Is my husband normal?

Mine touches me constantly. It really depends on the guy

Soā€¦ he wasnā€™t like that before you married, but now that youā€™re married he isā€¦? Hhmm. Sounds like, in his nogginā€™, he OWNS you now. Narcissists are like that. Be careful. This disrespectful dominance over your Being will only get worse.


Itā€™s normal :rofl: it will wear offā€¦

My husband is the same and I told him NO and how I felt so many times he stopped, and I donā€™t regret it. I hated when he was acting like that.


My husband constantly does this, I believe itā€™s normal. It does get annoying but I think that comes with the job :joy: donā€™t let it push you away from sex, use it to your advantage! If he likes it at that moment imagine how he will feel when you flaunt it :wink:

Me and my partner are not married yet, but we are living-in-together for almost 6yrs alreadyā€¦ he keeps dpin the same way w/ ur husbandā€¦ sometimes, i feel irritated coz i donā€™t want his intimacy on me will get fading but he continuously doing itā€¦ I just think it in a positive way, knowing that eberytime he makes love w/ me, i still hear those words THANKYOUUU AND I LAVVV Uā€¦ :star_struck::sweat_smile::heart_eyes:

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Omg there people complaining the opposite, u should be happy his really attracted to you. If you donā€™t give that attention someone else will. Itā€™s a blessing!!! Donā€™t compare the 1st with the 2nd.


I am always in the mood for sex, but everyone is different.

Wish my husband was like that


My hub does it to me and he says itā€™s bc he rly rly loves me, so he canā€™t help it but feel extremely attracted to me. Even smelling me when I walk past him can give him a hard on.

Just enjoy the sexcapades right now!! After awhile his hormones will settle, he got to ejaculate and his testosterone levels will maintain ā€¦ Or he will feel tired then realise he got to focus more on work :joy:

My husband have time periods where he can want it daily, or once a week, it depends! I just enjoy the sex and lots of loving from him :laughing:

Ummmm shut the f*ck up, respectfully! Your husband wants to put his hands all
Over you all the time? Oh poor
You! You are lucky that you have a husband that shows he wants you like that. Itā€™s a pipe dream for most of us.

I think you just arenā€™t used to it because of the 1st marriage
My bf now loves me and is all about me but I find myself sometimes pushing him away because of not being used to it

Iā€™m 48, my husband is 27. He does this all the time. I love it!


Honestly it would annoy the crap out of me. If you arenā€™t comfortable with it, then no, itā€™s not normal and not okay. Make your boundaries clear. Married or not, if itā€™s unwanted, itā€™s sexual assault. End of story.


Itā€™s called Hypersexual and it is normal. My partner is hypersexual and honestly, I enjoy tf out of it. I love the attention he gives me. I love reciprocating. Enjoy it!

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YOur Personal Space is Yours!!!


No. He. Is. A. Perve


I understand how you feel and I hear you. It is normal to desire intimacy without sexualizing our partners, as much as it is normal to feel an increase in libido when you are happy :person_shrugging:

In my opinion, I think you are settling into the comfort stage of marriage and he is settling into the honeymoon stage again. My ex was like that, always just feeling me even when I just wanted to relax and lay together or watch TV etc. I would discuss boundaries and expectations.


Normal, sure, but if its as much of a constant as you say it is i can see where it starts becoming off putting. No one wants to just feel like a sex toy. Thereā€™s much more to love and marriage than just sex. Also Iā€™m sorry youā€™re not being heard when you have tried to communicate that you need more affirmations of love other than just physical.

Also donā€™t let these women on here make you feel like you need to give in and have sex with him all the time to keep him. Married or not, its still YOUR body and your feelings matter. Youā€™re not a sex object. And honestly you saying no and standing your ground is not an excuse or door way to allow him to cheat. Dont listen to this shit.

If you donā€™t like it. Itā€™s wrong. He should respect that you donā€™t like it and change his approach. Period


I think ā€œnormalā€ is different for every person. He may just have a really high sex drive and may also just enjoy showing you how attracted he is to you. I do think that if at any point you are uncomfortable, you need to relay that to him. Sex and physical touch should ALWAYS be a mutual desire, and if at any point the attention is unwanted, you have a right to say no. Communication about this is so, so important, and will help you to meet both his needs and your own :heart:

Talk to him, recieve it as a love gestureā€¦he is excited youā€™re his wife and wants to show you. Let him express his love for you before he feels rejected and seeks to express it elsewhere :frowning:


Donā€™t get these type of women , then when they man dont touch them or donā€™t want to have sex with them they ALSO complain.
Heck i wish I had a man like that. Tht wanted to fk me all the time.

Make the most of it because me and my partner were like that in the beginning now I am lucky if he touches me once a month


Stand your ground. He does not own you


Eh I donā€™t know. I feel like thatā€™d get annoying.


Thatā€™s completely normal, he just loves having sex like most men do.

Lot of these comments are sounding a lot like well heā€™s just attracted to you, you should be happy heā€™s paying attention to you, you should love it, what were you wearing, why didnā€™t you like it, well what situation did you put yourself inā€¦etc


Orrie Jack :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Well I wish I had at least a portion of what you donā€™t want.


I donā€™t know what wife would be ok with that.
My husband would never violate me like that. I would sock him in the face- if he groped me when it was not appropriate.
Demand he respect your body !


It doesnā€™t change. He will likely always be like that, you have to decide if you are willing to live with it.


Heā€™s definitely attracted to you but being hypersexual is sometimes a sign of something more and can lead to cheating maybe he should see a doctor?.


Are you saying he wonā€™t stop if youā€™re not in the mood? Canā€™t he tell if youā€™re just not " into it"? That would drive me CRAZY! Just say NO! PERIOD, And go about your day

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:sweat_smile: Iā€™m the female version of your husbandā€¦ still at 14yrs into our relationship. My husband loves it when we sit on the couch and my hand goes up his thigh though :woman_shrugging:t3: I would respect it if he communicated to me that he wasnā€™t enjoying this behavior from me. While his behavior isnā€™t abnormal, it seems your husband doesnā€™t respect boundaries youā€™re trying to establish and thatā€™s a problem


Lolā€¦ and my husband wont even touch me not even by coincidence. People whine about the dumbest shit.

There is a time an place.

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I donā€™t get any advances ever :confused:


My husband aint attracted to me and yours is, yet you complain :unamused:


Nope. Not normal. I think itā€™s an insecurity in his part. It would piss me off AND turn me off

I had an ex bf who was like this and it was a big turn offā€¦he ended up being abusive. So be careful.


Iā€™d worry if he stopped


:joy: Too much! Normalā€¦ mehā€¦that is irrelevant. Been thereā€¦ too much is too much. He needs to respect your boundariesā€¦and at this pointā€¦doesnā€™t sound like he has any boundaries.


Thereā€™s a limit to that mess! Especially the older I get!!:imp:hormones


I used to bring it up to me but after 3 years it does not matter. I will keep my dignity and not even bring it up anymore. Whatever.

Who wants to constantly be groped??


Heā€™s attracted to you and thatā€™s a problem???


Itā€™s extra he doesnā€™t need to be doing all that.

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My man is ALWAYS ready. But he keeps the groping to a little more than minimum. And not in inappropriate public places .

Your lucky, sometimes I wish mine was like that


And y complaining why? :flushed:


Would you rather him want you, or all of a sudden not you anymore? Think on thatā€¦ and begin to see it as fun. Try to even change it up to the way you like. Trust meā€¦I know itā€™s a lot of work sometimes but youā€™d rather this than him wanting someone elseā€¦ he wonā€™t if you try to keep him happy


He does not know how to control his sex drive which is blinding everything else in the marriage. Serious talk is recommend it. He should stop the first time you said no and learn from there, but if he continues this behavior then think is the marriage is really worth saving or not. You have the decision on your hand girl

You wrong :laughing::woman_shrugging:t3: mine does this and itā€™s game on :laughing::laughing: almost 10 years and he still does this. But I have a higher sex drive so Iā€™m also doing stuff :laughing:

Honey,get it while you can because it will be all over before you know it


What Iā€™d do is tell him to give you some times to just enjoy sitting and relaxing. But during shower times together or snuggle time in bedā€¦ that those are his zones to grope

Thatā€™s too much for me tbh. Iā€™d be getting pissed off and irritated at constantly being grabbed and prodded and pulled. If YOU donā€™t like it, your husband needs to respect it and change his game.


My husband is 55 and like this! And weā€™ve been together 23 years! :rofl::rofl:

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I mean I guess it depends how you feel about it? Everyone has different love languages/how to express it


No, not normal. He is not respectful of your boundaries and feelings. I would suggest counseling


Iā€™d love this! Bring it on babe.


If itā€™s making you uncomfortable itā€™s unacceptable. Donā€™t listen to these bitt er women on here talking about ā€œat least heā€™s attracted to youā€. You deserve respect.


stand your ground, I had the same experience.


My husband is the same way I love it


Sounds like he needs to see a doctor sex attic there is good sex but when u canā€™t sit down an have nice time watching a
Movie with out being groped thatā€™s good but there is a place & a time let good times roll when you go to bed

Go ahead and say something and heā€™ll start sleeping on the couch till he works up the nerve to move out and serve ya divorce papers. You sound like you married a complete stranger, maybe youā€™re just prude. Since its your 2nd marriage its possible theres something wrong with you. Maybe you shouldā€™ve married someone whose not attracted to you?


To be honest take it as a blessing heā€™s attracted , in love with u heā€™s showing his affection if he wasnā€™t like this with u then I would be concerned


Holy shit I would be happy if was that in to meā€¦shit sounds to me like heā€™s in love.

Wow what a problem to have :roll_eyes:A husband who is interested in you. I was in a marriage where I was ignored and neglected. He was addicted to porn and joined dating sites behind my backā€¦Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t get your problem. :woman_shrugging: be careful what you wish forā€¦

Everyone is different I guess. But my husband I love it when heā€™s all about me. Everything he does, his corny jokes, all his romantic sexual intentions now weā€™ve had to slow down because we have 3 kids and we canā€™t just do it when we want we have to wait like nap time, bed time ectā€¦ or our date nights. It keeps the spark going in our marriage but talk to your man and tell him you want to take it down a bit


My husband is annoying with this also. But if he suddenly stopped, I would think something was wrong lol


While itā€™s nice to know youā€™re wanted if youā€™ve expressed that you donā€™t like it and made boundaries that heā€™s still refusing to acknowledge then no itā€™s not normal.


So I think being attracted to you is nice. But If youā€™re addressing your discomfort with it constantly being an issue then yes I see it being out of line. Newly married or not you still need your personal space at times, and if he isnā€™t letting you breathe outside of that then you need to be stern and tell him that you donā€™t feel like heā€™s respecting you. You enjoy it (when and where) but (here and here) are unacceptable situations


My husband does not display that kind of behavior towards me and if he did I would be so annoyed


Honey I miss when my husband was like that. I use to hate it. Itā€™s been 20 years. Hard to be HOT like we were for eachother back in the day. I love him very much, I guess we both just tired.

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My man is the same way even 2 years later

Be grateful. My husband barely touches me anymore

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my boyfriend like this we been date for 6 year old right now we not able beucase i leave he

Wish my fiancƩ would want to grope on me constantly :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Itā€™s up to you really what you want to do. He is super attracted to you so that is a good thing. Try to look at the good in the situation but donā€™t allow him to force you to do things you donā€™t want to do.

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That is so annoying! It is not normal, your husband is immature and is not respecting you.


Be happy heā€™s not going elsewhere.


It blows me away these comments with ā€œwhat is wrong with youā€ like what is wrong with you guys. There is more to a wife/woman then her body , if that is all he is doing with her itā€™s going to make her feel like thatā€™s all sheā€™s good for and that in itself is degrading and not okay. You need to have more then just the sexual part in any healthy relationship/marriage.


Complaining that your husband wants to constantly have sex with you and is clearly very attracted to you? Yikes. Iā€™m confused do you want him to be the opposite and cheating? I swear women complain about the dumbest sh*t these days. Consider it a blessing.

Omg enjoy it LOL! I could only dream :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Have you considered that that is his love language, and he is showing you he loves you by constantly touching you? Just be careful how you word it, he may take it as you denying his love. Reciprocate by physical touch in non sexual ways, but at the end of the day just be happy heā€™s so into you lol. You can definitely establish boundaries that make you more comfortable, or tell him you expect affection without the expectation of sex.

If it makes you uncomfortable, itā€™s wrong. Some of these people need to get a reality check.


My husband is the same way but we go threw periods where he doesnā€™t do it then when he starts he canā€™t stop but I love it when he does


Enjoy him, let him be. He loves you and doesnā€™t want anyone else


Every man has a different level of sex drive just like women. My husbandā€™s is high and he acts similar. Its just his way of showing love. If something specific gets on your nerves definitely communicate. But over all your husband loves you and thinks youā€™re sexyšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

People are different. I donā€™t think he is abnormal but if you donā€™t like it you donā€™t like it. He finds you attractive take it as a compliment :person_shrugging::person_shrugging: I have been married almost 22 years and my husband would touch me all the time if I let him.

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Unfortunately this is normal


I wish my husband was like this :sleepy:


There is more to a marriage than sexual things. But honey Iā€™m jealous I wish I had that! :joy:


What is normal? He is who he is. Some people just have more sexual desire than others.


But would you rather that attention go to another woman instead? Be grateful :smiling_face_with_tear:


I donā€™t know how old he is, but one day he wonā€™t be able to as much as now. Age takes its toll on menā€™s sexuality!


Give it a bit, it will slow down. I get it though. It makes you feel like an object and like all he wants is sex. Itā€™s a turn off.

I might be the minority Iā€™d hate to be treated like this


Totally normal, in my relationship anyways. My husbands love language is touch, mine is NOT. So I get turned off by it a lot but then I realize heā€™s just showing me he loves me. 17 years together and still as dopey as the 21 year old I met. Maybe look into your love language and communicate it to him. Iā€™ve learned to talk to my husband even if it feels stupid and turns out it works better. My love language is acts of service so itā€™s little things like flipping my side of the bed down before I get into the room that gets him his love language of touch.

Good luck. :heart: