Is my fiance right to be upset?

Hes taking the day off for an event… not to be home and do your job. Its your job and youre being paid, what they do during that time really doesnt matter. I really dont get why either of you are upset honestly…


Are you getting paid?
If you’re not getting paid then yeah be upset if you are getting paid shut up and do your job

Your fiancé is an ass.

If you getting paid then what’s the problem?

If you are getting paid, watch the kids. He may need to work from home and cant watch them. You sound pretty young and entitled.

I used to babysit so the father could sleep. He worked 3rd shift. Mom worked first. Another time I baby sat just so mom could shower, clean etc without the LOs in her way. It shouldn’t matter to you. You were hired to do a job. Unless he’s inappropriate you’re just doing your job. Your fiancee is either immature & insecure or he doesn’t want you to earn your money & is using this to make you loose your job.


People literally get babysitters for parties so they don’t have to worry about the kids like… you’re getting paid right? What’s the problem exactly? Is your fiance so controlling that you can’t be in the presence of a dude by yourself even when it’s for work? :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I don’t understand why you’re upset. He is off for an event he signed up for and possibly paid for. You’re getting paid so be thankful, many people would love to be in your position getting paid even if he’s home.


How old are u :thinking::thinking: u and ur fiance must grow up it’s a job that u took


a paycheck is a paycheck girl, if they wanna pay you to be there then be there, it’s your job.


I don’t think so if I’m home but working I’d still need a sitter. He’s probably participating in twitch or something which is a big deal here in the gamer world it’s different if he was just gaming but it’s an event so you can’t just come and go. My bf and I are both gamers


I would look at is, if you need the money then do it. If you don’t I wouldn’t. You’re right your fiance has a right to be upset, you two are together and now getting married. If your friend don’t like it then she wasn’t a friend. But I have people come and help me do things, plus I don’t drive. If my man is home I give them a day off work. Why do they need to come when he’s home. Same as your situation.

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As far as you’re concerned, he’s not available to watch his children and his wife (your friend) needs your help - that is the usual circumstances/duties of your job. He’s in a closed room paying attention to his event. It will literally be like any other work day! Get over yourself. And your fiancé needs to as well. She ran it by you that he was going to be there and unavailable to take care of the kids, when she could’ve not said anything at all because in this instance, it doesn’t make a difference whether he’s there or not. She was being respectful by giving you a heads up instead of blindsiding you.


:rofl::rofl: bet this didn’t go how ya planned #BigDummy


I’m super confused. Most people would be more upset to be cancelled on a lose a days wages? :thinking:

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Leave your fiance and his opinion out of it :joy:
Can you not think for yourself?
If YOU don’t want to work when there is a parent home YOU need to speak up and not hide behind “my fiance is upset”
I don’t understand why either of you would be upset about it anyways, you’re still getting paid to do the same thing whether he’s home or not


The “we feel”…. Nah girl HE feels and done made you feel like you doing something wrong. Psssff puhlease


If your fiance is that jealous, controlling and does not trust you at your job then wait and see how bad he gets when your married smh. Your getting paid to do a job. Watch kids and take care of them. Welcome to the real world and best put your foot down now with control hungry boyfriend now while you still have a chance.


You and your fiancé are reeeeealy immature. May want to ponder that.


Never babysit/work for friends… that’s all I got!!!


I sat for my best friend for 3 years, I would randomly be asked to go there with one of them home just so they could focus on other tasks that require their full attention. If you’re being paid, then it doesn’t matter who/why they are home. If you originally thought you were doing these things (doc appt, watching on that day) why is it a problem now? You’re fiancé shouldn’t be stepping into your work space like that though unless it’s a safety issue. Has he had issues with any other job you’ve had? I don’t see a single issue with the job request, I see an issue with your fiancé creating a concern when there isn’t one (assuming your safety and fidelity aren’t an issue). If you agree with him, then you should rethink watching the kids or tell them they need to have backup sitter for those types of arrangements. Pretty simple really, do the job you’re paid for, discuss new job descriptions and go from there or find new job. If you don’t communicate with your friend/boss, this will eventually ruin your relationship with them. Best to all of you


Honestly he took off for pleasure, he can watch his kid too


You’re getting paid right?? Tell him to shut the hell up


Wow, if this is your attitude, you shouldn’t be babysitting. People get babysitters for all types of things, & instead of them being neglectful parents, they still asked you to come in. A gaming event is just like going to a football game, he’ll just be home. It’s literally your job! Idc why your fiances opinion matters so much, leave him out of it. Is he jealous that another man is taking a day to himself and playing a game for an event?
It sounds like you BOTH have alot of growing up to do!

So by answer to your question is, yes! You both are overreacting, and your fiances opinion doesn’t matter at all! He shouldn’t even have an opinion considering it’s your job!
If you’re so upset about working Friday when a family needs you, maybe you aren’t cut out for the job.


This post makes me hurt for you. If he took the day off to play some video thing and you’re still getting paid I don’t see why ur fiance is so upset about it. Don’t let someone control your life to a Point it interferes wirh your income.


As long as im still getting paid i dont care whos home or whats going on that day!!! Money is money


Overreacting- gamers have days they can’t let loose. A job is a job, you maintain that for you. Fiancé can check in and cope. Trust is Trust.


I just paid someone to wrap Christmas presents for us while my husband was home. Also working from home. A lot of jobs are remote now and doesn’t mean the parent doesn’t need help within the home. Heck my own teenager babysits While mom is home cleaning and mending to the or household. Occupying the kids while mom and dad tend to other things In the house hold.


Well the mum must not trust him to look after the kids “”

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If your getting paid and its not interupting your activities ok . On the other hand if your not getting paid and feel your being used decline


Its your JOB as you stated…as long as you are still getting paid its still your JOB…so…


Sooo your fiance is the one upset. You’re getting paid for it. It’s your job. I’d laugh in my fiances face if he ever pulled that shit with me. Tell him to fuck off with his controlling shit.

His gaming thing is going to take his full attention and they want to make sure the kids are taken care of. How is that a bad thing? Is the babysitting you offer conditional to only the list of reasons it’s needed you feel are necessary? Meaning… are you limiting the activities the parents are allowed to do to qualify for needing a sitter? Is it being done as a favor? Or are you getting paid? I think you just need to do the job as you agreed to regardless of whatever activities the parents are partaking. Does your man have a problem with it because he doesn’t trust you? Or just jealous the guy can take a day off work for gaming when he cannot? In the future will he have a problem with you in the workplace alongside other men? You need to address this now. If you’re hiding behind him when you have the problem… why?


Wtf does “getting married” have anything to do with u babysitting and getting paid? Ur bf does know that there are males in pretty much every job there is right?:face_with_raised_eyebrow: …“WE feel”? :neutral_face: if u don’t want to do it then say no… idk what the OP was expecting to get out of this weird post :woman_shrugging:t2:


Good way to ruin a friendship. Her husband isn’t going to be home to be lounging, he’s still busy. Your other half needs to grow up and shut up. Perhaps you need a different job.

You’re the one agreeing to it. Set boundaries and stick to them.

Wow what are you your fiancee kids, its your job if you dont like it dont do it anymore


There’s a saying that thinking in such a way is the way you would behave in such a situation. I’d ask my fiance’ why he’s not trusting me to do my job and my job only.


You clearly have values and it’s a safety thing for both relationships. So if it wasn’t mentioned til last minute communication is important. I’d still do it this once cause it’s a job and short notice and mention you don’t wanna be home with him alone.

That being said. My husband can’t match my child’s clothes. Love him but :joy: he asks me a hundred questions



Are you still getting paid?

As Childcare provider for 22 years, you babysit when they need/want you too.

If there is nothing nefarious going on, there isn’t any reason not too.

Pleasure or not…

Don’t we all sometimes hire a sitter for our pleasure? To go to the movies, date night… whatever?

If she’s still paying you for the time you’ll be working for her, it shouldn’t matter why they’ve hired you, or what they’re doing while you’re working for them.

Just the point of view from a for hire sitter by profession.


It’s an even where he could be getting paid to play so he’s working from home

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It’s your job!!! He’s going to be playing VG’s NOT sitting his kids. Again, it’s YOUR job! Your boyfriend is jealous and perhaps doesn’t trust you around your friends husband.


Yikes. You’re planning on marrying a dude that doesn’t trust you. Why else would he be so unhappy about you working while the dad is home and busy. I’d be rethinking my future…


If it’s your job and your getting paid I don’t see why anyone would be upset. Job is the key word here


Is it for free or paid?

It’s your “job” as you stated so if you’re asked to be there then so show up like you would any other job :woman_shrugging:t2:


It’s not his business and he doesn’t have a right to be upset. I don’t get why it matters who’s home or not.


Reverse the situation would you be ok with him babysitting while a woman stayed home to play video games? If so then explain that. If you would feel a little awkward about it then understand what he is explaining.

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Sounds like your fiance is very controlling and jealous. You have a miserable life ahead


I’m sorry, are you not allowed to be around another man now? Wtf. Your fella needs to get over himself and stop seeing you as his property.

You’re doing a job, end of, nothing strange about it


OMFG. Are you for real?
You agreed to a paid position to care for the children.
What’s the difference if the father is home ?
And what’s your job got to do with your partner?
Screams you don’t trust yourself and your partner doesn’t trust you.!
Grow up!


If they are paying you for that day, what does it matter?


You literally said dad is staying home for a video game event. If he’s taking a day off work, for an event, chances are it’s something IMPORTANT. So they are willing to pay you to babysit even though he’s home which means he needs to be able to focus on that - you can make money on video game tournaments and that isn’t just a “I’m taking a day off to play video games” type of thing…

Stop letting your fiancé manipulate your mind and go to work. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Lots of people pay for sitters while they are home… Especially in a pandemic. Do your job.


The fiancé does not trust you and youre asking if he is right to be upset. This type of people will never be happy with their partner when there is no trust think about life decisions and trust me they never change after marriage. What are you going to do, never work if it involves coming into contact with men…have self respect


But if your baby sitter your paid so what does it matter if someone is there ? If she was working from home you would still be babysitting because your hired to do that job

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If your getting paid then why does it matter


It’s your job his house… His paying you… Seems your befriend doesn’t trust you…


I guess it would be no different (well kinda) if he was at home sick in bed. By the sounds of it he’s just gonna be sat in one place all day, like if he was sick he’d be in bed all day :woman_shrugging:t2: I do get where you’re coming from but at the same time if they’re paying you for a service you provide usually, you should still go :woman_shrugging:t2:

Are you getting paid? If yes then why are you upset?


Youre taking a child to school, your friend to the drs and presumably picking the child up after school ,caring for them till your friend gets home and getting paid your normal wage ?
I dont understand the problem
Does your fiancé always control how you spend your working hours ?
Does he not trust you ?
You may be getting married but its your job and really not his business imo


id be more concerned why it bothers your soon to be husband to be honest


Go to work. You n bf are wrong,

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I have 3 kids. They have to be taken care of no matter what their parents are doing or where they are.

If they are paying you then no u shouldnt be upset. If u aren’t getting compensated then yes. But if he’s set aside that day for his game event and u are already getting paid to do a job then you should just do it. It’s no different than if he were at work. He’s not available.


How can you complain about doing your paid job? And does your boyfriend think you are going to jump on every man you are left alone with? Or that every man is going to jump you and have their wicked way with you? Because BOTH are red flags.


Insecure dude. He is obviously threatened by another man’s presence …


“taking OFF WORK for a VIDEO GAME event where he will be home all day long”…

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Are you kidding me? You’re getting paid. Who cares.


If you’re getting paid, who cares.


I dont understand what there would be to be upset about lol. You both are definitely overreacting and honestly its a weird thing to get upset about, you’re still being paid for your job. What exactly are you guys worried about happening? I’d be kind of offended if I was the friend tbh and perhaps look for a new sitter.


Omg your boyfriend is a control freak. Go do your job your getting paid regardless of them being home or not. Stop letting men control you


Seems too familiar. RUN. I promise it will be the best decision you’ve made!:running_woman:

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Why can’t you be around another married man…? Like, what???
Also clearly, he’s going to be busy and distracted, therefore unavailable and care is still needed for their children. If you’re being paid for the same thing you usually do it should not matter. Weird thing for either of you to be upset over.
You’re getting paid to watch their child, what they do with their child free time is not your business so long as they return for their children capable of caring for them🤷🏻‍♀️


I do agree with all these comments, be careful of his control issues it’s up for discussion w him, it’s your regular working hours and your getting paid, he has to grow up and stop controlling u, learn to speak up for yourself or thisvmarriage may be headed for his deep seeded issues, good luck


If u r getting paid for it then why not do it. So what if he was home seriously pick yr battles


Maybe I need to reread it but if you’re getting paid, even if they were hone all day to organize the house …what is the actual problem? Unless you’re uncomfortable around the husband alone then that’s a different story


Why are you upset if your getting paid for it? It’s your job, your a babysitter that your hired to do. Doesn’t matter if a parent is at home.


Wtf do you do to these kids behind closed doors that you aren’t comfortable babysitting while their parent is home but still otherwise occupied and not available to watch the kids because he’s busy enough to take a vacation day from work. If you’re being paid, you go to work. And you sound like you have an unhealthy relationship if you’re not allowed over to babysit while your male employer is home. I would find another sitter if I were her. You were hired as a babysitter, not you and your man. Leave that man before he takes away all your financial independence.


Over reacting. It’s not like he will be able to watch them if thats the reason he will be home.


Ok I sort of see your point. If he is at home for a video game he should be prioritising his children and taking his own children to the appointments. But I most certainly wouldn’t be allowing my fiance to tell me what I can and cannot do, if you have an arrangement where you look after your friends kids.


Over reacting. It’s just your job. Accept the job. Or don’t.


If your getting paid what does it matter??


If you are getting paid over reacting


Kids before games. I see it. I have a 21 year old son. He’d get smacked up if I heard he took work off to play a game.


You’re getting paid for a job. You’re job is to watch the kid. What they do isnt your business. Do your job.


“He took off for pleasure”

Ok so do date nights not count? Cause people have babysitters for that and its not a necessity. Its a pleasure. Just like this :thinking: do what you’re getting paid for or someone else will.


Hmm its still a job.


Definitely over reacting.


Dont get why either of you are upset, your being paid for it are you not? Both of you need to grow up a bit. And why the heck is he trying to control what you do? If he dose it now your married life will be hell


See the reasoning is odd to me. I would understand not wanting to be alone with a guy you’re not married to all day though. That would make me uncomfortable.


Its your boundaries but if you’re getting paid it’s up to you unless he feels like that’s time you two can be together yourr fiance isn’t upset at you right hes upset about the situation if it’s you doing a favor . Maybe your friend isn’t getting support from your husband and she has to work and knows her husband wouldn’t be able to be relied on to take kid to doctors ect

Well…. Your over reacting…. He’s not going to be able to take care of the kids , he has plans ….


You’re not a nanny. Say no


You are getting paid so no problem there. The real problem is your fiance telling you what to do.


Overacting YES… would be no different if he took the day to run errands… he won’t be watching his kids and I think it’s best for the kids so they aren’t neglected because he’ll be tied up


This went from your fiancé is upset to you’re both upset - so I’m gonna guess that your fella is being pissy and now you’re saying it’s both of you so it doesn’t look like he’s being a paranoid control freak - which btw he is :woman_shrugging:t2:


Not over reacting …her man is there kids more important then a damm video game :woman_facepalming:, but it be hard to focus on his game n care for kids if hiz game more important then work…but bring the kidd at ur place do its quiet for him

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She ask you to take her to a dr appointment so she must think of you as a friend as well ! So yes your over reacting!


A lot of the time babysitters/nannies, are still getting paid and doing their job when parents are home. I find it ridiculous when grown men play their video games like that, but if they’re paying you then who cares.