In the summer we usually have a drink with dinner and sometimes one after before the kids go to bed. I usually don’t have a drink in the winter unless I know we’re both home (my husband is gone most evenings in the winter, we have incidents where I’ve had to leave the house and get him.)
Unless it is causing issues between you and your husband and kids (which if your husband kicked her out, probably not) then she can but out. Shoot I have family that always drank, they thought no one knew because it was always in a McDonald’s cup lol maybe time to get creative so your mother in law will get off her high horse lol
Not my cup of tea. I would feel really weird drinking in front of my kids.
It all comes down to if the child is being neglected and abused. Drinking around your children is NOT against the law, getting drunk in front of your children is NOT against the law, it’s looked down upon yes, but don’t you dare let someone else come into your house and judge your parenting with no evidence to support their theory. You’re havin a couple drinks to unwind, it’s not like you’re shootin up and not taking care of your children.
My husband has 1-2 glasses of wine during dinner once a week to unwind from the workweek. Or I’ll make myself a small amaretto sour once a week if it tickles my fancy while the kids get themselves ready for bed.(I’m not much of a drinker because of meds I take.) But if my mil came over and started screaming at me or my husband for not waiting until the kids went to bed, that door would close in her face so fast. Also neither of us had something to drink the same night, so one of us was always sober in case something happened and we needed to drive somewhere to like an emergency room or a relatives house.
Kick her out and tell her to mind hers… I wish a bitch would come into my house and yell at me. Be a long damn time before she stepped foot inside my house again or saw my children.
What she did was uncalled for, but I’m not all for the drinking around kids. Having a glass of wine or a drink while they’re asleep in bed I don’t see an issue with though. Don’t come for me just because I have a difference of opinion.
If your kids are well taken care of and your husband is ok with it monster in-law should keep her opinion to herself…
Ooooofff does that make me a bad mom that I took my daughter to an adult party (there were other kids) it was just a few moms drinking and blasting 90’s R&B (party was at my neighbors, we walked 10 feet home)
The kids don’t even know what you’re drinking!!
As long as your kids are safe and taken care of, it’s none of her business. Hopefully she realizes and apologizes
Hell no. You have every right . Glad your man stood behind you.
So many sanctimommies on here today. Whew! Have your wine, being a mother is hard enough without been judged in your own home.
I’m glad some moms are so perfect they don’t drink in front of their kids🤣 there’s nothing wrong with having a couple drinks!
Ummmm, my parenting skills are ALOT better when u add a glass of wine. Mil needs to go kick rocks. Your house, your rules! Don’t ever feel bad by someone else’s expectations. Your husband and kids are happy. Your rocking this “parenting” thing!”
Its your house and your kid. Good for you having a husband who sticks up for you
Tell moms she needs a drink I’ll have a drink or two sometimes with dinner but I never drink drink unless they’re not home or asleep
girl hell naw you wasn’t in the wrong… first of all you are a grown ass woman you can do as you choose… second that is your home she walked into and disrespected you in…and number three your husband is awesome for telling her to leave… fuck her and her opinion also. Cheers
Kudos to your husband for standing up to his mother! Ok, so first off it’s your house. You’re allowed and deserve to have a drink if you please. As long as children are attended to when they need something and they aren’t trying to drink “mommy’s koolaid”, then have your drinks! It absolutely does not make you a bad parent and she had no right to belittle you for it.
Next time send the kids some with her and have a couple more drinks! It’s your house you’re of age you can do whatever you want.
That was fear based reaction. She was triggered. Something happened to her that brought on such an emotional response.
Have some empathy and let her know you are grateful that she loves her grandkids so much and wants to protect them, you want them to always have the best upbringing as well. Tell her you are aware you don’t know everything and your interested in her suggestions. Your curious as to why she had such a strong response to your decision because you didn’t see it as an issue. Tell her you would like to know her views and come to an resolution for this so it is not unnecessarily carried on and y’all don’t speak. Let her know it would hurt everyone if y’all missed out on each other over a lack of communication.
Communication, empathy and compassion is key. You got this!
your mother in law needs to learn her place and keep opinions to herself unless asked. you’re not in the wrong at all.
She came to YOUR home, YELLED at you, and your husband stool up for you. Sounds like she’s about wrong here!!
I don’t care if you were drinking to get drunk, your husband was there. Not her home, not her kids, not her worry. -unless the kids are in danger-
Your mil was totally out of line.
Put her ass out and stay out your kingdom
If your not getting drunk or buzzed it’s fine. Plus your husband was there as well. As long as one parent is sober in case a emergency happens I don’t see the big deal. MIL needs to apologize.
These are your choices and it’s up to you!
No. Your MIL needs to shut up.and mind her own business…
Glad your husband stood up for you! You are perfectly fine having a drink or few with kids around! You’re an adult and you can show them how to responsibly drink without being drunk. It’s your home and your rules regardless, but don’t think you’re in the wrong at all!
No… your house, do whatever TF you want. I drink in front of my kid, she knows its for adults. She even brings me a beer outta the fridge if she thinks I need one.
Nope, not wrong at all!!!
I used to have 1 or 2 drinks and have my two year old with me… alone or not. I can still cook clean talk ect. don’t feed into her bs.
Yes! I have to have the odd wine or couple of glasses of baileys to keep me sane As long as you’re not bladderd then go for it
I mean the best time to have a glass of wine with a breastfeed is while you’re breastfeeding I hear so. As long as you’re not drunk off your ass you’re fine. They’re your kids and
MIL out of line
Not her business even if you were to get buzzed -not her business as long as it doesn’t hinder your mom abilities
It’s your house she can gtfo
My MIL told me I was an alcoholic bitch. I told her I was only drinking everyday because she was there and uninvited at that…yeah we don’t get along
There’s nothing wrong with responsibly drinking around kids. Unless you’re being reckless it’s no problem. People have been having wine with dinner for centuries…
I wouldn’t allow her over anymore…it’s fine
OMG tell ur MIL to mind her business. You aren’t doing anything wrong.
Wait. Your husband was there? Girl a simple drink isn’t an issue especially if there is another sober parent there. It’s not her place to say something unless you were drunk.
Your husband sounds great by the fact that he stood up to his mom for you
Depends on age. I think it’s best to not have alcohol visible to them on a daily basis. Like beer in a fridge.
I drink a glass of wine every night and on vacations my go to drink is twisted tea or some other fruity concoction my kids are 18,14,12,3 they know what alcohol is they know that I don’t do anything dumb or even get wasted but around the bonfire I have been known to show off my dancing skills
no. show them what responsible drinking is, so when their faced with it they will know how to behave.
I drink in front of my kid absolutely I don’t her smashed in front of my son but yea there’s nothing wrong with it if your being responsible about it!
It’s none of her business. If you want to enjoy a drink in your own home you do that. Weather you get a bit tipsy or not isn’t her business. As long as your kids are well cared for who cares.
Your mil sounds like a bitch… nothing wrong with a drink or 2 before the kids go to bed.
Tell Mother in law to mind her own bussiness/
I drink in front of my kids… if it’s a bad day and I’m going to cry while drinking I wait for them to go to bed… other than that I’ll have a glass of wine or beer… sometimes I drink while cooking/ eating dinner
No, you were not wrong. You were enjoying yourself as is your right as a legal adult and you were teaching your kids moderation and that drinking, as a legal adult, can be done responsibly. Glad your husband stood up for you too! Keep doing you!
Personally I’ll drink a glass of wine (or two🙊) with my daughter still awake. My husband drinks beer with her awake. Neither of us get drunk or to where we can’t care for her unless she’s sleeping and still I rarely drink that much if I don’t have a babysitter but it’s no ones choice but yours
Well if it’s not ok then sue me. Of course it’s ok to drink around your kids. Just keep sober enough to take care of them.
Girl parenting is hard. I drink every night. Not to the point that I am drunk, but I do get a buzz. My kids ( 3 and 10) see it. My kids are safe healthy and happy. Both of them know it is bad for kids, and have no desire to try it. I feel as long as you take care of your kids. As long as they are healthy, and happy you unwinding is a good thing. Your MIL needs to stop. And your husband is a keeper!!!
My daughter used to have a worker that came in to follow her growth. She actually told me it was a good thing to have a few drinks in front of your kids because it teaches them responsible drinking
No way. It’s your house!
Sounds like she needs a drink
Your husband is a good man for having your back. And clearly there is nothing wrong with anyone having a couple drinks. Even while your kids are awake. I have a couple beers sometimes while I make dinner.
God no! At the very least you are showing them what it means to drink responsibly. Your MIL needs to butt out.
No! My husband and I both have 1 or 2 drinks every night, I have a 2 yr old.
I get drunk around my kid and she’s turning out great and I’m still a good mom
It’s no different than having a glass of wine with supper.
I drink a few in front of my kids from time to time!!
Your home your rules! TELL HER TO GO HOME
Ahla Donya
هو شغل الحموات ده هناك كمان ولا ايه
some people are way to sensitive, no you didnt do anything wrong. Probably something else entirely, may not even have anything to do with you.
Not wrong and a huge thumbs up to your husband for kicking her out!
You’re having drinks, with your husband home. You’re not there alone with the kids, and you don’t get drunk… wtf is her problem?!
It’s only wrong if you have no shame and want to teach your kids to use alcoholism as a crutch. People want everything they do to be perceived as “okay” so they don’t have to “be judged” and there’s plenty of people to pat them on the back but I’m not one of them.
Do what you like. Doesn’t sound like it’s impacting the kids so she has no place to say anything
Tell her to kick rocks
I agree your house your kids your rules tell her to myob. I drank around my kids it’s ok too have yourself a little you time as long as your babies been feed and got there own goodies its alguds.
No you are not wrong. Take if from me, a kid was always told drinking was a sin. I couldn’t wait to drink! Teach them it’s not a big deal and moderation is important.
I’d seriously get loaded next time, no biggie as long as your old enough and your kids are being cared for.
Not at all, as long as the needs of your children are met and you are a functional parent(the children are safe and healthy). Your house, your rules and she is butting in!!!
I have a 5 and 6 year old. I drink a little wine at night. I see nothing wrong with it.
Tell her to wake up to herself you are not living for her and if it’s upsetting her tell her to babysit then while you go enjoy yourself.a mother does not need to be put down because she enjoys a wine at night I’m sure the mother in-law has done it herself.
From someone who quite literally can’t drink in excess for medical reasons, you’re kids will never know how to handle alcohol if they don’t have a responsible adult around practicing appropriate limits. You would lose your mind without some sort of release. My rule, before my medical issues arose, was that you always have to have a plan B for emergencies, whether it be a neighbor, your partner, whichever but someone reliable before you let loose too much but it sounds as though you are being appropriate and some people are just wound so damn tight. I think MILs were meant to be a pain in the ass. Next time, let her watch the damn kids and get some air!
Next time, when she is midscream, offer her a drink:joy:. That’ll either piss her off more or she’ll accept it. Either way it may just shut her up.
Nope! A drink or 2 is fine…and even if it was more its NO business of hers to say anything! My husband has stopped talking to his mom for 2 years because she opened her mouth and gave me crap for something!
Nope literally having a drink now and it’s only 1:30 in the arvo
You are a mom… You can have a damn drink or 2…
Sorry there’s drama but that’s her fault and her loss
I didn’t have any drinks because – I wanted to set a good example and because I had to be ready to drive my child if he got sick. I was a single parent. My mother used to drink a lot. My son and nephew snickered about her drinking later. I don’t know. My son and nephew turned out to be reasonable, responsible and respectable family men we who drink responsibility. They drink on special occasions not daily and they don’t become sloppy, bussed, or impaired. BTW they are in their forties, so they have a track record.
Wow. As long as your safe and respectful and responsible I say cheers Mama!!
No. You’re being responsible and you are an adult. I personally don’t drink around my kids but I just don’t like alcohol that much. But I have had a few drinks infront of my kids before. As long as if an accident were to happen (kid falls down and gets hurt) you are still able to function to take them in to the er if needed You’re just fine. Tell her to buzz off.
I go sit in my bathroom when I drink once in awhile. I have my kids relax in my room and watch movies so that I can get some alone time. I play games on my phone. I dont let them see me drink. And I too dont drink to get drunk. But yes ur MIL should mind her own business. As long as u are able to still care for ur kids, plus u have ur husband there, theres nothing wrong with it. Hispanics drink in front of their kids all the time, they even have alcohol at kids birthdays for themselves. And when I was younger my father and grandfather drank in front me and even had me hand them one from the fridge. I even learned how to make screwdrivers at age 9 for them.
No you weren’t in the wrong. Even if you were drunk it’s not her place. You’re husband was clearly home and able to care for the kids so a sober adult was present regardless. Any concerns of how much you’re drinking inside your own home is nobody’s business but your husbands in this situation.
Is it any different then if your husband comes home after a “long day at work” and has a few beers? No. So have a few and relax! Put your drink up high if you have to walk away and don’t get drunk, then you’re good.
Absolutely not. Youre the parent and she has Absolutely no say so. She should be calling if shes coming over to begin with. Its your house, your rules. You should be allowed to do what you want in your own home.
Sounds like mil has a few issues… hope hubby got extra love
Absolutely nothing wrong with drinking in front of your kids. As long as you don’t leave your drink unattended or in an area where they may get it. You are perfectly fine. I would just tell the MIL to go back home if she doesn’t like it. But no it is not wrong at all. Just because we are parents doesn’t mean we have to stop living.
Not at all! In your house, it’s your rules and if she doesn’t like it then she should leave but regardless… if your kids are taken care of and her son is happy then drink your wine or what have you and be happy as well!
Every night is a habit you should break. IMO
If you do as your Mother-in-law says … what’s the next thing on her list to interfere in ?
I’m happy your husband stood up for you. It’s not like you’re getting drunk and cant take care of your kids. Sometimes we just need to have a drink after a long day.
You shouldn’t even have to ask this!! No you’re not wrong! We all need an unwind at the end of the day, being a mom and wife isn’t easy. Love when someone perfect judges us
It’s not for me but that’s my personal opinion. I never drink at home.
Your husband support you in it. The other parent doesn’t seam to care so unless the kids are in danger there is no issues.
The mother-in-law should have kept her nose to her self or talked to you about it.
Your house. Your kids. Your rules. MIL will just have to get over herself.
Also, kudos to your husband for standing up for you. That’s awesome.
No not wrong at all unless you are blind drunk and I hardly ever drink.
MIL was out of line for sure! Your husband is awesome for standing up for you!
I honestly believe as long as you aren’t saying around your kids “I need to drink” “today sucked I need a drink” etc then it’s fine to enjoy it.
The thing with kids is what we do in moderation they may do in excess. So present the drinking around them in a positive manner and not “omg I need it to get thru this day”…
(Not at all saying you weren’t doing it in a positive way, just sharing this is “our rule” at my house)
No as long as there is an adult who is sober then everything is fine and she should mind her own business
Absolutely none of her business, I don’t drink at all anymore but I ALWAYS saw my parents drink, there was alcohol at every family get together, my dad drank on the regular, even taught me to make his gin and tonics as soon as I was old enough to make it into the glass, of course this was the early 90s so he always let me have a sip and nobody thought anything of it. By the time I was 16 I was dding for my parents, it’s fine, people are so freaking uptight these days…