Is my husband normal?

It just means he desires you when hes not paying attention is when you should worry


Partners with sex drives that donā€™t match are not compatible. Itā€™s essentially the same as trying to have a kid free person marry a person who wants kids. It just doesnā€™t work in the end.

Anyone who thinks him acting like that is ok, youā€™re all delusional. Heā€™s objectifying her . Treating her like an object. Thatā€™s not ok. Also , who the fuck wants to constantly have their space invaded like that? She needs to set boundaries. Apparently he doesnā€™t know what that is.

My husband and I have been married 41 years and he has always had to grope me, grab my butt or boobs and smack my butt in public sometimes itā€™s annoying but at least heā€™s interested in me always sex at least twice a week :heart:

Damnā€¦ you sound unappreciative with the fact he gives you so much attention.

Half of us wish we got that attention.

Can we address the fact that youā€™ve somehow managed to get married to someone you donā€™t seem to know? Did you not live together prior to marriage? Like huh???


Iā€™ve been with my S/O for 20 years and he still does this. After so long and five kids together Its nice to know heā€™s still attracted the same as he was in the beginning. Iā€™d be worried if he stopped doing those things. As another person commented, you should be grateful cause a lot of men show other women besides their wife, that attention. If you make a huge deal out of it he may stop altogether, then end up looking elsewhere.


So many marriage councilors here, to bad I didnā€™t hit facebook before I left her. Rofl

Ummmm y is this a bad thing?

Least itā€™s you heā€™s groping and not some other womanā€¦


You are lucky. He sounds fine t o me.

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If she is uncomfortable and it is bothering her it is NOT ok.


If you donā€™t want the groping tell him to stop, if you donā€™t like the messages dont respond/ask him to stop. If he doesnā€™t then he doesnā€™t respect you and maybe itā€™s time to see a couple therapist. You are more than just squishy things he can play with.


My hubby and I are going on 20 years and itā€™s been that way the whole time. Weā€™ve talked about it and he tries to read my moods, if Iā€™m not into it, then he has learned to back it downā€¦ but itā€™s taken years and lots of communication to get to that pointā€¦ but Iā€™ve never taken it as a lack of respect or that heā€™s being controllingā€¦ do I get irritated? Yep. Do we then have conversations about it? Yep. Do we cuddle a lot? Yep? Cause I put my foot down without making him feel like a bad guy. The long and short of it is that he loves sexā€¦ with meā€¦ and I couldnā€™t be happier!

Speaking as a male it appears your man has a distorted view on sexual relations. I hope the two of you can find a healthy middle ground in your relationship where both people are hearing and feeling what that other thinks.


My husband Pete Leal and I have been married 24 years and this is normal in our marriage. It does get irritating at times and Iā€™m quick to let him know, that way he can curb his enthusiasm for just a bit, lol
Then itā€™s back to normal.
Bottom line is that you have to come to a compromise. If you arenā€™t enjoying it then it needs to change. Each of you have to be willing to do what it takes to find a healthy and happy balance for your marriage :slight_smile:

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I see it being annoying at times but I would love this from my s/o period

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Maybe you need to give him a taste of his own medicine. Some groping is normal, at least you know he finds you attractive.

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Yes, he is normal. Some people just have super high sex drives while others have super low or inbetween. If you dont want it all the time, simply tell him straight up that your sex drive is not built like that. Get him a pocket pvssy for his bday and tell him to go have at it when youā€™re not in the mood

You are wrong. He loves you and is attracted to. He could be out there trying to have sex with other women. Many woman would love a husband like that.

Thereā€™s no such thing as normalā€¦ your sex drive doesnā€™t match hisā€¦ the key is communicating that to himā€¦ if you can say something to a group or another person and feel that you canā€™t say it to your husband your marriage is doomedā€¦ just talk about how it makes you feel with himā€¦ itā€™s his choice whether he respects your feelings or not but you have to be willing to put it out thereā€¦ the only opinions that matter in your marriage are yours and hisā€¦ best of luck

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There are millions of women who wish their husbands were this sexual. Makes a women feel confident, lovedā€¦ Maybe you the one who is no longer interested. Personal opinionā€¦ Hell take advantage of it, once your old it may not be the same! Be thankful he wants YOU & only youā€¦ Soak it up! Id be worried if my man wasnā€™t like that anymore lol. Iā€™d be like :face_with_raised_eyebrow::eyes: whatā€™s up with you lbs. Cause to me it wouldnā€™t be normalā€¦ So yes. Your husband is 1000% normal. & Honestly, if you show signs your just not interested in him being like that- he may start pulling away from you. I mean, why wouldnā€™t heā€¦


For the ones saying be glad he wants u and not someone elseā€¦ mine was like this all the time, and getting it 9 times out of 10, and was having a relationship with someone else for 9mo before I realized. There were zero clues, including sex he was still very much attentive to me. Iā€™m by no means saying this is going on with you just that him interested doesnā€™t always mean anything. If youā€™re uncomfortable that needs to be validated


I think it sounds like he is totally into you and thats a good thing. You should be happy he wants you and shows you so much


Thats how my husband is. I hate it. It makes me not want to have sex. Its not normal I donā€™t care what they say


This is ā€œNormalā€ for him.
If by normal he means there are plenty of men who are this same way then yes he is correct, but are there men out there who arenā€™t as affectionate or sexual? Absolutely! You just have to decide if itā€™s really ā€œuncomfortableā€ or just not what youā€™re used to. If you know you donā€™t like it, then you guys may need to have a serious talk and consider going your separate waysšŸ˜ž. Things like this arenā€™t really negotiable. You gotta do what feels right to you!

Good luck girlfriendā™„ļø

He sounds immature, Jr. high level. Seems to have more than just a healthy sex drive for you, sexting during the work day as well, how exhausting! He needs therapy. Treat him like the animal he is acting, tell him you are going to spray him with a spray bottle every time he invades your personal space and gropes you after you have asked him to STOP, seems you missed bright yellow and red flags :triangular_flag_on_post: with this guy. Having to be on guard for your own body from your own husband nerve racking and frustrating :cold_face: good luck!

Sorry for these comments that say you should be grateful and suck it up. If it makes you feel uncomfortable or not ok, itā€™s not ok. It doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re married. Time for a serious talk about boundaries, respect, and body autonomy. How would he feel if he had a daughter in this position and her partner didnā€™t respect her?

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No, thats annoying. And not exciting if he is driving you crazy with it non stop. There is a time and a place. Some men donā€™t get it. Also the disrespect turns you off to it.

You guys are getting all mad about your man loving and touching all over YOU. He could be not paying any attention to you and grabbing on another woman so stop your complaining

No, he needs to respect your feelings, there must always be consentā€¦.

Been married since 1999 and mine is like that too. I get aggravated at times too ā€¦

My husband is like this, although not in a pushy way. If your uncomfortable speak upā€¦

After reading some of these comments and the people that think itā€™s normal or wish it would happen to them you all need to seek some therapyā€¦ I donā€™t know what happened in your childhood but itā€™s not normal!

He doesnā€™t own you just because your married , tell him to keep his hands to himself until your both feeling it ,that would put me right off

boundaries, assert them, donā€™t make it so easy!

He has a problem. Maybe addiction to sex. Have him evaluated

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It feels a bit obsessive. I think he has some hypersexual stuff going on

Sounds like you arenā€™t compatible. Donā€™t know how you didnā€™t figure that out before you got married.

I feel for both of you.

I wanna know how many of you dumbasses think itā€™s okay to tell another women shes LUCKY her HUSBAND, someone who is supposed to love, care, protect and be there for, is pushing and pushing and PUSHING her for sexual stuffā€¦ that is NOT okay. Her husband does not own her body and get to decide when she doesnā€™t want too!! Shame on all of you disgusting women for even suggestion that.