Is it wrong that my boyfriend sleeps next to his daughter in boxers?

Apparently you don’t have kids, or you’d know this is no big deal. She’s 5 & he’s wearing underwear! Also his kids First (& probably should be) maybe he’s not ready for this relationship yet….or Ever. Doesn’t sound like you will adjust ?


Nothing weird about that at all!
Far out


I mean… pedophiles can be anyone , youre 50% more likely to be molested or raped by a family member and covert incest is a very normalized thing unfortunately. Id leave if it makes you feel uncomfortable. Trust your instincts not random people on the internet :woman_shrugging:

I don’t find it weird ? The way you are thinking of it, makes it weird. She sees her dad a few times a week, as you said he can lay with his daughter, is he supposed to be fully clothed? I sleep next to my kids in a t shirt, no bra and shorts. I don’t see an issue ?


He needs to leave you asap :woozy_face::woman_facepalming:t5:


You’re the one being super weird here, not Dad. She is 5, not 17

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What is he supposed to wear to sleep? Idk where you’re at but it’s also hot as balls out - we co sleep with both of our daughters and it’s not something to sexualize. It’s sad that our culture sexualizes everything. I can admit I come from childhood trauma and sexual abuse - and when I first became a mother - I unintentionally sexualized things - and quickly learned that it was me and my unhealed trauma I needed to work through. I’m not sure what the situation is for you - I’m sure he is getting offended by this but I do think that if you guys can’t have healthy conflict and resolution it will be a problem for everyone in the house .

Pack your things and find a better place to live. You should not be treated that poorly in a home you help pay for. AND, he has some serious issues with respect if you aren’t even allowed to speak.


It’s sad how many ppl are taking the time to put this lady down bc they can’t think outside themselves!! Don’t let ppl put you down for asking for help. There’s situations where co sleeping is innocent but that’s not always the case. I’m baffled how many people are convinced it’s normal at your house just be it’s safe at theirs “weird”. It’s like all these ppl have never heard of the many kids that have been violated by yes even their own parents. Smh! My ex and his 3 siblings were brutally victimized their whole childhood by their own father. As well as two neighborhood children. Ex’s mom said she never knew he was doing that to her kids when they went to sleep with him and cuddle. Thankfully he went to prison and took his last breath there but destroyed 6 kids first that we know of. It’s not always innocent. The fact that he gets so defensive and shuts you out is a problem. Either way I don’t think it will work out. Take the time and even research this topic if you think it will help to get more insight or maybe talk to a professional for guidance but Your not alone in this. There’s many ppl who feel this way. Even paternal parents that have conflict with the other parents strong desire to sleep with the child rather than the partner. Whenever you can’t come together to make decisions yr relationship is in serious trouble and a true waste of life. I say cut your losses if you can’t be valued and at least heard in your own home. Regardless of where you stand on co sleeping, he doesn’t respect you and won’t change. Best of luck!

Nothing about this is weird except you sexualizing a child and a father. Yea you should leave.


It seems to me you might not have kids. I don’t know any parent who has not had their kids sleep with them at one point or another. It’s perfectly normal

Wow, the comments are unbelievable…lol The girl is 5 yrs old and comes to stay with her dad to visit and he sleeps next to her in his boxers. You can find it disturbing or not disturbing but either way he should be wearing some sort of Pjs if she’s gonna sleep next to him. I know someone who’s child would sleep by them too, she just felt safer by him instead of her bed totally understandable until they outgrow this but he wore Pjs


I don’t find it weird. My 5 year old sleeps in bed with my husband and I and he wears boxers and a t shirt to bed. We’ve never thought anything off the wall about it…

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Also to add - children do in fact get abused because stuff like this does not get taken seriously in cases where it should. No , it shouldn’t be sexualized - but if in fact there is more to this - then yes - somebody should be protecting that little girl. Are you coming from a protective place or are you in some way jealous because she’s in the bed with you guys, you also said with him - not us ? Is she sleeping in the bed with you guys? Maybe this thought process stems from trauma ? Maybe not a mother ? Makes a huge difference… Are there any other red flags ? There’s other factors to consider in a situation like this - children are abused all the time by family members - and to just attack her isn’t going to help the situation. It’s really about the child for me. Also healthy relationships require healthy communication not outbursts and hopefully not around children… I’m not getting that from this post , just saying :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


I think you’re sick minded theres nothing wrong with it at all


you’re weird please leave this man & his daughter alone. you’ll never make a healthy step mother with that attitude towards the very start.


Naturally we are exposed more than most mammals and we chose to wear clothing over the centuries the expectations have changed on what’s normal and what’s not. It’s proven that skin to skin in infants teaches their tiny bodies how to regulate and bond. If he’s not obviously doing something wrong than your expectations are set to what society says rather than what’s natural

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New boyfriend for sure!

This sounds like a you problem and not him, you obviously have some issues that you need to deal with if you think this is weird.


Unless you have blatant obvious proof that something weird is going on you shouldn’t Be starting this fire…. from what I’ve heard it seems completely innocent and you are making it something its not

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I can’t imagine why any father would get angry at you for implying he’s an incestuous pedophile because he sleeps near his daughter in underwear :roll_eyes:


There’s nothing wrong with it. You’re sexualizing a child. And his relationship with the child. He should be telling you to get out. :woman_shrugging:t3: You’re “the weird one” or “problem” here. I’m surprised he’s kept you around this long.


It’s her dad! You are definitely wrong. He isn’t naked. He has clothing on. You are sexualizing something that is totally innocent. I love snuggling my kids. Sometimes I’m just in a crop top and granny panties.


You don’t have kids and it shows lol


My little girl is 14 months old and sleeps in the bed next to me and I only sleep with my undies on and her dad sleeps in his bday suit :woman_shrugging: nothing wrong with it at all we are her parents.


me reading this while laying in bed next to my daughter in my underwear and shirt :sweat_smile:

Girl, you’re weird. I can understand why he doesn’t want your opinion, it’s HIS daughter. You’re just* his girlfriend.


Its his daughter nothing weird or wrong about that at all. Its how your thinking about it and sexualising it. Unless you think he is a weirdo then you should be concerned.

We have 2 kids and my husband would never do such a thing. That’s not saying others don’t but mine surely wouldn’t. Even though he might not think much of it, if it makes you uncomfortable, he should at least listen and talk it out like an adult. Not letting you even speak is the most childish, selfish thing I’ve ever heard and you deserve better. Relationships have to have open communication.


I cuddle my 5yr old daughter in a tank top and underwear often, she crawls in for bed time snuggles, she’s my child there is nothing insidious going on other then a parents love.


You have a voice and a mind follow your heart :purple_heart::heart: if it was me I would leave!!!

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It’s a you problem. You’re def the problem.

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First, don’t pay attention to the people tripping about your concerns. If you didn’t have any concerns and later on something was found to be happening these same people would also be on you for letting it go on and a child being harmed. Including DCS!
Second, I get it, some people weren’t raised with their parents laying around half naked or completely naked. Some have, some don’t even realize what’s inappropriate if they’ve been raised as such (men laying in bed completely naked with children, Imo, is grossly inappropriate). As for your man, I can’t say whether or not it’s a true problem - he may have been raised that way, but if I were you I’d keep a close eye out just in case and if it’s gets too uncomfortable or something happens do what you gotta do. Also, he can’t tell you to do nothing if you’re paying your part, now if he wants to pay it all tell him have at it bc it costs to be the boss. Good luck.


Absolutely normal as


Jesus I sleep naked next to my 5 year old and her Dad in just jocks big deal theyre our kids. Nothing to it you sicko

I was always told “every house is it’s own world” what may be abnormal for one may not be for another. I personally don’t see anything wrong with it. And if you truly want to be part of both their lives maybe try to accept that just because you grew up differently doesn’t mean that it’s wrong.


It’s you you are the problem


People have different body boundaries and as kids get older it changes but in my house cuddling with boxers at 5 would totally normal and not at all inappropriate.


You can tell you’re not a parent


I would tell you to leave too, you’re being weird for what? You don’t have kids so you naturally don’t know how to parent. This is completely normal


Forget sleeping arrangements I would be paying more attention to your relationship bc kicking you out of a home you’re paying for…no way. Maybe consider living apart. I would be finding a better roommate.


Sounds like your a weird person kinda sound jealous


You think that’s weird do you know how many mothers shower with there toddler sons just cause it’s convenient and that’s the only time a mother could really get a shower in knowing their child is safe lol that’s a grown woman ashhh naked in a shower with a little boy it’s not weird at all it’s being a parent we don’t get our rocks off by our children maybe you’ve seen some shit in your own lifetime but it’s not weird and it shouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable she’s 5 not 15

This is not weird. Everyone grows up with different boundaries and ways they are taught to view things. You’ve said your piece on how it makes you feel, no need to keep repeating it. You’re just going to continue to argue, that’s going to get in the middle of your relationship, this causing it to end.

I would however acknowledge the way he responds/responded as that is not healthy for you/kids to see or deal with. That is not healthy for either of your mental/emotional states.

I also just wanted to say I’m super proud of you for not responding to the negative comments on your post! Don’t give them the satisfaction. They are miserable with their lives.


The cuddling part I wouldn’t find super weird just different then what your use to. However the outburst and kicking you out somewhere your paying are red flags waving every which way. Now if you chose to ignore the red flags don’t be surprised when it escalates later. A relationship without communication isn’t healthy.


No it’s not wrong that your boyfriend co sleeps with his 5 year old daughter in his boxers because technically he still has pants on also I’m sensing a bit of jealousy on your part towards his baby girl my daughter is almost 5 years old and I still co sleep with her and I don’t blame him one bit to be mad that you’re accusing him of something wrong when he isn’t he should be allowed to cuddle his sweet baby girl especially since kids are only young once then they grow up I wish I could have had that kind of relationship with my dad, but instead he chose to be a child predator. I think you’re overreacting and have no reason to accuse him of doing something that he’s not other than just trying to be a good dad to his little girl and as Dharr Mann always says it’s the father’s job to teach their daughters how a real man is supposed to treat them because if the little girl’s dad is a gentleman towards her she will expect that treatment from her future spouse and won’t expect or accept anything less from being treated how her dad treated her. I would be grateful to have a man that spent time with his daughter you have a great man there don’t ruin it over him cuddling with his daughter


Maybe you have to think of their comfort. Our 2yo daughter sleeps between us, my husband sleeps in boxers and tshirt (sometimes no shirt depending on how hot it is) sometimes she’ll cuddle me sometimes she goes to dad. Either of us will cuddle her till she goes to sleep and then we scoot her to the middle. But I’m not about to put a bra on or extra shit to lay down to bed or expect him to put something on he’s uncomfortable sleeping in just to put her to sleep. We have the clothes we are comfortable sleeping in and it’s really nothing more than convenience and comfort for everyone​:woman_shrugging:t2: when you cosleep with a child from the day they are born everyone is so desensitized its not even a second thought. So you shouldnt feel weird if that’s TRULY the only thing bothering you , but if you see/feel other red flags mmmm idk :grimacing: the anger and not letting you speak MAY be a trigger from mom(ex) treating him like a second class parent ?? :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

You’re there problem here. Absolutely normal. My husband lives in his boxers once the kids reach a certain age that will obviously stop but age 4 and 7 here

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If he was a mother sleeping in underwear with her daughter or son, would it still be a problem ?


I’d tell you to gtfo too🤷🏻‍♀️


These comments are brutal. Wow.
I would be uncomfortable with it as well I completely get where you’re coming from. And to these women saying “my daughter sleeps with me and I’m in a tshirt and undies” you’re both girls! Completely different ball game. And to these women who are saying their husbands sleep naked with babies in the bed… YOU are the problem. Wow. I would never permit that ever. And my girls dad would NEVER sleep in his boxers let alone naked with them in the bed. Naked dads and little girls… so cringe and uncomfortable. I feel bad for the littles that are dealing with this.
Do follow your instincts mama and do what you feel is right! But I agree 100% I wouldn’t be comfortable with it at all.


Im not sorry but its weird , my childrens dad is not allowed to even walk the house in just boxers. We have 3 girls it would be the same if you were wearing a thong and bra around a son.its weird . Now i can see if its son and dad its cool same if its a mom ans daughter. And for all the mean comments before they start i grew up in a bad situation and im sure youll understand with out the ugly details , so i guard ny girls so to each its own but it to me its weird

You are the one sexualizing the situation and making it feel uncomfortable. Just because you were told that it wasn’t ok when you were young doesn’t mean it’s true. If he’s not physically or mentally harming the child and they’re just having cuddles there isn’t an issue.


The gir should be in a different bed in a different room. The bed for adults is the bed for the adults to cuddle and have sex and make love. . He ca play with his little daughter during daytime and should know his place. Also, at what age he going to tell the little one that she cannot be in the bed anymore cause she is a big girl now? Feels like like a rejection for her, just like it feels like a rejection for you know. He should know his place : next to you.

Would you rather he sleep in a suit and tie, with his shoes on?


The man is a narcist, needs to control everything and does what he likes, tells you to shut up… are you his dog?

Cuddling with your child is not weird :joy:

It sounds like you guys need a CTJ discussion about boundaries or to break up tho cuz if yall are disrespectful of each other then it’s toxic :woman_shrugging:

Okay but what would be the difference between boxers and shorts? Or is it him not having a shirt on that bothers you? Because I’d say that society has normalized that for men as well so I guess I just don’t see where the line is

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I’m sorry but your making it weird. It’s his child and he can in the same bed with his daughter in trunks absolutely nothing wrong with that. I co sleep with my son who’s 6 and I wear a tshirt and no underwear :rofl::rofl:


And wht is wrong w U ? Yor house, tell HIM to leave !

I’d be absolutely furious with you

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Stop making this weird. There is nothing wrong with a dad sleeping in his boxers next to his child. It would be different if he were doing it with your child.


He’s covered up, it’s completely normal. It is sooooo difficult for men… no one would question a mother in bed with her son. I can see why he would be upset about your comments.
Kids are kids - I used to walk into the bathroom as a child (only one bathroom in the house) and my Dad would be in the shower - he’d always turn his back to me, but I was just in there to wash my hands or whatever else. I was only little 5 or 6, but I didn’t see anything wrong with it.
If the daughter is ok with it, you should be too.


Just be glad she has a dad who wants to see her and take care of her :heart:
Some don’t have that privilege…


Are you serious? He has on boxers. It’s his baby…paranoid much?


She’s 5…you’re so annoying. A father can’t cuddle with his child? Absolutely outrageous. If you think he’s a sicko leave him. Leave him and his kid alone


Nothing wrong with this at all. You seem to be just jealous of his kid.


So you trust him enough to date him, pay towards a house, but you basically saying because he cuddles his daughter at bed time while wearing appropriate boxer shorts he’s a predator on his own child? That’s a horrific accusation that would make any man or woman furious.

Maybe if you were specific about his “outbursts” when his kids were over we could better advise. But based on this pretty serious thing you say “makes YOU feel weird”, I bet your other arguments are just as judgy. I’d ask you to leave too, where must he go when he has his children with him.

Why don’t you just settle any debt between you and break up, maybe a man without children is what you need and some counselling.


And this is a reason why fathers feel insecure around there OWN kids. Comments like these. Its his kid. Hes wearing boxers. I would wear shorts and a t shirt with my girls, now its underwear and shirt with my boy. And i still get a cuddle with my kids all the time. End of the day im there Dad and dam proud of it


Yea girl you’re in the wrong here. You’re sexualizing a completely innocent situation. He gets upset because by constantly bringing it up you’re in a way ruining bonding time with his child. Not a lot of fathers are close with their kids and it’s admirable that he is taking the opportunity to create a bond with her. He makes her feel safe and connected. He’s wearing boxers. If he wasn’t that would be a little strange at that age. It’s honestly not your place to judge. Sounds like it’s not the right situation for you and you may just have to move on because if you constantly act jealous or sexualize innocent situations he will grow to resent you and so will his children.


Wtf! Lol you’re the one with the problem. It’s her dad who cares!! My kids dad always sleeps in underwear not ever would I think it’s an issue if he went to bed in underwear and one of his kids were in bed.


You’re just weird. Honestly if I was that man I would leave you single for making me feel weird from your sexualized thoughts :woozy_face:


Ahhhh that’s her dad !!! Why would this be inappropriate behavior? Your mentality seems to be an issue here !!! They way you sexualized this very normal thing is super abnormal.


as long as hes not naked & it is his daughter!


You are accusing this man who is trustworthy enough for you to live with of sexual predation of his own child because of checks notes vibes.


My husband has slept with his daughter’s and son’s in his boxer. My kids like to be naked all the time. My daughter sleeps naked next to me all the time and my husband. It’s not wrong. It makes you feel uncomfortable maybe you guys shouldn’t be together. You’re gonna find a lot of DAD’S who do that. Are you a parent yourself?

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That’s his daughter. If you have a problem with him then leave. Women bathe with their children, walk around in their underwear, change their clothes and use the toilet in front of their children yet nobody bats an eye but a father sleeps with his child in boxers which are basically shorts and there’s a problem. Don’t have a child with this man cause I can see false accusations coming soon as custody becomes an issue


Nothing abnormal about it

In my opinion he is very inappropriate and I’d be reporting him to child protective services pronto. Also alert the mother of the child.


If you don’t like the situation, leave. Wouldn’t bat an eyelid at my kids getting in bed with their dad, he’s their dad and they want cuddles when they’re staying with him! My kids get in bed with me, should their dad be worried I’m in bed with them too, or is it just because he’s a man? Maybe you should just accept things for as they are, or just move on.


If I were the father I’d be offended


I personally wouldn’t sleep in my boxers with my girls in bed just for the simple fact that the turtle likes to poke his head out from tome to time

It’s nothing. If nudity/less clothes is made to be just that, it’s nothing. My child has been around my family who is always naked and it’s nothing to him. He’s 13 now. My fiancee on the other hand, was raised as any nudity is sexual. But it’s not. It’s saving on washing, and it’s natural.

He’s her father. Now if it weren’t her dad then yes I’d have a problem with that. Myself personally I have 6 children and 4 grandchildren. I’m always in a tank top and panties. They often come lay in my bed. My boys are all older now and I don’t let them see me undressed. But my girls are 19 and 8 and I don’t care bc they’re my daughters. My grandson is 11 months and my daughter will lay him next to me that way. I wouldn’t say he’s doing anything wrong. She’s only 5. I had a doctor ask my once why I bathed with my 2 year old daughter. Ummmm what’s the problem? Smh these are our children. And yes things happen to children by their parents. If you feel that’s going on. Report him and leave him! It’s really that simple.


Ok so here’s my opinion
Alot may not agree but I don’t care
With his OWN child he can wear what he sees fit as long as he has atleats boxers on ok STOP sexualizing it that’s fucked up!!
If he was naked or it was YOUR kid not his or a niece or friends kid that’s different he should wear shorts and boxers and a top
But again she is HIS daughter and cuddled up with her trying to be hers safe place
My daughter’s dad will lay with her in boxers & a top
Would I ever think he would do anything to her NOPE no chance not ever & if anyone ever says anything I’d shut it down straight away as he loves his kids and wouldn’t ever do anything
You should know he is only making her feel loved secure and safe while making memories cuddled up watching tv ect
Leave him alone if you have any concerns raise them appropriately with the correct people but this is inocent & lovely he loves his daughter
So you should leave him be if you have an issue with this as that’s you problem not his.
Again she is HIS daughter not step daughter not niece not friend kid his daughter so this is totally fine!.

Here’s a question for you: ARE YOU STUPID??
Don’t ever try to justify yourself over nothing. He is her father. And if his daughter feels safe in daddy’s arm then stfu. He is wearing boxers. So fcking what!!
He is her father not a pedo. And the fact your making him out to be one is all kinds of wrong.
Either break up and leave the poor dad alone or stfu and learn to live with their bond.

Why is that wierd? He is her Dad .no wonder the world is like it is with comments like that!!

Lol? Not even inappropriate. Sleeping without a boxer would be inappropriate. Plus it’s his daughter… :woman_facepalming:t2:


Since I literally caught my husband molesting OUR child, I’m not the one to give an unbiased opinion. However, I’d get out of that relationship fast if I were you. It may be absolutely innocent and he has every right to be angry, but the fact that he tells you to get out of your own home (you pay bills there) because he’s so “offended” but you’re still there leads me to say it’s all for show and think something isn’t right. If a man was really offended by such an offensive comment against him, your relationship would be over.


Ugh I slept in the same bed as my dad when I was a kid too especially after having a bad dream … your generation really needs to stop sexualizing everything a parent does


Maybe you are weird! So what!

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Wow, I sleep with my child in my pants and vest. I even share a bath with my child at age 5. It’s what parents and children do isn’t it?! I don’t see anything wrong with it it’s his daughter …

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He is not being weird by sleeping with his daughter in boxers. But what is weird r his outbursts about it. And the way he is making you feel when u voice how u r feeling. Red flags all over it…


Men get erections, in their sleep, first thing in the morning, randomly, whatever… It’s natural. However, a little girl feeling daddy’s hard dick against her back is NOT okay. A little girl shouldn’t have to learn about that from experience. It’s disgusting. I feel disgusted even saying that but it has to be said. Do some of you women not understand that basic concept? Think about it. Don’t put your little girls in that situation. And if your man wants to put his little girl in that situation do bad ask yourself why does he want that so bad and why is he getting soooo upset, I mean, if there’s nothing going on he should have nothing to be upset about. Maybe if it was explained how I explained it it would bring perspective on how it’s just inappropriate.

Something ain’t right

It’s a dad and his child…nothing weird …

I’d look back at yourself and ask why it bothers YOU, you’re the one who’s sexualizing it… he would have a right to be angry after you’re making something innocent so weird.


I sleep in a bra and panties with my kids. Am I weird?


Hell I walk around naked out the shower , 2 boys 2 girls… a just turned 2 year old, ain’t no privacy around here, I created them, it ain’t no thing around here. They walk-in in while I’m on the toilet in the bath tub. So :woman_shrugging:


I sleep in panties and a shirt and my husband sleeps in boxers and a shirt. My kids will come to our bed sometimes in the middle of the night and sleep with us, and we both will cuddle with our children. We don’t sexualize it or see it in any inappropriate way.


Sounds like a you problem. The fact that you’re making it weird… is weird