Good lord. He needs to grow up and she needs to quit being so dependent on him. Get your driver’s license geesh.
So he’s mad because your choosing to do what’s best for y’all’s premie. He doesn’t sound supportive or caring at all.
He’s putting video games over his child. You know the answer to your question.
Sometimes men handle things differently than women, their way of coping with stress can be video games, hunting , fishing the usual man stuff even mowing for some helps them strangely with stress.
He sounds like a big baby. But after working all day that’s probably his unwind time. Hopefully he learns that he can’t play his game everyday.And why don’t you drive? It would be easier if you didn’t have to depend on him for rides.
With 5 kids between the two of you, and one adult who drives?? You need to step up as a mom and get your license so you can do what you need/want when you want/need to. While I understand your need is to be with your preemie, hospitals aren’t for everyone. Plus who is watching the other littles. People deal with stress differently, and while he may choose games; you may be choosing to nitpick things you’ve never complained about. Take a breath, focus and perhaps try communicating to him how you’re feeling and see if the two of you can make an arrangement that works.
Get a license asap if you arent suspended
It doesn’t stop so either accept or do what’s necessary for you n your children
Here’s the deal: people deal with stress differently and It doesn’t always make sense.
I’m one of those people I may “handle it” and “do what needs to be done” but what I really want to do…find a craft project or a book or a horror movie and sink into it completely to give my brain and my emotions some much needed relief.
And you know what?
I. Tell. My. Husband. These. Things. I complain when I can’t do xyz. I do what I have to do. But I complain.
Why? Because I want it off my chest. Period. He’s the person I trust to take all of my feelings to.
When my oldest was born…it was a traumatic birth. He was born not breathing. Broken arm. Dislocated shoulder. Nerve injury. I obsessively asked about his height and weight because I couldn’t bear to ask if he was alive.
Your husband may be complaining.
He’s still doing the things he needs to do.
So the truth is this may be his was of dealing with the stress…The stress of working, dealing with 4 kids, a wife who doesn’t/can’t drive, and a child in the NICU. That’s a LOT to put on one person.
And to act like he’s not feeling the stress or strain at all is incredibly insensitive on your part.
It could be…that if he could game then everything would be alright.
Like if/when he he can game after work then baby is good and out of NICU and out of any danger.
It could be that his mind and his emotions need a break for a little bit.
A break that he can’t take.
But he trusts you with his feeling. That’s a huge thing. Especially being a man, because they are constantly told to suck it up even by the people who are supposed to care about them…so this is kinda what happens. They find something that doesn’t really matter to complain about.
My husband does the same stuff. I have to take it down. I have to be the one to talk him into really talking about what’s going on in his head.
Ironically (because I have PTSD) he has to do the same for me sometimes.
He sounds like a self centered jerk. Good thing you arent married. I would start looking for the best plan to leave him. I am sorry, there are a few things I wont tolerate. And one is a man that wont willingly take care of his kids.
Get your license as soon as you can. The less you have to depend on him, the better you will be. I’m surprised he’s not holding it over your head by now.
Sounds like a selfish jerk to me putting video games before his children. Their are 5 kids no time for video games.but it is time for yo u to get your license and be more dependent.
He needs to man up and put the baby and you first.
Is he complaining or is that his way of communicating stress
You’re a better woman than I am, because I can tell you right now, if my husband and I had a baby that was premature and had to stay in the hospital and my husband was complaining because he “had” to spend his evenings at the hospital with me and our premature baby instead of playing video games, there would be one conversation about it between us and then he would get knocked upside his head!! Your fiancé IS selfish and needs to grow up. Especially with 5 kids.
WOW !!! That’s all I can muster right now!!
Definitely get your license as soon as you can (if you can) depending on a man for something so important is not the best idea, do you have family around? Or even his family?
He is being selfish, although he might be super duper stressed and doesn’t know how to handle it. As in he might be anxious or to upset to even see your baby. Talk to him.
Yes a driver’s license will be helpful if she is able to get it but there was at least a few weeks after giving birth that I wasn’t supposed to drive so…
Yeah his stress levels are so high and the same of the mother that he felt delivery pains and worry about the baby being in NICU. These ladies saying “He’s stressed too!” Yeah he’s stressed out about a stupid ass video game when his child is in the nicu and he’s more worried about playing games?
You know who’s stressed right now? This woman, she just delivered a baby, sometimes ppl have a fear of driving but that shouldn’t stop the “FATHER” to be concerned and WANT to see his child too and drive together. The stress of producing breast milk for ppl who don’t. There’s stress on top of the stress that your baby is in the NICU and the nurses say “more breast milk!” And you gotta think about that man child that’s bitching about playing call of duty because he doesn’t want to drive to the hospital to see their baby. Yeah I’d be pissed.
I’d document this time of neglect for a console game and take your kids and leave. He’s probably shown his lowest concern for his kids and you to throw a tantrum about how he can’t play video games. It’s not going to get better. For me, “our baby is fighting in a box in the hospital and you don’t want to go see them everyday to encourage and talk to them”
So he’s working and the only one driving. Then he comes home and instead of being able to unwind like he used to he has to drive you to the hospital and pump?
Is he the only person driving you?
Do you give him at least one day a weak to unwind at home and gather his thoughts?
I understand that y’all have a baby and you both have things going on but y’all also have to take care of each other’s needs
I would definitely have a serious talk with him. The video games and everything else will still be there once things begin to regulate in you all’s life again. I’d also look to see if my insurance includes or provides medical transportation free of charge just to have another option
so currently I’m a mom to four, two bio and two not bio. I go insane I have no me time chasing and pleasing four kids. I’m under high stress and sometimes say stupid shit myself. he maybe venting due to needing a little break. I’m assuming you either don’t work or you are on leave so you have all day to semi relax he does not between work and seeing the baby. maybe let him home one day and you go see the baby? I get how you feel too don’t get me wrong pumping every two hours can be exhausting
Your nicer then I am… In that situation… I’d sell the console or snip the cord…and it would be worth the knock down drag out fight. Dude needs to grow the fuck up
Bye boi. Done. Life is too big for his whining and not supporting you.
I need to know why you don’t drive… BC let me get this right,
He’s deibing everywhere, there’s 4 other kids being cared for, worl, house stuff…and you’re upset he needs a break?
You’re upset he handles stress differently than you?
That’s what you’re upset about?
You dont2 think maybe he needs to blow off steam?
Sorry, you sound super petty and you have no regard for what’s he needs for his mental and emotional health.
Grow up boo. And get some help to have a healthy relationship bc I guarantee this has been a pattern. Nobody lives up to your expectations.
Ummm. Little kids play games. I wish I had time to play a game. Only reason I’m on the phone now, dogs are outside and doing their thing. Coffee… Otherwise there’s dishes to be done laundry to be done and beds to make. Adulting sucks, we all have to grow up at some point.
If he can’t put his child over video games, he’s a child. Sarah plain and simple he’s a child. If he can’t put his premature son first, that’s a problem. Start working on yourself sweetheart that should be a red flag right there.
Time to learn to drive real fast.
Breaks on the left, gas on the right!
Don’t hit another car - you got this
He needs to grow up and be supportive. Someone said he’s driving you to pump… No - he’s complaining about her being busy every two hours so that her baby has what’s best for their tiny digestive system & driving you isn’t just driving you to visit - that’s his baby he should want to see also. I’m sure you’re busy as heck. I was. This isn’t a picnic for you and he won’t see that. Just sees that’s he’s working. Focus on your baby and ignore him.
Video games are addicting…sad but true… I think he needs to understand how to separate responsibly from fun!
Our generation today of kids…(not all) will turn out the same way. Too much technology
CONGRATS by the way on the baby…sorry he came early!!
Oh uh uh, id be furious if I had a premie in the hospital and their dad was batching about video games, and I’m a gamer myself. He needs to be focused on his child, the games will be there when yall come home.
He’s definitely being g self centered and selfish. I’m sure he’s played the same games a million times before and his baby will only be this tiny once. His baby should definitely come before some stupid game.
Screw all these guys and their video games bull shit, I see so many posts related to this!! Dude you made a 5th baby… man the hell up!!
Do not bother talking to his stupid ass as he will just lie to shut you up but make no changes. He may even tell you that you are selfish. You have 5 kids. Do not allow him to be a 6th
So u just grew a human in ur body, u have to pump while going though the just had a baby stage and ur manboy is complaining about not getting to play his game Tell him to by u a pump so u can pump at home … Win win?
I am a mom of a preemie born at 26 weeks. I lived the Nicu life, and the pumping ever 2 hours ugh.
But heres what your man needs to know:
Video games will be there later, your child may not so go to the hospital, dont complain just fucking go.
Preemie life is incredibly delicate. They may be thriving one day, you leave to go to the washroom and come back to find all the doctors and nurses around your baby trying to revive them. Or they go in for a routine preemie surgery and dont come out, or their little organs just aren’t strong enough.
These are all things i watched parents go through. For my son it was a brain bleed that simply couldn’t be stopped.
Yes more preemies live than die but your man clearly needs to know that is not always the case and if he doesnt spend time now there may not be a later.
Get your license it would help alot but video games really tell him to man tf up.
Video games are for boys not men. If he can’t put his children, particularly the youngest that needs him the most right now, first then he needs to straighten out his priorities or hit the road.
He is voicing his feelings to you. A HUGE part of what makes a relationship successful is listening and respecting each other’s feelings, needs, and wants. I’ve been with my hubs for 19 years,and here’s one thing I’ve learned: the more sympathetic you are towards your partner’s feelings, the more sympathetic they’ll be towards yours. Video games may not be important to you, but they are to him, and he’s upset he isn’t getting to do what he enjoys. Maybe 30 mins of video game time could be had before you guys go to the hospital? Also talk to him about how to still make time for the things YOU enjoy.
Yep. Any baby, but especially a preemie who’s not even home yet, will always be more important than video games.
the fact he is even thinking about a VIDEO GAME at a time like this is very telling of what your life will be like with him. i know nobody iw perfect but your child is premature and VIDEO GAMES dont even have a place at the tablebof importance during this time. im sorry girl
I hate it when they get this way. After I had my fifth I pumped as well. She was IUGR. Not early but small. He worked but complained I didn’t clean enough any more and wanted supper done when he got home. Which was impossible unless it was a crock pot meal. And we wouldn’t have been able to eat as a family because he got home 10 min before the school aged children got out of school. I spend all my time in my room because I was comfortable taking care of baby in there. And he complained I didn’t read anymore. It got worse with our 6th and was stillborn. I almost died! I thought that would jump him back to how important I was but nope. He currently doesn’t live with us anymore. He’s trying to hold on to our relationship. He treats me better but there’s so much more he needs to hold himself accountable for and I’m unsure if he’ll do it.
Wow, he sounds like a POS. My son came 8 weeks early, spent 6 weeks in the NICU. Guess who drove us to the hospital every single day of those 6 weeks? My husband! Guess who was supportive of me exclusively pumping for a year straight even though I hated it at times? You guessed it, my husband. NICU life is hard, believe me, but something seems really odd that he’s complaining about not being able to play videos games instead of complaining that he’s not able to spend time with the other children. Which lots of people do feel guilty about when they have other kids at home. This one just hits on a personal level for me.
OMG! I’m angry with you! My daughter was 11 weeks early and in NICU for 6 weeks. It was the absolutely most stressful time of my life and I cried every single day! Yes, your fiancé is being a selfish piece of shit and he needs to become your UN-fiancé.
Sounds like you have 6 kids to me.
The difference between a man and a boy
So basically he needs to stop voicing that hes tired and would like some time to do something he would like for a little bit bc his wants dont matter. Yes I know, it’s not about him right now and the baby is more important, which hes still putting the child 1st bc he isn’t giving up time to actually play video games., but he is trying to tell u how he feels. Actually see where hes coming from. Im sure your tired from pumping so often and would like to chill for a few and do something you would like to also, but cant bc the baby comes 1st… it’s the same concept
As if you didn’t know this “fiancée” was a video game playing deadbeat loser when you decided to get pregnant and add a fifth child to this mess when you don’t even have a car to your name.
My son 2as early and in NICU he was 5th and I had to go home without him and have his crib next to me I found it so hard but my other half was amazing xxxx I got up at 6 got kids ready and in school I went to see my baby and then come back and get one of little ones for nursery other have had lunch ready cos if he didn’t I would not off eaten and then I went back to see baby then came back to get kids from school and spend time with them and other half did dinner I then went back to see baby and then home to put others to bed and then back up to see baby and then home for bed to do same again every day for 8 weeks and it was my other half doing all the driving and dinners and lunch and cleaning why because family pull together and he knew I need him and so did other children and he knew baby need mummy just as much as others did xxxxx
I do drive and had preemie twins. My husband drove me anyway, fresh c section and exhaustion not really safe. He also went up and brought my bonus kids to see their siblings. It is just not okay and yes it is selfish and immature.
How old is your fiance? 12?
The bigger part of me wants to say he is selfish, but a small part of me wants to say that maybe this is his way of showing stress. He certainly is going about it the wrong way though and it’s sad he is basically saying he doesn’t want to go see his baby.
Get your drivers license. Pay for driving lessons if need be. Idk if you work, but if you don’t, Tell him it’s because you don’t want to bother him or take away his personal time to visit your baby in the hospital and it would be easier on both of you if you could just go when you felt you were ready instead of waiting on him. Driving is liberating and gives you freedom. I didn’t learn how to drive until I was 23. Got my license at 25. Never looked back.
You have a few choices you could hire a breastpump some hospital or chemist have this option or could invest in buying one depends on how long you plan to breastfeed.
Also getting your license would be a great a great thing also, lm the first female in my family to do so and its absolutely fantastic.
How can he think of video games when his son is in the hospital? He should be focused on caring for the other kids so you can be at the hospital with the baby more or vise versa.
red flag dont get married is not grown up yet n YES very selfish id go without him n be there for your baby
Wow Congratulations momma on baby!!! Speedy coming home day soon. Hugs. We had a 5 week 12.5lb preemie who was in hospital PICU for 2 months. I know the struggle with pumping and not being up there with our daughter but we were in Ronald McDonald’s house the entire time, but still so stressful with worrying and dealing with daily life. Hope baby comes home soon. Red flags about the fiance’. Not so much the video games but I so would not marry them guy if he is not compassionate about you and just giving birth to both of yours child. Sounds like the beginning of him being a narcissistic POS. I would take care of you and your baby first and think about his issues and the red flags before marrying that when other better options are out there. My son is 24 and lives with his girlfriend and they both play video games and work and daily life. So wish you well and the best with your new baby. Enjoy, they grow super fast lol don’t blink lol.
Totally being selfish . When I had my son he was 10 weeks early and my husband spent the time working and caring for our 4 year old at the time and would drive an hour to spend the weekends with our son in the hospital so I could have time with our 4 year old.
We have been in quarantine due to us having covid and after we started feeling better my husband has been nonstop, he’s given all 3 of our vehicles tune ups, changed the breaks on them, cleaned up our backyard of all the junk and scrap metal that has piled up, cooked dinner almost every night, kept the kids busy while I was getting better and finished painting our dining room for me.
