Is it wrong that my boyfriend sleeps next to his daughter in boxers?

You have to leave sis. and you need to contact CPS if you have a concern, otherwise move on. He’s not the one.

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U must not b a parent. There is nothing weird about that weird… if you don’t like it leave :v:t3:


I don’t see anything wrong with it. Not everything is sexual. Are they not allowed to hug their daughter at the beach or is that sexual too


Why would that be weird?

You’re basically calling him a pedo. As a man personally I’d more than likely leave you after that


He’s being a FATHER… she’s 5 years old ?? Wtf is wrong with you. Leave him alone


You should leave. They don’t deserve to be treated this way, and you need therapy.


That is a YOU problem. She’s 5!


Sounds like a you problem not actually the dad … unless you’ve had things happen to you , there is no way you should be sexualizing a father daughter relationship … even then . It’s still a YOU problem .


Everyone in these comments are moms who are well known to this girls situation, the girl had a concerning question about her boyfriend and his daughter… maybe she doesn’t know that that’s a thing ( sense she’s NOT a mom ) and it’s ok and completely harmless, maybe something happened in her past that makes her feel uncomfortable with the situation, either way she reached out with concerned curiosity and majority of you are bashing her for it! :woman_facepalming:t4:


I agree with Kristen Elizabeth Harrison. However, it’s not something I do. I try to promote independence. My six year old sleeps all by herself like a big girl!

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Coming from someone who was SA as a little girl by someone I called “Dad” and in my adult life almost marrying a man who ended up raping his teen daughter I can completely understand your concern. Maybe you feeling this way is because you had some SA happen to you as a child from someone you trusted, if so I just want to start with I am so sorry you had to go through that. I had to learn to watch carefully but not accuse every man of being a pedophile. If it’s something you’re not comfortable with you have the right to end the relationship. If it’s something you want to work through with yourself and stay I might suggest some therapy. It helps more than you can imagine. Sending prayers your way for healing and peace. :pray:t3:

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My kids are all adults and still walk around half naked in front of me. I walk around in my undies in front of them all the time. They get in bed with me in just their undies and I’m in just my undies it’s not weird for us but we don’t think like weirdos :woman_facepalming: One of my sons has got in bed with me naked str8 out the shower demanding I make him food in a baby voice. I repeat they are all adults. He was drunk :rofl::clinking_glasses::woman_facepalming: We record these antics so we can laff together we don’t make it weird.

It’s only dirty if you make it dirty


What the fuck and you wonder why men feel like they cant cuddle with his child if you think for a second thats wrong maybe you need to leave poor man just being a daddy

I know two close friends of mine who’s father’s were the villains who sexually assaulted them. So for people saying that she’s 5 and that this woman is crazy for thinking anything she isn’t. Father or not they can still be predators. My fiance won’t sleep with my 4 year without pj pants on because he says it’s weird to just be in underwear. Everyone is different what’s weird for one is not weird for another but telling this lady that she is wrong for having a concern and that he should leave her I think is crazy because as a parent you should be aware of everyone. Child is around :woman_shrugging:t4:


You are the one seeing what is going on. If you feel it is weird then you need to make sure you have proof of something funny going on and report it. If the situation is not what you would like for your future children than let him know. As for your relationship, him yelling and threatening you is a sign that you might need to get him out. You deserve to be with someone who respects you and discusses things with you. Where you live is not one persons home, it is ‘our’ home.

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That’s not a problem it’s his daughter

You sound sick. I tell ya to get the f outta my house as well :joy:

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Stop sexualizing everything!!! This world has become so sick in the head honestly :roll_eyes: I find the ones that constantly think like this and turn innocent things into something disgusting are actually the ones that people need to watch. Boxers are no different than a pair of shorts :roll_eyes: and dads wearing shorts sleeping in the bed with their child is no different than mom sleeping the same way!


It’s normal why do you think it isnt??? And no …normal dad’s don’t have any weird thought going on in their heads… any more than moms do cuddled up next to their child…know wonder he is offended.


Definitely not an issues we have our kids come to bed with us all the time and we were our underwear to bed and sometimes so do they … I think the issue here is not the sleeping agreements. The issue here is communication in a healthy and effective way. If you can’t have a honest conversation with both sides then you need to work on communicating better with each other


if you feel any type away about him get rid of him or call for help but I don’t think that’s a problem at all that’s his child I’m sure he loves her and you’re probably making him feel really uncomfortable and that’s her father I think you’re over reacting but if you think anything otherwise is going on then you probably should go to the police

Well… the fact that he sleeps next to his kid in boxers in and of itself isn’t proof of anything more inappropriate going on, and in some families that may be perfectly normal as long as he isn’t exposed and she is clothed. But we have 3 daughters, 17, .5, and 2. And my husband has never been in a bed with any of them in his boxers. Granted he wears the tight kind of boxers not baggy ones, but still. He always has a pair of basketball shorts or something on, and a shirt usually. So if I were to see him cuddled up with one if ours like that I would find it very idd and probably be like uhhh put some shorts on. Lol. But I wouldn’t think anything weird was going on. Now if other things on top of this is giving u pause, or his reaction to u asking him to throw some shorts on is wildly out of proportion in your eyes, well I’m not there and I don’t know yall so I’d never tell you how to feel or if u have reason. You have to decide that on your own and don’t let ppl on here bully u into reacting against your gut. That being said, just the boxers alone might not be weird to some folks so if that it, I’d say just keep your eyes open and pay attention.


Not everyone sleeps with their kids… it’s not normal for everyone… My children always slept in their own beds and while visiting dad slept on the couch…
Again what’s normal for one family isn’t for another…


Get out. Run! Don’t walk. This man is not a good man. He does not cherish or respect you.


You naysayers that think it’s Okay to cuddle with Dad in his shorts need to be educated! 1 in 4 girls are molested and 1 in 13 boys per this site!

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All I am going to say is RED FLAG. And if you haven’t experienced this for yourself you won’t get it. Put a camara in there. I’m serious… be safe then sorry

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I would suggest you find another person without kiddos. You dont deserve to be quiet. He doesn’t deserve to be protrayed as something he is not, except a Daddy to his babygirl. Its very different from men with no kids. Ive dated both. You cant have it all and if it comes to his kids you have to communicate very well and do not disrespect his kiddos or him. Its a lesson you have to learn in life. He’s a dad and its normal. You also shouldn’t stay if its uncomfortable because everything will feel off for you and it will create problems between you both and the daughter will see too. That is my opinion and my advice.


Curious why you’re sexualizing his daughter like that. Eww.


Do u sleep in the BED WITH THEM???

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You sound crazy!!! Unless he has done something ELSE OTHER THAN THAT to make you feel that way about him being simply in boxers in front of his 5 year old, your the weirdo!!! Sry hun!


Sounds like you are the one with issues. That is his child.


He isn’t doing anything wrong


Yes no run don’t walk

You may need to see a therapist, that is his child… she is 5. You thinking it’s weird is gross.


I mean my husband sleeps in boxers sometimes my daughter gets in our bed and I don’t see a issue. But I also understand where you are coming from. I was sexualy abused as a young child and certthings don’t sit right w me but I think it’s bc what I went through. Also it wasn’t my dad who did that to me but it made me afraid of all men at a very young age

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Sorry you weren’t shown affection as a child. :grimacing:

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Than why are you staying with him???

Damn the comments are so harsh lol :popcorn::popcorn:

Firstly, I can see you aren’t a parent Honestly, it may offend you but how’s he sleep when his child isn’t there? In boxers? If so that’s not creepy. Why is it now?
You knew he had a child when you dated and moved in together.
You surly should leave. You don’t respect his child. Let him he a father, you aren’t the mother. However many bills you pay. If mum doesn’t mind. You should keep your outlandish comments to yourself. Think of what you are saying to him… hey when your daughter comes over you creep me out sleeping in boxers… WHY ? You feel there is more to it. SMH he loves his daughter. Praise that… don’t be the women who makes being a good father difficult. Think why you feel that way it seems to trigger you.
My kids slept with their father until they were about 6/7. If the child isn’t uncomfortable why are you? Do you sleep in the bed too??


SMH. Clearly you don’t have any children of your own.


It’s completely normal…number of times our little boy has been in the bed with us and our little girl our little boy is 5 and our little girl is 3…he gets mad because your interference in how he wants to be as a parent some children want that comfort of being with a parent…he has a duty of care to look after his child…what are you doing trying to stop that? Why do you have the issue…jealousy may be…I don’t know…he wears boxers like my partner what’s your concern…if you don’t like the fact he’s giving the child that comfort leave…simple…I just hope that when your a mother and have a loving partner or husband to give your child that comfort of feeling safe that you don’t knock him for it

It’s definitely a red flag

I’m not seeing the issue with him - I see it as YOUR issue…


the child is 5!!!..I’ll repeat 5… do you no how many children that age suffer with having 2 houses 2 parents not being together of course she prob wants to sleep with her dad… many many many children at that age will still sleep in their parents bed…
Sexualizing this is beyond wrong… unless you have serious accusations to lay then ring the cops…


It be different if he was sleeping naked. Boxers are no different than a pair of shorts.


:woman_facepalming: … You sound jealous of a child… Grow up. (Pun intended)


This is so fucking normal it hurts my head to read your complaint

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with you for asking this question. I applaud you for trying to get an opinion from others. This situation is different for everyone. The only one who can decide if it’s weird or not is you. Follow your gut. The more concerning thing is the way he treats you. Address that first. I’m sorry the comment section has been so mean. You definitely didn’t deserve all that.


What kind of question is this??You have a sick mind!


Husband bedshares with my 6yr old and 9yr old sons still. Your sexualising this. They are young only so long. Let them cuddle


My daughter’s dad done this and later on started raping her. Speak up for this child


its weird, because you made it weird! no theres nothing wrong with it.


Shit when I was growing up my dad set on the couch in tighty whiteys watching TV. Me and my mom wore t-shirts and growns with our undies on. No one ever even thought about it as inappropriate. Guess times really are different now.

Kick his butt to the curb and tell him to find another place to live.

hes going to leave you and i would too


He is a sick individual, you need to ditch him! He has a mental problem.

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There are pedophiles that abuse their own children. This is not Leave it to Beaver. Quit dissing the girlfriend. Nothing wrong with being up front about it.


It’d be different if he had nothing on at all. He’s their father. Of course he’s going to cuddle them if they want to.

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Leave, you’ll be better off.

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It sounds like you are in an abusive relationship, and should dump his ass, get therapy to heal & find your own self-worth, then look for a HEALTHY relationship with a different man.

This is not wrong at all my husband wears only short type undies to bed and our kids get in our bed. Why would you think this is a problem. It’s his child for god sake!


Since you’re not comfortable with it I would leave. It’s not right to sexualize cuddling and it seems like maybe you just can’t relate. And the part where you added “that I been paying for also” is a little cringe to me. I’m so sorry it’s harsh. I know it is. Bottom line is I don’t think it’s a good fit for you. No one should be made to feel bad for cuddling with their child. You’re the one who made it weird and made him uncomfortable for doing what’s natural.


Look at the signs , if he treats you like this now it will get worse .
I’m sure there are plenty of other males that would treat you with respect LEAVE NOW .this is how family violence begins

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Ones dick could fall outta boxers pretty easy or in my case poke out of the bottom . Dude should have some shorts on for sure.

Find a new boyfriend

Maybe he takes his outbursts out on you because YOU accuse him of weird shit like asking this question! what is the difference between a mom sleeping in a nighty next to her kid and a dad sleeping in his boxers? Do you get uncomfortable when him being around the kids in his swim trunks too?

Has he given you other reasons to be concerned? What part exactly weirds you out? The co-sleeping? That he wears boxers? Would it be different if he wore shorts? His harshness when you bring it up?
I would be upset in him attacking/getting angry at you.But if no other red flags presented, I’m not sure where the concerns is? Need more context.

If it weirds you out then he nay not be the one got you.

You just gave me diabetes

Ow my god that’s his kids, and your jealous of his daughter cwtching up to him in boxers, you wanna grow up you immature little girl, go find a boy with no kids, obviously a man’s too much for you :joy::rofl:

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What’s the difference between shorts and boxers? It sounds like you may be a bit jealous. And sexualizing him cuddling his young child makes you sound like you need the help sweetheart.

Are you jealous of a 5 year old! That’s his daughter :heart::heart: You’re the one making it weird and uncomfortable for your man and his daughter!

Your definitely the problem and I think its time you find someone with no kids!

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