Is it wrong to drink around your kids?

Yr house yr rules!! Nothing wrong at all!!

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Should have offered her one to calm down


I have a few every now and then while my daughter is awake depends on how our day went :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Wow first off you your a grown ass adult you can do as you will lots of respectable people have a drink or two before everyone goes to bed


Go right ahead! It’s fine until one of your kids hurts themselves or becomes seriously I’ll! How can you trust your judgement ? Yes she needs to Myob, but wait til they’re asleep, you’ll hate yourself if something happens and you’re not in control of all your facilities! Sorry , harsh and all, just love the like boogers, they don’t stay young forever


No drinking in front of your kids is not wrong as it is your responsibility to teach then responsible drinking and tk teach this they have to see ya drinking, I don’t drink often usually when out with friendaeor put with a meal and we joke about me getting drunk but I never do lol


You have a problem if “just a few drinks” doesn’t get you “even closed to buzzed”

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Kids learn more by example than what they are told! Make your example be what you want for them.


Girl when I had a bad day a glass of wine with dinner. You’re not a bad mom and good for your husband for taking your side. Too many time have I heard the opposite.

Tell she needs to mind the business that pays her not yours. And just leave it at that. Her causing drama says a lot about her and a little about you.

If your not drunk or even buzzed then I don’t see a big problem. but personally I don’t see why you need alcohol to unwind, clearly you’ve built up a tolerance if a few drinks doesn’t get you even close to buzzed. I’m curious if you do that every night. I use watching tv to unwind. Maybe just watch yourself to see if you feel like you need a drink every time your stressed so it doesn’t turn into a problem.

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Should have brought out the weed too.


Heck no she needs to pipe down and have a drink herself it sounds like. Older folks need to stop trying to micro manage their families and how they parent. I understand having a opinion but to go off on you infront of your kids I’m assuming is much worse than you unwinding with a drink around them.

The way I see it is u are grown u aren’t drunk ur kids are taken care of an if u want to have a few then do it.

:rofl: that woman would have a damn heart attack around my family!
My kids used to play beer pong with us… (they played with sprite)
It didn’t lead to any child neglect or endangering situations & none of them turned out to be alcoholics, in fact 1 doesn’t drink at all the other has wine once in a while.
Have your drink (shit have 5) and don’t feel a bit bad about it!


It’s not wrong for having a few drinks in front of your kids but if a few drinks aren’t getting you buzzed there may be a bigger problem at hand.

1 Like long as you dont get shit faced drunk who cares. their is nothing wrong with a grown ass adult having a few drinks at home :person_facepalming:

This is true…responsible grown drinkers are made from responsible drinkers. No its the complete alcoholics or complete non drinkers whom rear alcoholic children. To my kids, you are welcome.

Totally okay!! You are grown. If no abuse is happening it’s fine

No but … if your husband fell down the stairs got knocked out, what then? You cant drive no ones at the hospital for her child… maybe reassure her theres a plan in case of emergencies might help. And remember in her day you didnt do that when you have kids.

Your house your rules

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it and if there was a problem I’m sure your husband would tell you. I personally don’t drink very much and when my kids were little they always seem to get hurt every time I have a couple of drinks so I just quit drinking. They didn’t get hurt because I wasn’t watching them something on their bike would fail or they’d be running around the yard and fall and bust their lip. My oldest son was at a dance and his girlfriend wanted to go home so he walked her home and their dog ended up biting him so he wasn’t even under my control at the time. So I think if everything is going well a drink or two is not going to be a problem.

How old is your mother in law? I’m 62 and I’ll tell you our parents started drinking the minute they got off work, or right after dinner! And it wasn’t wine!!! I remember my parents hanging with the neighbors cocktailing on the driveways. We all, well the majority of us…all did fine! Have a glass or two. You will know when enough is enough!


A few means 3+ drinks … firstly how old are your kids? … is it wine or something hard? … is it shots or mixed? … were the kids in your care or their dads? … is it a daily occurrence? … would you be happy if your kids followed your example? … would you be happy with the situation if it were your grandkids? … im just saying ask yourself these questions and maybe you’ll get an answer on how you really feel about it … remember that kids of drinkers start drinking alot earlier too … im not saying your wrong in wanting to unwind but it can be a big impact on your kids if they see you as mummy without a drink and mummy with a drink.

