Is it wrong that my boyfriend sleeps next to his daughter in boxers?

Seriously? You are why kids are over sexualized. Ew. That’s his DAUGHTER. Be glad he’s like that’s cause most dads aren’t. You are jealous and gross. You should probably leave.


Sorry but i think youre making it weird and nasty ,i dont think theres anything wrong with what hes doing i think i would tell you to leave the house if your saying shit like that you sure youre not jealous of his relatiionship with his kids cuz i find it weird that this is even in your head like this

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You’re making it weird!?

You’re wrong, it’s just a father and daughter cuddling. You should be happy your boyfriend is a good father unlike most. Seems like you’re honestly jealous of a little girl


I hate petty women :expressionless:


You’re weird to even think this - let alone voice it. Why take something innocent and sexualise it? Disgusting :face_vomiting:


My kid has been in my bed for like 2 months straight now and his dad sleeps in boxers, I’ve also slept in underwear many times. What’s weird is you sexualizing something that’s normal.


It’s a different kind of love for gods sake, nothing weird about it.

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Nothing wrong with it, but to each their own.

I’m thinking something is only wrong in YOUR mind because maybe something happened to you?


Your making it out to be far
Weirder than it is.

It is his child. And if someone did the same thing to me I would also ask you to leave.


Yeah it’s you making it weird…


Time for him to hit the road.

Yet if it was a mother I bet you wouldn’t say anything :angry:


Why are you sexualizing him sleeping next to his daughter? :thinking: he’s not naked, she’s not naked, there’s no problem. The only problem is YOU. You’re trying to make a problem out of nothing and it’s weird you would even think like that. And he’s right, maybe you should leave. If his “outbursts” are about things like this it has to do with you overstepping and trying to turn something into something it’s not. So yes, you should sit in silence when you’re trying a problem over nothing and imply something it’s not and he put you in your place about it. Stop being fucking weird and seek help.

I don’t blame him for kicking you out. Let someone accuse me of something sexual with MY own children because THEY have issues


It’s only weird because you’re making it weird.

Sounds like the situation is not for you

You are in the wrong, Ur the one making it weird. Cya boo :-1:

I grew up with my dad wearing boxers all around the house
In my opinion it’s no big deal
There’s nothing wrong with

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Stop making it sexual when it’s his child. Good lord. Like what is wrong with you?


Dont make it weird jeeez

Its not werid…its time for you to go. If I was him I would have told you to leave and dont come back.


He’s not uncomfortable about it which means there’s prob not an issue behind it at all mine always sleeps in boxers too so I get the comfort thing but if you’re not used to the idea I get it BUT… if he’s screaming at you and lashing out that’s the bigger problem and maybe you’re finding smaller issues because you’re still stewing from being degraded and chewed out like a crazy person and you don’t know how to feel about all of it?

I mean you’re basically calling him a perv for cuddling his own daughter. I’d be mad too! I sleep in a big T shirt and underwear and cuddle my kids.


I don’t see it as being weird. That’s his baby, if you were to sleep with your son in shorts and a nursing bra, I bet he wouldn’t be weirded out because well, that’s your baby. Don’t make him uncomfortable for being a loving parent to his baby.


I think the only one thinking anything bad about this is you.


Stop sexualizing this. You’re the one making it weird. If this bothers you then you need to walk away and let this man be a parent. My daughter still gets in the bed with us from time to time and she’s 12. There’s nothing wrong with it.


I feel like she does not have children so she does not have this experience. Yall don’t beat the girl up just let her know that it’s OK.


Leave it will only get worse and tell the mother of the child what he is doing.


The fact you are sexualizing a dad and his daughter is what’s weird…. Sounds like you are jealous of their relationship and I don’t blame him for getting upset when you question him caring about his daughter.


i dont think anything is weird about that


Uhmmmmn… You’ve got a fkd up mindset… But I’m guessing because you don’t have your own children. So you don’t know better… I remember clearly as a child still sleeping with my dad. Why? Because I was little the world is big and he was and is my safe person. I slept better next to him I didn’t care he slept in his undies just like his daughter doesn’t… but because you sexualize children I wouldn’t feel safe with you in the home… My opinion grow up


Your specializing a child and her father he has every right to be mad or upset imagine if you had a son and your boyfriend did that to you.


Why are YOU sexualizing it? You’re making it weird. Gross.


Seriously. You must not have children of your own. That is completely normal. Bonding moments for them especially if he doesn’t have his kids full time - he prob wants to take in every moment of cuddles with his children, regardless of if he’s in just his underwear :woman_facepalming:t4: (he’s not naked) plus he’s probably upset because that thought never crossed his mind but it crossed yours :flushed: don’t ruin his bond with his daughter - soon she won’t even want those cuddles


If it makes you feel uncomfortable and you are paying for the house, then leave him/the situation. No one should ever feel uncomfortable in a relationship.


You are so wrong for this. Stop sexualizing children


I have two thoughts on this…

  1. Does the original poster have kids of her own?

If not that could explain why she doesn’t get it.

  1. Is the original poster a victim of sexual abuse at a young age?

Bc I was a victim and it took me years to cuddle my own son without feeling awkward or like I was doing something wrong, even though I knew I wasn’t. I think this was because the act of sexual abuse was always done while “taking a nap” with the abuser…

Try to have some empathy. No one knows why this woman feels uncomfortable in the situation. Maybe everyone should ask some more questions before accusing her of being a pervert herself. We are supposed to be looking out for other women, especially fellow mothers. Why are we constantly tearing them apart?


You are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Shame on you. You are a jealous step mom


You’re the weirdo chica


Ew something is wrong with you to sexualize a daughter & father!


Why are you making it weird? There’s nothing wrong with what he’s doing, I sleep in just underwear and my child climbs in my bed sometimes during the night it’s completely normal :woman_shrugging:t3:



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You’re making it weird- I sleep next to mine in my underwear and t shirt - I hate wearing pants to bed. Didn’t know that was a thing that some made sexualized :woman_shrugging:t3:


Time to leave if he makes you sit and say nothing. He might be controlling.

The fact that you made it weird is probably a good reason for you to leave


It’s not weird AT ALL

It’s wrong that he yells at you and tells you to leave your own house.


You guys don’t sound right for each other. I would ask you to leave to. Saying that based on cuddles alone is a pretty big leap.


Why are you making it weird? I think you have the problem here


I wouldn’t like it… my kid would say something themselves… I don’t think you’re weird

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I would say trust your gut. I would say if his behavior is like you say something else is going on. Because a grown ass man is going to sit down and talk to you about why you feel its weird. And just his behavior would suggest something else to me.

 I would make you sit in silence so that you didn’t complain either I sleep in my bra and underwear with my kids I created them and so did their father how do you figure this is wrong? 


Girl telling you to leave would be the nicest thing I would do or say . Wtf is wrong with you…stop sexualizing ur man’s relationship with his child… Girl you should just leave … u are not ready for this relationship…

I can’t believe what I just read… And why would this page even post this fuckery…


I don’t understand why so many ppl here think it’s ok !Its NOT ok !Its ok for the Dad to cuddle with his 5 yr old but certainly NOT in his boxers!Many times a private part can show and he needs to wear pajama bottoms !Im not saying anything is happening just that he should wear better clothing !


I mean my husband sleeps in just in boxers 99% of the time and our daughter cuddles up between us and she’s 4 she’s been cosleeping with us since alittle before a year old


" i have to sit in silence and not complain". Ffs. Everything about you is making me cringe.


Really! You’ve got probs!!! It’s his daughter! Not all men are se^ predators. And I totally understand his anger because really?


One more thing… If your seeing the dad in a sexual way also while he is sleeping with his daughter… You need therapy


It seems like YOUR making it weird…I’d be a little pissed if I was him for you to think like that either that or you simply don’t know him as well as you should

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Nudity is not sexual. I am 31 and I cuddle my daughter naked and I am a woman, but if her stepdad cuddled her without a shirt on and pants I wouldn’t be uncomfortable with that either. I trust him with my life and nudity is not wrong or shameful.


That sounds more like a you issue in the beginning…it ends up being a him issue when he cant hear your concerns without feeling attacked.

Closeness for those who have been abused is often times scary.

Please reflect on your issue with it and then if the relationship is worth anything talk with your partner about the issue.

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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with this in the slightest. Anyone that thinks it is wrong, then I’m sorry to say it’s you that has the problem . Nothing would be said if it was the mother in bed with her child in underwear because it’s too hot to wear pjs etc


Yeah I’d get pissed too if you were insinuating what it sounds like you’re insinuating.


So for everyone saying to grow up and mind your own business, it’s not that the child is definitely being abused, but do you know how many kids suffer in silence with abuse because people feel it’s not their place to speak up? Unless you’ve been abused as a child and such a way or had it done to someone you love, you probably couldn’t fathom. If the situation feels wrong and you have that instinct, perhaps something is weird about it. That said lots of families go to sleep and boxers are basically shorts. Every person has a different comfort level. So issue number one would be if the way he is behaving is not within her comfort level and she needs to understand that he would probably be the same if they had a child together. Maybe it’s not the right situation for you. Additionally before you exit the relationship maybe look out for other red flags. You could be the only one who would advocate for a child and abusive situation. Take a step back and observe with an unbiased view.
Secondly, I think that the way he speaks to you and treats you in this relationship is probably not okay. Doesn’t sound like you to have healthy communication regardless of the issue. You deserve to be able to voice your opinions concerns or viewpoints in a discussion without being shut down. If you can stop paying for half of the living cost and get out I would do so now. Trust me he’s not the last man on Earth and he doesn’t sound like he’s for you the sooner you cut your losses the better


Sit in silence and not complain? How about just stop complaining good lord :roll_eyes:


I dunno man my
Girls are like Furnaces and I for one absolutely cannot sleep if I’m all hot like that. He’s been doing it for 5 years. He already knows this. Why do people see anything a father does as sexual? I don’t get it. No reason he gets mad. He’s just doing their thing then you come up in there and accuse him of molesting his daughter. I would yell at
You too 


You are weird, not him


Mmm… My husband who is also my kids dad does this… I never once thought it was odd or anything


I sleep in underwear or just a night gown with my boys…. I see no difference…. You’re turning it into something it’s not by looking at it sexually instead of what it is


The way people are handling you in the comments are gross. you are entitled to feel the way you do, but ask yourself, why do I feel this way? It’s his daughter and his first thought isn’t making this weird, and honestly, I don’t think at her age that’s weird. However, again, ask yourself why you think it is. Are there red flags? Because a parent wanting to make their child feel at home in their second home shouldn’t be too much of a big deal unless you’re suspicious of something else. He is wrong to ask you to leave, but you need to have a conversation with him regardless.


You’re not mature enough to be around his kids if you don’t understand or respect the bond he has with his daughter.
Might want to get some therapy to see why sexualizing a kid and bf is a pedo, is the first thing you jumped to.


My ex husband use to bath w our baby. :woman_shrugging:t2: Why’s it ok for a mom to sleep topless or naked but a father has to be fully clothed to sleep w his kid? My dad slept w me in boxers and never touched me. It’s his pajamas.

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He isn’t doing anything wrong with child and she is happy he sounds a good dad I think you are insecure love, did something happen to you for you to pass a remark like that. It’s not weird at all he is a parent . Children love sleeping with their parents and if it’s not her house she may not be comfortable being on her own


Cuddling in boxers is a no go for me but some households view it differently. At least wear pjs :white_heart:

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No It’s not weird!!! It’s no different then a mother cuddling with her son🤷‍♀️


You have jealousy issues and a messed up mind set leave him alone with his kids find a guy that doesn’t have any that is not your place to say anything to him about his kids and how they are together if you see nothing “bad” why are you saying anything? I’d tell you to leave to paying or not don’t go around saying crap like that period!
Also if you feel this way because of your own trauma get help for it do not reflect it on other good dads not cool


What I find weird is how he takes his angry outbursts out on you in front of the kids (I take it this is happening separately from when you discuss ‘Boxer Gate’?). Personally if you feel uncomfortable, then I’d cancel all payments for where your living and move out. Then you can’t be offended by him in his boxers or upset by his angry outbursts on front of children (I personally feel it’s wrong to be someone’s verbal punchbag).

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The fact you are sexualizing it is weird as hell. She’s five, kids like to sleep with parents. Parents don’t need to suit up when snuggling with their kids because people make it weird. I understand he shouldn’t be telling you to leave the place you also pay for, but you are sexualizing a relationship when there’s no need.


Why are you sexualizing it ?? It’s your thoughts that are impure and it’s nothing to worry about. My daughter sleeps next to her father and ne every night and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Chill out girlfriend!


Ew you’re the one making it weird. I co slept with my son till he was 6, in my damn underwear. Thats his baby and he’s her comfort, his dick isn’t hanging out, stop embarrassing yourself. He needs to find a better partner figure for his kid since you ain’t it

He needs to get rid of you. My guess is anyone who thinks it’s weird is doesn’t have kids and doesn’t know what kind of comfort co-sleeping gives them.


You are tainted by today’s perverted society


Sounds like a dad co sleeping with his kid. I don’t wear pants to bed and I co sleep. He’s getting my because you are sexualizing something that’s not there


I don’t even know what to say. Maybe see a councilor. For you’re childhood traumatic experiences.
Because not all men hurt lil kids.


I mean, he’s in boxers. You can tell if there’s anything going on with him. Im assuming not otherwise this would be an entirely different post. Get over it. He loves his baby. Imagine if he was a terrible father. :woman_facepalming:t3:

I mean it’s not ok to take his moods out on you. But with the viewpoint and opinion that you are showing here. Im not surprised he’s losing his shit with you when it comes to his kid. :roll_eyes:

The little girl needs her own bed.Its not appropriate.Idc dad or not.I said what I said.


You’re making this weird. You are the one making this an issue. It’s normal for parents to co-sleep, even when they aren’t the same sex. Stop sexualizing this man being a decent parent. More men need to step up!!!

Like someone above said, it’s you that he needs to cut loose. Also, You should see a therapist. Clearly you have issues.


No he should not. Tell him to sleep in pajamas when she is there. I don’t know how ya’ll are but if he want stop have him think about it. It is not write.

Sounds like you should dump him

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You’re the one that’s wrong. If he’s literally sleeping then you’re taking innocence out of context. So making it out to be more. Honestly, if anyone told me sleeping with MY child in what I sleep in every time was weird id make them leave and never speak to them again. Stop insinuating that he’s doing wrong by his child unless it a legit concern. This is not.


She’s 5? My boys slept w me to they were 12
My youngest had separation anxiety from my divorce. At least he’s wearing boxers!
Most men wear them to sleep


That’s her dad? Honestly…


There’s something wrong with you !


I can see where it would be weird to some. My dad wouldn’t have ever done that around me. I dont think i ever saw my dad in his underwear. I remember my dad pulling my oldest brother aside one day and told him that it was no longer appropriate for him to walk around the house in his boxers with me and our Mom there. He never did it again. I think it is all how you are raised. My husband will sometimes walk around in his briefs in front of the kids and I ask him to put pants on and he does without hesitation. Maybe it is all just how you are raised. Dont let everyone on here make you feel bad for having an issue with it because you are valid.


The stupidity of this is just baffling to me


I don’t see anything wrong with him cuddling his daughter. Atleast he’s not naked and cuddling her then I would find that disturbing. That’s his child and I feel that your coming between the 2 of them. She 5 and misses her daddy. My fiance has a daughter too and I never not once got in between the 2 of them.

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Quit. Sexualizing. Things. That. Aren’t. Sexual!!!

Seriously. Fucking stop. It’s gross. You’re the one in the wrong. That’s his child. Quit digging deeper into something.

I slept with my daddy in the same bed till I was 11 bc I was terrified of the dark and he slept in just his underwear…why do ppl gotta sexualize a father and daughter simply bc of the way they sleep…if their were other indication of something else besides just this I might be concerned but this is normal and your making it weird AF and I’d tell you to leave as well especially if you were insinuating something was going on when there wasn’t