Your fiance needs to put away the video game and grow up.
I guess what I don’t understand is why you have to go to the hospital every 2 hours? Can’t you pump and pump and pump at home to create a stockpile to take to the hospital? This could actually help lessen the stress on both your parts.
Yes get a license yes he is selfish
Kids come first.
You chose to be parents he needs to grow up.
Red flags, honestly think about the kind of father you want for your children because the one your describing sounds shitty af.
Tell him to grow up and become a man!!
I had a nicu baby. There is no way I’d rather be home playing video games then with my baby at the hospitals.
This is showing you what the rest of your life will be like……RUN!!!
Find another ride to the hospital.
So here’s my question. Was he just saying it out of frustration from a crappy day at work? Or is it something that’s been repeated multiple times?
My son was a 32 weeker and we drove EVERY DAY to the hospital. Sometimes twice a day. We would spend every minute we could there during visiting hours. Your “husband” is being extremely selfish. Maybe try to explain to him the benefits it has of being with baby in the nicu. Its been studied and proven that kangaroo care, singing/talking/reading to baby helps increase their brain activity which in case helps them improve faster. I was told my son would be in for a minimum of 12 weeks. He spent 3 weeks in the nicu.
Just please honey throw the entire boy away a mature man would have his priorities set and understand his time for video games doesn’t come before the needs to his children.
If he can act that way over his own flesh and blood then he doesn’t truly care about anyone but himself. Don’t be fooled.
Ridiculously selfish and self centered
I see alot of comments here calling this guy lazy, which could be true. Alternatively, I would like to suggest the idea that the guy may not be managing his stress well, or could be dealing with some serious anxiety. In people with a high-functioning form of anxiety, procrastination or delaying of responsibilities can be a sign that a person’s anxiety/stress is becoming more than they can manage. Instead of calling the guy lazy, maybe we should offer him some more support since he is a father of 5, has a job, and a young baby in the hospital. I would be bummed that I didnt have more time to relax too. I hope that mom, dad, and baby all do well.
As a person who was the only driver in my house for a long time I can say that he’s most likely overwhelmed stressed. If he’s working to provide for your family & then has to drive you to the hospital everyday it’s probably starting to wear down on him. I get that it’s video games, but would you be complaining if it was playing sports, going fishing, or doing something else? Whether it’s video games or something else he does it’s his way of relieving his stress & unwinding. At least he’s voicing to you how he feels. He deserves that. Also I get that you’re the 1 that had a baby & the baby is in the NICU, but your fiance still deserves a little time to himself too. I mean how else is he going to relieve his stress? Also my suggestion is get your drivers license so it’s not all on him to do all the driving especially since he’s also working to provide for your family.
To all the ladies saying he’s a grown man cut the man some slack. I mean geez just because she had the baby & the baby is in the hospital it doesn’t mean because he’s voicing his feelings is selfish. His mental & emotional health is just as important as hers.
A a fellow premie momma, ive had 2 nicu babies, yoir husband is beig VERY selfish. There is nothing more important atm then that baby getting home and he needs to see that his child will take more video games from him over the next lifetime so he better get used to playing ALOT less. As for the pumping, thats a personal choice, talk to the pediatrician thats on the floor and ask them what they think, alot of times NICU babies benefit from having formula as it has higher calories and can help them gain the needed weight to develope and come home.
Yes he is being a jerk off… get a license and give him an ultimatum shape up or ship out. No more video games DAD
Seriously? His self centered actions speak volumes. Wiggle your way to independence. You and baby deserve time and energy to thrive. He doesn’t have that to offer.
There was no complaining before she would have said it. This man is the father of 5 kids collectively, the only one who drives and most likely the only one who works. That sounds overwhelming asf. He needs support too… Y’all telling her to leave him are horrible.
Our 2 kids were preemies 28 and 29 weeks I went there everyday all 50 days and 35 days yes it is stressful but I didn’t know what else to do the nurses also told me the more I went and cuddle them sooner they come home but you could stock pile the best milk yes he is being selfish nothing comes before your child but I also had my lincess so on days my husband had to work late I went by myself but they seen one of us every day but never once did I hear him complain about going or driving there
There really are so many scenarios here and everyone is jumping to conclusions.
Is there a medical condition why you have no license? Is it a legal issue? Do all of the 5 children live in the house since 2 are from a previous relationship? Are the children school aged? Are there family and friends close by who could help from time to time? Do you not work because of a medical condition, mutual agreement for he to be the income source, etc?
I’m not shaming you by any means, but there are too many questions left open to be able to completely answer this accurately. #1, your emotions are all over the place right now since you’re in the postpartum period. Your baby isn’t with you, you’re trying to keep up with pumping every 2 hours so you’re tired, plus the stress of just being a mom and partner. It’s tough. Men handle things differently. I’m not defending him though because maybe he is just being childish. But I’ll say this. As a woman and a mother, you need to never solely depend on another person because there could always be a situation. My mama told me to ALWAYS make sure I can take care of me and mine no matter what because you can’t depend on anyone else to do it for you. I can tell you from experience because my oldest son’s dad unexpectedly passed away when he was 21 months old. Had I been without a license or transportation or money/a job, I’d have been screwed royally. He didn’t have life insurance or a savings for us.
Yes he is selfish when it comes to your child you do what you have to do I have never understood someone that is supposed to be a man wanting to play a game like a child
I just had my premie in June. My husband would go to the hospital when I couldn’t. So I believe your husband is not taking this seriously. When my babies were in the nicu I was always so scared and worried. I mean there’s a reason they are in the ICU. and your husband needs to realize this. You need him and your baby needs you both.
He needs to grow up.
My son is a NICU baby and I was fortunate enough to stay right there in a NICU parent room the whole 9 days he was there. He was an hour from home but I would have been driving EVERY morning and staying ALL day if I had to do and I had a csection. Babies come first especially NICU babies. I pumped every 3 hrs so he got breast milk in his feeding tube cause it builds their immune system. After we came home I did formula feed only because my son NEVER latched right and needed to be fed. Your baby daddy sounds like a loser, sorry just being honest.
5 kids with a “fiance”? No wonder he’s tired … lol! Seriously though, baby should come first. He’s still playing video games soooooo… you actually have 6 kids. Unless you can support your 3 children, you’re screwed!
Men…or should I say boys, and their video games seriously WTF!!!. This is the biggest complaint I hear most out of my friends as well. My husband plays his stupid phone games and gets mad if you interrupted.
Ladies if you have young boys please teach them somehow video games are not everything and do not come above anything.
All relationships come down to compromise. He’s the only one driving (probably the only one working), he’s providing for a family of 7 now. All of that alone is stressful and the baby being in the NICU still adds to that stress. Guys handle things differently than women. I believe most often women are more of the “buckle down and just do it, no matter what” type and guys are the “I’m not a mind reader, just tell me what you want me to do” type. (not all men but most in my experience). Tell your fiancé what is bothering you and how he can help you fix the issue. Don’t bark orders. Don’t try to mother him. Don’t degrade him. The thing is you don’t just have 1 baby in the NICU, you have 4 others and I don’t know if they’re all with you full time but NEITHER of you can pour from an empty cup. Talk to your partner, come up with a plan. Also this day in time when Uber/Lyft are options to get around I wouldn’t think you NEED him to go to the hospital. Maybe you can go during the day while he works some days and some days yall go together. There isn’t a perfect scenario but there will be one that works for you both.
It’s a big change from routine. Yes, it may seem selfish, yes, it may seem inappropriate in the moment. However, it is new for him too and changed everything before you two were ready. So, that being said, yes, it might be selfish of him but also I totally get it. His world was changed and he is trying to deal with it as well.
My man works night shift end loves his video games and we just had our first NICU baby the 16th (our 4th child) emergency C section and he hasn’t complained once when I’ve asked him to take me to see the baby or help me do something at home because I’ve over done myself and hurt so bad I can’t move he’s been a trooper for sure. I’ve also been a bit hateful at times with him, no fault of his I just get sore and get easily irritated with the tiniest things and he don’t get mad at me when I yell at him for no reason but because I hurt he just sits there then loves me when I’m done … you should talk to your man and tell him how you feel
Why don’t you drive? Do you not have a license? If not why? Is there a medical reason you can’t? Or is it just not wanting to? Are you a SAHM? Or do you work in a job outside of the home? Instead of calling him selfish, lazy or self centered let’s view this in a different way. So he gets up everyday and goes to work. Work is stressful (doesn’t matter what you do for a living everyone stresses). Then he comes home and he’s got 4 kids at home who now require his attention because they haven’t seen him since the morning or night before. That’s gonna give him a bit of stress/ anxiety (I know when I get home from work I like alone time to decompress). Now he’s got to get changed (assuming he wears a uniform to work or gets dirty) and then jump right back into the car and drive to the NICU. Where he is now faced with the fact that his child is hooked up to machines, wires and tubes all to keep the little one alive. I don’t know about you but, that would stress me out too. No he is not being selfish for wanting some time to himself to relieve his stress. I understand that you are also concerned and stressed. I understand that you are also recovering from child birth but I am also sure that while the other kids are at school you have time to do something you like to relieve some of your stress. Whether it is reading a book or watching a favorite show all while you pump, you are still decompressing. Maybe give the guy a break once a week and line up another ride to the hospital and let him stay home and have some time to play the video games and decompress. If you don’t the resentment will build between you both and things will quickly go bad. On another note if nothing else you should really work towards getting a driver’s license and another car. The amount of freedom for you will be amazing.
As soon as you can, get your drivers license. In the meantime, see if a friend or neighbor can drive you to the hospital for your baby. Stay there if you can, and let him take care of the kids at home. After you and the baby are strong enough, consider getting a job and kids in daycare. Stash your $ and leave him! Make sure to find a lawyer and get child support! You will be so much happier.
He’s being selfish and self-centered
This is a little window peek of what the rest of your life with this guy is going to be like. Take a good look and make a wise decision for you as well as your child.
I’m not in this group, but my honest opinion is that he definitely needs to grow up. Since he’s had kids from previous encounters, he knows what comes with them, it’s called sacrifices. You’re definitely not in the wrong, but he should get on the same level as you.
Not trying to be mean but get a drivers license
He know he has you by the balls because you can’t drive up or you would be there. so he’s making it so you have to deal with his complaints and whines. get this little guy home and best thing you can do is move on. be best mommy ever and hope he will change.
Preemie mom here. It’s all hands on deck emotionally and physically. And if I’m being honest 2 hours to sit with your son is nothing. I went back to work after he was 6 weeks old. He was still in the NICU and both my husband and I would go spend hours with him. Yes we had other children at home but we explained to them the importance of us making sure their little brother was ok and being well taken care of.
Baby boy is fighting for his life every second of being in the NICU so your fiancé wanting down time is not an option.
Get a drivers license, learn to Stop depending on others. Regardless of the situation, you have to learn to be Independent. When you do so, you can drive yourself and you can support yourself.
You are far from being wrong. When your child is in the NICU, whether it be for a few days or months, its all hands on deck. Wanting down time isn’t an option
Just throw him away meaning your boyfriend if he is seriously complaining of not being able to play video games son is in the NICU and he’s also complaining that you’re pumping to give your child the nutrition that he needs right now oh no if I was you he would be packing his stuff to me that shows no concern over his newborn
You need survival skills. This guy needs to grow up
I just don’t understand you women putting up with boys in men’s bodies.