Is it okay to have a few drinks around your kids? I do not get drunk or even close to buzzed; I just have a few drinks at the end of the day before my kids go to bed…well, this time, my mother in law came over and literally started yelling at me because I was drinking with the kids still awake. She told me I was irresponsible and being selfish. I do not get drunk; I do not do anything stupid; it’s just something to unwind. My husband told her to leave, and now there is huge family drama. Was I in the wrong?
I don’t think it is as long as you are not going overboard which it sounds like you are not
Nope! & Kudos to your husband for defending you.
Not wrong at all, your an adult and your in your home and those are your children.
Not at all! You are an adult! Tell her to have a few & chill the hell out!
Tell her go and eat a bag of dicks
Not at all. She needs to worry about herself im glad your hubby stood up for you
No your not in the wrong. I drink a glass or 2 of wine before my kids go to bed
Not something I would do… Simply because if theres an emergency and I need to drive Im not doing it while drinking…
But if your husband is home and he isnt drinking… Then …get it girl.
Tell her to fk up and fk off
I mean I don’t I hate drinking as is, but no a drink or two is fine
Girl do you if you know your okay it should be no problem… smh
unless she pays your bills you can drink anytime you want in your house that’s you house
No, you just need to make sure that there’s a sober adult around. This is really just some old fashioned thinking about the roles of women in parenting.
Sounds like she needs a drink!!!
She sounds like a monster in law…
Lol my dad used to let me try it I mean that was the 90s but still. As long as your not doing that idk why I glass or 2 would hurt! God knows we need it to deal with all the bullshit going on these days!
No, not at all! You are an adult it’s the same thing as a glass of wine tell her to have a whole bottle and take a seat!
i have a glass a wine around my kids
If you’re needing to drink every night, that makes you an alcoholic. It’s not setting a good example for your children either to drink every single night in front of them. I agree with the mother in law 100%.
A few is fine I like to have a few while cleaning an cooking dinner nothing wrong with that
They are your kids as long as you still taking care of them that’s your decision.
Yes. Keep that away from your children. If you can’t wait until they go to sleep you might want to seek some help… that’s alcoholic behavior
Not at all hun, nothing wrong with something to unwind after a rough day of being a mother
As long as you’re not drinking at her house, it’s not her business.
Sounds like she needs a drink or two… Nope its not a bad thing dont worry about others words
I guess to me it would depend if it’s an every day thing that you have multiple drinks a night or if it’s a once in awhile thing that your MIL so happened to be there for
Ma’am you can do whatever you need to relax at the end of the day in your own home
Nah we need to stop normalizing alcoholism in moms. If you have to drink to unwind, you have an alcohol problem.
Uh, no. You’re not wrong. Your MIL sounds like a prude. You do you!
I occasionally cook dinner with a glass of wine. As if anyone has time to wait for the kids to go bed . Your not hurting anyone, if you’ve only had 1-2 then you can still drive if needed. Your house, your kids, your rules.
You arent doing anything wrong momma!! Dont listen to these negative karens…they are just comment trolls w nothing better to do then judge others. YOU KNOW YOURSELF BEST and i think you know u r doing nothing wrong! My grandma in lawpulled that shit on me once! Came over unannounced and tried to shame me! Believe me she got read to filth and asked to leave.
I smoke weed. I’m sure she’d have something to say about that. As long as you do it responsible and reasonable. Tell her to keep her nose on her own face.
Ps. I only smoke when my kids are asleep. And most of them are grown and have kids of their own.
You definitely weren’t wrong. I think it is wonderful your husband stood up for you. Sorry you’re dealing with all the drama now.
How do your kids learn responsible drinking habits, if they never see them?
Live your life, she was out of line. My sister in law would put kalua in her coffee. No one knew but then she got all uppity when someone had a beer around the teens.
Nothing wrong with having a drink or two. Mil needs to mine her own business
Nothing wrong with casual drinking.
As long as your kids aren’t neglected,there’s no reason for you mother in law to come in your home&tell you what you can&cannot do! Your husband did the right thing by telling her to leave
Nothing wrong with that. I mean, I raised 4 teens alone. I did drink in the evening. And I’ve never been an alcoholic lol
I have a glass of wine or a drink when we go to a restaurant (Ofc I’m not the one driving) they’re not aware of what alcohol is depending on their age. Even if they do know, it’s “mommy time”. You’re not just a mom. You’re an individual. Just be responsible around them.
Millie (MIL) needs to mind her business.
You were not drunk and you had your husband home
Don’t you let them mother in laws get to you like that. You are a GROWN woman you can do what u want when u want. You are not a bad mom as long as the kids/kid is taken care of who cares. Your house. You can do as u please! Keep on sipping on a few to unwind. Your doing great mama
Sounds like she’s the one who needed a drink
No you’re not in the wrong. There’s nothing wrong with 1 or 2 drinks to unwind at the end of the day even if the kids are awake while you drink them. Ignore her
Teaching moderation is important for children. Having a drink but not getting drunk is fine. Alcohol is not a problem, but alcohol abuse can be a problem. Jesus turned the water into wine. The Bible says “take a little wine for your stomachs sake.” So, I am not apposed to having a drink… Regardless of anyone’s feelings about alcohol, for or against, it’s your home, your life, and your kids. It isn’t any of your mother-in-law’s business.
No, it’s your house and your rules. Your kids happy? Healthy? Is your husband? No one’s neglected? Then her.
Also kudos to your husband! Alot of men have a hard time standing up to their mothers.
Is that what you want to teach your kids? QI
I do…did…so did my parents and grandparents…
I’ve literally never drank anything but a single glass of wine with dinner in front of my kids. My rule is, if a child needs to go the er & I was to get pulled over, would I be under the legal limit? If not, you shouldn’t be drinking. Period.
Nothing wrong with it… I normally have One to Unwind Down After a Stressful day sometimes its around the kids… Nothing wrong with it.
Does no one ever remember going to family bbqs as a kid or something at night and all the adults getting s**t faced like cmon it’s a couple drinks glad your hubby told her to leave
You should have mixed her up with a drink. Nothing wrong with having a drink to settle in- esp in your own home
I would tell your MIL it sounds like she needs a drink the next time. I would even pour her one and wait for the magic to happen…but that’s just me being me.
I know a couple who has a small child at home 24/7 and they start drinking beer at 9am and has one an hour until midnight… I promise a few drinks are not gonna harm or effect your kiddos at all.
I mean. I wouldn’t drink when visitors come. That way you don’t get told off. I get you just want to live life. But to avoid this. Just don’t do it when you have her over. Do it on your own time. But other than than as long as you don’t pass your limit. Them your ok.
If you’re not going to be driving or intoxicated, then I see nothing wrong with a drink or 2.
My mom never drank or kept any alcohol in our house until my sister and I were over 21. I feel like drinking in front of your children/teenagers is inappropriate and is more likely to promote underage drinking and alcoholism.
Each to their own I guess.
She shouldn’t of called you selfish tho. An it’s good that your husband told her to leave.
I drink on occasion only (new year an my birthday (but knowing I have kids to get up to I would now only have a couple on those occasions. Otherwise it would most likely knock me out lol.
But Then My hubby will get a carton every now an then an usually have 1 or 2 near tea time after work just as a drink as I would have a plain coke etc. (my coke is an obsession lol) cokealism.
But I think it would be how you would act if you didn’t have it (do you always need it, can you go without. Do you get cranky if you didn’t have it for a night (I guess some can see it as a addiction just like smokes etc.
Also if ur kids pick up on it, can u have a drink without them knowing what ur drinking every night (would it be a problem for them when they get older). yes there is drinking responsible (yes we are human an allowed a couple l) but a lot of people may say drinking responsible is once a week or a fortnight etc where as that looks a whole lot more to drink every night. Also being aware of ur kids telling the teacher at school etc oh my dad or mum drinks beer etc every night.
Your house your rules. She has no right to ever tell yuh what to do. She was wrong. Glad your husband told he to leave.
As long as someone is sober enough to drive in case of emergency, you’re fine. It’s not illegal to have a drink in the presence of minors.
I like to think my in laws are pretty classy folks. Religious, clean cut, and kind. I open a beer around them whenever it is offered. They aren’t big drinkers but keep my favorite in the house at times because they know I enjoy having one or two while they play with their grandsons. This MIL sounds like she has maybe a past occurrence to make her like this or she is a bit high strung and feels entitled to go off.
As long as you aren’t drunk or buzzed being weird silly around your kids, go for it.
Drink after they go to sleep.
It’s your choice, your house, your kids .
I chose not to drink around my kids ( alcoholic mom issues) however I smoked marijuana while caring for my kids ( not around them but while I was caring for them ) my home my kids my choice.
Are your kids safe ?
Are they fed ?
Are they bathed ?
Are they cared for ?
One more thing, my kids are now grown and they have no issues that I smoked marijuana, they said I taught them you have to get up go to work , take care of your kids , go to all the sports and cook great dinners . So in short they came out ok . Oh ya and pay Bill’s they learned that too.
Your MIL is utterly ridiculous.
Girl, go enjoy your drink.
Momming is hard. If wine/beer helps you. Drink another…
I’m so very impressed by hubs stepping up to the plate like that! Yas!
We have a drink some nights after dinner. My grandmother had a glass of red wine every night and relaxed on the sofa. Modeling responsibility with alcohol is a lesson I’d like my kids to learn from me.
As long as you aren’t hurting your kids in the process. Emotional or physical abuse. Because over time that will take a toll on the kids.
Since you said you don’t get drunk, then I’ll assume that you keep all in a “light” mood.
However, since you got yelled at because of it, will the kids think it’s a really bad thing? If they start believing that it is terrible then there could be an issue.
She is in the wrong! She has no place to tell you, a grown woman, what to do!
I def drink around mine.
It’s okay for kids to know what alcohol is. It’s legal and for adults as long as it’s consumed responsibly.
I drink around my kiddo. If it is seen as some crazy, taboo thing, she’ll want to do it more. It’s normal in our house, and we’re responsible drinkers.
Being a responsible drinker teaches children that there are appropriate ways to drink alcohol.
I’m not a drinker, but that’s insane to me. You can’t treat them as stuff doesn’t exist.
I think she is ridiculous. Have your drink. You are in the comfort of your own home. Obviously, you are not going over the top. Unwind. Enjoy. Good on your husband
You didn’t say how often you drink? The way its worded it sounds like it’s every night? “A few at the end of the day”. If that’s the case you might have an issue hunni.
My daughter is 10, she’s never seen me drunk. I’m not even sure she’s seen anybody drunk tbh. But saying that she is disabled, has epilepsy and I worry something happens when iv had a drink.
I’m not a big drinker, never have been, but I have had a few around her. Always with meals and normally not strong (for example a snowball xmas with dinner, a weak cider over the summer at a bbq).
They are your kids, your home, your choice. As long as its not where you need a drink every night or there’s safe guarding issues then I cant see an issue with it.
Maybe have a civil conversation with her. Some people can actually handle their alcohol. Some cannot. As long as your kids are well taken care of ( which I am sure they are ) and you are not being abusive to anyone or harming yourself … WHO THA F CARES ? you’re the momma. In your house! Do whatever you please darling
no, you were not in the wrong.
Your mother in law was though and should be ashamed of herself.
Im really glad that your hubby had your back!!!
Btw…your mil would HATE me
What of something happens and you have to take the kids to the ER or something. You can’t drive!
Why does she think she has the right to scream at you about anything you do in your home? Good on your husband for kicking her out.
I drink around my kids all the time lol. Not enough to get drunk. Just to unwind like you. She is freaking tripping and should mind her business. If your kids are safe and out of harms way then you ate good!
Yup your MIL is way out of line, first of all coming into your house yelling at you!! Ummm hell no my MIL did that once and we’ll never came back! It’s your house your comfort zone and if you wanna have a few drinks then more power to you. I’m sure most moms and dads have a few drinks here and there. I know my husband and I do especially if we are having a bbq with friends and family over, as long as the kids are taken care of I don’t see one problem. Good luck!
I sometimes have a glass of wine when my sons are still awake… they’re 4 tomorrow… I’m glad I don’t deal with family like that. Tell her to go suck a left nut. What you do in YOUR house with YOUR kids is not her concern unless abuse is involved which I highly doubt there is.
Girl, that’s your house . You’re a grown ass woman, as long as you aren’t shit faced where you can’t tend to your kids then wtf is the problem. You are NOT in the wrong, what you do in your own home is no ones business. I never understood why people cared about what others adults do. Ughh:roll_eyes: & this is why we drink
Absolutely its ok to do as long as your being responsible. My husbands n his friends have thirsty Thursday’s every week flipping host houses. I will have a drink or two when we have friends over on the weekends or on vacation we both take turns or have a drink when we eat out when shes awake
As long as your able to
Take care of the kids in a responsible manor thAts all that matters or you have someone home on the nights you pass the limits. If any to take care of them your good.
My almost 20 month old is everywhere n into everything so i cant turn my back unless i am accompanied by someone i wait till she’s in bed when I’m alone but that’s my preference as I’m paranoid after something happened with a friend. My husband caught me in the garage with a crown and coke like 5 min after she fell asleep the other day as he got home super late tho. He laughed. But i love to pour a glass of wine or a drink jn the summer and just on the back porch in the dark for 10 min and hear myself think and with a full time plus job its more or less to say wtf and regroup lol
I personally don’t drink while my children are awake I’ve had maybe 1 blue WKD I front of my nearly 5 year old in the whole 5 year but tbh I’m not a drinker I don’t have time to drink😂 I won’t drink while I’ve got a baby I’ve got to get up with through the night…
But she’s in the wrong for yelling at you!!! If you don’t get drunk then what’s the issue:/…
She needs to mind her own business
Well. Technically, CPS would call that neglectful supervision.
She’s not wrong from a legal stand point. But she is wrong from a personal one.
My kid is out bar tender, she’s 4
The only reason I don’t do that is because you can relax and enjoy it when your kiddos are asleep. For your self and sanity… drink when they are asleep!! lol But you clearly know your limits. Not her kids. None of her business. Happy your husband stuck up for you!
Ridiculous… I’ve had a drink or a couple in front of my kids. No harm done, not drunk. Just relaxing.
I thibk its finre it sho2s kids that a person can have a wind down beverage and it doesnt need to be drink till your wasted, the more kids are sheltered from stuff they cant learn how to manage things. Have your drink mama…you earned it… as for your mother in law… she has no right to scream at you… especially if its in front of the kids… shes not exactly giving ofg the best example…
Emma McEwen some of these karen comments
Let her know she was in the wrong to comment on your parenting while the kids were still awake
What you do in Your household should not concern her… or is she the mother of Your children?
As parents we give up a hell of a lot for our kids (which is our choice because we chose to have them) but I feel if you having a couple drinks and like you say, not getting drunk or even buzzed, I feel you have every right to, especially the fact you doing it at home and not going off to a pub or club! I don’t think your MIL has a right to come into your home and shout and dictate to you what you do there. Your home, your rules. Good on your hubby for standing up for you.
Well done hubby for having your back. Each to their own on this topic really… but she has no right to come to your house and yell you out like that!
I was to scared to drink if my kids wasn’t it bed. It always ran through my mind what if something happened I had to take them to the hospital and they could smell I had been drinking. I just worried to much when they was little.