Is my husband normal?

We just got married not long ago . We use to be able to shower together cuddle watch tv, but no more. He is ALWAYS in the mood for sex. He has to grope me before getting in during and after a shower he wakes up he wants to to start groping between my legs sitting on the couch watching tv he has to be caressing my breast or between my legs. He wants to text all day at work most of that is sexual. I have told him multiple times I don’t like this it’s turning me against sex. He says his behavior is normal . This is my second marriage my first husband was not like this. Am I wrong

So obviously he is not doing something right … lol
But seriously what I recommend for differing sex drives is to have scheduled days for sex. We do Wednesday and 1 weekend day if our choice. If we both want it more we do so but this is the happy medium for us both. Also you need to communicate what turns you on. If dirty talk is not it. Let him know what does do it. But if dirty talk is what he likes be fair and flexible. While marriage is way more then sex, a healthy sex life is very important to keep a couple connected. The fact that he is so attracted to you is a blessing. Marriages definitely go through phases. Kids affect this, changes in body and age affect this. Be companionate and patient and above all communicate without belittling or making either of feel defective.
Marriage is work and compromise.
Sometimes I am tired but it’s Wednesday so I take one for the team! It’s our agreement and in the end I am always glad l followed through. We don’t want our men out there with a loaded gun! Lol.
This is an easy problem to fix and at then end of the day a good one to have when you look at others.
Good luck … be kind and work together!

This is NOT normal. Dont let these women tell you that it is or that you should feel grateful for the attention. You owe him nothing, absolutely nothing, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. My husband was like this for years and years until I finally said Im DONE and Im leaving. He finally agreed to go to marriage counseling and it has helped tremendously. He understands why I dont like it, and that it is not my love language. I understand that it is his but I do have to work extra hard to be able to be intimate after all the years of unwanted touching. Do not let it get to the point that you resent your partner, speak up now, tell him to stop and if need be insist on a marriage counselor. No one deserves to feel like a possession instead of a human with their own feelings.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is my husband normal?

Early in the marriage pretty normal lol if excessive. Tell him it’s a bit too much for you but honestly I wish I could have some of that affection and desire back 30 years later lol


Idk. I don’t think it’s unusual but it would definitely get on my nerves.


He wants you… I will warn. Men like this are obsessed early and may find themselves less obsessed later.


He’s attracted to you. What’s wrong with that? Poor hubby.


No means no, even if you are married. I wouldn’t appreciate being used and groped like a sex object. Maybe just the honey moon phase. Fingers crossed it stops.

I mean wouldn’t you want your new husband all over you?


Honestly I would be more than happy if my husband were like that with me (I don’t have a husband but if I did) at least he’s doing that to you and not someone else.


L’amie Ell هاك باش تعلم لونجلي قرا لمك بلا ترجمة:joy::slightly_smiling_face:


Rather him do it with you or a woman who will


Sounds like my husband. Take it as a compliment that he’s all about you, and a start to a good marriage :person_shrugging:


Well at least you know he isnt cheating. Hes very attracted to you lol


I would like to say that it stops but I am on year 16 with my husband and he wants sex 24/7 but the feeling is mutual thankfully

He’s just excited to be married


Sounds like the Honeymoon phase. Lol & maybe he’s just ready to start your guys family. :baby:t3: I’d say take advantage of his excessive need to be sexual.


Be glad he’s being like that with you. He can always go else where


You’re not wrong
It can make you resentful
It can make you feel like an object rather than a loved person. Keep talking to him about how he makes you feel


Wouldn’t you worry if he wasn’t?


Shit girl, take it while you can!

So normal…first 5 years ! Lol


It is a turn off. Shouldn’t be ashamed of how you feel and he needs respect that.


Be happy he wants you and not porn or someone else.
I swear no one is happy with what they have. They create something from nothing and rather be unhappy.

If it makes you uncomfortable communicate and actually talk about it and your feelings towards the behaviors and your boundaries.


Sounds like he really loves and admires you…


Nope. That would piss me off too…

That’s how my husband is can’t even just cuddle lol

Lol my husband has even touched me since March! :joy:

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Oh I wish I had the same problem

I’m the same way and it aggravates HIM


Just call it wrong not for the right reasons…Sex addict??

Sounds like s sex addict

Be greatful and your in the honey moon stage. My husband and I are active but the two of us did not get intuned (meaning not getting upset with the other if neither were interested and or the opposite to each other until 3 years ago. It takes a little time to be 100% intuned with one another! It means he is extremely attracted to you!

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Love your husband. Just the honeymoon phase.


I mean it would be a red flag to me if we couldn’t ever have intimate moments without intercourse… if you’ve communicated that and he hasn’t changed it I’d be concerned. Especially if it’s increasing instead of decreasing but I was in a toxic marriage for almost 2 decades so I see red flags everywhere.


I couldn’t stand it!


His love language is probably touch and he obviously loves you a lot. Set some boundaries if you are uncomfortable. Just because that is the way he expresses himself, does not mean you have to feel uncomfortable.


Are you serious???
Girl enjoy that!!
Soon you will beg for that again :joy:


Normal! I had to have that talk with my hubs to tone it down. Just be open with him. Need to find a good balance for you both, otherwise it’s a chore for you, and you’ll resent him.


Lol it’s normal! My husband is still this way after 12 years :sparkles:


Why did you marry him if you are uncomfortable with him?


My husband is the same way, be glad he is groping you and not someone else :woman_shrugging:


Everyone has different sex drives! My husband and I use to have sex all the time then we had kids and it’s gone down hill for me but he still wants to have sex all the time! You just need to set boundaries between the two of you and compromise on what works for both of you

It’s annoying. Too much is annoying. Happens to me too. Sometimes it creeps me out


I wish my husband did this


Well you are honeymooners. But frankly most men are that way

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He married you, right?

This is a good thing. Trust me you would hate it and question yourself if he wasn’t! Enjoy it! However, if you miss him cuddling you, let him know that too!



I couldn’t stand that this isn’t middle school with hor*y pigs he needs to respect you


Nope. He has no respect and he doesn’t see you as a human.


Y’all are barely married he’s just excited lol


It’s normal to be like that every now and again. But constantly it turns me off too. But it’s nice to see his still into you and only interested in you. I say imbrace it but let him know how ya feel and slow down abit.


Very normal,you are loved.

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Some women don’t get any attention from their men. It’s awesome that he’s giving you this much love and affection and shows he’s attracted to you! It’s very very normal for your husband to be like this with you and is another way he’s showing love for you. You’re a very lucky woman and should be careful not to make him feel rejected. Boundaries are fine, you want “non sexual” attention too and should communicate that, but please don’t shut him down for this attention!


Well a lot of people on here are saying they wish their husband did that but if their husband constantly started doing this and bothering you or you can’t even watch a movie together I’m sure they would change their minds. I had a friend that had the same problem and she was like I can’t even just enjoy watching a movie anymore because all he cares about is sex. I guess you need to explain to him that he needs to tone it down a little bit if you’re watching movies and stuff if it’s making you uncomfortable. Me personally I’m dating somebody right now but I’m not married and I’m older so I don’t really want somebody groping all over me while I’m trying to like relax. Lol Maybe it’s menopause talking here but it really depends how severe he is you make it sound like that’s all he wants every second of the day and to me I’m not used to that so that would be very abnormal for me

Well I hate to say it but if you keep turning him away he might get the wrong idea and go find it elsewhere… I personally love this but I her that you might not


I wish my boyfriend would be like this

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Normal with my husband :woman_shrugging:t2: I’ve talked to him about it and he just likes to touch me, it doesn’t not necessarily have to lead to sex. Sometimes he just wants to slap my butt or see a boob in the kitchen to make himself smile.

i’ve been with my fiance for 14 years. that is how we act all the time. i am constantly turning every text into a sexual thing. he is always touching me.

I think everyone should be okay with this…if not s/b okay to say it’s not

Girl in my opinion it sounds like a blessing LOL


Minr does it all the time.

This is not the Handmaid’s Tale. Love your husband and let him love on you. He is obviously attracted to you. Tell him what you like and maybe he can give you what you want without neglecting himself.

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I’m that way and my husband isn’t I wish he was he likes grabbing my ass and breasts but he more of a tease !!

I’m 39 and single feeling the sexiest I ever have in my life. Where are the decent men who like to fool around at?

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I wish my husband was like this damn :joy:

Umm thats normal. He’s into you and attracted! Imagine showing someone affection and them responding with "its turning me off of sex":person_facepalming:

My hubby is almost exactly like yours lol.

If she’s clearly bothered by this then no it is NOT OK, he is not respecting her boundaries.


Ummmm, hes yo husband.

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We are 7 years in and my hubby is the same way!
He wants me, and I love it!


Lol mine stands around helicoptering. :joy::joy:


Ugh no. Time and place. It’s about mutual respect and communication. You do not sound ok with it and should not be made to feel this way.


Respect and approach skills needed.

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Faaaaaaark I’ve been with mine for 21 years! Bring it :joy::ok_hand:

And when he stops you will wonder why… Enjoy it.


set time place n days for sex n stick to it r youll be Misérable

Better u than sm1 else🤷‍♀️

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Normal for my hubby :woman_facepalming:t3::joy: except for the texting from work bit, his job doesn’t give him time to stuff around on his phone all day thank god :joy: We’ve been together for nearly 17 years and married for nearly 13.
Also second marriage for both of us. Sure, sometimes I’m like oh ffs but he’s always been like it so :woman_shrugging:t3: lol.
If he changed now I’d think something was up :wink:

Lol my SO is the same way. We literally can not watch a movie without him grabbing my boobs or him waking up and grabbing me :woman_facepalming:t2:
I guess I should be happy 14 years and he still feels me up like we’re teens again :joy:

If it bothers you then no not normal. Just because you’re married does not mean he is entitled to you.


This is pretty normal cause he loves you and is showing it in his way … if it’s to much just tell him to ease up a little but you do love it tell him and yes it will get irritating and turn u off a bit but it’s better he touching you and not another female . In ten years from now this may change it may not if it don’t your very blessed


Your right they want sex all time it will turn u away …I want dates dinner time together without sex all dang time…I feel like it’s only sex hes after…3 years with him always sex…

I think its ok to an extent…if it is ALL THE TIME…I’d have to say something too.
Not everyone wants to be groped 24/7


Shot i wish mine did this… I’m 28 and he’s 35

:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: yea he’s obviously not meant for you…cmon now

Wow, the comments on this thread make me cringe. If your husband is doing ANYTHING that makes you uncomfortable and won’t stop after you’ve talked to him about it, there’s a problem. Being married or in a relationship doesn’t give the other person the right to constantly be in your space or do whatever they want to you. You are allowed to have boundaries in your relationship. It’s not like you are telling him no more sex or stop touching you completely. You just need your space sometimes and that’s okay. Please don’t let some of these comments guilt you into feeling like you need to allow your husband to do whatever he wants to your body.


Eh mines the same way but look at the positive in it. At least he wants you :woman_shrugging:t2: enjoy it while it lasts when age keeps coming it won’t exist eventually. N it does get annoying but I’d rather get too much attention then no attention

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So if this woman was saying that he was forcing her to have intercourse when she was saying no would you also say be glad he wants it from you?
If you can’t have time together without him wanting sexual things all the time it does get old very fast.


I would love this don’t complain


Girl you should be happy! Lol that’s awesome!


If you’re uncomfortable and he’s not respecting you, that’s not normal. If you’re fine with it, then it is.


I asked my husband about this. He said it sounds like he’s trying to establish dominance over you. And as a husband, he should respect that you don’t always like that.
Ps: my husband is grabby with me, but if I say I’m not ok with it, he tones it down. Until he forgets lol

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LOL it sounds annoying to me cuz it’s constant, but that’s me. We all have our own quirks and eccentricities.

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After 30 years of marriage my husband n I were still like that. We loved n wanted each other. He’s passed away now, I wish I could still have that attention from him.


No that is not normal

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Save this post and come back to it in few years …when you’re old news.


Go girl enjoy at least he’s only focused on you


My man does and I take it as hes totally into me and I rub on him all the time also . But hes very respectful if I am not feeling it.

So just because this is “typical” she should just get over it? Her feelings are completely valid. If it bothers her why should she just let it be and keep happening? He can’t keep his hands to himself part of the time KNOWING that him doing it multiple times a day bothers her? Sorry but if your SO knows something bothers you and doesn’t take your feelings into consideration that’s disrespectful in my opinion :woman_shrugging: