Is it wrong to drink around your kids?

She’s never gone to a BBQ, family function and had a couple beers while talking with adults? She must be a saint!! :roll_eyes:


I would tell the mother in-law to go home and don’t come back there is nothing wrong with having a drink or 2 or even if u do get drunk ur at ur house and the kids r safe.


In my opinion it shows your kids to enjoy it in moderation and how to be appropriate with it :woman_shrugging:


I think it’s between you and your partner to do what you want no-one else should have an input :sun_with_face:

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As long as you’re not drinking to get shit-faced or buzzed and it’s really is a drink or two (possibly three), it’s fine!

Nahhhhhh, as parents we give up SO much for our babes and I think having a few drinks at the end of a hard day to relax is the least of anyone’s problems!
I’d tell my mother in law to f**k off and don’t come back until she wants to have a wine and watch the kids run around the back yard. :wine_glass:


Oh boo hoo. You’re relaxing at the end of the day! As long as you aren’t getting blistering drunk and beating your kids, it’s fine.

Omg a couple drinks, your children’s lives are ruined!!!
If that’s the worst thing your doing as a parent,
your doing a bloody fantastic job !!!


Omg some people just need something to winge about and in-laws are the worst for it who cares do wat you want your the parent and know right from wrong and ain’t putting your kids in harm’s way your home relaxing not out partying with them it could be so much worse people like to judge it’s the world we live in no body is perfect even if they think they are I’d say just move on from it maybe she will realize and maybe she mite babysit if it worrys her so much lol be a good granny and then go party show them the difference .

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Yes she must go home

Yes it ok! And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!! As long as your children are safe and cared for, you’re fine!

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Damn my mother on law offers me drinks. I feel sorry for you. She drink with us all. Life is about living not just survival

ur house do what u want she the problem


Pour her a drink sounds like she could use one n tell her mind her own :woman_shrugging::beers::rofl:


Hell no you’re not wrong I normally have a glass of wine when I do my homework at night. It helps me unwind and get motivated most the time my child awake it’s not like I’m belligerently drunk and setting a bad example. Some people just need to mind your business and worry about their own children and actions.

I think it’s good for your kids to see u drinking shows them that it’s normal n not a bad thing n u show them u can drink without getting drunk so come high school they won’t go crazy cus it wasn’t a big tabu thing growing


No your not in the wrong she is.!!


The only thing toxic here is your mother in law :woozy_face:
Your house, your rules. Moderation is absolutely fine. You’re a full grown adult, and another adult is trying to control your life. I can’t imagine the audacity. She would have been thrown out like yesterdays wine bottle :rofl:


Pour ur mother inlaw a shot and tell her to chill. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


First off, your house, your rules! I applaud your husband for being man enough to stand up for you​:clap::clap:
Secondly, she has no right to tell you how to parent and especially to tell at you in your home!
People have different beliefs. I will have a glass of wine or something in front of my kids or my husband will have a beer. We let them know that it Is for adults only. I would not get drunk to where my senses are impaired because my kids would burn the house down😜
If your mother in law is dramatic enough to cause family drama over this, you are probably better of keeping your distance. Good luck love and give that hubby some :kissing_heart:


Nope. I do it too (when not pregnant before a friend questions me :joy:). Usually a glass of wine whilst making dinner.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a drink or 2. Me personally since I’ve had my kids I dont drink at all even Christmas I dont it’s just not a thing I like anymore. But my husband has a drink every now and then especially when he isnt working and we are relaxing there is nothing wrong with it at all. Your husband is amazing for standing up for you to his parents. I hate my in laws and I thank god every day we havent had contact with them in 11 years xx


Good for your husband! She needs to mind her own business!!


Im on the fence about this. I did not drink in front of my children (they are grown now) I do drink but only socially. MIL could have approached differently. But, this made me think if a woman wrote my hubby has drinks every night “never gets buzzed” (kinda sounds like a alcoholic??) So where is the line? CPS would see that as an issue. Ask yourself why? Yes your home your rules and your family morals and values. Besides MIL may have had a bad experience with a drinker in her life. Myself I would maybe not make it as obvious plastic cup not wine glass, and stay aware as to my daily consumption. But times are different now.

You are not wrong. Enjoy a drink or 2.


absolutely not your not wrong moms are people too

Absolutely not! Your house your rules. She shouldn’t have a say in it at all, regardless! Tell her she parented her kids, let you parent yours. It’s just a few drinks.

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My mother in law doesn’t like drinking at all. Every once in a while I have a drink but I try not to drink in front of my kids. I will have a drink at a restaurant or sometimes at home.

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Um no and she’s mad rude. Your husband was right to send her home. All parents need an opportunity to unwind.


You most certainly can drink and you are not a bad mom. Carry on and be happy

Tell your mother n law to flip off! If she can stay in her lane cut her out

sounds like karen needs to mind her businessssss!!! :joy::beers:


Let me just say, I’m happy your husband stepped up & told her to leave. Not many men would do that!


Hell no! I drink in front of my kids. Obviously you know your limit. Don’t get drunk. And make sure your still god if they need help.

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Your house your rules your kids PERIOD

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Absolutely not!!! You did nothing wrong…

Nope, you’re an adult. Your house, your kids , your life… :woman_shrugging:t2:

Oh n I’m an addict in recovery n would NEVER tell my friends/ family who drink they can’t or shouldn’t have a few in front of their kidd

Your the mom, your the one who takes care of your kids!
Chug a beer in front of her and send her off. :rofl:


Tell your busybody MiL to take a hike.

Nope! Its your house, they’re your kids and its your alcohol

You 100% are not in the wrong.

“Mommy drinks juice just like you do. Mommy juice is not for kids though”

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Show them the responsible way of drinking, they will mirror that! You did nothing wrong!

Do what your grown ass wants in your own home as long as it doesn’t harm yourself or children…


Nope. You’re fine. Glad your hubby stood up to her!

No tell hur to buzz off mind hur own business the cheek of hur

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I would have kicked her out. It’s your house, your family, your life. You are not wrong to have drink in your home infront of your kids.

Not wrong…as im taking a sio of my beer

Absolutely not! They actually say having a few around your kids is good for them. When they get older they will have a better idea about how to responsibly drink.


Not at all wrong, and your hubby rocks for having your back

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I personally will not. That being said I would NEVER tell someone what they can and cannot do in their own home.

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I’m just glad your husband told her off. Tf is wrong with this lady? Smdh.

:joy: not wrong at all. Shed have earned herself a temp ban from my house for that crap. Your house ur rules. Ur entirety allowed to have a drink or 2 to unwind after a difficult day.

Your house your kids your rules and your husband loyalty to you is everything!

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: Mexican Families : :neutral_face::zipper_mouth_face::no_mouth:


Not her house not her bussiness

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Absolutely not! It’s not like you were the only adult present for one! For 2, you weren’t drunk. You’re an adult and allowed to have a drink. Thank goodness your husband was man enough to step in and say something to her. Geez. I drink around my kids sometimes. If they ask what I’m drinking, I say it’s Mommy’s juice and not for kids :woman_shrugging:


Go for it nothing wrong with having a few drinks :wink::relaxed: in your house with ur kids there

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You were not wrong. Your house, you’re an adult, end of discussion.

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Not wrong at all. She needs to mind her own business, and as you can see your husband feels the same.


Nopeee i NEVER drink around my kids, ever! Just my opinion

Our rule is as long as someone in the house is safe to drive in case of emergencies. I personally wouldn’t agree with multiple drinks in front of the child, but a glass of wine with dinner is more than fine.


I was getting dirty looks a few weeks ago at dinner because I had a cocktail and a beer. Our 2 year old was with us. Hubby wasn’t drinking and he was driving. We were celebrating my new job offer.
It’s just one of those backwards American things.


I think your mil is being selfish and unrealistic.
She is in your house telling you this? Totally not ok.

I drink and have a few. I think it is fine. 🤷 I like to have one or two when I make dinner

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I feel like showing your kids that drinking responsibly as healthy lifestyle, is better than only showing drinking alcohol in a negative light. Drinking isn’t only for parties, getting drunk, or forming an addiction… it can be a social and relaxing experience as well. You’re great for showing your kids healthy drinking habits <3 And SHOUT OUT to the husband for stepping in :clap::clap::clap:


It’s good for kids to see what healthy drinking is. So, when they’re around black outs they will no that behavior is not normal and to steer clear. That’s amazing your husband stood his ground and asked her to leave. Absolutely nothing wrong with having a few !


Nope she is out of line


Tell your you mother in law to put a sock in it and to get the hell out of your house.


No your mil was in the wrong.

I understand where she’s coming from in a way she would want the kids to be asleep so u can drink comfortable and not have to worry about the kids running around while u drink but I also understand you 100! Sometimes us moms need a Fkn break some chill time and I don’t see what’s wrong with u having some drinks in front of ur kids I’m glad ur husband was on ur side and sent her home try to reach out to her after all she is ur kids grandmother and she will always want what she thinks is best for them you did nothing wrong don’t feel bad for ANYTHING!

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I drink in front of my kid, she knows they are mommas drinks and she isn’t supposed to touch them. MIL can go away.

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I have a drink around my kids (still capable of taking care of them) mil needs go get a life x

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F#+k no you are not wrong.

No you’re not wrong, she crossed the line and good for your husband for telling her to leave!


You’re not wrong. Use it as a teaching moment if they ask. It’s for grown ups to do responsibly, etc. She needs to mind her own business

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You are a grown ass woman! Tell that lady got kick rocks :dart:

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Absolutely not. I have a couple white claws at the end of the night while my oldest is awake (other two go to sleep early) but I’m still more than capable of caring for all three, and she just thinks mommy is having a grown up soda and thinks nothing else of it. She’s not allowed to have soda so there’s no conflict there. Momming is hard. You’re doing nothing wrong. Don’t let her comments bother you!

There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. She was in the wrong!

Ummm hell no, there is absolutely no way someone is coming into MY house telling me what I can and can’t do around MY children. If they are safe, taken care if and happy there is so reason for anyone to tell you sh*t!

I don’t drink but once in awhile and it does irk me when both parents are drinking while out with their kids lol but at home drink away sister, parents deserve to unwind safely too!! So happy your husband stuck up for you and sent her on her way.

As long as there is an adult other than u there ur in the right even if ur buzzed.

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I see nothing wrong with it. On easter we had “dinner” at 3. At 4pm I had a couple wine coolers while we were all outside 🤷

If you were loaded and it was daily there is an issue but from this tell her to let the door hit her where the good lord split her. Seriously out of line.

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Tell that woman to go to her house and mind her own business … :ok_hand:


Sounds like your MIL needs a drink


I do it all the time 🤷

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I enjoy a nice drink occasionally to unwind :woman_shrugging: I stop at 1 but that is my personal limit.

No girl you do you and just ignore her. And keep being a positive role model for those babies

Ummmm I was super buzzed on vacation this week with the kids. My husband was driving and not drinking. I will have a few drinks in my house when the kids are up. It’s not a big deal unless you making a big deal. The kids don’t give a crap.

Unless it’s a bbq or something, most people generally wait until their kids are in bed.

Tell your mother in law to mind her own business . Or join in lol

Offs. Drink as much as you want as long as you can still take care of them.


Sometimes we gotta start to unwind before the kids are in bed ourselves. Tell her to mind her own.

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If you were to drive…if you would be pulled over, could you pass a DUI?

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Tell you mother in law to go home

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I think she needs a couple drinks

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You are in YOUR house, YOUR kids are okay, tell that lady to fuck off and mind her business. Your hubby is great for defending you. As he damn well should.


The only way I think its a problem is if you’re getting sloppy drunk but as long as you’re just having a couple of nips after a long day she can stfu imo!

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