Is my husband normal?

He wants you. You don’t want him. That’s a problem. :man_shrugging:

If you have to ask. NO

That’s not normal. My husband and I never had sex. And he was a 23 year old.
Your husband is just a pig.

You probably married a sex predator

Be happy he desires you girl

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Sounds like your man has a typical sex drive and just wants you :rofl:

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Squirt bottle (I’m just kidding lol)


Not normal… my previous ex husband was like this… he didn’t understand no… my now husband won’t touch me without my okay. If he can’t learn your boundaries then he needs help…


It’s absolutely normal for him to want you. But he also needs to respect your boundaries and if you’re not as sexual as him, it can be annoying when you aren’t in the mood and you want your space. Some people don’t like too much physical touch. That’s also normal and it’s also okay. You two will have to find a happy medium in your marriage.


It seems a bit much…


For real wish my girlfriend. Was like that

Every one is different. My ex husband use to want to touch me / have sex all the time. I rejected it a lot and he so he cheated on me … I was always too tired ( working full time and having 2 little ones ) was exhausting. He was never home , he waited til I was asleep sometimes to want sex and I would not give in. Then my ex bf was totally opposite. He was never into sex which made me think I wasn’t attractive enough which with other issues. We broke up anyways.

Men lie all the time. You definitely weren’t seeing the real him until now.


Normal to want your wife. Set boundaries.

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And if your husband didnt touch you, younwoukd be crying" im ugly he doesn’t touch me". Get over it.

My hubs stays up my ass and I’m good with it. I’m just as sexual towards him. We married to be with each other forever. He is MY forever partner. If you don’t feel like this, you might not have married the right man. That connection with your man should make your relationship 10 times better. If your at a repulsive stage then something maybe off. I’m 24 years in and still can’t get enough of this man. The first years of marriage are challenging!!! Try counseling for you both. It may help.

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I mean… How long were to guys together before you got married? And he showed no signs of being that sexual? Normally I feel like this stuff is discussed or figured out before marriage idk


Whats normal for him isn’t normal for everyone. Set your boundaries, what your comfortable with and what you arent comfortable with. Dont be suprised if he gets stand offish and distant tho. In my case I’m more like your husband and my man is more like you, when he first stated his boundaries I respected them but wasnt happy about it and definitely took time changing my love language to better accommodate our relationship. Doesnt mean I didnt take it personal tho and a big part of me wishes he was like that :unamused: can make you start to feel lonely when your partner hardly ever wants to touch you.


Sounds like my bf. Not married but been with him for 7 years. It’s annoying. :roll_eyes:


He could be off trying to touch someone else , and if you keep denying him that’s exactly where he’ll be !


to each their own, But I bet you would be bitching if he didn’t touch you at all !!!

You need to stick to your boundaries…if you are uncomfortable he needs to respect that


Mine is the same way. Now it’s to the point where he won’t even come to bed unless he knows he’s getting some. I wake up most days alone. It’s completely turned me off of sex and him

It’s all normal. He will settle down later on. I’ve been married 36 years and I still get groped. As long as he isn’t forcing you agaisnt your will, I feel it’s normal for newlyweds.


Als you half to do is say no then you will fine out what his true attention are but be prepared because he is going to get it from some were else so are you willing to take that change but by what im reading this is not your way of life witch i find strange because alot of men find it hard to be house broken and dont know that a women needs some space to and just a hug or i love you or even to just jump into the shower to wash your back would be enough for the day so you half to choose your journey because it seems like your not going to get it both ways.


Why did you marry him then…like if you know somebody has a high sex drive and you don’t, you’re probably not compatible long term let them find somebody who is. It breaks my heart to see people come on these sites complaining about their significant other wanting sex, it’s okay to not want sex all the time but it’s equally okay to want it. Maybe talk about compromise so you can both be happy or just move on. Personally this is how me and my SO other both are with each other, if one us stopped being this way it would be a huge red flag for the other that something was wrong.

Touch could be his love language.


