Hmmm here’s a thought…maybe she misses him and wants to spend as much time as she can with hom
Wow! You are most definitely overreacting and looking for things to fight about. It’s her father. Unless there’s something that’s happened that you need to worry about. Stop making an innocent situation into a sexual one.
My daughter is 16 and still will come sleep in my bed sometimes i see no wrong or harm in that.
Nothing wrong with it
Amazing how many moms on here can be so uncaring, unsympathetic and not have empathy for a worried mom. Here is an idea…stop being judgmental bitches and realize that many women have been sexually victimized especially by male family members so now as moms the suspicion is there and rightfully so!!!
And this is why alot good fathers are distance from their daughters because when they try and show the love and affection that their daughters need from them its people like you that try and turn into something its not, and if you were to say anything to her father about it I can guarantee you this, the bond between him and his daughter will change he will become distance from her because of your mindset
This whole mentality is what’s wrong with society. We complain about absent fathers and then complain when they show love and devotion to their children. Smdh
You are not over reacting but follow your gut. Does he not have a spare bedroom/bed for? Does the father ask her to sleep there or vice versa? Is she uncomfortable? Regardless of what people say, parents do molest their children! Not saying he is but it does happen. Also, was your divorce a bad one and if it was, could this possibly be why you are questioning things!
My sister and I slept with my dad after my parents separated because we missed him so much. I was 13 and she was 3. I still crawl in bed and watch movies with my dad now
So your child sleeps in your bed every now and then but because it’s the dad it’s wrong
Sounds like it’s an established routine she does at your house and carries over to his. In your house it’s an act of love and comfort. Why is his different? Maybe since she goes there less often she isn’t as comfortable so she uses cosleeping as comfort like she does with you.
My 10 year old son likes to sleep in my bed. I think its weird that you’re even questioning it. I’m a single mom. It’s not like anyone else is in my bed and soon enough he won’t want to cuddle in my bed and watch TV or snuggle and watch movies until we fall asleep. Hes perfectly capable of sleeping in his own room but chooses not to.
Ask yourself if it would bother you if he was still with you/in your household?
If you had a son of the same age, would you allow him to sleep in your bed?
Child serives would not b happy
So if it was a 7 year old boy sleeping on his mom’s bed, it’s fine but a 7 year old girl sleeping on her dad’s bed is wrong? That’s a father and daughter moment, he is your ex-husband but he is not your daughter’s ex-father.
You are overreacting. My grandson is 8 and cuddles with me
From time to time my 8 year old sleeps in the same bed with me, nothing weird about it. Im his mother, his safe place, his number one love. NOTHING is weird about it that she is sleeping in the same bed as her father! She is a child they like to feel safe with their parents.
My 4 year old son shares my bed with me. There’s nothing wrong with a parent sharing a bed with their kid.
Man the posts about sexualizing family members is a bit much lately.
Seriously she’s 7 it’s her dad
My daughter is a year younger still sleeps with him when she there. Because he is her protector in their huge house…the other rooms are on other floors. I will be more afraid for her on her own. I believe him . I trust him as her parent, guidance , protector. Just like he thinks the same about me.
Sad times wen a child can’t sleep in bed wif her father without the mother questioning it
Ummm my sons always came and curled up with me. That’s where they felt safe. That’s where they talked to me as teenagers. As grown men, they still pop up once in awhile when they need to talk, or need advice. I feel blessed that they still feel safe and comfortable enough.
Why does everyone try to sexualize everything, its her FATHER and she is 7:woman_facepalming:
Legally the child must have it’s own bed/room depending where you are from.
Please just remember what ever boundaries are set at “home” will cross over to when the child sleeps at a friend’s house or anywhere else. We are talking about a 7 year old not a baby. Puberty will soon be an issue as well. Do what is comfortable for you just remember this is what you are teaching your daughter is acceptable and not.
My daughter likes to climb into bed with my fiancé and I at night. She does it for comfort, I don’t see anything wrong with it.
If she told you and you are aware, nothing is being hid from you !! It’s a shame that woman feel its fine to have their children in their beds but it’s wrong for a father to do the same
Why do people make this weird. Wow
The only issue here is her hogging the bed lol what’s the difference between a little boy sleeping in bed with mom than a little girl sleeping in bed with her dad? Treasure every cuddle you get before they grow up before they grow up in a flash. My son used to end up in my bed every night, now he’s almost 9 and he’ll give me hugs but sleeps in his room by himself
So what you’re saying is you’re a hypocrite. Just because he’s a male means nothing. That’s her DAD. You could have sexual intentions for all we know. Moms aren’t exempt from that just because they’re the mom. Nothing sexual about it. You’re just weird to even think anything more of it.
I have an 8 year old son that sleeps in my bed on occasion.
I would be appalled if his father though it wasn’t appropriate.
Krystal Clark my FATHER molested me in HIS bed when i was FIVE. If this woman thinks something is off. then chances are something is off.
the whole world isn’t just a pretty flower, there are fucked up people EVERYWHERE. no matter who they are to you.
No different to sleeping in bed with a mother. Mothers can also sexual abuse their children
All i can add to this is As a mum with a 7 year old boy, now is the time to teach boundaries. It is ok to sleep with your parents on occasion. It is not ok to sleep in a bed with ANOTHER adult🤷♀️
she is 7. people need to stop sexualizing everything. If you have concerns about her being sexualized then dont let her go call the cops and report it. If not leave her be. she stays with you most of the time. She misses her dad.
Not a dam thing wrong with it!! All the negative comments are ridiculous! She is spending quality time with the parent that is not with her in a daily basis
She’s a baby, not a pre teen. I slept in bed with my mom, and then my dad when one had to tend to my sister in the hospital for two months.
I don’t thk it’s a big deal. But I do think it’s time to start moving to her own bed or room. But dude come on that’s her dad. What’s the big deal? Has he ever given you a reason to be concerned if not. The chill. That’s her daddy. I’m sure she enjoys hanging out with her dad.
My 7yr old son sleep in the bed w/ my husband & I last night & when he started kicking i snuck out & left him to kick my husband I slept comfortably alone in the other room so enjoy ur bed freedom & let that baby sleep where they are most comfortable bc going btwn houses is hard enough on kids.
So what! I mean she’s 7 let her cuddle with her dad NOTHING wrong with it. She has a few more years before puberty let her be a kid. All people who think sexual thoughts on a dad n daughter u my dear need help
Our daughter is 5 but she loves sleeping in the bed with her dad if I’m coming in form a work trip late etf or gone. And I love that he is a great dad to her and they have those moments. She sleeps with me too if dad was gone for some reason. If you weren’t divorced you prob wouldn’t see it as an issue. If you wouldn’t you shouldn’t noe
As long as its innocent then it’s good! I mean just cause he is a man and has a girl child doesn’t mean he’s out there to do harm! He’s her father and what he does with his time with his daughter is his business! Just like what you do with your daughter is your business.
Would you be questioning this if you guys were still together? Like did she ever sleep with you guys when you lived together?
Would if be different if you had a son or if your son slept with you.
I’d it okay that your daughter sleeps with you?
Maybe she does it cause she wants to feel safe.
Has your ex ever done anything to your daughter to make u question this.
I slept in thr same bed as my dad till I was 10 years old cause I loved my dad and felt safe.
I personally think it’s fine, only you know your ex
I personally wasnt okay with it at that age. After 5 years old I pushed to have her own bed in the court order. Not saying she cant sleep there if she was sick or had a bad dream but that its there and the norm. Now shes 10 and its not an issue
No, it’s a little old to be doing that and even more so because she sleeps in her own bed with you at your home. It doesn’t need to be dramatic but it’s time it should stop. It’s a perfectly healthy boundary line. Ask any therapist.
You guess? Did you ask her if she does and how does she feel about it? If she says he makes her and she doesn’t want to then yes that’s a problem. But if she climbs in his bed just like she climbs in yours I don’t see an issue. When y’all was together how was he toward her?
That’s her dad. Period.
Lord I sleep with my daughter most nights. She’s 11
I’m not a creep. Some of you all are just way too much.
Why is it fine for her to sleep with you but not him? Honestly, some women these days
This seems to be a very common question in this group wow
My 6yr old STILL sleeps with us. Lmdao
I’m in the exact same situation I don’t feel weird at all by it she misses him as she only gets to see him some weekends. And he misses her they have movie nights with snacks and have a cuddle they are still only little really give it 5 years they won’t even come by us for a cuddle I say make the most of this precious time! As long as your daughter is happy doing this and you have no concerns with dad then leave it be x
What up with people yeah there some fucked up male and female out there but if there no signs of wrong doing then let it b I sleep with my grandkids and I like to cuddle up to my niece and nephew and if they want jump in my bed and sleep that fine with me who care what ages by saying that my nephew are 14 up to 30 odd years now go ahead say that wrong and creepy but I’m aloud show them how much they mean to me no matter what age and I hope when I’m old and grey in my nursing home they will still come jump in my bed give me hugs ha ha ha or I’ll b going there house push there wife’s out wanting my cuddles
Personally I am ok with it if it’s just the two of them. Where I draw the line is if my son is in the bed with him his gf will not be. Since he keeps on moving in with different girls and thier parents I finally put it in the order that he had to have his own bed. But realistically if he had his own place and didn’t bounce from living with different girls it wouldn’t be that big of a deal to me. Some kids are just cuddlers
My soon to be 8yr old son has literally slept with me almost every single night, we are about to move in with our beautiful little blended family and the one thing that he is upset about is the fact that he won’t get to sleep next to his mummy anymore and it secretly breaks my heart too!
Please let innocent children be innocent don’t put silly things into their heads Dad is just holding onto the last little bit of his baby girl if that makes sense
Its her dad it’s completely normal, especially if she doesn’t see him much since she lives primarily with you. She is probably trying to make the most of the time they have and strength their bond. Also some children regress in behavior while around the other parent they don’t see much, clingy/bedsharing/tantrums etc
My 19 yr old still sleeps with her sometimes, its her Dad.
God forbid a child loves their father and wants their comfort, even if that means sleeping in their bed… get over yourself
Would your 7 year old son sleep with you??
I read the all the comments. I can see both sides &owever I was a victim of incest from my birth father and his fathermy grandfather… this was not my imagination but a reality for me. I never told anyone how I hated them. JustBecause it happened to me doesn’t mean. It always happens. But I’ve lost my ability to ever be objective about this. I feel more than sad about this.
You gotta ask these questions: is she being forced to?
Is she uncomfortable?
Do you believe she is being groomed and/or sexually abused?
If you answer yes to any of this questions then you have a problem. If they all come back as a No, it is fine.
I sleep with my 7 yr old son the fuck …
I feel like this is weird this is even a question. It’s her dad! Granted my daughter is only 2 and a half at the moment, but it would be no different then sleeping in bed with me? Unless you have red flags…which if you did I would hope she would not see him at all. But that’s a completely different story.
My 7yo son sleeps with me on occasion. What’s the difference?
Why does everyone over sexualize everything with a parent these days.
I mean has he ever given you reason not to trust him? That’s her daddy. My 8 year old still curls up in her dads lap and every once in awhile sleeps next to him. She would sleep next to him every night if he allowed
Depends on the situation.
Ummm, unless it’s causing issues with her sleeping alone at home, who cares?
If it’s a bed or the couch, bed it is.
Mind your business. You loved him at one point.
Let him be her daddy. You be mommy.
Don’t start nitpicking his parenting bc she will resent you for it.
Oh…grow up and stop being petty over stupid nonsense.
My almost 3 year old daughter and 5 year old nieces will curl up and fall asleep with my dad, their papa, and I don’t find it weird, I normally try and get a picture because its the sweetest thing on the planet, I have numerous pictures of it because I know they’ll both cherish them. And I think its the sweetest thing ever when I catch my husband and daughter curled up sleeping together.
Over reacting, in my opinion. My step daughter slept with my husband for quite some time. After we got married and I got pregnant I kicked her out of bed for good, because there was no room in the bed for all 3 of us (she was 8 , almost 9). Every once in a while she asks for a living room camp out with dad. She’s 10 going 11 now.
It’s bonding. Hell even I snuggled up with mom in bed sometimes as a teenager before school.
Nothing wrong with it!
No she needs to be in her own bed
How or why would it be weird? If you are uncomfortable with then why allow the child to go see him at all?
My 5 and 3 year old sleep in their dad’s bed when they stay with him
As long as he remains in his clothes. I don’t see a problem. I’m saying this because she’s school age. And word travels. So taking extra steps never hurt.
Would you be asking this question if you weren’t divorced? Why after a break do women start making what fathers do with their children inappropriate knowing if they were still together they wouldn’t blink an eye?
My soon to be 9 year old sleeps with me … her dad works 3rds but when he’s home she sleeps with both of us … my oldest slept with us until she was 12 …
That said …If your worried about her being molested, talk to her about inappropriate touching , you should have that talk with your child regardless anyway … I was molested as a child by a family member that the family trusted so you can never underestimate anyone.
no she should not be sleeping along with her dad
My daughter hardly see her dad and when she does she wants to sleep with him and she is 9. Sometimes people think with a wrong mind.
“Tell me you’re spiteful towards your ex without telling me you’re spiteful toward your ex.”
If it’s unhealthy to sleep in the same bed as her dad it’s unhealthy to be sleeping next to you too …
For those that don’t think it’s weird, y’all do know that men get boners in their sleep quite often regardless of who their next to right? This page has been removed - NHS
Nope. It is totally fine.
I slept in the same bed as my dad till I was almost 6. I remember to this day thinking as long as I’m in bed with my dad nothing can happen to me while I sleep. I’m 26 now. Don’t think with an adult mind and think a little more simple cause kids are truly simple
I am curious as to how long you have been divorced. This sounds like a child and father that maybe have limited time and miss each other. Nothing more than that. Making the most of being together during their time. If the child is not complaining about lack of privacy why are you looking to interfer? This sounds a little petty and controlling on your part.
It’s her dad. I hate that people make stuff weird when it comes to their dads. Her dad is probably her comfort and safety. Don’t make it weird.
No actually CPS frowns Upon sleeping with you child after six years of age. Your Daughter needs her own bed. Puberty is around the corner and she needs her own space.
Well I know that a dad has done things to their daughters and when the mon finds out it’s too late???
That’s strange that you would even ask. Of course it’s ok… I’m sure it wouldn’t even be a question if it was a son sleeping with you.
I read once that if a child goes to a parents bed. It’s ok. But a parent goes to a child’s bed . It’s not ok just saying
I mean, my 6 year old son sleeps in my bed sometimes
I’m just wondering why the exact same question is being asked again (it was asked sometime last week as well)
Unless there’s reason to feel this way, don’t make something out of nothing. Not everyone is a damn pedo. And unless signs of abuse, stop looking for reasons to worry when child with other parent. Unless signs of abuse, then that’s different story
Fathers are allowed to sleep next to their daughters. Unless hes a creep, get tf over it! Sounds like a loving dad to me
When I was young, I would crawl in bed with my dad. I didn’t get to see him as much, so I wanted to be close to him while I was there. As long as she has a bed or space that she can sleep in when she wants to, I don’t see an issue
I wish my 7 year old would come snuggle with me.
My daughter is 6 and never sleeps in bed with me but her and my 3 year old loves crawling in bed with dad they feel safe and loved! I dont see any issue with it. I prefer them in bed and they know dad doesnt care thats why they do it. If i let them sleep with me all the time they would but i put them in bed and he doesnt. If he doesnt mind then there nothing really you can do. Theyre just sleepin its his baby just as much as yours.
I shared a room with my father up until about 8. He would also let me sleep in his room up until my teen years (his poor wife probably hated it) when I got scared at night. I allow my children to sleep with me when they want because it makes them feel safe and I know I’m their safe place. I had a friend who shared a bed with her dad until she was in her teens. I always admired how close she was with her father. It never seemed weird to me.
If you don’t trust him with your child you shouldn’t be allowing her alone with him, and if you do trust him, this shouldn’t be an issue. She probably feels safe with him
Children crisis unit recommends sleepovers in the livingroom so you not exactly with them