sons and they are 8 and 12, in a towel yes… but that’s DEFINITELY NOT naked is it.


I do it but I don’t call it being naked. Don’t use those words lmao. You are covered.
My son is 10 and you bet your ass I wrap myself in a towel to walk to my room.
I also wear a 5x large tshirt with just underwear all the time.
This is my house. If that boy can walk around in his undies so can I. Stop sexualizing everything guys. Just stop.

I saw a video about this debate and the girl said
“don’t worry about MY kids seeing me “naked” worry about your kids seeing me naked because if your kids see me naked then we have a problem”

Thats not naked, I think almost everyone does that…naked would be walking around bare ass… in that case I dont agree…but to each there own.

If u got a towel on u ain’t naked. I walk from the bathroom to my room wrapped in a towel, (but I like big towels so nothing but my shoulders arms and legs are showing). I also shut the door while getting dressed. I just dont like how humid the bathroom is after a shower.


Towel is ok, naked is a whole different story. Honestly It weird you think it’s ok for your teen boys who have hit puberty to see you naked.


I walk naked around my kids after a shower til I get dressed. My kids have come in while I shower to ask questions or tell me something. We never made it sexual or weird. They dont care at all. Its normal to them. They also at 12&16 come in when I go to the bathroom. I have walled around in my underwear too but they don’t care and don’t make it weird. Its something I’ve done their whole life.
Now my other half their dad is very private and thinks the boys seeing him naked is weird. His mother and father are very weird too though. He wasn’t raised normally with MANY THINGS. They do see their dad in his undies though.
It’s all about how you raise your kids and make it. Some older generations I know are very sensitive to nudity. I however grew up where it wasn’t a thing


Not hurting anyone keep on doing what you’re doing momma

It’s gross :nauseated_face: close your door and get ready. They don’t need to see you like that.


It’s a towel. No big deal. But at the same time, I wouldn’t let my kids in if I’m in a towel like that and them being older. Wait till I’m dressed :joy:


For all of you that say wrong they see more at a beach then their mom wrapped in a towel. Morons


My fiancé freaks out if my breasts are out, I breastfed my youngest (now 6) for 2.5 years and my daughter well she’s a girl I see nothing wrong with it…


Oh honey. Those boys have seen and loved your body since they were born. Do your thing. Don’t even worry about that hater. I’m always naked around my kids and if someone don’t make it weird then guess what, IT AINT WEIRD. It’s normal. It’s desensitizing them from woman’s bodies. Letting them know that bodies aren’t just for sexual attention or just to look at for sex. They’ve learned to appreciate bodies. Do you! Don’t worry about them!

I don’t think the towel on is weird, but my husband does. I think it’s different between men and women.

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Seeing my mother naked no matter the scenario is weird and uncomfortable for ME and I’m 23 years old and have my own child. I don’t even want to be naked in front of my 2 year old.

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Naked …that’s a red flag …towel eh :rofl:

Towel is okay. I do the same with my 15 yo son in the house. Naked is not. I close my door when I go in my room & he knows not to come in when the door is closed.


You know what’s inappropriate? People not minding their own business!!


in a towel and naked are two different things. a towel covers more than most bathing suits now a days. and id know cause i just bought one that my lips don’t even wanna fit into lmao.


I mean a towel covers but there’s no reason to leave doors open where they can see you either?..

okay but i saw my grandma in a towel after her showers up until i was 17-18, never once thought anything of it because that’s my grandma. as long as ur not exposing urself, do you bby


My kids always walk in on me no matter what room I’m in or if the door is closed we have never made the nude body to b a big deal we dont sexualize the body in my house

Put your freaking clothes on, have some self respect

Yeah it’s extremely wèird.

I mean, as long as you aren’t waving your boobs around screaming “my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard”… :joy::joy::joy: We came into this world naked. Imagine if clothes were never a thing!

I’m 27 and I still walk in on my mum when she’s having a bath I’ve shaved her legs the whole shabamm… its not sexual if you teach them it isn’t sexual


To each their own! If that’s the way you’re raised and don’t make a huge deal out of it, they don’t make a deal of it either! Some people just dont like anyone seeing them naked as they think it’s inappropriate. What you do in your house hold as long as it isn’t harming anyone, is your own business! Your boys are fine and they aren’t going to be mentally scarred because it’s normal to them!

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