My husband is the same way. It’s OK with me.

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Definitely normal. Honestly, try to be more playful. Y’all just got married maybe he wants to explore more sexually and take it to the next level. Men are horny creatures. Even if you don’t want it all the time make that clear, but put in extra effort when you are in the mood! Keep the spirits high. Your sexual relationship is the glue!!!

Do you know how many wives wish their husbands were like this???


Your lucky!! Don’t complain!!


Its normal…at least for my hubby…he gropes me all the time…honestly I like it and would be worried if he stopped


Seems like he’s attracted to you like your ex husband wasn’t :woman_shrugging: I wouldn’t complain lol


And if he didn’t you would say he didn’t want you and we would be reading a whole different post. It’s normal. At least he’s into you. But if you don’t like it tell him. But don’t be mad when the attention stops


Sounds frikken annoying to me!


I understand you 110%. Gets me to a point to where I feel like if it’s not sexual in some sort or another, then it’s non existent. And it does hurt. Like I can have a terrible day at work or be in a significant amount of pain, and all I’ll want is to just be held and loved through it. However, no. He’ll go to hold me and within 3 minutes max he’s poking me from the back and grabbing me. It does hurt my feelings.


Its totally normal to feel the way you do. No one wants to be groped 24/7 like a piece of meat. You have every right to not want that. Try talking to him and telling him you would like him to tone it down alittle. Doesn’t mean you don’t love him and if he loves you, he would tone it back alittle and understand. You should be able to have these discussions without worrying he’s going to stray. Not all grown men are childish and will run to another female bc you aren’t wanting sex or to be groped all day long. Some touching and affection is okay. But we are all made the same.

No you are not wrong.


geez. He loves his wife and wants to enjoy the physical side of marriage… Yes, it’s normal and thank God he’s into his wife and not anything or anyone else.


I’d love that. My ex was that way. My current husband is not. I miss it

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It’s normal, especially if you got married not long ago


Your feelings are valid. My husband was the same way and for me personally I didn’t like it. It made me feel like all he wanted from me was sex. That’s not what his truth was, but that’s how it made me feel, so it was my truth. For me, it feels so much more intimate to have conversations and do things together and laugh together, which leads to physical intimacy, which I feel like some guys just don’t understand. You definitely need to talk to him about this and not be silent. Identify what your needs are and communicate them clearly.

My husband used to be like this alot it used to do my head in so much but since we had a stillborn baby girl nearly 3 years ago he doesn’t do it as much. In a way I really miss him wanting me but we’re both healing from grief. It’s getting better and we’re both getting back to where we were but sometimes we can go weeks and weeks without sex other times he can’t keep his hands off me.
My advice would be life’s too short if you just speak with him and tell him how you feel he should respect your feelings.
In my opinion everyone is different in showing love and feelings, he was the first man to love me the way he does so it was hard at first xxx

It’s normal and aggravating sometimes lol


There is a difference between love and sexual affection. I completely understand sex is important in marriage and so are boundaries. All men are not the same and when I went thru this. I appreciated that my partner wanted to touch, but not just when they wanted too. And how they want to. I will be respected and so will my body. And you are not going to sneak touch me when the kids run off around a corner. We have to show our children too how we want to be treated. Just because I don’t want to be felt up all the time doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy or want sex.

Listennnnnn he’s going to cheat if you don’t, not that you can help not wanting to have sex constantly, maybe you can find some middle ground.

It’s normal I yell at my husband all the time but when it’s gone I’ll miss every single nothing about it him everything I know I’m lucky I just a mom of 4 ya feel me lol

Next thing you’ll be posting about is how he’s cheating on you because you’re being a prude lol


In a few years he won’t want it anymore! You probably turn him on and he wants you . Let him have you lol . I hate to be so blunt but I’m this way towards my husband and he never wants to . He used to be crazy about it too but it all just stopped.

And you’re complaining, why???


It’s your body, he needs to respect your boundaries. If a partner continues to buy gifts that their partner didn’t like, they should be able to express that they need to stop buying the type of gifts they don’t like, yet people here taking away your right to say no about your own body! Heaven forbid we say no to a man and make him uncomfortable . Pleeaaase! The people who would love to be touched more, this does not give you the right to invalidate this person’s concerns that are different to yours! Your body your rules, he needs to hear you out otherwise yea he has a problem and he is not ok. Being a husband doesn’t give him exclusive access to your body whenever HE feels like it, especially not if you do not want him touching you.


My fiance does the same but if i tell him to stop because im not in the mood he stops.but i mean i grab him to he has a nice butt :joy::joy::joy: i dont like being grabbed constantly but if i tell him to stop he does cause he understands he is a man but i think u should tell him how u feel about it im sure he will understand

Cause you’re not used to that…poor thing…your husband is VERY NORMAL hun…
I’ve been married 11+ yes and my hussy STILL do those things. ENJOY !!!


It’s normal. He wants to enjoy you. Don’t push him away, or next think you know he’ll cheat.


IT IS NOT NORMAL!!! Attention is one thing but to be groped all the time, sounds disgusting and disrespectful.


ABSOLUTELY NORMAL! :100::100::100:
I empathize with you on your feelings but I’ve learned that husbands just need a reminder when we’ve had enough. We must be sure not to bite their heads off for going overboard. Give your husband a chance to have a healthy balance. Some men are all or nothing at times - they don’t understand that there’s a middle ground. Reverse psychology has worked wonders in training :crazy_face: (½ j/k).


Yikes @ a lot of these comments. Infuriating actually.

Your body is YOUR body and if you’ve told him you feel uncomfortable with this, then he should stop.

There is nothing normal with a man who doesn’t understand boundaries.

And if respecting your boundaries, is a cause for him to cheat then he wasn’t worth nothing a man in the first place.


This is not normal. All day long is way to much. If you can’t even have a conversation that doesn’t involve sex or watch a movie together without him elbow deep in your vagina that’s too much. My ex was like that and he expected me to have sex with him 5 times a day. Slapping my as* literally everytime he walked past me. It gets old fast and makes you not want to be touched and makes sex seem like a chore. I dealt with it for 17 years and it made me not sexually attracted to him anymore.

I’m just wondering was he ever like this while y’all dated? And if he was and you didn’t like it why’d you marry him? Men don’t just start being like that, I’m sure you saw signs of him being that way. Why do women feel like men are the ones that need to change to keep y’all happy, what about us and our happiness. That’s ok I guess because Betty from down the road likes that kind of stuff


He likes you. That’s a good thing!


my man like this too!! he’s a damn horndog man🤣

Jeeze some wives would kill for their man to grope them and wanna fuck them all the time.
Pretty sure that’s called the honeymoon phase. Just wait until it’s gone, you’ll be begging for it to come back.

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Personally he should respect your boundaries especially if you have indicated to him your not comfortable. Be honest and communicate that to him. Your body your choice. If he continues without your consent it’s sexual assault.


I get it, it’s a lot. However just my opinion and it could be wrong… that’s why it’s just my opinion… enjoy it now. Be thankful he wants you so much now. Love that he finds you irresistible. Enjoy the attention while you have it. Because it will go away. And when it does it brings loads of low self esteem, doubts, insecurities, you name it and trust me you’ll think it. When he stops giving you that attention you will want it back so bad. You will miss it. Hell there will be times you’ll literally cry. For us it’s not so much the sex, it’s the intimacy, knowing we’re wanted. If what he’s doing for you now isn’t how you want it or like it, girl… please, stop wasting your time and his! Talk to him and say “look, this isn’t how I like it. If you want it this often and need it like this then let’s do it my way too!” Tell him how you want it! Tell him how you want to be turned on, what kind of play you like. How you like it, where you like it. All of it. You could be enjoying this just as much if not more than him right now. Men like yours that want you that much, trust me, they will do anything for you. Take advantage of what he’s giving you and teach him what you need, he will do it. Give him the chance, I’m sure you won’t regret it.

You’re married…enjoy it!!..better than the opposite! TALK TO HIM. No one else’s business!:kissing_heart:


It could be the other way around. He could never want you or touch you or anything. Personally I would love that knowing my Man wants me all the time. Lets me feel even more secure about myself bc he wants me so much. Ya is it a little much at times sure but its better then feeling not wanted.


Omg some of these comments are off. She’s feeling overwhelmed and disrespected and some of you are telling her to put up with it or get cheated on?? How about her husband backs off a little and respects her body. I dont like being groped all the time and my husband respects that. Stand up for yourself and tell him to knock it off.


Gross. Why can’t he understand a balance of sexual and emotional needs/touches. I’d never put up with that crap :poop: :roll_eyes:


I really do NOT understand why you are complaining! I wish my husband was like this. When your husband stops being affectionate you’ll complain about that too Im guessing!! This was one of the stranger post I’ve read!!


It depends lol I had one that was and one that was not. You at least know he wants you. Oh and things will change and you will once again be here complaining about that. Good luck

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Set your boundaries that’s ok and he should respect them, maybe limit the texting part if it makes you uncomfortable… but trust me if this dies out you’re going to be missing the affection! Soak it in, love each other, he is suppose to want you he is your husband. I personally like this and worry if it’s not happening! :laughing:


can we switch places


Is there such thing as a normal husband? Lol


Compliments to you… Sounds to me like you turn him on and he wants to be with you frequently

Wow there are so many women on here with a mentality of, you should let you husband do whatever he wants to your body so he won’t be unfaithful. Yikes :grimacing: sounds like he’s just using her for sex with no regard if she wants it or not. Just because you’re married or in a serious relationship doesn’t mean you can’t be used for sex by your partner. Sex doesn’t equal affection if respect isn’t involved!!

Better then feeling not wanted :woman_shrugging:t2:


It’s probably a reaction to being newlywed and should settle down. It’s odd that he didn’t act like this before though. Check what meds he’s taking.

There is a difference between a man just really attracted to his wife and having a sex problem. Sex can be very addictive and people to form problems. I would investigate that a little bit more. No one should ever have to feel uncomfortable especially around your husband. For the people that are saying you should feel lucky maybe you need to look into your marriage and focus on your problems instead of putting your two cents into someone else’s marriage.

There are so many comments on this post right now saying “it’s normal, don’t push him away.” Or “it’s not normal, leave him…”

I just came here to say…

Who are we to determine one person’s normal versus another’s? Lol

We are all different. We have to all decide, individually, what feels normal for us personally… Same goes for relationships.

Maybe the OP and hubby have diff love languages… And also we grow and change and even our love languages change lol.

What’s important is if it’s normal to you, or normal as a couple. If it doesn’t feel okay to you, it’s okay to feel that. And if it does, that’s okay too…

Someone was posting saying that these posts have to stop… it’s relatable, it’s real. :black_heart:


1st of all IGNORE all of the comments telling you your lucky, don’t complain, enjoy or he’ll cheat. They aren’t you and they aren’t in your marriage. Your allowed to feel the way you do whether anyone understands or agrees. It’s YOUR body YOUR choice and anyone that doesn’t respect that can go to hell! This is normal in my marriage and sometimes I get annoyed, sometimes i feel the way you do and sometimes i look forward to it. I’m sure your husband is showing his attraction to you but if it bothers you then he needs to know and respect it. Or tone it down some to your comfort. Either way I hope you find a way to work through it!


Way too many of yall have mindsets of “be gentle with the poor guy” & “he attracted to you” …yeah ted bundy was attracted to females too.
Do yall tell a rap3 victim she deserved it? Yall legit have that mindset. DISGUSTING

I understand!! I love to just cuddle and just be flirty too without it always being about sex. I know how you feel. Definitely talk to him and let him know how you feel. Communication makes relationships so much better.

Shouldn’t you have noticed this before getting married???

Hmmm I totally understands how u feel. MY husband an I are together 18 yrs now however I was 19 he was 27 when we met. At that age I was a bit very sexual because I did have any kids and nothing much goin on so sometimes we had sex like 5 or six times day or until mornin. However 3 kids come along and my sexual desires decreased because I’m a mom of 3 working and doing my bachelor’s degree. Apparently his sexual desires increased more over the years wanting sex every single night and no mateer how many times I try to tell him my labido probably have dropped over the years because this happens after having kids he doesn’t understand we can’t watch a movie together as soon As he wakes up in the morning he wants it and I told him I’m starting to be turned off because its like tooooo much. He states that he only has one wife and he’s highly sexual which I understands An d which I Contributed to but with some therapy sessions and much conversing hes understands because my bodywasn’t responding to him the way it should and he now understands me and how I felt.

Why u complanin :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::see_no_evil: i wouldnt be :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You are so lucky to have a man so attracted to you!


It could be because you’re newly married. Not sure how long you’ve been together, but typically that dies down. Was he like this before you got married? Have a conversation with him. Especially if his actions are pushing you away. Communication is extremely important to any relationship. At the same time, be grateful. A lot of women have husbands who are giving that attention to other women.


Wish my husband was like that with me. So I’m not sure what the issue is here…


Was he not like this when you were dating?

All the women on here saying be happy he wants you & if u keep turning him down he’ll cheat…WHAT EXACTLY IS WRONG WITH YALL?! everyone has a different sex drive & if your husband can’t respect yours without having to cheat, you shouldn’t be married PERIOD. There is NOTHING that should make you feel like you HAVE to or he will cheat…that isn’t how it works!!! A cheater will cheat NO MATTER what you do and don’t do. :speaking_head::speaking_head:stop trying to please men to “stop them from cheating” and find you a REAL MAN who wouldn’t even think about cheating on you no matter what does or doesn’t happen!!!

That’s tough because it’s a catch 22. On one hand if you don’t address the over amount of affection then it will continue and if you say something then he may stop affection all together because he’s not sure when you want it. I think you just need to talk to him about what amount of affection is at your comfort level. Tell him what you want in that area in regards to the amount of affection and gropping you want. Communication is so important. Make it clear that you love that he is sexually attracted to you and vise versa, but sometimes his can be overboard and smothering. I don’t I just this a heart to heart with him is important.


It’s never normal for a spouse not too acknowledge the others feelings on the topic of sex. Never.
If you don’t like it he needs too stop.
You also need too respect his feelings and come too some kind of agreement that is mutually beneficial.
It will only get worse.

But if he wasn’t doing this, it’d be a problem too :roll_eyes: :rofl:


This is just like my husband he constantly has to be groping me but we have been married for quite a few years and altogether been together for 17 years come next month so we both deal with depression we both have our ways but I had to have a talk with him because it was also pushing me away from being sexual with him and I told him that he was suffocating me I loved him I do I still love him but he was suffocating me and a way where when I did want to be sexual with him I couldn’t because I felt so suffocated. So is it normal… Yes i think better then not feeling it at all but can it be too much at times oh yeah… Talk to him


Personally I’m failing to see the problem here. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:
But I guess if you want all that less then talk to him.


My ex use to be like this but never was before. And figured out that meth was the main cause. I was fed up it didn’t feel real and it was cold. I hated it. And ended up leaving after having my son. He wouldn’t get sober, so I gave up after 7 years of willing trying to help him get better was there for anything and everything. But after it was all said and done he still used on and off. Couldn’t do it much more.


Some of yall making this lady feel bad like she’s obligated to be uncomfortable just because she’s married does not mean she has to allow him to do whatever whenever sheesh :expressionless::unamused:


The real question is it normal to you? It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. They’re not married to him. You two have different love languages and you need to pro and con to see if this marriage is what you want.


I see the problem, it’s probably suffocating for it to be all the time, especially constantly texting too! Of course you have reason to feel unsettled.


Everyone has different love languages. Maybe touch is his