Is my husband being unreasonable?

Tell him to get a side job
Or he can go donate plasma if he wants to spend $400 for a damn shirt…thats what I do…if theres a new gun or toy I want I donate plasma 2x a week…wife knows that’s my money to do as I wish

This man child needs to grow up


What about not having it be a Christmas gift? We do small things for each other for Christmas. Big gifts are other times of the year.

Does your husband have flexible money he gets to spend on just him? Have him save up his flex money and buy it. Or tell him you are open to it as a Father’s Day gift for him so you have time to set money aside.

Point is you both work for your money, it doesn’t really matter why he wants it he should get to feel like when it’s affordable he can have things for himself too. Make room to set aside little amounts each month so sometimes you do get to spoil yourselves.

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If you have the money I would get it for him. He probably is the main supporter in the family. He is an adult and really doesn’t need to be turned down over something he wants from his wife for Christmas.


If he’s expecting you to spend $400 on his gift, I’ll be demanding he spends that much on me. If he can’t or won’t then I won’t. Save that gift for Father’s Day when you’re not having to buy for kids too.


Get it!! Life is too short! $$ comes and goes🥰

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Do you by chance have a friend with a cricut? They can make you a jersey for a fraction of the price.

I would NOT

People these days need to really stick to living within their means; instead of keeping up with the Joneses.
Frugal is the key.

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He is crazy… Don’t u dare buy that. Spend that on your kids :100:

Wow!!! Not only unreasonable but selfish! There’s no way I’d get that for him. Can you really afford that?

Tell him to ask his mamma to buy it for him

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That’s just completely unreasonable. He probably doesn’t care it means the entire family suffering to make it happen either. He just thinks the money is going to pop up out of nowhere 🤦 Selfish is all I’m seeing. A real man wouldn’t want to put his family out like that.

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IMO He’s being very childish

You’re not being unreasonable at all. I wanted my husband and I to exchange gifts, but he made a valid point. Through the year, if we want something, we just get it. So come time for Christmas, anniversaries and birthdays, there isn’t much to buy for one another. The fact that you have 3 children and are on a budget, ONE $400 present is a bit extreme.

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I think he is pulling your chain :joy:

The cost is a necessary. Exchange gifts but a set money amount

I would in the future find out very early on what’s the big thing he really wants and gradually save up
Little by little adds up and then you can do stuff like that. Same with Christmas I have 5 kids I start buying early little here little there.

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That’s selfish to them kids! Wth :woman_facepalming: both of y’all bc you gonna buy it anyway and that’s sad af! When you have children, as an adult, you should be surprised if you even get a gift. If it was me, he better wear that mfkr til them threads fall out. I can’t believe what I just read :joy: this is fkn pitiful!

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That’s a lot of money to spend on something even if you aren’t living paycheck to paycheck. You’re not being unreasonable.

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Show him all of these comments, then ask him again what he wants for Christmas!! He is very selfish and needs to grow up!


Yes and selfish, childish, I could go on but I won’t.
I’d get him some coal !

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If you can afford it, why not. If it’s just not in the budget this time of the year, I’d start him off on funding it- like a $100 this month to start.

Of course, children comes first, not just this time of the year, but all year long, for rest of our parenting lives. However, just because there are kids, doesn’t mean parents should never have any wants.

Hear him out and feel him on it. He works and provides for the family. He should be allowed to feel he deserves certain things he wants. Just have an honest conversation about how it’s not in the books at this moment, but could work toward it.

Happy holidays. :white_heart:


Not at all!!! I wouldn’t buy it unless you had leftover money from taking care of the kids christmas first. Thats how my husband and I have always worked it.

Buy a knock off one… :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Just how old is this CHILD that wants the 300$ COAT . GROW UP.

I’m just trying to imagine a man telling me he wants a $400 jersey knowing we don’t have the money but it’s hard because I’m laughing so hard. That’s a child, a selfish,and irresponsible child. If he wants a $400 jersey he can work on the side to save up for it.


That’s a little selfish of him I would ask for something within a reasonable limit like $50-100 I’ve been there too money wise good luck with him


My boyfriend tells me stuff like that from time to time. One year he asked for a new truck…
He got a hot wheels version of his new truck and some awesome socks a long with some other small cute gifts… We laughed about it.


That’s a silly purchase no matter how much money you have.


I would tell him to grow up cause that’s insane


We have to live with in our means.this is my food for thought.


He can work ot to pay for his expensive Christmas :christmas_tree: present!

My bf wants a thousand dollars diamond watch. He’s getting nothing cuz even I don’t expect expensive useless materiel things in return.


Sorry no that’s nuts

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Get him a jersey with the same player but just a cheaper one.


Fuck that, your husband sounds goofy af. Yall struggling and he wants a $400 jersey for Christmas. Remind him that rent is due 6 days after Christmas

Maybe he really wants it. Maybe he will wear it a lot. Maybe he will treasure it. His life is working and taking care of the kids. He may be really proud to own this. He deserves it.


The true question is does he think you can afford it. Living paycheck to paycheck.

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I don’t believe in Christmas and if I want something badly enough I go out and buy it myself.

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If y’all live paycheck to pay check with no extra how are you going to be able to afford this that means bills won’t get paid???

Lol it’s not selfish… I’m sure he’s aware of financial situations, if someone really really wants a gift thats something they will cherish lowkey, even if he never wears it… he really wants it someone who looks after your family, works hard just as much as you do but men get very little in life when it comes to things like birthdays & Christmas

I feel weird that you think it’s ridiculous he’s asking even more so that everyone is saying this man is ungrateful lol… the man wants a jersey… let him want a jersey… I would just say “I’ll see what I can do my love” and if Christmas is rough I’d just get it for his birthday or valentines day… kind of sounds like your jealous that your not asking him for a $400 gift as you are posting a man wanting a gift and asking if he’s ungrateful because the gift is expensive and your a poor family…


If he works hard and is a good man, do what you can for him. Christmas comes once a year and he deserves it

Very unreasonable. No way I’d buy that. My husband and I don’t typically exchange holiday gifts but when we do we set a reasonable price limit of around $30-$50 each.

He’s asking too much

That’s outrageous for a gift if you are living paycheck to paycheck.


I’d get it. We all work hard and deserve something every now and then.

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Where does he thinks you are going to get the CASH living PAY CHECK TO PAY CHECK!

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I would get it for him, your not being unreasonable, neither is he

Take a photo of the jersey and frame it for him … I wouldn’t get it full stop at the price !

Not unreasonable at all. Yes he is your 4th child


His love language may be different than yours. Is maybe offered with afterpay or affirm?

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Wow, do what you think is right but I’d be pissed if my misses bought me that.And I Can Afford it! That’s way to much for a piece of clothing.Spend on ALL the little children instead, memories of them are golden cause it’s only a short time!


No way would i buy that under those circumstances. Christmas is always about the kids first, always. They’re only little with these memories once, your husband will get over not getting a $400 jersey… and if he doesn’t hes not a man’s man he a man b*****


It’s a gift, you don’t choose what someone is buying you as a gift, you accept and thank them kindly.


If you have $400 left after the kids get theirs, maybe. He’d get a picture of that jersey and a piggy bank so you’ll can save up for it.


I would spend it on the kids
And just get him a cheep tool kit

Buy a knock off, dm me and just say it’s on back order like $45 shirts my husband can’t tell the difference and neither can I I mean some are real he has but I’ve bought my share of knock offs especially bc he stains everything :persevere:

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Nope. But do try to find a T shirt ???

No way… I wouldn’t even spend that much without kids… that’s crazy he’s even thinking that’s an option…

So here’s the deal with MY hubby. He doesn’t ask for anything. He works his fingers to the bone and gives it all to the house, kids, and I. So when he does ask for something, I go out of my way to make it happen. But he let me be a SAHM, then put me through school. I’d give him the world of I could :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


We dont buy nothing for each other unless it about 20 bucks. Bc we buy so much for our kid. That’s something mine would save up for bc after Bill’s we split what’s left. We normally get 1 thing for each other just to open with her tho.

No that is ridiculous!

I’m sure this is 100% an unpopular opinion, but maybe cutback what you give to the kids. Do they really need a ton of toys? Maybe just 1 or two things each. That’s what he’s asking for right? One thing. Why do people work their butts off to never be able to get what THEY want? I’m not saying go into debt trying to buy things that are outside your means, but both YOU and HIM deserve to spoil yourselves every once in a while too.

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We are huge sports fans and to be honest a jersey means more to him than a watch, or anything else I’d buy. He works hard right … there isn’t anything wrong with spending time to time. Otherwise you’re just working to provide and not treating yoself :blush: Helps you feel good. Motovating. Check to check will suck the life and motivation out of you sometimes

Give him a coupon for the Jersey which he will get when you save the cash for it. :rofl: