Is my daughters dad calling her to much?

That’s way to much. Once maybe twice a day like a call in afternoon to talk and maybe a call at bedtime to say goodnight. Honestly tell him if he doesn’t stop badgering you you’ll press charges and file a restraining order on him for interrupting your day to day schedule and everything plus it’s very manipulative and controlling behavior that could manifest into more as well as a form of stalking in some places

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As many times as he fucking wants, how about that


I’d answer when I’m available not on his terms. Thinking he can call whenever he wants is to much. :roll_eyes:

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Get the toddler a bug phone. I know! A phone? It’s designed to only have 3-4 numbers and does nothing else. It’s a compromise. After that, he’s being controlling and manipulative to keep you from your day.


Lol doesnt he work. What a weirdo…its defo control over you still isnt it. Tell him to back off xxx

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Maybe every hour is excessive but he wants to talk to his kid. Maybe tell him to call at certain times and if he calls before those times, don’t answer.

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Let it ring … you’re busy with your life and cant always just answer, and you shouldnt feel guilty about it either… he can either being an adult and understand that you actually have a life to live or he can go fly a kite lol. This definitely sounds like a control tactic and he knows exactly what hes playing at. I get that he obviously must love his daughter and probably wishes he could with her as much as you are aswell. But he needs to make peace with the fact that hes not in your life anymore aside from your daughter. You still have a life that doesnt involve answering 10+ phone calls a day out of his convenience not yours. I’d ask him to stop and explain exactly why its inappropriate behaviour to expect you to drop what your doing constantly to please him. Ask him to stop once and only once. And anytime after that… well it’s your choice to answer it or not… your control that part.


I think it is a lot but in my custody papers it says we are aloud to have phone contact every 30 minutes of the child’s awake time. I do not call my son at all when he’s with his dad I will however call or text his dad to check on him. If I call my son he wants to come home and he gets upset, if I don’t call him he’s perfectly fine until regularly scheduled pick up. So really depends on if you have court orders or not. Figuring out a call schedule would be the first thing I’d do. If he doesn’t want to follow it don’t answer the phone when you are too busy.

There ARE limits to how much phone time parents gets per day per friend of the court guidelines in my county. Specifically because abusers will be petty like this and use their child as a pawn this way to screw with your day. Call your friend of the court office and explain the situation and ask what the best way for you to handle this would be. I’d probably set up a time, like a call at 10am and a call at 7pm, because your day doesn’t need to revolve around him commanding you to stop and make time for him to talk to his daughter whenever he rings.

Should he be allowed to contact his child, absolutely. Should you cringe every time the phone rings? No!
If he can’t see her on a regular basis, try a morning and an evening call each day. Set times, etc. Its not right to interrupt your day, all day long.
If he is nearby, I like the idea some others have had about him tucking her in some nights, too. 2 is young and if he’s going to be involved, it’s better to let him around as often as possible as long as he keeps it about the kid and not trying to control your life.


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It’s in my divorce papers that whichever parent doesn’t have our son each day is allowed to call once a day before 7pm. I’d send a text that it’s a bit excessive and that you’re okay with him calling once a day after but before whatever time is reasonable for both of you. Like I’d say afternoon, but before 7. After that, only answer the phone once between those hours. Other than that, let it ring and document if he continuously calls. At some point it becomes harassment. Co parenting is hard, but at some point you have to reach middle ground and learn the new normal. Not having our babies with us 24/7 is just as hard for dads as it is for moms. But still, normalcy is important. I don’t know a judge who would hold it against you for restricting some communication, while also being completely open to allowing him to talk to her once a day.

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Ok well let’s turn this around a bit shall we? How much would be too much if her father had full custody and you wanted to talk to her??? THATS HIS CHILD TOO. And I’m sorry to break it to you honey, actually no I’m not because a lot of moms need to hear this, you do not own your child! It doesn’t matter how old she is, you’d want to speak to her and spend every moment you could with her too if you weren’t the custodial parent. There’s a lot of woman who beg their children’s father to call and they never do! Be happy you have one who wants to be involved and stop treating your child like property. She’s her own person regardless of her age and she needs her dad just as much as she needs you!


By the comments i can tell some of Yall kids dad must hate Yall​:sob::sob:

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It’s not too much! He’s her dad you’re lucky he loves her enough to even try to talk to her. It sounds like you’re thinking of yourself rather than your daughter. Who cares if it disrupts your day as long as she feels loved!


People saying once a day, that once a day going to turn to no call a day😂

The real question is, what is the custody arrangement? If he isn’t permitted to spend much time with her, it’s understandable that he would “blow up your phone” all day.

I think once a night is more than sufficient, especially for a two year old.

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Is this a newer thing? Maybe he’s going through something and she’s a light for him. Hard to say without knowing him or the entire situation . Either way I hope you get it figured :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’d put an end to that real quick. Make a time or two he can call and that’s it

How would you feel if your daughter wasn’t around you? It’s not about you Karen. It’s about your little girl you should be grateful he is interested.


You should be thankful.

Ask him to get one of those video portal things like fb portal or the alexa one and he can video call her and wont be using your phone. While I think an hour is a much for a 2 year old, atleast he is trying.

Hell I’m 41 and still wish mine would have done some shit like that he still don’t bother lmao talk to him but also be glad he even cares imagine you had to be away from her every day all day ? Y’all’s time together didn’t work but most often mothers have the children and find it insane a father may miss his child as much as she would if the roles were reversed

Set up a Skype or google chat on a tablet that’s always on and he can pop by whenever he wants without involving you

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He is interfering with mommy-daughter time. It’s fine if he calls once during the day and then at bed time but every hour is too much. I’m sure you dont blow up his phone when she is with him but maybe you need to start doing that so he can get a taste of his own medicine.

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Maybe he is just missing her. I feel for men. It’s not right that they are not automatically given rights (like moms are) and that they don’t get 50% custody. Since you made a point that you don’t keep him from her I would definitely have a talk to him. Hopefully the adults can work it out. I would explain to him what the issues are & try to come up with a solution to where everyone esp the child will be happy


It’s not too much. Let her talk to her dad.

It is sweet and I would definitely foster this because a child with 2 loving parents is definitely a happy child…but I could see how this could cut into your day and your time with her. Depending on your custody arrangement, I would personally ask him to please keep it to 2 or 3 times a day on a schedule…morning, midday and evening before bed. I think that is fair and logical. I would ask nicely and explain that it is hard for you to spend quality time with her or get anything done if you are constantly expected to be conscious of answering the phone once an hour. Also…I agree with whoever mentjoned asking him to get one of those portal devices …so that your phone isn’t tied up.


It’s the “doesn’t talk to me much” that makes you seem a little bitter he isn’t calling to talk to you. I would let my kids dads call as much as they want🤷‍♀️ but they also respect my kids have bedtimes, homework time, eat etc. my daughter has stayed on the phone with her dad for hours. I don’t care. My child will never look at me an say you kept me away.

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Try setting a time frame for him to call. I mean, he’s got to stop interfering with your life at some point.

Or maybe he can buy her a phone strictly for when he calls her?? I know she’s only 2, but that way, you’d get to use your phone

I can’t believe someone asking to interrupt your day with your kid EVERY HOUR is something so many of you say is fine and to let go.

First off, she’s two what the heck does she have to tell her dad every hour that’s different from the hour before?

I’d let him know that you love that they talk but would appreciate making the calls twice a day when it is your time.


Coming from someone whos father is dead i would do anything for those phone calls.

Let her talk to her dad

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This could be because of many different things. However, the most important thing is to maintain open communication. Talk to your ex. Calmly. Let them know that once an hour is a bit much since it interrupts your schedule. Maybe set a side times three times a day to her. I can’t imagine what it must feel like not to have your daughter with you every day. With her only being two, the conversations could be kept short (5 mins?). Just my opinion.

I would be happy that he wants to be part of her life lot of men and women don’t care.

there is 3 sides to every story his, hers and the truth.

Ask about setting up a time for a call or a call schedule she’s two so there isn’t that much to talk about or maybe have him visit in the evening :woman_shrugging:t2: just don’t cut contact
Once she gets older to actually carry on a conversation then you could have him just get her one of the kids phone/watch for them to communicate

Set-up a calling schedule. Like 2pm and right before bed. It’s awesome that he wants to hear her voice and you shouldn’t take that away but boundaries is a must.


I would be happy he calling some fathers wont make 1 call


So because “some fathers” don’t call, she’s supposed to be fine with her ex interrupting her life and time with her daughter all day long? No.
They can’t even go to a movie without him calling.
No judge would allow this as both parents are entitled to uninterrupted parenting time. Every hour is ridiculous.


Y’all need to talk about setting times for phone calls, that is excessive


I can’t believe the comments saying “you should be greatful he’s calling/you should be thankful he WANTS to be in her life”.
No she shouldn’t?! If a man gets a woman pregnant that is now his responsibility and obligation to care for/call/check in on/provide for the child. People are too quick to throw golden medals at fathers for being NORMAL. Acting like a father when you are one isn’t some heroic act. But calling hourly is excessive and harassment.


Set up a schedule that works for both of you.


I love that he wants to talk to her, but if its shared custody, its your time with her. How can you spend time with her if he’s calling every hour? No way. We would do 2-3 a day and thats it. He isn’t letting you have your time. Its great he’s involved, but he has to share.

Just don’t answer the phone.


Set a time frame and specific days, even court systems do this so its far from unreasonable. Although kuddos to him for caring soooo many ncps don’t

Clearly he misses his daughter… I think you should be happy this is all you have to complain about. This sounds like a guy who would be with his daughter if he could.


Give him full custody if you think his got nothing better to do than sit around calling his daughter :upside_down_face: and that way you can continue with your busy day and you call her twice a week and keep it simple . I love when my kids dad( or anyone for that fact )calls when I’m busy and trying to do things I give my kids the phone and they love it and I can do what I need to do while at times there occupying them


That’s ridiculous . Have set times and that’s that

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If use we’re together and he did this you wouldn’t care , but because use arent you think it’s not good . He is thinking of his child he misses them let it be . Things could be worse and he could just act like a sperm donor and cut her off and not think twice . Maybe give him full custody and you try living with him calling the shots and when you are able to make contact with your child that you both created


Once a day is what i allow. Once an hour is harassment, sounds like he’s doing that just to irritate you.


Set a schedule & be firm children are all about schedules sorry just the facts

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Put yourself in his place… just imagine you not having her everyday… how would you handle that. Fathers shouldn’t have a schedule to talk to their kids. Before you know it she’ll grow up and he will miss on a lot.


Tell him its excessive and set times that work for you to have phone calls…if he doesn’t respect it then don’t answer.


While I wish my children’s dads would contact them more. I also understand how it wouldn’t functional having them call every hour.
For consistency i use to tell the dads to call between certain hours. Maybe you could say, only call between 4pm and 6pm. Still gives daily contact for the dad but frees up your day to function normally.

That’s crazy … he’s trying to ruin your day


Nope once a day is more then fine

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So sorry he is harassing you like that. Just stop answering the phone to him. I would. Set times for him to call.

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Just don’t answer the phone :woman_shrugging:t3:

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limit his ability by not answering the phone as this is counter productive for you.

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So if he does t call he’s dead beat n when he does it’s too much … He’s the dad, unlike you he’s not with his chi!d every day


What a pain in the ass

My ex calls our 4yo every night around 650 pm. Half the time they don’t even talk

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Wow, complaining about a father wanting to talk to his young child when he’s not with her… what a horrible human being.


Girl stfu. I fucking wish this was a “problem” I had.


I would appreciate that he wants to be in her life. But I would just kindly ask him to call maybe a couple or few times a day rather than ever hour


How often does he get to see her? Maybe you should alternate days so he can see her more. And yes one or two calls a day is plenty. And you do the same when she stays with him. Set an approximate time for calls.


Unfucking believable. Yeah your times more important than his right? He should only get every other weekend. SPOS


I wish my ex wanted to talk to our daughter on my days since I have her the most… but like they even put in our custody order that we can have an hour a day to talk to her on the phone when she’s with the other parent. And even then, 5 minutes max and she’s over it lol. I would talk to him about it and let him know that it’s becoming too much for you, and maybe try to discuss one or two times a day that work best for you both when he could talk to her a little longer at those times? And depending how often he sees her, maybe change up the schedule so he can see her a little more.

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Well a visit would work. That way he don’t nap so much

Obviously we don’t know your situation but if he lives in the area maybe call and say “Hey I need to go grocery shopping and run errands, do you want to come hang out with her while I’m gone?” Win-win, he gets to see her so he stops calling and you get to grocery shop/run errands alone.


If he’s doing it because he misses his child then that is sweet I wish my daughters father called them more it’s maybe once a week if that. But if he’s doing it being petty then just don’t answer and just tell him you have things to do calling 2 to 3 times a day should be good.

You’re both entitled to uninterrupted parenting time. It’s great that he wants to be in the child’s life, and you should absolutely foster a relationship between the child and the other parent, but you need to establish a schedule that works for both of you.

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I would say once a day should be enough

Get her an iPad or tablet if you can. Or ask him to get her one. That way he can call whenever without bothering you …

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Once in the evening to say good night. She is two years old. Phone calls are not for toddlers. Block his number and tell him you will call him at a specific time to say good night. If he fails to comply take him to court for harassment

Omg did I read that right ? He calls every hour? That doesn’t even make sense. Does he not have a job? I could see maybe once a day but she said he’s actually blowing up her phone to talk to a 2 year old. If he truly is calling or texting that much agree on a time of day that is a good time to call or if once a day isn’t doable due to schedules then every other day seems reasonable.

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Maybe set a time for him to call her so you know it’ll be a time you’re not busy or wont be bothered? When my step son was younger he never called us when he was with his mom and vice versa, idk if he ever asked her to call us and she said no but he never asked us but now that hes almost 6 he has messenger kids on his tablet he will call us all randomly and just be like hey I miss you and wanted to talk so I understand why the need is there but it doesnt have to cut into your day you have a life too


I would just let him come play with her
Probably is doing nothing and missing his baby
Could give you time to do your things and him not calling and you’d be there… what I’d do


Honestly, I feel like it’s more of a tactic to control you than that he wants to talk to his child that much. He likely just wants to know where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with… and if you are able to answer the phone and let him speak to her whenever then he is able to ascertain all of those things…

I’d tell him that you love that he wants to speak to her often but she is still adjusting. It’s better for everyone if you have a set time (morning and night maybe) so that she can have that consistency. And then stick to the schedule and don’t answer in between


Uhh I call to see my kids like 4x times a day when they’re not with me. And my son is one& my daughter’s 4. It’s just nice to see him smile at me wen he can’t be here with me. It’s hard asl not getting to see your kid all the time. To me it just sounds like he misses her.


Thats a bit ott to be honest. I’d say to him that you don’t mind him calling but give him certain times to call. I’m pretty sure a 2 year old wouldn’t want to be sat talking on the phone all day anyway lol, I know my 2 year old wouldn’t, she’d rather be doing playdoh or on the trampoline lol x

Besides the constant intrusion in his ex’s daily life, the frequency of his calls could make his daughter believe that it’s natural to call so often. But what happens if she goes to nursery, then obviously on to school? She could end up with a ‘separation syndrome’ problem. Maybe a child psychologist could advise on this, and also the child court?

As someone who lost my toddler’s father, my ex, when it comes to love and a relationship I dont think it could ever be too much. If the roles were reversed and you called once an hour would you want to be told that’s too much. That said, toddlers need routine and there will be a point where that will be their routine if you dont set healthy boundaries now. My suggestion, maybe cut it down to meal times, have them talk while you are making the meals or while the child is eating. Hes still able to talk often and you have healthy boundaries. Good luck

I would tell him he can call 1 time in the morning and one time in the evening and SET a time for those calls. WHat he is doing is trying to control you not talk to his child. You need to set a schedule and then do not answer anything outside of that. Now doing that when she is with him you have to stick to that schedule too and not call unexpectedly. Or tell him you will have your daughter call however many times a day at a set time. if your daughter does not want to call call him tell him I am trying to get her on the phone have it on video chat and and record so it shows you actively trying. I have a feeling he is try to create something to take to court so calmly text him and let him know all communications concerning this needs to be through text or email. That way he can not say you said something you did not say. If it becomes to much then set up google calls so he does not have you phone number any more and goes through google call. But do CYA because most likely he is up to something because everyone know its too much to expect out of a two year old. How long have you been separated because it really seems like he is keeping tabs on you to make sure you do not have her around people he does not know. That is not okay. Set clear boundaries and if needed you need to get the courts involved. If you set these times and he shows up at your door with out call you need to call the police. Make sure your are doing things though the court set up visiting times all of that. if needed set up to exchange your daughter at the police stations because honestly his behavior is very concerning to me for your safety. You also need to let your family know what is going on as well friends.

Every hour? Yes, that is excessive! You should talk to him and simply set up time each day (like before bed so they can talk about their day) and only talk at the time(s) you agree on. Or if you have to, that you say is alright. Once a time is set, do not answer at any other time.

Just tell him you need a schedule for calling. Ask what works for him and if it works for you great, if it needs to be tweaked then discuss it. It most certainly is interfering with your day but also interferes with your time with your daughter as well. And if he chooses to not go by a schedule then put him on silent thought out the day. And have your daughter call him back at the end of the day. If he tries to bring it to court, I’d bet the judge would agree. It’s too much and would say set times. Good luck

I’m just outright block his number until say 5pm when it is a logical time. An adult should know better already, and explaining to a control freak does nothing.

First of I wanted to say I enjoy reading the comments but in my opinion there is not enough information to really provide an actual judgement. Not sure if this is common behavior but cp (the co parent) intentions are not clear. He might be doing this just to get a reaction from mom, to make her seem crazy controlling. Your intuition is telling you something and I’m sure there is a reason you are not with him anymore.

I don’t know him but I hope he wants the best for his daughter which means he will respect your boundaries and in return he can focus on being an awesome dad to your daughter.

Look up abandonment syndrome.

Doesn’t this man work? It is definitely too much! He wouldn’t be doing that if he was living there with the two of you so why should he do it in he’s not?

Answer when you’re able. I wouldn’t answer every call cuz that’s too much. He should be working.

Set a schedule that works for both of you, she will know when he is calling and you will too

Could be worse, it could be that he never calls at all. But every hour seems a bit much, maybe 1 in the morning one at lunch and then one before bed. IDK

When you are busy don’t answer the phone and set up a time for him to call her and stick with it.

Set boundries. He can call her in morning and say good morning, and goodnite at say 6pm, but other than that, u wont answer

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It’s called control, he calls you answer. Daughter is just an excuse for the call.

It doesn’t sound unreasonable at all the court would agree. Why set a time that is best for both of you like an hour before bed time or something?

I’m curious how anyone is working and making calls every hour!

That’s way too much, ridiculous and completely unnecessary. Once a day is fine…your daughter won’t forget him :roll_eyes: