Is melatonin okay while pregnant?

You can take Unisom (the non- benedryl formula) or Benedryl is okay occasionally. Really though, this is a question you need to pose to your dr or midwife before you take anything.

Ask your doctor not fb. Remember some people get their medical advice from Jenny McCarthy and YouTube videos

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Currently pregnant with baby #2 and I drink valerian root tea. Itā€™s totally safe for pregnancy and helps me sleep.

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Yes, it gave me nightmares though

Ask a doctor or a pharmacist.

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When I looked it up, noā€¦ itā€™s not ok to use. Ask your doctor to be sure

Yes it is but in moderation

Great question for an ob/gyn

I didnā€™t ask, I just took no more than 3 mg, and my son came out fine. I didnā€™t take it every night, just when I couldnā€™t fall asleep after having laid there for a few hours.

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My doctor had me take half a unisom tablet when I couldnā€™t sleep. And to stay away from melatonin!

I take an actual sleeping pill for the past 7 years and my doctor told me I could still take it while pregnant so I feel like melatonin would be okay! But thatā€™s just my opinion. Maybe call 811 and ask? Or call shoppers and ask the pharmacist

Unisom is totally safe to take while your pregnant, dont take melatonin definitely not safe during pregnancy

You are allowed to take melatonin and benadryl being pregnant.

My Ob gave me a paper on medication thatā€™s safe during pregnancy for an array of different things

Confirm with your healthcare provider. I was told to increase magnesium instead and instructed to use Gentle Calm for sleep aid instead of melatonin or other medications.

Always consult your doctor for any usage during pregnancy. For non- pregnant or if your doctor gives you ago ahead, be careful with melatonin. You can take too much. I found out the hard way. I was having to take 30-70 mg per night to help me sleep. (I was not pregnant). Over time I became extremely irritable and moody without noticing. Someone else pointed it out to me. After checking with my 2nd doctor (1st dr said take as much as I feel I need) I was actually taking more than I should have been. It was causing the problems.

My doctor said i could take it. I also take a benadryl.

I took Tylenol pm and it was doctor approved ! Not only does it help you sleep but it helps the aches and pains lol

Ask if you can take magnesium its natural and its helps with sleep. Using melatonin for long periods you can develop memory loss.

I dont think this was on the list of approved meds I had when I was pregnant last year, but this is definitely a question for your dr and not something to find the amswer to on Facebook/the internet. Your dr will have the best and most up to date info.


You can call the hospital they can tell you i agree with katy thats how i was :yellow_heart:

I took phenergan for hyperemesis and that stuff knocked me out. Also ask your doctor about vistaril for sleep, itā€™s an antihistamine I was given for anxiety that helps me sleep.

Theyā€™ll recommend unisom but not melatonin. I had to stop taking my trazadone for sleep and switch to unisom for sleeping med I dealt with it but after I stopped breastfeeding they finally put me back on trazadone

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I thought Melatonin was a natural sleep aid,!!

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My original OB wanted me to take unisom. I didnā€™t feel comfortable with that and I didnā€™t trust her judgment anyway. I ended up switching OBs and taking 10 mg of melatonin every night. It was the only way I slept. Itā€™s definitely a question for your doctor but there are absolutely no studies that show it affects the baby at all.

I was told not to use it but Tylenol pm is okay

My girlfriend took Tylenol pm when she was pregnant. Her dr said it was fine!

Unisom is safe and was recommended by both of my OBGYNs.

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I was told to take Benadryl but Iā€™m iffy when it comes to medications so i never tried. I just got used to not sleeping well lol.

I was told definitely notā€¦

Took Unisom for 2 pregnancy due to nausea (didnā€™t stop until I gave birth). It knocked me right out