Is my daughters memory issue normal?

Take her to a dr ask them if it could be a neurological condition or a medical condition. Tell them you want testing for both because it could also be a combo of them as well. Best of luck. :purple_heart:


Def need to have her evaluated. My friends daughter was having the same issue and turned out she has ADD. Once she was medicated all of that went away and she was able to focus. Good luck and I hope you get answers soon!


We are not Drs. Best to have her seen to find if this is an actual memory (neurological) issue or a stubborn child getting one over on you.
7 is a great age for testing boundaries. But the random people on Facebook don’t know.


Give her a couple of super fun things she like to keep up with and if she keeps up with those items, then u know shes picking and choosing the things she’d rather be doing, instead of being responsible. Of she can remember the things u gave her for pleasure, shes playing u mom.


My daughter was the same. She was diagnosed with ADHD.


how about putting a reminder on the bathroom door. did you wipe, flush and wash your hands? help her without frustratuon if possible. try one important thing at a time

I would be taking her to the doctor for a checkup and tell doctor your concerns ask for a referral to a psychiatrist. They will get into many assessments that can help

Take her to the doctor/ neurologist…some things you say could be just typical but others are too extreme and it’s hard to think something is not going on! You need a professional opinion…could be a number of things. Could be something even like thyroid issues…to a possible tumor(pray not)
Please just take her to get checked out.


Could be neurological. I would take her to the doctor asap.


Can the mom who wrote this please message me?? The sounds just like my son maybe we can be friends and help figure this out together.


Her behavior is far from normal and doesn’t come off as being lazy. Something may be seriously wrong with her memory, you need to get her seen by a doctor. Like immediately.


Sounds like a lot of similar issues I faced with my son. He’s diagnosed ADHD. Definitely worth checking into and having her evaluated.

My son is the same age and sounds like the same issues. I’ve never thought it a big deal since my husband can never find anything either or since I have the worst memory too. Please let us know if you take her to the Dr and what they say!

When in doubt, take her to the doctor.

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Take her to a neurologist to make sure its nothing, or dr to get. Blood work or if u need a referral, its not normal, sometimes maybe she is being a kid but if it were me I’d check to make sure its nothing health or brain


I would have her evaluated. It could be something such as ADHD, which manifests differently in girls. Or it could be something neurological.

Maybe she is iron deficient? It can cause “ditzy” lazy behaviors. Id get her checked over to rule out a medical condition before just caulking it up to a normal kid behavior.

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At first I was gonna say it sounds like she’s just being lazy and saying I forgot as an excuse because my 7 year old son does that. But the not wiping, and forgetting she has a snack in her bag doesn’t sound right to me. I would at least talk with her doctor and get their opinion

How much screen time is she getting?
Other learning disabilities? Social interactions normal?
Could be autism symptoms, ADD, as afore mentioned juvenile dementia, or neurological
But yes. Definitely go to a doctor. They are going to ask you a bunch of questions if you do ADD eval and involve teachers, getting opinions, etc.

I’m following because my son is almost the same… he forgets a lot of things and can’t remember where he puts most of his things and like you said he could stare at it and It’ll ll be right in front of him and he can’t see it or I’ll tell him to go to his room to grab something and he’ll just stand there and I’ll be like what are you doing you need to grab that, hes like “oh yeah I forgot what I was doing”. I was also thinking it might be a kid thing and he’ll grow out of it . but I’m not quite sure anymore ,he is almost 8 in November.

I’m sorry but this sounds more like laziness to me🤷‍♀️ at a point in life things life flushing a toilet become muscle memory. If these memory issues only started in the last year it sounds like she’s pushing lazy.

Is she taking her tablet or phone ( is she has one ) into the bathroom with her. Definitely check with her Doctor.

My son is the same and he has been diagnosed with ADHD.

I dnt think its anything to be alarmed about. Kids use excuses to get outta things alot, of they know it will benefit them somehow. Kinda a kods way of being lazy and playing their parent all the way to the end. Lol kods will and do work their parents this way, so parents wont expect much of them. I hope for ur daughters sake shes just faking it all for attention.

To be on the safe side take her to the doctors ASAP while some things we can say it’s just kids being kids this sounds more concerning . They may want to do a battery of test which I agree should be done.

I’d definitely have the doctor give their opinion because it maybe more than being lazy.

Get her checked…things like seizures, sleep issues, ADD etc. Could be culprits.

I would definitely seek a Dr’s opinion. How old is she?

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Try to encourage her with rewards for remembering to do these things…how old is she?

Does she have depression?

As asked by someone else. What age is this child?

How old is your daughter?

My kids and grandkids have ADHD/ADD. Have her tested/assessed by her doctor

Definitely seek medical advice

It only gets worse, I know from personal experience

Well obviously you take her to a doctor. Why is this even on fb

Definitely dr. Could be neurological. I have tick seizures and absent seizures and could be something like that or ADD or something. Never know. Nip it before gets older and school gets harder. Need solution asap

Trust your instincts! My son did very similar things and still does. Trying to get doctors to understand. Keep getting chalked up to ADHD. He does have absence seizures but is now on medication.

It’s not normal and she needs to be seen by a Dr she needs to get test done. Please contact a Dr and not go by what people say on Facebook. I’m sorry but you should of already done that

Why isn’t the school testing her? You have the right to ask them to evaluate her. How old is she?

Sounds like add/adhd

Get a neurological exam.

Can I just say - you are SUCH a good mama for reaching out and being concerned. I love that.
Please take her to the doctor and tell them your concerns so she can be adequately evaluated. I don’t think these things are normal and even sound to me like she could be have absence seizures. They are not deadly, so don’t worry, but they can cause issues through life and need to be figured out.
This could also be something like adhd, add, slight autism, etc. You just don’t know until there is an evaluation.
Does she sleep well at night? Does she eat well? Is she remembering how to use the television and where her dishes go after she eats? Things that are routine?


How’s her* brain? I’d be checking for extreme things such as cancer. Trauma. Bullying at school. Do your research first. Take her to the doctor and don’t leave til they come up with something or at least a mri. Look up vitamin deficiency. Ask the Dr to do a blood test. Be dramatic and drastic til you find a root cause.


You just described my daughter and she just turned 9 and has been like that for a little over a year now. Or she’ll do the dumbest shit ever and she knows better than to do it but when you ask her why she did it her response is always “I don’t know”.

I would have seeked help from a doctor 6+ months ago. It truly could be something wrong.


Take her to her pediatrician and ask that she be referred to get a neuropsych

Have you ever had her tested for ADHD? It’s time to seek a doctor’s opinion

Needs evaluation!! Adhd? Autism spectrum? Get help immediately !!!

It could be drugs or maybe a mental condition like PTSD or something else but I would take her to the dr

You need to get her seen immediately and checked out by a doctor.

Is she distracted all these times she forgets?? Idk… I would take to doctor to rule out anything!

Take her to a doctor ASAP!!!

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My sister was kike this and she had ADD.


Sounds lazy and coddled to me

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Check for celiac disease
Brain fog is #1

please call your doctor.

Have her evaluated by her Dr praying for her :pray::pray:


Time to involve doctor

Take her to the dr .


That’s not normal but, again it could be her just saying she forgot so she doesn’t get into trouble. I would go to the Drs. to make sure there is not a hidden problem and to rule everything out. They may also be able to give you tips on how to remind her to do things.

My son is 3 Years Old and knows to wipe, flush the toilet and wash he’s hands however, he will have to be told every now and then because he’s on a rush to play. He can remember where things are but, will have to sometimes be reminded about where something is.

Doctor quick could be something sinister but it could be something very concerning

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Take her to the doctor!! Good luck momma!!

My son is the same, he has ADHD! Getting her checked will give you peace of mind regardless.


Sounds alot like adhd


My step son is seven and tbh he was doing this alot I got him checked out and nothing was found wrong with him but I found him doing it to avoid getting told not to or some stuff like the flushing. Toilet thing I told him it makes the room stink and he said oh I forgot or if I tell him like out your shoes away he’ll say he forgot and does if just like I’ll ask him why do you keep forgetting he’ll just say idk and if I give him trouble about something and ask him to repeat what I said back to me he’ll just stare at me and not say nothing I’ll say it again what he did wrong then ask once again what I said and he’ll repeat it almost like he purposely isn’t listening …

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Sounds like my son. He has ADHD/ODD plus more. He can hear everything and still not do what he’s supposed to do.

You need to take her to a Neurological Psychologist. They do Neuro psych test instead of just IQ and psych evaluation. They find the cause and not just treat the symptoms

My 7 yo step daughter did this with everything. Especially wiping ‘i forgot’

My sister had epilepsy bad when she was a child… she would blank out and loose focus. Took medication for it.
…also covid causes brain fog on people. It’s an after effect. I had covid last year and I find myself frustrated because I can’t stay focused as I used to.
… we can’t diagnose your child, but just suggest you take her to get checked out.

She needs an assessment by a child psychologist or psychiatrist.

I think you should get medical attention immediately


Have her seen by a neurologist

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The staring off or at something is signs of small seizures. They are called absent seizures and only last a few seconds. They can cause memory problems, learning problems, behavior problems etc… take her to Dr to get evaluated.


Have you tried rewarding good behavior.
I know it sounds basic but when we reward good behavior it increases the likely hood that behavior will stick. It takes constant reputation and a consistent approach.
By all means look into the medical side of things but start with the basics first.

I think this is most kids now. My grandsons do the same thing.

Sounds like me! I have ADHD. I forget everything!

Take her to Doctor you need tests done. You could be looking at major medical issues, behavioral. Learning disability. Get her to her Pediatrician.


My granddaughter is 7 and I have 3 adult children, I never experienced any of this, seems like she’s more pre occupied than forgetful , some of it does sound lazy, either way ide have it checked out you just never know

My son had a lot of these issues he has high anxiety and adhd. We have Jim on the right meds and things are much better. He can focus and remember things a lot easier now. It’s more of a rare occasion vs. an everyday occurrence now.

Is she on devices a lot or YouTube ?? Maybe her mind is elsewhere which is why she keeps forgetting

I’m adhd and I’m pretty much like this still at 30

Please go to a neurologist & get her checked out. I went through a similar thing growing up, I ended up getting bad headaches in my teens & ended up suffering from a brain aneurysm and had a stroke because the veins in my brain tangled in a ball as i aged. I started to forgot Everything

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Sounds like it could be adhd related. Especially if there’s other factors, as far as concentration and attention span.