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I dont drink very often but when i do, i do! I don’t drink very many while my kids are awake maybe like 2 with half a shot of whatever im drinking. Once they lay down for the night then i bump it up to 2 shots per drink. I see nothing wrong with it. Your MIL is just being a Karen. There was no reason to tell you those things. Its not illegal and you weren’t plastered. Let her say what she wants. YOU know the truth. But kudos to hubby for backing you up :raised_hands:

No not at all! My husband comes home from work and has a few drinks. Once I pop this baby out im sure I’ll have a few as well after a long day :rofl::rofl: Next time give your MIL a drink to o loosen the stick in her butt!

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As long as you are being responsible and not getting trashed as you stated your not. It’s no biggie. I myself may have a drink or 2 after a long day at work. Don’t sweat it. To each their own.


No you are not in the wrong. My husband and I have a few drinks before putting our toddler to bed. It’s also how we unwind at the end of the day.

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Personally I don’t think it’s 100percent wrong but I can understand the fact drinking around them that’s not really a good thing having a drink with them up I can see if they are in bed sleeping and they have another adult in home that is not drinking because if something happens a emergency and you won’t be able to drive them and if you do that’s even more of irresponsibility and another whole issue so make sure you have a sober person around when drinking and children are asleep


If you mean 1 or 2 your ok. If you need 3+ then thats different… in my opinion

You being their mother is different. I have had a glass of wine or a mixed drink to unwind sometimes nightly sometimes not. Theres a difference between drinking a little and getting tipsy. I grew up in a good home. My husband in a partying home . So we never really drank around the kids but 1 maybe 2 drink at a time when they were little and even now. Its just something we do
Theres a difference between a babysitter drinking and parent.
Im sorry thats just common sense that theres a differences between parent and babysitter.
Grandparent getting drunk and watching your kids and falling around i draw the line or anyone for that matter even a mom n dad. Ive had it happen and have been the bad daughter inlaw. But like i said 1 or 2 is different than 3+ a night

There is nothing wrong with it but children remember more than we think. Perhaps waiting until the children are in bed before winding down would be an option.

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My drink of choice is Stella Rose wine which doesnt have a high alcohol content so I can have 2 or 3 glasses and feel no type of buzz just simply more relaxed. I’m not a night owl by any means and normally dont make it long after my kids bed times so its normal for me to have a glass or two after dinner every now and then while they’re still up and running around. I dont see anything wrong with it and sometimes it gives me the little necessary push I need to get it through the last hour or two of the day without snapping at the “one more question” during bed time.
I’m sure you’re a responsible adult who knows how to set and adhere to your own boundaries and if your MIL doesn’t see that then it’s her problem not yours

Is this literally daily? I mean are you having 21 drinks or more a week? If so, might need to look at WHY you NEED to have alcohol that regularly.

If it’s more random, and maybe only 6 drinks a week, not such a big deal…how old are the kids? Even with a husband, are you being selfish and assuming if you pass out he’ll handle everything? Has that happened before? Is his mother over often? There is a lot more to know before answering this question.

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I’m sorry but what you do in your time and your home is no one’s biz good on your husband to step up and tell his mum to leave

YOU are the mother, it is YOUR home. You did nothing wrong. You are allowed to have a few drinks in your own home. I’m glad your husband stood up for you & asked her to leave. She had ZERO right to treat you that way in your home. Your children were safe & completely taken care of. Dust that drama off & keep doing you momma.


Your life your home your kids your kidneys

You could have waited for your kids to go to bed before you start drinking.

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Yr kids yr rules. Tel er GET !!!

Hell NO, you were not wrong. She is a messy busy body. Your house and you can drink if you want to. You are a responsible drinker and you are not driving the kids around. She needs to mind her own business and it’s nice to hear that your husband has your back. Please don’t feel guilty. Screw everyone else’s opinions about you. I don’t drink, but my husband comes home everyday and have him few shots of Brandy every evening. We have been married for 41 years and he did it around our daughters and now our grandchildren. Who cares! Do you and the hell with anyone that judges you. I’m sure you are a GREAT MOTHER

Pffffft! As a shift worker, its not uncommon for me to get home of a morning and have a cider before i go to bed. And when i am home, ill do whatever the hell i want to do - including having a few drinks! My kids love me whether i have a glass of water in my hand or a glass of wine in my hand - they probs prefer the wine tbh cos I’m more chilled out. And for all you opinionated do-gooders, my eGFR is >90, so shove it :clinking_glasses: