Is it wrong to drink around your kids?

I drink wine every night and have lil dance parties w my 1 yr old until we fall asleep

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Praise to your husband for telling his mother to leave and defending you. There is nothing wrong with a few drinks to unwind from a long day. If your at home (not to mention with your husband) not drinking, the kids are taken care of and fed, go for it mama! Haters gonna hate


You’re not wrong. You’re a grown woman.

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Falling down, sloppy drunk. No…in control…absolutely ok. Yay to hubby


As long as you are able to take care of your kid there is nothing wrong with having a few drinks or smoking some weed I definitely get more than buzzed around my kid once in a while all he knows is mommy giggles and gives some extra hugs :woman_shrugging:t3:

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She should have pulled you aside. My husband has alcoholism run in his family. He’s also a borderline alcoholic. Hes working on it but these things take time. He has a 19 year old son who has seen a drink in his dads hand every day of his life. Its starting to become an issue with his son now.
We have a 3 year old together and one on the way. I refuse to let my husband normalize this. I see what’s happening with his older son. Once a week? Sure! But not everyday. What is normal for you will be normal for them.

I think every parent i know get drunk around their kids… its stupid i think, but they do it anyway…

No you’re not wrong…what’s the difference between that and adults drinking beer with pizza or having a glass or two of wine at dinner.:woman_shrugging:
Many countries actually drink an alcoholic beverage with their meal that is eaten with their children.


Sounds like she could use a cocktail :flushed:


No you are not wrong!

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I was in the process of drinking a daiquiri before I put my son to bed. I never have more than one drink in one sitting anyway

As long as there’s another adult there (in case of an emergency, regardless if you don’t think you’re buzzed) there’s nothing wrong. If you’re there alone with children, then yeah maybe no drinking. But that’s my opinion :woman_shrugging:


Shout out to hubby for standing up for youu.!
I remember growing up my dad always had a drink in the evenings & I bought my first house at 19 & my sister is married with 2 beautiful kids. Watching dad have a drink didn’t stop us from succeeding :woman_shrugging:


I have a couple glasses of wine or a couple beers at the end of the night. Sometimes i wait till my daughters are asleep other times i have them after dinner. When youre not getting drunk it doesnt make a bit of difference. Also your kids and theyre safe so she can fuck right off


If you arent drunk then I don’t see why it matters. You can do whatever you’d like in your home. As long as you, your kids, and your husband don’t see a problem then leave it. She’ll get over it or she won’t come back over. :rofl::woman_shrugging:


I think that’s reasonable. My mom was an alcoholic and seeing her drink never affected me. Just her priorities. So if you keep your priorities in check and aren’t getting drunk drunk I think you’re fine.

When my son goes to bed I occasionally have some wine :woman_shrugging:t4:

If you have to hide your drinking it’s an issue… sounds like MIL may be an alcoholic

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I am not a drinker but in my opinion you are not in the wrong, you are a full grown adult having a few drinks responsibly, it’s really no big deal!

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Please send this to her if and when a text from her happens

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Also should have told her she’s lucky you had clothes on🤣 . Sorry I love stirring pots. But fr. Your house. Your kids. Your life


Nope. You weren’t in the wrong. That woman needs to learn how to mind her business!

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You’re an adult, in your own home. Alcohol is legal, and she’s obviously triggered for some reason, but that isn’t your problem. As long as you are being safe, that’s what matters. You don’t hide things unless there’s a reason to, and there’s no reason to hide a couple of drinks, unless you’re not supposed to be drinking for legal reasons. (Parole, etc…) She can kick rocks. You weren’t smoking crack or popping pills. Just know yourself, your limit, and stay safe.

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If you aren’t drunk and it’s only like one or two in front of the children then it’s fine. But I’d be damned if I would have my mother in law come and yell at me in my own house!


It’s none of her business and especially if hubby is there to help out with the kiddos there’s nothing wrong with unwinding🤷🏻‍♀️ as long as your completely still capable of taking care of your children, it’s no ones business!

No! What’s the difference to relaxing with a joint or a glass of wine :woman_shrugging:


You were definitely not in the wrong. I personally don’t drink much, but I have definitely had a few drinks WHILE playing with my daughter.

  1. No it’s not if you drink responsibly. 2. It’s your house not hers therefore you do as you please 3. I give your husband many props for defending you! Yay him!

Seems appropriate to drop this…
UGHHHH why are MIL’s literally the fucking worst?! :rofl:

The kids have no idea what’s in the cup unless you announce it. Your MIL was waaayyy out of line to even make an issue of it. Obviously, if your husband and MIL were there, then there were other adults present; however even if there weren’t, NOT HER BUSINESS!! Don’t carry the weight of her opinions or bad behavior. She started the trouble, let it stay with her.

Um, are you over 21?? Oh okay, thats all that matters!!

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As long as you’re not drinking to get drunk that’s the main thing

We drink before our kids go to bed… just not crazy… we just save those nights for either a sitter or whenntheres someone that doesn’t/won’t drink … don’t stress… its perfectly normal your kids are safe and cared for

I think everyone views this differently. I have never seen my parents drink until I was 18 years old. There would be alcohol in the house, but they wouldn’t drink it at home. :woman_shrugging:t4:
I personally don’t think one should drink while your kids are awake, maybe after they all go to bed.

Tell your mother in law to fuck off…simple as that…u not drunk…u know what’s happening around u n the kids…u have kids tell your mother in law…I m an adult now


I dont drink around my kids. I dont really have a reason. I don’t really want them to see me do it just to cope with life but also it’s just something I chose not to do


Fair play to ur husband if she had come round at lunch time to find her like that fair enough but after a long day it’s none of her business if the family can still function bed time.would she be as quick to run in with a slice pan or ltr of milk if there was none

Nothing wrong with that ! I have a TALL glass of wine at night or a angry orchard rose . Nothing bad . Sometimes hubby bring me two bottles . Or on Friday night we both take a shot after a long week . When we are over with friends we drink but don’t get drunk .


In my opinion it depends on the age , I drink occasionally but wait til kids are gone or asleep (I have tots) but when they hit teenager years I will not be so candid with my adult activity’s

Oh boy…sounds like a monster in law. That would just make me want to drink more when she comes over :joy::joy::joy: If you have ever been on Reddit…you are NTA (Not the A$$hole).


First of all my mother in law wouldn’t even think about walking in my house and yell at me. Hell yes I drink in front of my kids :laughing: I don’t need to hide my true self from them. They know who their momma is.


If it’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right!


I’d be more worried that a couple drinks daily don’t even get you buzzed lol talk about a waste of money and calories

MIL needs to get out

Hell no you weren’t wrong she was. She shouldn’t be coming at you like that period.

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If they aint helping with care, financial support so on so forth who tf cares what people think


I’d tell her to pull the wine bottle out of her ass.

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I cracked a beer the moment my big kid got home from school today… you were not in the wrong!!


I personally never smoked or drank around my kids or behind their backs. I tried to set a good example

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If you are making a habit of it I’d question what that is teaching them, but a drink or 2 around your kids every now and then isn’t a big deal

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Your husband did right! Your children, your house, you can do whatever the fudge you want! If she doesn’t like it don’t come back :woman_shrugging:t4:


Not wrong at all. If anyone is in the wrong it’s your m-i-l for thinking she can tell you your wrong in your own house. Tell her to mind her own business

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No you are not wrong it’s your house MIL needs to mind her own damn business

Uhh kinda depends on if you’re drunk or not. You say you’re not but saying you’re not and actually being drunk are two different things.

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Hi there!
Daughter of an alcoholic here. My mother was terrible. Because of her and what I went through in my childhood, I have a hard time enjoying a drink around my children. Perhaps she had a traumatic childhood and is projecting?

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You’re ok, your husband rocks for that, she’s over dramatic.


After my kids go to bed, I pop a top lol lock all the doors

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I drink in front of the kids, I don’t get drunk. But it’s something they’re going to be exposed to their whole lives. As long as you aren’t getting sloppy drunk and falling over, etc then it’s fine.


I don’t even drink alcohol and I see her as being over the top lol


I do/have had a drink or 2 around my kids. I kinda went back and forth with it because my mom still feels weird about drinking in front of me and I’m over 30 lol. Also their dad is an alcoholic but I finally decided I wanted them to see a healthy way to enjoy an adult beverage. I rarely drink tho so🤷 As long as you’re not drinking and driving or getting drunk I don’t see the issue.

Good for your husband, your MIL was way out of line!


You were not wrong… I always had drinks with dinner when my girls were young and I totally took care of business aka bath and bed time… which included playing in bath as well as getting clean and reading bedtime stories and both my girls are great humans and wonderful mothers


The only thing inappropriate is your mother in law thinking she can yell at you. I’m not a drinker but I don’t judge somebody for what they do in there own home.


No, you aren’t wrong. Drinking isn’t a secret unless you’re a non-sober alcoholic.

You are not wrong. Good on your husband for sticking up for you.


I drink around my baby, I have a few people over mine to hav a drink and my baby is stil around… As long as my baby is safe and taken care of, I cudnt careless watt others think…


My sons bio dad is a raging alcoholic. I want my son to know it’s perfectly ok to have a couple of drinks occasionally as long as you’re not getting drunk every night. I will have a glass of wine or a mixed drink in front of my child occasionally. Kids are going to be exposed to alcohol throughout their lives and it’s our jobs as their parents to show them how to responsibly have that drink and not get carried away. Kudos to your husband for standing up for you.


No one disrespects me. Not in my house not in front of my husband not in front of my kids. Ever. She would not be welcome to anything or around my kinds until she made a huge apology for being ridiculous and would be on thin ice after that


I honestly wait until they are sleep to have a glass of wine on occasion. I dont drink at outings because I dont drink and drive and really I grew up around dope heads and alcoholics so I personally would never want my kids to grow up seeing me drunk or high or seeing the alcohol for curiosity reasons either. We are also talking about ages also because I wouldn’t feel so awful having a glass of wine at dinner in front of my child at maybe 13 or 14 but never drunk they watch everything you do. For anyone to get drunk with young children it’s not cool due to being the caregiver you have to be able to deal with emergency. A wine cooler is not incoherent drunk like the people I grew up with. I would say it’s ok just dont drink irresponsibly and just either have someone to watch the kids or like you said limit yourself to just a drink or 2.

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I would have told my mil to get out! Kudos to your husband. You are a grown woman. If you want to drink and it is not harming your children. Then have a drink or 2 or 4 or 5.

She’s insane. You’re fine. My daughter used to hold my hair back back in the day. I was a teenage Mom and still partied after I had kids. Guess what? She learned what not to do and doesn’t get shitfaced ever. (She’s 30 btw). Drinking is a normal adult thing. No shame in that.


Ur husband is my hero!! Obviously ur not a drunk take a drink.


no lol me & my fiancé drink beer in front of our kids like around dinner time & until bedtime :woman_shrugging:t2: my daughter is 5 & just knows she’s not allowed to have any hahah.

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I don’t drink around my kids. I have a friend who has drinks at the end of the day. I see no problem. Just something I wouldn’t do. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Does she pay your bills? No? Then she needs to butt out! It’s none of her business!

I would have offered her one!

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No your house your rules

I’m so glad you’re husband told her to leave!


Pretty much all of us will have a drink or two around my daughter :person_shrugging:. When she points to ask for some we give her some normal juice or some water. I once made the same drink I had without the alcohol so she thought she was just like me :sweat_smile:

Anytime my MIL asks me if I’m having another beer while her granddaughters are awake I remind her that her that I also have to live with her son everyday so I deserve a drink.


Nope. You were perfectly fine. Bless you husband for asking her to leave.


I would have shown her the door, does she expect you to be hiding away in the toilet with your wine? My house, my rules, don’t like it leave is my mantra. I’m having a wine with dinner if I want to

She just wanted something to say. I will wait til my kids are asleep but as long as you’re not tipsy or drunk fuck her.:woman_shrugging:t5:

Nope. They’re your kids. You can drink as little or as much as you want in your own home

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Eff that!!! It’s YOUR HOME!!! YOU DO WHAT YOU WANT! If she doesn’t like it she doesn’t have to be around! It’s not like you’re not being responsible. You are a GROWN ADULT!

Uh you’re 21 at home safe and your kids are fine. If you’re not getting trashed or even drunk then what’s the big deal??? I know soooo many men who do it.

Ummmmm yeah HELL NO, she doesn’t have the right to scream at you in your home in front of your kid, especially when you’re not a danger to or incapable of caring for your kid.

She can stay TF out of your house until she learns how to respectfully discuss her concerns with you like a grown a$$ adult.

PS my 12 year old has poured me a drink before. I’d give your MIL a stroke :person_shrugging:


Nope. I used to have a glass or 2 a night. Now I cannot to prepare for an upcoming surgery but looking forward to possibly being a cheap date again! I had kids later in life so I used to drink alot lol.

Hey you are not getting drunk :woozy_face:, not slurring your words, acting a mess ,being violent. Nothing wrong with having a drink or 2…if you have all your responsibilities for the day done an you do not plan to drive, then she has zero business telling you what you should be doing… was this person raised in a home with alcoholics and abuse…? Maybe that is why she reacted the way she did…but still no excuse for her to behave the way she did


As long as your kids are safe and taken care of, there isn’t an actual issue. :woman_shrugging: You’re an adult and are allowed to unwind.


She’s crazy. My husband buy the beers for me. He have no problem with me drinking them. Its not like we’re scaring our kids for life if they see us with a beer. Your MIL needs to get a life or maybe have a beer herself. Good for your husband sticking up for you.

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  1. These are your kids, not hers. 2. She is the grandmother and needs to be reminded of her boundaries. 3. Your house, your rules, and if you want to have a drink, have a drink girl. 4. Your husband rocks, bc that should not be tolerated. She disrespected you in your own house and from what it sounds like, in front of your kids. Sounds like she should reevaluate herself, bc I’m sure that was more damaging to the kids, than the drink you had lol. I set boundaries in my life, and if you cross them than I remove you, that simple.

Enjoy your drink mama, I’m sure it was much deserved!


Tell your MIL to suck your big toe :rofl: . You’re not passed out drunk you’re A OK!

No you did nothing wrong. You weren’t getting drunk so you are fine.

Dang my mother in law gives me shot after shot after shot and we’ll throw up together :joy: I don’t think you did anything wrong!


Later hater! your house, your safety zone, your rules. She was in the wrong and kudos to your husband for having your back! Enjoy your evening unwinding time Momma! It sounds like you’ve got a handle on this.


Nope! Your house,your rules…
If you were getting shit-faced,it’d be different,but your not. MIL needs to mind her business :person_facepalming:


I have twins who are almost 7 and they have seen me and a friend have a drink or two and everything was fine. We didnt get drunk or buzzed. We just wanted to unwind a bit and my kids know some drinks are for adults. You’re not wrong for it and I’m glad your hubby asked her to leave. Sounds like she could use a drink herself smh. You enjoy your drink mama, you deserve it!

#1 you should never have to explain to us or anyone else that you don’t get drunk or buzzed!! 2nd kuddos to your husband for sticking up for you to her!! There’s nothing wrong with having a drink or 2 with your kids around you… THIER YOUR KIDS, YOUR HOUSE AND YOUR FAMILY! PERIOD!!! Don’t let her ever put you down in your own house!! I went through the same thing w my in laws before my husband passed away, she always tried to talk down to me in my own house about what I did… she brought up my drinking and I laughed bc my late husband was sick, PTSD, depression, extremely bipolar and he was also a narcissistic sociopath abusing controlling man with a huge drinking problem… but instead of her helping him she blamed me and told him he didn’t need therapy or meds bc I was lying! Except she was never nice to him or his 2 brothers ever… FYI they had 3 boys my husband was the youngest out of 3… the oldest brother took his own life, the middle came out gay and she disowned him and was horribly abusing mentally and verbally to him and then my husband the youngest also took his own life! She blames me and his brothers wife for them doing it!! And please the shit she tried to control after he passed was amazing but she lost and got super pissed bc I was his wife and had control and say over everything about him! She stole his wedding ring and won’t give it back… which it belongs to our son… and now she has not thing to do with our son since my husband has passed!!


Nothing wrong with it as long as your not drunk or an alcoholic

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