Is my daughters memory issue normal?

Is she on any medications?
My niece had epilepsy and was talking a medication called Kepra. She was in Kindergarten and couldn’t remember what they did during the day. We found out that Kepra was causing short term memory loss.

My grand-daughter has been diagnosed with Dyspraxia & is like this. My daughter has laminated check lists of procedures in order of what needs to be done including toileting, for her daughter to read, stuck to walls in different rooms including the toilet room. There’s a laminated list in her school bag of what needs to be there too. My grand-daughter was diagnosed by a specialist a few years ago who organised Occupational Therapy & told my daughter to take her to dance. She also goes to after school tutoring. My grand-daughter is almost 11 years old & has improved so much. I help pay for therapy & dancing as it can be expensive. Once diagnosed you can get Care Plans from your doctor to help with Occupational Therapy & other therapies. First step was the family GP then Specialist for my grand-daughter. Specialist also told my daughter to cut out junk foods, foods with artificial colours, my grand-daughter eats very cleanly, everything cooked from scratch, lots of whole foods from healthy food pyramid.

Any other symptoms? My 8 year old is kind of like this we are getting her thyroid checked out

I’d take her to the doctor and possibly an eye doctor to see if she needs glasses especially since you say she can stare directly at it and not notice it.

My daughter was kind of like that, she had a psych evaluation done to determine depression which she had severe depression at the time and a few learning disorders. Things got better with treatment for her depression.

My son is like this he was diagnosed with dyslexia earlier this year. He has great behavior but left undiagnosed it can be a struggle as it seems like they just don’t listen. Talk to her teacher and doctors that’s what helped us to figure it all out and I watched a Ted talk on dyslexia to help understand Abit more what’s happening in his brain it helps everything make more sense

Take he to the doctor.

Talk to your Dr. I was exactly like this as a kid. I’ve gotten better but I have really bad adhd.


My 5 year old has started doing this :unamused: but with her I’m pretty sure it’s an attention thing cause she’s got a little brother at home with me, and now has a step brother and little brother by her dads. And next week she will have a baby sister at home with me also.

Talk to a Dr. I know the wait is what has you coming for support. My kids never flush and they are 6 and 9, but the rest I have no experience with. Good luck mama I hope you get the answers you need.

Taking her to a doctor is never a bad decision. This isn’t typical behavior.


Adhd can cause this , remind her to slow down. Good luck momma :pray:

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I would recommend bringing her to a dr.

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She needs to be seen by her Doctor and a Neurologist . Could be many things


I would take her to the doctor and have her checked out

She may have processing issues.

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I say take her to a doctor. I don’t believe it’s normal at all.


Talk to her Dr. and see what he says. Kids forget things but this sounds a little bit more than just Normal randomly forgetting things.
Talking to her Dr never hurts anyway… I honestly have 3 kids and I’m a teacher and can tell you that it does sound a little bit out of the ordinary to me… but I’m no Dr

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Could be Short memory my daughter has it she was diagnosed with it 2 years ago I can show her how do something and when she goes to do it she has forgotten how

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Take your kid to the doctor :roll_eyes:

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Take her to the doctors

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She definitely needs to see a doctor. Make an appointment and show the doctor this post. It outlines the issue well

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When in doubt always see a doctor.

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Get her to.a doctor!

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So this was the first sign of ADHD in my oldest son. It started around 4. He got diagnosed at 6.


Could be ADHD or another neurodivergent disorder… could be something else. Probably not nothing though. Taking her to a doctor would be a good idea.

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I would take her to the dr. ADD, ADHD, depression anxiety or stress can all cause this. Better to find out n correct it now. How does she do at school?


My 7 yr old w anxiety n adhd is this way. She does everything u said ur daughter does.

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Ooook lol so my daughter is 7 and does the same stuff, she has not been diagnosed but her father has been ADD is hole life. The similarities between the two are rediculous. He cant remember anything either! Its very very frustrating for me so i understand.

Sounds like she might need to go gluten free. Brain fog is a huge symptom and she sounds like I did as a kid growing up. Its brutal knowing youre smart but not being able to access your brain like you should. Look into it please. Also my son was like that when he was younger and it was his thyroid. Simple blood test can check hers out.

There’s 2 things I’m thinking 1: maybe working memory problems? Which can be checked by a behavioral optomistrist. 2: thyroid problems? She may be young but I met a little boy who totally changed because he had thyroid disease. Very rare but still.

Something has to be wrong it doesn’t sound normal at all I would get her seen asap


Some is ‘normal’ kid stuff. But it does sound like ADHD like others have said. Also, have her eyes checked. My daughter was a lot like this, and then we found out she literally couldn’t see. Thick prescription lenses is what she needed.
I would defiantly take her to a doctor, and have her eyes checked. Good luck


You need to take her the pediatrician and read this to him/her. If he shrugs it off get a second opinion. A lot of mama’s on this thread their kiddos did the same and were diagnosed with ADHD


She could have a thyroid issue. Does she make good grades?

My son who’s 9 years old - high functioning autism as well as ADHD exhibits the exact same behaviours.


Get her to a doctor! Facebook isn’t going to help you


ADHD is a possibility. My son is very forgetful and gets upset with himself… but he takes pride in what he does remember too. It’s a learning curve and “focus” is what I say. Gotta use washroom “input name… you have to focus on using the washroom properly.” Focus= rewards or privileges. Super handy


I honestly would take her to a dr or two and get their opinions. It honestly could be so many different things. I’m not an expert so I can’t say.

I have 3 kids whom are ASD my middle child is also ADHD. And this sounds so familiar

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Sounds like ADD , Ive struggled with it my with it my whole life. I have a college degree and a successful career now but it’s been a challenge my whole life.
She’s not forgetting , her mind isn’t focusing to retain if that makes sense


Take her to the doctor to be evaluated also some of it is typical kid behavior I’d work on some organization and make a strict routine for her to follow make her go back and flush the toilet/wash hands.

My 11 y/o daughter is on the spectrum. She’s been diagnosed with mild autism, sensory processing disorder, ADHD, and a short term memory problem.

My son does the exact same thing. He has ADHD. I been considered too. I haven’t had the chance to ask his doctor if it had to do with anything or not.

You need to go and see a doctor…

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Sounds to me like ADD or ADHD…these symptoms also remind me of 16 year old son who has high function Autism.
You really need to speak to her doctor and I wouldnt put it


Sounds like ADHD me and my oldest son who is 7 has it and my mom said before I was diagnosed that was one of the issues she had with me when I questioned her about why my son was so forgetful come to find out he was like his mother and has ADHD

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My Daughter did the exact same thing at that age. It’s a phase and the “forgotsies” are so they don’t get in trouble. Also more of being too excited and wanting to hurry up and get back to play than being lazy. And the flushing thing, she’s scared of the noise the toilet makes but she’s probably embarrassed about being scared too so she won’t admit flat out

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Sounds like my almost 7 year old im pretty sure it’s just the age cause man its like talking to a door somedays honestly just get her out of the habit of saying "I forgot " maybe that’ll help ima try that to thanks for this post

It does not sound like ADHD to me. I would take her directly to a NEUROLOGIST for a scan to see if there’s been any issues in any sections of her brain. It sounds way more severe than just forgetting, it sounds like there could possibly be a diagnosis or injury that’s been overlooked.


Take her to the doctor. Make a big deal out of it, saying that she’ll need further testing at a hospital and how much it’ll cost. Then say that with the tests costing this much Christmas and birthdays will be small, because you can’t afford them. Really make a big deal of it. If she’s just being lazy you’ll see a change. If no change happens take her to the doctor

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My daughters are like this and got diagnosed with adhd. They are on meds and Doing So much better

I think you shouldn’t listen to what people on Facebook are going to say and just listen to your mum instinct. What do YOU think is the best thing to do?
I know what I’d do if my daughter wasn’t able to remember simple tasks.


My daughter is very very very similar… I told her pediatrician and she’s being evaluated for adhd next month. She’s on the waitlist for a therapist as well. There’s a website all additude that I think you’ll find helpful


Get her to a doctor. Too many jump right to ADHD and meds. One reason we are seeing so many addicts now. Just a lazy quick answer by some doctors. Many teachers say the same but where is their medical degree? There could be all kinds of things causing this. Get a good neurologist and therapist.


Not only would I suggest seeing a Dr for an assessment on her behaviour but get her eyes tested as well


Take her to a doctor.

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My son is extremely forgetful. Turns out he has adhd. I am extremely forgetful, turns out it’s a side affect of depression

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Get her checked. It could be severe ADHD or maybe seizures that you don’t see. I mean you know her best . Does it bother her? I’d get it checked out just to be safe. If she’s having issues in school they should be setting up an IEP to set up what needs to happen to help her.


Look up cognitive tests for kids her age , maybe she’s just preoccupied with other things. Also consult her Dr.
It may help to have a set routine

Sounds soooooooo much like my 9 year old, who I finally got an ADHD diagnosis for… now we just have to find the right medication for him!

Take her to the doctor. Have her checked for ADHD or autism. The sooner you have her tested, the better. Let the doctors tell you that it is normal or if there’s a learning problem


My kid does all of this too (all of it :woozy_face:) and it drives me nuts.

I know there’s arguments against ADHD but I’ve had my kid tested for everything his insurance will allow and this is an adhd trait called lack of object permanence, if you can’t see it, it’s gone. It’s exasperated by distractions, which can be anywhere from electronics to his own brain. He had multiple seizures as a toddler so I felt really sure it had to be something else but over the last 5 years, in and out of therapy, his symptoms and our diagnosis just strengthened. Even flushing the toilet, at one point it was an over stimulant so he wouldn’t, common with ADHD, but not wiping was distraction. It would be healthy to get everything checked but this sounds very similar to my almost 11 year old. But I promise, they’re so worth the effort.


Listen to your gut mama. If you think somethings up take her to the dr. Worst thing that happens is you find out she’s healthy.


My daughter was like this. It was like the short term memory wasn’t there. She completed assessments through psychology. She was deemed dyslexic across the board.

I recommend getting her tested and completing assessments through psychology. Asking here doesn’t necessarily help much. You will get many answers that could be the possible answer. But it’s a needle in hay stack.

I hope this helps.

My son and I are both like this. (Not to the point of forgetting we have lunch packed, I might be a little worried about that. But definitely forget to flush.) And we are both ADHD. Neither of us can find anything either. Even if we just had it. I’m also terrible for leaving things. I leave my phone or wallet somewhere public at least once a month :neutral_face:
Definitely worth getting looked in to.

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Same thing with my daughter. We held off as long as we could trying to help her and solve it at home, until it affected her in school. We finally took her to the doctor. ADHD, unfortunately it runs in my family.

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My son was this way before we started adhd meds…i remember sitting down and he would change subjects multiple times because he would forget what we were talking about mid conversation

She my not get them the cleanest …. SHE needs to wash them and a favorite toy removed till she has Xxx amount of days clean ! Stick to it .

This is something you need to talk to her doctor.


Why have you never had her assessed? Poor parenting by the sounds.


Personally I would get her assessed for ADHD, it’s actually really uncommon for females to get diagnosed before their 20s cause it presents differently to males. She sounds exactly like me, and I’m now getting assessed for adhd in my mid 20s x


Does she have a TBI?

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Yes, have a doctor evaluate her. Among other more common issues, also ask for a genetic panel to look for MTHFR, a genetic disorder that inhibits the absorption of folic acid. You must supplement with L-Methylfolate (available by prescription or over the counter supplements) instead, which crosses the blood/brain barrier and then the brain functions much better. This disorder can cause many disorders. Our lives are so much better after understanding and getting treatment.


She needs to be evaluated asap.

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Sounds like she has inattentive type ADHD , I would talk to her pediatrician.

Take her to a doctor hun

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You need to ask her pediatrician to refer her to a Neuropsychologist. They are the ones that test the memory. It takes a few months to get in (not always) & the testing takes about 3 hours. I would start there & then go from there.


Take her to a doctor.


Has she ever hit her head hard enough to cause a possible concussion?


I always forgot everything as a child (and adult!) … I had undiagnosed ADHD, I also struggled with cleanliness, packing away etc. Was never picked up by family and teachers because it presents itself so differently in girls! Worth checking out this possibility.


Get her a CT scan done. The one person I knew with similar symptoms had a terminal brain tumor, may he RIP. If it comes back clean, it’s probably severe laziness or mental illness.

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Defiantly a doctor question

Sounds like my son a little. Working with the school and a Specialist for the last few years

Take her to a doctor. Why would you even hesitate & ask people on social media.


Definitely have her checked out. It could be anything and none of us could diagnose her by the info you have given. Put yourself at ease and get her looked at by professionals.

She is probably not being lazy. Her problem could be difficulty concentrating on one task long enough to complete it. I would suggest contacting your Dr for an ADHD assessment.
I would guess she often stares into space for periods of time too….when I was growing up this was often referred to as “daydreaming” or “off with the fairies.”
As difficult as it may be try not to be anxious about this. She will internalise that and it may exacerbate her symptoms.
I wish you well :sparkling_heart:


It is a good idea to talk to your GP about this. I can so relate to things you are saying your daughter does. Sometimes I will panic and look for things that are even in my own hands and my husband says “Um it’s in your hands” or “it’s right in front of you”
I would say lots of lists and routines. Maybe even have a sign in your bathroom saying “wash face, brush teeth”.

If your daughter is diagnosed with adhd their is nothing WRONG with her. Her brain just works differently :heart: life would be boring if we all thought the same

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My daughter was the same. Adhd.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is my daughters memory issue normal? - Mamas Uncut

Does the kid flinch the to let and it don’t go down or you punish her for that my granddaughter does that quite often she’s eleven but the Tooele had over flown and her mom yelled about it so that could be my grandkids it the to let paper in a trash can in the bath room cause they use too much sometimes but my to let don’t all ways work the same ad heart mom’s does we live in an payment and they have fixed it a few times but I know to hold it down until it flushes but the grandkids if they use it they don’t all ways flush it either

I would talk to the pediatrician. And get a referral for a neurologist.

I recommend seeing her Pediatrician and go from there. Could be a cognitive issue


Definitely not normal. But I’d give her “fun” things to keep up with for a few days/week and see if she remembers that. If she does, she’s just being lazy. If she doesn’t I’d take her to the dr and have her evaluated


You just described my daughter when she was 6… Sometimes at school she would even forget to go to the restroom at all and just wet herself… I took her to all the doctors and counseling and what not, but she just grew out of it… she’s 16 now, your normal lazy teenager and she is perfectly fine… definitely take her to the doctor if your truly worried, I did, but it’s just how some kids are♥️

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My son and a lady I know two of her children were diagnosed with dementia as children. Mine was 11, he is now 18. This sounds pretty familiar.


My son who is 7 also does this alot, he has been diagnosed with ADHD, but even with him on his meds he’s still forgetful. I was just talking with his counselor about this the other day, she said she will continue to monitor him and see if he’s truly forgetting or is just looking for extra attention and time together.

On another note I’d like to point out that this is a Mom Life page. So if a mother has questions, concerns or just wants another opinion, then she should be able to ask without someone always having to say “We aRe NoT dOcToRs, DoNt gO To FaCeBoOk.” I’m not sure about your guys’ life, but this momma here doesn’t have many friends or family to talk to about certain things. So, if my only option is to hop on Facebook and go to one of my favorite pages or groups and ask a question or express a concern or whatever the case may be. Guess what I’m going to do it. If you feel the need to comment wish them the best of luck and move on. There’s too much ugly and negativity already in this world, don’t add to it. Sorry y’all I’ve just noticed the last few days here, that there’s always one or two ppl starting out with we’re not doctors or don’t put your business on Facebook.


Could be neurological or she can “forget” and not have to do it, or any repercussions to her forgetfulness. I would talk to her doctor. Assign her 2 simple task for the day. That she is responsible for. Remind her how important these task are and that it is her responsibility to make sure they get done. Have patience! Sometimes our babies need to be guided. One may need you to hold their hand the whole time(until they find independence) while another " wanna do it by myself" mentality. They are little people learning this big world. Best of luck momma❤


Definitely not normal. My daughter did things similar to this right before she was dignosed t1d. She to this day can’t remember her entire 3rd grade year (the year she was diagnosed) maybe have her A1Cs ran. Or it could be a nero condition. Definitely needs looking at by a medical professional ASAP