Is my husband normal?

enjoy while you can – I went w/o touch or sex for 33 years.

Sounds like he’s ignoring your boundaries and sees you as an object for his sexual gratification. And he’s telling you his behavior is normal because he doesn’t want any push back from you….he wants his way.


Gonna get a lot of ladies jealous with this one I’m afraid. :sweat_smile:


Seriously y’all are saying this is normal and to enjoy it. This isn’t normal. If you are uncomfortable and you let him know and he continues, that’s not OK. Just because you are married doesn’t mean he can’t maintain his hands off every once in a while.


He may have a high sex drive, its a good thing for you, but may be a little too much for you (by the sounds of it) just ask him to ease a little. Communicate is key, you don’t want to fall right off

What I think I hear you saying is that you used to be able to have time together that was intimate without feeling like it was sexual and you miss that. Now you feel like every encounter is sexual in nature and it’s turning you off. I totally would understand this. There are times I just want to be held and feel safe and comfortable without having to feel like sex is on the table. Maybe communicate the way that you feel and that you miss the connection you felt with him during those moments. The behavior is not necessarily normal in my opinion. He is obviously attracted to you which is great but he also needs to respect your feelings as well.

My guy does this and I LOVE it! It’s so wonderful to feel appreciated

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Yea my man be doing that to lol gets annoying sometimes

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Me ex wouldn’t never do these things and only wanted sex about every 3 weeks. I love rather have that any day!

Be glad he’s doing it with you and not someone else!


You just have different sex drives, be understanding but redirect him when ur not in the mood. You just need to learn to speak one anothers language

I’d be careful. I’m all for a happy, healthy sex life but once it turns into something you don’t like, I’d get out. From personal experience, you don’t want to wake up in the middle of the night to something being done to you without you consenting. Set boundaries and if he can’t respect them or you then I’d be gone.

If you don’t like it and you’ve expressed that and he is still doing it…that is NOT normal


Um if he can’t respect your boundaries now then he never will, if you’re uncomfortable I would seek the reason why
Maybe your love languages are different so a compromise may be necessary!


Maybe you should talk to a professional or talk to one together.

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That’s too much, addicted to sex or something

I’ve been there you definitely need to discuss some boundaries. Comfort zones. It’s so difficult to relax with someone when your on the defense of being groped versus being loved in a gentler way.


Mine is like that too and its sorry to say, but at least it’s you and not another woman :woman_shrugging:

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Been married nearly 17 years and my husband is still like this. I love it. Would you rather him seek pleasure else where? No. Stop whining and enjoy that man loving on you.


No I wouldn’t like that either, just be honest & open with him tell him it makes you uncomfortable & he needs to tone it down. There’s a time & place for it but 24/7 is too much for you. He could still be in the honeymoon phase still but still no excuse to make you feel like this.


Mine wants it as much as possible. So it’s normal to me I guess. I don’t care for it that much though. My sex drive is low. But I enjoy it when I do decide to give in.

Send him my way LMFAO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


He’s freaking out cos it’s an old story that once Ur married, the sex stops so he’s over compensating maybe :thinking::joy: talk to him and tell him and just explain that how it was before was amazing. Ur not going to stop having sex but just cos he’s put a ring on ur finger doesn’t mean he can grope U all the time. Sex does not equal affection and love :roll_eyes:

My husband used to be like this and it did turn me against sex. Then we went through some serious issues, both related and unrelated. We worked thru all our issues and now he never wants it. Idk what happened. Maybe we all go thru different phases.

It’s normal for men to have a higher drive than women. That being said it’s not normal to want to talk about it and do it 24/7 that’s not all a marriage is about! Also sounds like he flipped the script once y’all got married. Personally I don’t enjoy being sexually ogled all the time. I enjoy a healthy sex life but when it’s to the point where it never stops is when I am uncomfortable and turned off!! You need to discuss boundaries with him as well as have a serious conversation about what you both can do to compromise and make things work!

I think you should be glad he still finds you attractive but to respect you when you say stop

I’m going through this with my husband also and I feel the same way u do

My husband does this. But the difference is I LOVE IT. If a person DOESNT love it, it’s NOT ok!! Doesn’t matter if it’s her husband or not. It’s still her body and if she doesn’t want him doing it, he should stop before other, worse, boundaries are crossed. Which also happened to Me by my ex.


Some men have higher testosterone levels. Did his diet or vitamin intake change?.. might be worth seeing a Dr together…

If you don’t like it, tell him. Everyone is different. My husband of 11 years still does this if we’re near each other. Always gotta be touching. Like dude I’m more than body parts. :woozy_face: But I personally love it. My love language is touch.
But like I said everyone is different and if you don’t like it, talk to him about it.

Don’t let other women tell you this is normal, it’s not. There is a difference in showing you affection and only wants you and not respecting your boundaries which he clearly isn’t


I was married to some1 like that it gets sickening after awhile some1 always grabbing u somewhere that gets old fast


Ohhh my goodness my husband is same way :rage::rage::rage:. Oh can’t stand it so now I don’t even cuddle !!

collaborative divorce is cheaper

As a man, this is not normal.


Wish my husband was like that!


Been married 22 years… my hubby is still like this! It’s normal!


Shoot I wish my boyfriend did this. My sex drive is super high and his is low. It’s hard but we make it work.

Wish someone was like that with me.
Most women complain their man is giving it to someone else or at least not them, and now they complain they are getting too much. :roll_eyes::joy:


If he wasn’t doing it you’d still be complaining gee can’t get a win the lad


So he wasn’t like that inthe beginning? Something had to change?!

My husband is like that… Doesn’t bother me, I’m glad after nearly 13 years he still wants me all the time :woman_shrugging:


Is there something in the air? My guy won’t leave me alone either! :laughing:


so if she doesn’t like something then she should let him do what he wants??? ABSOLUTELY NOT. It’s unwanted it’s abuse


Been married for 24 years. My husband is still likes this. Not complaining here.


Wow, the amount of comments saying at least it’s her and not another woman… that’s ridiculous. She’s clearly uncomfortable with it… it’s her body. Just because they are married isn’t his right to just do things she has openly talked to him about. It’s almost like you have rights to your body or something. Yikes.


Why are we complaining?


Well you know that you turn him on, sounds like a bit of a freak

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My bd was like this. There’s alot of things you have to consider about this. It could be multiple combinations of reasons. As far as whether it’s “normal” is up for debate considering these reasons. He could be a sex addict or just be in absolute lust with you.
Regardless, if you’re not feeling comfortable with it you need to speak up and tell him. Draw boundaries. If he adheres, he’s normal. If not,he needs help because it’s obviously out of his control.
My kids dad turned out to be a sex addict.

While it could be “normal” it may not be what you want.

What’s his zodiac, i.e. birthday? Some times it’s that and their personality. My hubby does it too, but when I let it known I’m not in the mood, he gets upset and a but hurt, but he does back off a bit. It’s just some guys ways of showing attention to the one they are in love with. I let him know when I’ll accept it by sending things to him that suggest it, so he’ll know when he can and can’t. Sometimes I’m that way towards him and he loves it. Sometimes I annoy him with it to get my point across that sometimes it’s annoying. So he understands. I’m a Scorpio and he’s a cancer. To know our zodiacs. Tell him you’ll let him know when he can be all touchy feely and when he can’t. Also let him know that you love him, that’s why you married him. Reassure him that too.

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My husband does this and I love it. Gotta show them that they are wanted and gotta keep the relationship good. We always buy sex toys to spice it up and fun stuff, sex games… it keeps it spicy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I mean if he was like this before getting married, then it’s normal and he’s probably just a nympho…if not, then Idk…maybe he just wants a baby or something. Or he could just be so happy to be married to you that just thinking about it turns him on.


Sounds like he needs a conversation about boundaries and a compromise. He needs to respect that your drive isn’t as high as his. Otherwise it IS abuse if he tries to force you. You can be married and still he raped by your spouse. A wedding ring isn’t a pass on consent.

That would bother me. It’s great he’s into you but if you keep telling him it’s making you uncomfortable and he’s not listening to how you feel there’s a big problem.


Is his love language intimacy? If so maybe he feels like that’s the greatest form of intimacy, and since being married it has made him feel super close to you therefore heightening his sex drive. Maybe get him some toys to use on himself, and tell him your love language is different and all this sex isn’t normal for you even though it is for him. You guys need to find a compromise because otherwise you’re just going to stop wanting to touch him, and it’ll snowball from there for you both.


Your lucky. It is worse to have the opposite problem. But on the other hand he needs to respect your wants and needs to.


There isa difference between flirting and being disrespectful.


It is normal for couples to have different level sex drives. Set boundaries with him, explain that you aren’t on the same page and being groped constantly does not put you in the mood. If he doesn’t respect your boundaries he will find that he doesn’t get what he wants very often because you don’t feel comfortable in the situation. It needs to be a healthy admiration on his part. You shouldn’t feel uncomfortable in your home and marriage. Just be honest. Tell him everyone has different drives and you both need to work to find a middle ground. Good luck.

All guys are different for sure. I’d say there’s a time and place for sexual stuff. Foreplay is great, but he’s kinda taking the special out of it if you know what I mean. Personally, I’d prefer affection, loving affection in between, which in turn acts as foreplay itself. It doesn’t have to be sexual ALL the time. Maybe drop hints similar to that. It’s definitely great youre husband is attracted to you and wants you but your not a piece of damn meat! Lol

Graham Strout :rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rofl::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rofl::kiss:

U need to be happy but if u don’t give him any there are other women that will .


I wouldn’t say it’s a question of whether or not it’s normal, but a question of boundaries. You definitely don’t want to make him feel “rejected”, but there needs to be some moderation


There’s a difference between your man’s hands all over you, and him groping you. If it is too excessive and unwanted, and you have also expressed that to him, then it’s not ok and that is sex abuse. You can be sexually abused by a spouse. As a human being you do not owe your body to anyone for any reason at any time

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Narcissistic behavior is when they put their own needs ahead of your own just be on the lookout for that


Time too tag all the single blokes I know to this page good for picking up so many females not getting enough affection like this :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Some men are really sexually active, others aren’t. While your husband wants to have sex with you all the time, there are other husbands that doesn’t even touch their wife’s. I would feel flattered that my husband is always in the mood for sex bc I am a very sexual person. Maybe you aren’t and that’s why this behaviour it doesn’t feel normal to you. That’s why when you marry someone, you have to get to know the person really well to see if you both are in the same page sexually and emotionally.

Y did u marry him if he’s too sexual for u?


“Be glad he’s groping you and not someone else” ???
Ummm NO THANK YOU! That’s basically saying “Let him continue to disrespect and make you uncomfortable so he doesn’t cheat”
Sorry but no, how is that a solid relationship or healthy at all?
If he cheats, I’m out. Regardless of how often I give in and put out. I don’t reward bad behavior. Or annoying behavior. If anything I do less.
Yikes at some of these comments.


Normal for him. Everyone is different.

This is how my husband is sometimes it gets on my nerves but I love how much he wants me

Girl enjoy! Lol I love that my man does stuff like that to me. Makes me feel wanted and sexy!


Tell him to back off or you’re leaving

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Accept or move on, Hes not going to change and if you do manage to slow him down you may turn him away from touching you at all.

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You’re complaining that your husband finds you attractive?..can’t get enough of you? groping you rather than groping some other chick etc???


You married him . Was he not like this before ?

:thinking::thinking::thinking:… While I’m cooking, my husband grabs my ass and tells my how hot I am. When we’re sitting on the couch, my husband grabs my breast and tells me how how I am. Now sometimes he slaps my ass when I’m in a bad mood and I tell him to stop, and he does. Do you tell him to stop? Or do you just assume he’s a mind reader and just don’t like it? One thing I will say is all of the comments that are saying “give it to him or someone else will”… ummmm bye. If I have to worry about him grabbing someone else because I don’t wanna be grab he can get some gone. If you tell him you don’t like something and he doesn’t respect that then the next time he grabs you while you’re in the kitchen, wack him with a pan, he won’t grab on you anymore.

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Sounds like a sex addict. I wouldn’t want to be with someone like that either. There’s more to love than sex.

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Although I’m a firm believer of “No means No”……this poster will be back in 1-3 years saying “my husband no longer seems interested in me sexually”

Set boundaries but don’t ever let that flame die.


The posts on here lmao

So would you rather he goes and fucks other woman ?

From your description. I’m not sure it’s you he’s interested in or he’d be hugging and kissing and doing those loving things. I think he just needs to have sex and you’re handy. It’s nice to have a little romance with the groping

You need to stop complaining! If your husband gropes you and wants to physically touch you then he loves you. Probably that is why your first marriage ended. Been with my husband for 10years married 8 of those years and he STILL gropes me and I do the same to him. At least he is turned on by YOU and not some other woman. SMDH. Yall women will always say “I need love and affection why can’t I find a man that is just into me.” Then when you actually do "oh he is to clingy. He is always touching me.":roll_eyes:good lord.


My husband is like this and I LOVE it! :heart:

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My husband is kind of like this… maybe a little less dramatic… definitely love the fact that he wants you… but he also has to learn to respect that there’s so much more than sex… it’s hard for them… but find your way to make him understand…

I wish my husband was like this :pensive:


Some of these comments are atrocious, she can not want to be groped constantly and want other forms of intimacy. He doesnt have a right to cheat on her for that either. Honestly I’m worried if some of you have daughters and how you’ll tell them their husband has to use their body constantly for his needs to keep them faithful


My husband said if that’s bad wait till he wants to put it in your butt​:woman_facepalming::laughing:

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I hated it!! Ended up talking about it and he acted like he understood but still did it. Ended up splitting up…not just bc of that.


There’s a difference between grope and caress :confused:


Girl what??? I love that my husband can’t leave me alone :rofl: I’m worse than him too :joy: I’m always grabbing on my man or smoochin him. How is being 100% into your spouse not normal


He sounds younger then 85 or so. Yes men think about sex many many times a day. Like for instance. When they wake up. When they get out of bed. When they make the bed. When they go to the bathroom. And that’s the first five minutes. Be happy he is giving you so much attention. I know a lot of women that would give anything to get groped once in a while. Enjoy it. Asking him to not do these things at certain times is not out of the question. Have a talk with him about it and do your best not to call him a pervert. Let him know that you miss cuddles. And just cuddles. But woman wait until your in your 40s and have the same desires and roles are reversed. That’s where we are right now. I’m rip roaring ready to go. And he wants to play old man. I’m pretty relentless though. Side note. Get good at finishing him quickly with a BJ.

I wish my husband always wanted sex. Im lucky if I get it once every 6 weeks

Gurl, I feel you. :laughing::joy: but once he stops doing that and pushing you away you’re gonna wish he did. Js


Guys can’t catch a break when it comes to their biological differences with women. When they want you and are physical, they are pigs, and when you ignore them and they end up cheating on you, they are pigs.

You can’t have it both ways.


I mean that sounds amazing lol


All the time a little ridiculous . I personally 11 years in ,4 kids later i am good with everyonce in a while lol but in addition to that I will say that one time my wife had a sundress on and was very attractive in it . So I was like “eww Lala” pulled her close and grabbed her but with both hands and she was like your being a male pig even though I was being playful so i don’t do It no more EVER.


Don’t let these girls tell you this is normal it’s not. Especially if you can’t get any affection unless it’s sexual . And especially if this is abrupt. There is more to intimacy than just sex. Constant affection and affirmations are nice but everything being sexualized is very overwhelming.
And for those of you saying ‘ better me than anyone else ‘ that’s weird behavior. If you really have to let your partner break your boundaries just to ‘ keep them from cheating ‘ phew I couldn’t imagine :neutral_face: your HUSBAND your PARTNER should respect you and your boundaries.

I would try expressing to him one more time and if that doesn’t work suggest counseling for y’all. There might be more to everything that y’all both need to better understand.

No. Everyone saying to enjoy it is wrong. It’s ok that they love it, but you don’t. You have expressed that to him and he doesn’t seem to care. My ex husband was the same way. It made me feel like an object. He never made me feel like a lady just a wh*re. I hated it. It was all good at first but then it became like a job to have sex with him. I would actually be glad if we did it earlier in the day bc that meant I could go to sleep and not have to do it again that night. The way it made me feel was horrible. That’s not ok.

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It doesn’t matter how others feel, if you are feeling that it’s not comfortable or turning you against something you don’t want like this way . Tell him it’s not normal behavior for you. He needs to understand you more :slightly_smiling_face:.


Count ur blessings … lol