Is my daughters memory issue normal?

I would say not normal behavior. Make an appt with her doctor.

This was the first sign of autism for my little brother. Definitely talk to her doctor :purple_heart:


Sounds like adhd…or a form of dyslexia maybe!? my daughter is 8 and sounds a lot like that!! it’s EXHAUSTING as I’m a single mom and do everything for her! I understand the worry/ anxiety …and frustration!! i have BEGGED the school to test her since kindergarten because i could tell very EARLY that she wasn’t retaining information like her 2 older brothers did when they were little but they kept telling me she would “most likely outgrow it”. …which she has not. she is now getting extra one on one help at school and I’m trying to keep a good routine. Routine is key for my daughter because if it’s altered it seems to really affect her ability to handle things on her own as well as when they are what she knows and has come to expect. I do believe that i need to take her for further testing because it may be adhd but i personally would choose to not medicate her with any type of stimulant drug but maybe a non stimulant may be an option to try. I know the desperation you’re feeling because you want to see your child grow and succeed. i will keep you in my prayers but please know that you aren’t alone in this. my child forgets to rinse the conditioner out of her hair about every other shower, at 8 years old! try not to show your frustration around her because she PROBABLY is even more frustrated than you are and it might cause her to distance herself from you. It’s hard to keep your calm and i LITERALLY have to walk away and scream in my pillow about 3 or 4 times a day…but she’s my girl, the future of this troubled nation, and she has the same potential as any other child, she just clearly needs some extra support. Praying for you all!!:heart: & :pray:t2:


Doctor asap. This doesn’t sound like typical behavior.

I’d take her to the doctor, there could be a problem brewing.

If she did all these things before and now doesn’t something is really wrong take your child to the doctor because something is wrong

Take her in and see if you can be referred to a neuropsychologist they will order MRI’s and do testing that a regular doctor won’t. My son was having the same issues, he was diagnosed with ADHD and he is on the Autism spectrum but high functioning. It was the best thing I ever done for him and for us as a family because we understand him so much better now. Visual cues like a picture on the back of the toilet of her flushing with a note saying remember to flush etc. Might help and maybe another by the door handle? Hope you get some answers :crossed_fingers:t2:


My daughter is like this to an extent as in your daughter seems to be a little bit worse than mine from what I read especially when it comes to the forgetting constantly. My daughter has ADHD.

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Object permanice is a big thing with adhd but definitely get a medical opinion

Whatever is wrong with her needs to be addressed so she can be pointed in the right direction so she can learn effectively

I’d have her evaluated. Sounds very much like adhd, but could be something else.

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Take her to the doctor asap!! Memory loss like that is not normal.

Not typical behavior-doctor time

Doctor it isn’t normal behavior,

This is 100% my 6yr old son …i try so hard with him every dahyy

My daughter did these things and still does though it’s gotten a little better but her neuropsych evaluation was diagnosed with adhd

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My son is almost 7 and does everything on this list plus some. He’s ADHD and has Asperger’s syndrome mild but there id mention it to her doctor at 7 year check up that she needs to be tested this should help you out. I did this for my son and he’s now on medicine and isn’t half as bad anymore best of luck :purple_heart:


You need to be turning to a doctor not social media.


This is a ADHD symptom in girls so maybe a good idea to take her to the doctor


That really sounds like adhd or add. I have it, my husband and my son have it. I have difficulty remembering and loose stuff all the time. It’s frustrating.


Obviously like others have apparently already told you take her in to the doctors, honestly should’ve been the first thing you did the minute it was suggested the first time. This is so obviously an issue, and one very common among adhd/add

I could have wrote this myself
I thought it was just kids being kids. My oldest (7)went through speech and physical therapy from 3-5 years old and I never got a diagnosis for her. I then had the school test her in kinder and they said she didnt need any extra help & that she was actually one of the smartest kids in her class. Shes very forgetful. But her younger sibling(6) is even worse …she forgets her glasses and mask daily at school, Lunch box gets left on the bus, constantly reminding her of the same things …literally seconds later. Her top answers are “I forgot” and “I don’t know”.

The not flushing part… my kid has a pretty legit reason for that lol she watched it overflow 1 time and is now traumatized :grimacing::sob::rofl:


Even if it is behavior take her to the dr anyway

Cut screen time, wait for the magic attention span to appear…

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At first it sounded to me like a kid being lazy because she knew her mom would come behind her and do the simple things for her. The simple things like flushing the toilet, sounds just like laziness. When she takes her shoes and socks off is she actively looking with you or is she just sitting there saying she doesn’t remember? My son refuses to eat at school in general even if I pack a lunch so maybe she is weird about eating at school? Maybe she has realized if she keeps saying that she forgets, the hassle of the task is easier to deal with? I would take her to the doctor for an evaluation but just know it simply could be laziness. Everyone feels because their kids behavior is weird or unusual that they should be diagnosed with something when in fact it is just your kids reactions to your ways of parenting.


My son does this lol. He’s 8, he has ADHD idk if that plays a factor but as for the not flushing the toilet thing. Both my kids do this, they don’t “forget” they’re just plain lazy lol. But my son does forget a lot like even as simple as taking papers out of his folder to give to his teacher. He never does it I’ve had to email the teacher before and have her remind him to turn in his papers cause he wouldn’t. He always “forgets” what he had for lunch or breakfast. “Forgets” what he did in school. “Forgets” to clean his room :sweat_smile:


Wow… you know… my daughter is also 6 and has this EXACT issue… I just kind of remember having a similar issue myself and so I try to constantly reassure and help her but… it really is rough. I want to get her checked her next appointment coming up actually.

Talk to your doctor and the school psychologist. Look into executive dysfunction or executive functioning disorder (they’re the same thing). My son has this! It’s frustrating but once you have a diagnosis and a better understanding, it gets easier. For you and your child. Be prepared for any type of diagnosis and the battles you will fight in the school district. Good luck mama :heart:

My daughter was the same. I was able to fix most of her memory and focus issues with nutrition and at one point we used a supplement called Focus Factor which also helped. The behaviors got less with decreased clutter in the home and with less screen time and sugar. I eliminated all food dyes which helped. I was hesitant on giving her a prescription but was desperate for assistance. Thank God for online forums. She is now in her 20’s and doing very well managing her life as an adult and mother of a toddler.

I’d say a mix of ADHD and a mix of ignoring what you say. My step daughter was the same way she is 7 and for a long time her favorite line was “I forgot” i know it gets old reeeeal quick. Her dad got onto her the last time she did something she wasn’t supposed to and she said that and he said “your I forgots are about to turn into a butt whooping so you’d better try harder to remember” and she said yes sir and hasn’t had issues with it since. Why would a kid listen if they can just continuously say I forgot and get away with everything?? Gotta be some discipline there or it won’t get better. :woman_shrugging:

You people are so rude. Some moms likes to get opinions and ideas to talk to the doctor about. She probably thinks that she is crazy and being paranoid and that her child is normal. I have so many people tell me that my child is normal and that i just baby him and that he watches to much tv etc. He has all the same thing as this lady’s child. He watches next to no tv now. Still the same. For almost 2 years I have changed my responses to him and stop “babying” him and he is still the same. Tried ADHD medicine still the same little bit more calm not as moody but still forgetful and everything else. I talked to the doctors about PANDA and I went to childrens and they basically ignored and then said his strep levels would be norm and his iron would be low. Nope his strep level was raised and his iron was normal but I didn’t know what I was talking about.

I would definitely have a talk with the Dr and go from there.

My almost 8 year old son does this…maybe not as bad but still to the extent that it is concerning. However he is ADHD and ODD. I have never been diagnosed as ADD but believe I am because it is very challenging to keep my focus and I forget soooo much.


My son has ADD and ADHD and does everything your daughter does. He is 7. It has always been like this and has not gotten better


My son has adhd and can’t remember shit

It sounds like she suffered a closed head injury. Why hasn’t the school contacted you for a child study team work up to R/O ADHD also? This sounds like the problem is blatantly obvious but nothing is being done medically an MRI ? Nothing has been done???


ADHD! I literally forget that I drove to work somedays.

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Start with doctor for sure

Did I miss the part where the actual age of the child was mentioned?

Anyhow, these are common problems that we went through with my son who has adhd. Visual reminders like a laminated checklist (with pictures) is helpful. Coordinate with her teacher so that they can remind her to do her checklist before leaving so she doesn’t leave any of her things behind. Routine and repetition for daily tasks such as always putting shoes in the same place, clothes go directly into the dirty basket when removed, labels and organizational items in her room so that like items are stored together, etc. Instead of talking about laziness, work on ways that you as the parent can help your child be more successful at completing these things.


My daughter is 7. Exact same way. She is being lazy 98% of the time.


I would talk to the doctor my 6 year old will remember EVERYTHING from a little word I said or something that happened when she was 1 year old she is a tiny sponge , I would say lazy with the toilet but like snack and stuff that’s weird . Definitely get her checked

Could be Dyspraxic. My son is and he’s memory is awful

DO NOT PUNISH HER! I would take her to a Dr and talk about adhd. I am currently waiting on a referral from my Dr to get tested. It shows different signs in children

Take her and have her tested imediatly, something is definitely wrong and if the Dr says she is healthy then you know what to do.

I had an aunt like that. She could literally read a label and not be able to tell you what it said. She wasn’t being difficult she just didn’t remember from one moment to the next. But have her checked for medical issues.

Sounds alot like my ten year old daughter who has been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Should probably look into it but good luck to you momma

Sounds like ADHD, inattentive type. Talk to her dr

Talk to pediatrician

She could have some really bad ADHD

This was and still is me. I have thyroid problems.

Get a referral for a neurologist.

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This sounded like my now 8 year old when she was 5/6 and still even sometimes now. She has adhd.
We JUST started meds, and have been doing therapy for 2/3 years now. And it has helped so much.

Organic memory support for kids

I would take her to the drs

Definitely take her to the Dr and have her evaluated for ADHD. My 12yr old is like this, I mean exactly to the T of what you’re saying. She’s been like this for years and I kept chalking it up to her age but I eventually had to have her see her primary and we were diagnosed ADHD but the other thing is she has behavior problems so your daughter may not have ADHD but maybe something else is going on that her Dr can figure out.
It’s definitely worth taking her in.

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Being that you’re concerned talk to her Dr. My kids do the same thing. Too busy, a lot on their minds. Right now my son has 3 water bottles at school because he forgets them. I had to use a spare backpack & lunch box for my daughter because my daughter didn’t screw the kid on her drink. We can never find shoes etc, etc.

There’s something going on for sure I’d see her doctor to be safe

Definitely start with a Dr. See what they say go from there.
I’d also find positive ways to remind her of stuff daily. Like, books, posters you can put up.
Try jot to make it a huge deal in front of the whole family too, that might either embarrass her or encourage more of it bc she’s receiving a form of attention.

If you can get a referral to neurologist do so , my daughter had unexplained fluid in the brain diagnosed originally as add

Age is an important detail missing.

My daughter went thru a stage like this and i think it was a little being forgetful but also being lazy and not even trying… make a check list of stuff for her to do before walking out of the bathroom, tell her make a check list for at the end of the day to make sure everything comes home the hardest part is you staying on her to change her habits make offer a reward or something if she starts doing better

My 8 yr old is exactly the same way!! I suspect ADD/ADHD. But haven’t had her evaluated yet.

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Ask her if she just jumps from task to task because she sees something else, it’s most likely add/adhd since it’s a spectrum disorder it could manifest in different ways between people I’m working on getting myself diagnosed for it too so the earlier the better because it can have lasting effects

Seems excessive take her to dr

Take her to see a doctor. Could be adhd or even a neurological disorder, but you’ll never know unless you take her.

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You take her to get check sweetie - she maybe having processing problems - like you’ve stated short term memory retention-
How is she doing in Math - and English (spelling)- you might even ask to speak with your school’s psychologist and explain your concerns. The sooner the better.

My 7 yr old has adhd and doea this exactly.


This is me and my 12 year old son to a T adhd sucks

Please take her to a Neurologist!

Are there any other issues as this can be linked to Autism…Might be worth reading up on Autism in girls to see if anything else jumps out

I’d take her to the doc. It’s a start.

My 11 year old son is exactly the same. He has ADHD. And a little lazy. Lol

Yes… You need to take her to doc… Asap

My 7 year old with ADHD is like this. It is frustrating but I dont think she can help it.


My 8 year old is like this has adhd. Go get her checked out just to be safe

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Take her to a doctor.

Brandon J. Ruiz Eli isn’t lazy. Just adhd.

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Ask her pediatrician for a referral to see a neurologist. She will get tested to see what’s causing her memory loss.


Umm not trying to be rude, but you should’ve already taken her to the pediatrician. Please take her ASAP.

Take her to a developmental pediatrician. It does not sound typical.


First step…Drs. it may be nothing at all but needs checking
Have to say my Grandaughters stock answer to most things is …I forgot…she’s 6 and doesn’t suffer from anything other than an aversion to getting in trouble if she’s caught doing something she’s not supposed to.

I would start with the doc my daughter is 7 and never flushes either I think it scares her and she will also not wipe either unless I make sure she does but the other things she’s doing is concerning I wonder if she maybe has adhd or something it’s not always about being hyper can be she can’t concentrate and makes her mind go crazy

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May be an ADHD thing or something along those lines. There’s times where I misplace my stuff and am staring right at it and want to basically face palm “souls have had a V8” type moment. Definitely take her to see a doctor. :relieved:

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It sounds like ADHD, My grandson has it, has a hard time remembering things. He does need to be reminded quite a bit,about keeping track of his things and clothing.

I do not think it is normal she needs to see a neorologist to find out what is going on with her…sounds like ADHD

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If you’re truly concerned, take her to the doctor. I will say, our son is 7 and we’ve been having this issue. He’s getting a little better, but he still does a lot of things he should know how or not to do and always says he forgot.

Please take her to a neurologist she may need a CAT scan of her head

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You should have her tested for ADHD (and look out for depression/BPD)

I agree could be nothing could be ADD . What is ur gut telling you to do? I’ve heard of this type of senecio before and they were diagnosed but I’d def pay a visit to the dr and see what they say

Start with a doctor not Facebook


You need to take her to the doctor this should have been done a while back

For god’s sake, see a physician‼️ STAT

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Maybe Adhd… but definitely take her to see a dr

Definitely bring it to the attention of her dr. Maybe start putting up reminder like by the toilet “don’t forget to wipe and flush!” to help remind her. Good luck mama!:heart:

I feel like a lot of kids are like this…

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I would definitely take her to a doctor. It could be so many things.


I would say bring it to the attention of your dr asap, and do some memory games with her and see if there is some improvement

My 14 year old is like that. He has autism, learning disabilities and neurological pathway delay