I like to be anonymous but this guy I’m dating for a year makes me feel uncomfortable when his child comes by to stay for a few nights. She is 5 and she sleeps in the bed with him and he sleeps with just boxers all cuddled up next to her and when I ask that I feel weird he gets mad at me and starts telling me to leave the house that I been paying for also. What should I do. He always take his outburst on me when the kids come by and gets angry. I can’t speak nor say anything. I have to sit in slience and not complain
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is it wrong that my boyfriend sleeps next to his daughter in boxers? - Mamas Uncut
?! How is that weird. You’re the one making it weird. That’s his child
No… that’s weird you would think that way though
My husband sleeps in just his underwear beside his 1yr old daughter. I sleep with them but, yes, we cosleep that way. I sleep in shorts and a big tshirt and she’s usually in a diaper or nightgown. I don’t see an issue with it. Our oldest slept with us until she was 8
It’s weird that you’re making it weird. I’d tell you to leave as well. cause who are you?! Lmao
It’s absolutely not wrong. That’s his child. You wouldn’t be saying the same thing if it was a mama sleeping next to her kid in her underwear.
Not that screaming at you is ok, but your probably hurting his feelings and implying that he would ever be inappropriate with his daughter. I’d be pissed to.
You’re the one sexualizing that. Seems like his only intention is being a good dad. Either support him or leave
I believe you are creating a problem when there isn’t one. People are always reading something into things that doesn’t exist. Stop.
Ur making something out of nothing
Would you be upset if he was wearing basketball shorts?
I’m super paranoid but making it seem like it’s inappropriate for him to cuddle his child seems weird.
You’re making it weird.
Why the fuck are you sexualizing a father with his daughter you are very sick
It’s only wrong because you’re making it wrong! It’s only weird because you’re making it weird. Stop it.
It’s weird that you think it’s weird.
my 5 year old sleeps with me and my husband and he sleeps in boxers and I sleep in a shirt and undies with her… not weird at all.
Stop sexualizing normal behavior. What do you think he should do? Wear shorts too? How’s that any different? Please stop. I’d get mad at you too if you were trying to sexualize my behavior with my children. I’m about to go shower with my 4 year old son- is that not ok too?
I sleep in my underwear with both my kids, boy and girl. 6 and 2
It’s weird that YOUR Turing something sweet into something sexual and “dirty”
I sleep in my underwear & sports bra while my daughter sleeps in her pull up is that weird to you ?
Are you trying to be controlling? That’s why you feel you have to sit in silence when his kids are there? Controllers don’t like it when their batteries die and the video game keeps playing
Omg!! No it’s not weird one bit! My lil girl is 5 and she jumps in our bed, and her dad’s only in his boxers. Sounds like you’re making it seem wrong, seems weird to me that you would think it’s strange
Perhaps you are jealous? Its his kid. Get over it.
Girl , …. You need to go talk to someone because that’s his kid and his not doing anything wrong & your making it seem weird …
I agree with others. You’re making it weird.
Its weird that you would think weird. That’s his daughter and her dad. Why shouldn’t they sleep comfortably? My boyfriend sleeps in his boxers, and our children migrate to our bed all the time. I certainly don’t make either move or change.
I think I see where she may be coming from. Men get morning wood. He could accidentally sport wood when waking next to her. If this is how you feel then this is how you need to say to him. In a way he might understand.
Red Flags… tell him to leave… move on , he’ll get worse
Not like he’s naked, nothing wrong with that
Lol okay Karen. My 3 year old ironically last night crawled into my bed, I only sleep with a tshirt on tbh it seems pervy of you to think that’s weird
Skin to skin contact with our children is bonding moments. Woman do it all the time why can’t guys too?
How exactly is that any different then mom sleeping next to her child in a night gown? Stop sexualizing everything good lord! So you expect him to sleep fully clothed next to his child and be uncomfortable all night? Okay then you sleep fully clothed no comfy clothes see how that’s a two way street! It’s his child he created that it’s not weird your making it into something it’s not
It’s normal so stop. Geez.
Ummm your the one who’s weird there is nothing wrong with anyone cosleeping would you say it’s weird with a mama sleeping next to her son in bra and panties no so why is it such a big deal he sleeps in bed with his daughter with boxers stop trying to make everything so nasty and disgusting it’s disturbing you even think that’s weird
So leave if he is treating you like shit. But honestly…I even walk around in my sports bra and booty shorts. Like my kids are use to the fact that mommy has a human body too. You need to look at yourself a little deeper if you have a problem with a daddy cuddling his baby girl.
Why are YOU sexualizing their relationship??
That’s not weird at all. You’re the one that’s trying to make it weird. Stop sexualizing a dad taking care of his child!!!
I’m gonna go ahead and assume u don’t have children…no it’s not weird at all.
Rather him wear a hazmat suit or u jealous of the kid? This is weird
Fighting in front of the kids?? No no no
I agree with everyone else. My husband sleeps in his boxers and always has, even when their are kids in the bed. I understand him being upset with you because how dare you even let that thought cross your mind.
I’d be upset too if someone implied I was being inappropriate with my child. She’s 5 not 15. He’s in boxers not naked.
The author is weird as HELL for thinking anything of this, she’s the one with the issue.
Leave before you get hurt!
I find it weird that you make it weird. If your mind goes to that place I’d tell you to leave as well
I think you’re the one making it weird.
My son is 8 and I still sleep cuddled up to him sometimes and yes, I’ve cuddled him in underwear. I’m his mum.
He is her dad. You are in the wrong.
Wtf kind of question is that ? Weirdo smh
Sounds like you’re jealous of his daughter? Why are you sexualizing a father sleeping next to his daughter? Have you seen anything weird happen? If not you’re absolutely in the wrong and I’d be mad at you if you were my partner sexualizing me sleeping with my kids…SMH…
Completely normal, I’d tell someone to leave if they said they felt that was weird x
I’d tell your ass to leave too! Wtf is wrong with you. You gotta have a messed up head if that bothers you…
You’re the one making it weird
I don’t think you’re weird or thinking unjustly. I’d think he’d at least put shorts on
Sounds like you have the issue to me, not him. You are the one making it weird… Maybe a guy with a kid is not for you.
He’s probably creeped out by you feeling some type of way about him sleeping next to his daughter? What’s the issue here?
If his first reaction is anger than I’d say he got a guilty conscience…
I think it’s weird that you automatically go to something being weird about this. Are you jealous of the little girl, or kids??? Grow up! Smh…
I don’t see a problem with it. He is in boxers, not naked you have issues!
I think you’re the one with the problem…are you into kids?? weird
You’re the one making it weird. If you’re bothered by it he’s not the man for you.
I had to go to counseling because I was uncomfortable with the way my husband played with our daughter. He did nothing wrong it had everything to do with my trauma and not him they said if nothing inappropriate is done to allow them to bond and build a relationship in a way that makes them comfortable. I eventually had to start taking medication and it helped. But there is nothing wrong with a father and daughter snuggling. 
Not an issue at all. She is his little girl
I sleep naked and my 4yo climbs in bed in the middle of the night to cuddle me
Stop sexualizing normal parenting.
Grow the hell up a father isn’t allowed to snuggle in bed with his daughter?? You’re jealous of a kid you have serious issues
I understand where your coming from because I tooo think that’s inappropriate but I firmly believe it’s due to my own personal experience as a child. They hit a certain age in my book and shouldn’t even be layer up in the parents bed. But to each their own. And just know if it really bothers you just walk away!
I’d be pissed too if my partner was implying I was sexually abusing my kid. There is no way around that, you are calling him a child molester. Do him, her and yourself a favor and fucking leave them be. If you can’t then leave permanently
don’t to sexualize everything. if he’s not touching her, hurting her, then it’s okay.
he’s comfy and she’s okay too
Stop sexualizing little kids
I sleep in my underwear and sports bra or underwear and tshirt next to my son if he gets up and comes to my room at night (he’s 4)….not sure how it’s weird…
How would him sleeping in his boxers next to her be any different than her mom sleeping in a shirt and underwear? Oh wait, it’s not! Stop sexualizing normal behavior. If sleeping with shorts is uncomfortable for him, why make him do that just because HIS daughter is there. It’s weird that you think it’s weird
I find it weird your turning it into something. That’s his daughter.
I’m about to shock you but… I sometimes put my BOOB in my daughters MOUTH and she actually…EATS FROM IT!!!
We cosleep with my kid and my husband sleeps in boxers. Normalize bodies. What’s the difference between you in a bra or tank and him in boxers? There is no difference between boxers and shorts and also- his kid, sis. Maybe you’re being triggered by your own personal journey and this just isn’t the relationship for you since you will put those fears onto his kids.
Its not weird at all and definitely a you problem. Are you jealous of their bond??
If she was 13 it would be an issue.
What should you do? You should leave them and not date anyone who has a child. Seek counseling, you have a sick mind.
I don’t see it as weird you are just making it weird
No, girl you are wrong here. His daughter will always come first. And you are trying to make something out of nothing. I’d be telling you to leave too.
You’re making it weird. Why do you have to make things uncomfortable when they shouldn’t be? I’d tell you to leave too.
I’ll be honest and didn’t read past his daughter being 5 and him sleeping/comforting her in bed!!!
It’s his daughter
He had every right to be mad and I personally think you should leave
It is you with the problem in regards to the sleeping arrangement
It’s not inappropriate
It’s a father who loves his child
Shit,I co slept with my SON till he was 6 and a lot of the time I would sleep naked nxt to him as I don’t wear pj’s
But I also still shower and bath with him when he wants
He is my child
He is comfortable with me
Are you trying to sexualize a daughter/dad wanting to cuddle? Are you jealous?
Ew. Fuck off. You’re the problem. Not him.
My boyfriend sleeps in his boxers, I sleep usually in a tank top and underwear as well and our almost 3 year old crawls into bed with us almost every night.
I don’t care if the child is 10+ years old, there is nothing weird or sexual about bodies until YOU make it sexual. Weirdo.
He’s definitely in the right, and I don’t blame him for him wanting you to leave. I’d tell you to leave too. It’s not weird in any way shape or form. That’s HIS child. You’re the one sexualizing it. You’re the weird one. You need to grow up!
Sounds like your jealous of a man and his daughter
My stepfather did that. I end up sending him to prison. It maybe nothing but you never know.
Goodbye dude
Get out
If he can’t have a conversation
I think you’re just making it weird.
I get being cautious and there is likely nothing going on, but if there are no other red flags, I would move on from this subject. This is a totally normal thing in the majority of cases
You should mind your own business and grow up.
If it feels weird to you, maybe this situation isn’t for you. I still sleep next to my son in night clothes. Sometimes he ends up in my bed and I don’t have anything on he’s 11
I would stop sexualizing them. She’s 5.
You’re always welcome to report your concerns to a child welfare agency and they can determine whether they’ll investigate. If you were sexually abused as a child you may be projecting your fears because of that trauma??
Women like this are the problem.
I’d tell you to leave too. That’s her dad. Not weird at all. You’re making it weird.
You’re on the wrong not him tf
That’s not wrong at all. The only thing that’s wrong here is your reaction to it. You might want to dig deep to find out why you think this is so weird and wrong.
You are clearly the only one making it weird. Just stop.
Did you say 5 or 15??
He gets mad because you sexualizing him sleeping with his daughter It would be no different than a mom sleeping with her child
I sleep next to my 7 year old son in a tank top and underwear. Nobody is making it weird. We are doing what most people do. Sleep lol.
Jeez, are you that insecure to think something like this about his daughter? Poor guy