Is my little girl too old for this?

Your sister needs to FO dude… Bun Bun isn’t hurting anyone :roll_eyes:


Shes fine tell your sis to mind her own business. It is after all your child to raise. And she seems well loved and happy!


Absolutely not. Your sister is horrid. Let children be children and seek comfort when they want


My 8 year old niece still has her vacita (little cow plush) :two_hearts: I find it so cute and if it’s sentimental to her - leave her be - it’s literally not harming anyone. When she’s older she can pass it down to her children :woman_shrugging:


I have a 12 year old daughter that still walks around with a stuffed bear. I don’t say anything about it because it makes her feel safe. People really need to stop judging kids. They are kids, let them be kids.

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My daughter had a baby doll “Baby” that she was like this with, and last year when she was seven, she just decided one day that she was done with her, and now Baby sits in the window sill of the room. I was sad about it, lol. But my daughter was just ready to move on. Yours will do the same when she is ready!! But I know if Baby ever went missing she would be extremely upset, amd probably cry, cause she still likes the comfort of Baby being in her room.


Slap your sister tell her mind her business


I slept with my stuffy, Carmel, and a blankie (a brown silk pillowcase) until I was about 10. Then the stuffy stopped being in my bed, and instead sat nearby, guarding me until I was 16. I’m 27 and I still sleep with a pillowcase as a blankie, but not the same one, as my mom thought it was time I “grew up” and threw it away. I still have Carmel, and he has moved back to being in my bed at night.

Her having bun bun harms nothing. It probably helps her feel safe. It was her first friend. Your sister needs to back off a bit. Having a sister, or any relative for that matter, that’s so judgmental and paranoid about other peoples’ opinions is embarrassing.
Kids will grow up and figure out themselves with time, until then, let her be a kid. 6 is way too young for her give a damn about looking grown up.

I had a rabbit I took everywhere!!! The older I got I only had it at night time, until I was 24 years old then I put it in the casket with my grandpa. Let her be a kid!


I’m embarrassed of your sister


Heck, my daughter is 17, I still buy her stuffies (what she calls stuffed animals) it is a comfort for her, and makes her feel better. I would never take them away from her. It isn’t causing any harm to her growth or abilities in anyway. Just let your child be a child. Tell sister to mind her own. You are her parent.

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No ur little girl isnt to old its her wee comfort if that’s what ur sister is saying i wouldnt let her stay with her cause if she takes bun bun off her child will be in state by time she comes back to u end day none of ur sister business


How is a child having a favourite toy inappropriate? Your sister doesn’t sound like a very nice and considerate Aunt :disappointed_relieved:

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My daughter is 13 and needs her bunny every day. Bunny even goes to school and everyone is fine with it and understanding. My 10 year old son has his squishmallow candy corn named cannon who he takes everywhere but school.
I don’t see anything wrong with her having a stuffie. It’s her decision on whether or not she carries it with her, not your sisters. And if your sister takes it away because she thinks it’s “embarrassing”, then she’s a piece of shit.

Absolutely not. My son has a favorite blanket he just turned 9 takes it everywhere and my other son 5 years old has one too and takes it everywhere I mean everywhere but school. Please dont take it away from her.

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Leave Bun Bun be. Your little girl is 6 not 60! Tell your sister you appreciate her suggestions but she should rather reserve them for her children and you will see to yours. Does she even realise the emotional damage she would cause if she took Bun Bun away from your daughter when she’s staying over!? :scream:

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Tell your sister not to touch Bun, Bun…my granddaughter is 10 and still sleeps with her Bunnie, my son keeps his Teddie in his bed and he’s 13


That sister needs a cup of shut the **** up.


I bet your sister doesn’t have children

My daughter is 8 and she has a stuffed penguin. And the only time they are separated is during school and shower time.

I slept with my boinky bear until I had my son at 30… tell your sister to shush we turn out just fine!

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It’s so sad that people now a days want to just make sure kids have no safe spot or comfort items. Why is it so bad that a 6 year old finds comfort in a teddy or a 3 year old has a binkie or a 9 year old still sleeps close to their parents?? There’s so many bigger issues in the world right now. This world is not what it once was and I’m sure for little kids it is extremely scary. Let kids be kids and for god sakes stop bullying them for finding something that makes them feel safe. Your daughter is absolutely not too old, it’s actually great to hear that you are not like your sister and actually allow your child to express herself and do what works for her.

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She will eventually out grow him! My 17yr old daughter still has her “big Pooh” Winnie the Pooh teddy on her bed. He went everywhere! My 16yr old son still has his “blankie” in a box in his room. It only left his bed a few years ago. Eventually these things stop going everywhere with them and then they get left at home. I don’t see the point in removing something that’s a comfort or a loved toy! Xx

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Sorry but your sister sounds like a mean bitch who expects kids to grow up way to quick and I pity her kids. Tell her to mind her business and if she touches Bun bun I’d punch her in the nose :nose: You are doing the right thing and letting her be a 6yr old good on you. Keep up the awesome job

Oh shes one of those… does she even have her own children? Usually the type of person to know everything about parenting has no experience at all :woman_facepalming:t3::rofl::rofl:

I had a teddy that I had since I was born, it went EVERYWHERE with me… I still have it now and it sits at the top of my bed and I’m now 33 :upside_down_face:


Nope let her keep it

I’m 22 and I have a special bear I got when I was just a baby and I still sleep with him every night. It’s not embarrassing at all! Don’t take her bun bun away because your sister thinks it’s “embarrassing” x

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Absolutely not! Don’t listen to her… my son has a dog :dog: that he carries with him everywhere and it is his absolute best friend, so very cherished it would devastate her to take her bun bun… it’s totally normal

My baby is 13 yrs old with a huge stuff caterpillar she doesn’t take her anywhere but where ever she sleeps, Callie as we call it, is there with her. One day I mentioned it’s time to let her go, she let me know it’s her comfort zone, so please don’t listen to your sister. Your little one knows this is her bestie, I promise one day she will put her down but until then let her have the bun bun

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I am 48 and although I don’t carry mine around anymore… I still have my childhood favorites. They are well loved and my grandson now gives them love. In more recent experience with my nephew it was a pikachu pillow. He decided when it was time to put him away for safe keeping. I say let them have the comfort. :heart:


Just let a kid be a kid. Why does everyone want kids to grow up so damn fast

No course she’s not to old your sister needs to give her head a wobble

Sister needs to mind her own business. She is an embarrassment herself


No she isnt to old… with everything going on in this world she needs a comfort item… my LG is 6 and she has a elephant she Carrie’s everywhere like a baby

Let her be a kid. They grow up too fast.

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Let the child have her comfort lifes hard enough maybe when she gets older suggests bunny stays home or in the car but do it gradually as not to upset her, kids are forced to grow up too fast these days

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My sin is 21 and still has his first stuffed dinosaur, my daughter is almost 18 and still has her first horse stuffed animal. She will outgrow it when she’s ready, I would just limit her to it not leaving the house unless she’s going for a sleepover. My niece is 9 and still brings her stuffed animal when she spends the night some kids just soothe differently.

Let kids be kids enjoy their childhood. People seem to want them to be born with a brief case and a job.

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Too old for her stuff animal? No, not at all! It comforts her, and is totally normal. And shame on your sister! How dare she say she’ll take it away if she stays at her house. She’s NOT her parent so she has no right to do such thing. I would of ripped her head off. Makes me so angry. I bet she doesn’t have any children of her own. Let her keep it, for as long as she likes to. When i was a little girl I had a pink teddy Bear I took everywhere, kept it until I moved out at 19. Little keepsake from my childhood… my son is 11 now. His comfort thing was a small duck blanket, had it since birth, and the blanket went everywhere. He still has the blanket, but he’s not attached to it anymore. Just hangs on his bed. She’ll grow out of it on her own.

My son is 7 and has a “fluffy butt” stuffed penguin that goes everywhere with him. I see nothing wrong with them having a comfort. For as long as they want. I still have my blanket with holes in it more of a rag at this point.

6 9 1 tell your sister to do one.

My son is almost 3 and has a pink monkey. I’ll be damned if I’m taking it away for one reason or another. It’s just a stuffed animal. Please don’t take it from her.

im 33 and i still have the bear that my grandparents got me when i was 6months old. it now sits in a box so it doesnt get worse and ive thought about restuffing it and giving it to my daughter

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6 is not to old my 12 year old son still sleeps with a teddy he’s had since birth some people think kids should just grow up quickly I say let them be young and free for as long as possible


I’d remove your sister


No, don’t take her friend away!!!

Get your sister a Bun Bun. Tell her you want to take her car/computer/phone/family heirloom/sentimental object/husband/child/whatever she values away because she’s too attached to it. :grin:

Honestly, does she have kids? Was she expected to grow up too fast in some respect? Ask her how long she believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy or that life was fair. We rob kids of their childhood innocence too early already. The fact that she makes it through school without shows she can cope with life. Heck, I feel lost without my big purse.

Maybe let your daughter visit your sister & take Bun Bun with you. See how sister feels after an hour of inconsolable wailing.

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Its her comfort item mama, dont feel bad about keeping your daughters feelings in mind instead of a status quo. Next time your sister says anything tell her by her logic being attached to an inanimate object and taking it everywhere is so bad tell her to give up her phone cause Im sure she takes it just as many places as your daughter does her stuffy.

My son is 8 and still sleeps with his blanket. It goes on every vacation and road trip. He carries it happily. And I smile as he does! Let them have what makes them happy. It’s not hurting your sister so maybe she would keep her words to herself.

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Both my kids still both have one

Your sister needs to mind her own business. Your daughter. Your rules. You know what is best for her. So what if she takes “bun buns” out and about with you. Who cares. They’re not little for long so make the most of it all. And, if your sister keeps making comments, kindly remind her that it’s not her daughter, she is yours and what you say goes… If she finds it so “embarrassing” then she doesn’t have to go out with and your daughter does she?.. :woman_shrugging:t2:
Go and enjoy being with your little girl and bun buns, make memories, enjoy it all because one day she will an adult and leaving home… :heart:


Let your child be a child for as long as you can! They are only little once!

I am 36 and still have mine and when i see it, it brings me comfort. Tell your sister to mind her own buisness and if she takes it away your daughter wont be staying with her again. There is nothing wrong with her Mama.


I am 29 years old and still have my favorite toy. Her name is Weasle, and I’ve had her since I was 2. I still break her out from time to time to do maintenance on her. Your sister can mind her own business.

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My 14 and 10 year old still sleep with their baby blankets. They don’t bring them for sleepovers and don’t have meltdowns when they don’t have them…but it still just brings them lots of comfort. I used to get scared they would get bullied or something but they don’t say all.

im 53 and sleep with a huge stuffed elephant

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Crap like that is exactly why 12 years old are having babies! They’re forced to grow up too fast! Let them be little while they can… life will happen soon enough! Tell your sister to jump off a damn bridge! If she wants to take it from her, then don’t send her to your sisters house! Your sister sounds like a witch!

No!!! She is not too old for her comfort! I still have my comfort teddies from when I was young and I’m 33! Tell your sister to hop it! (See what I did there!)

My sister wouldnt be watchin my kid anymore. My middle son is 6 and has several stuffies . its also sensory/comfort. Your sister is mean.


My daughter is 8 and still has a scrap of her blanky she’s had since she was born, it was unraveling so I had to sew the edges into a smaller piece and she lays it on her pillow every morning before school.

Oh, and tell your sister to stop criticizing your parenting. It’s inappropriate, unseemly and embarrassing and she should know better at her age.

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She is 6. She will let it go when she is ready. Let’s encourage children to be children. This world just moves so fast. I played with baby dolls until I was 13. One day, I just wasn’t into them anymore. She will be fine.


Let her keep it and tell your sister it’s none of her bisiness


Not at all. I still have mine. My daughter is 5 she does the same thing. It’s a comfort thing for them. My daughter loves that I still have mine! She’s just a little girl with a great imagination! :heart:

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Oh! And tell her she can’t have mac and cheese or peanut butter anymore because she should have outgrown that kid food.

Think your sister has a dam cheek saying she would take it away what’s it to do with her ,I certainly wouldnt let her stay with her if it is going to upset your daughter she doesnt need aunties like that :rage:

Absolutely not! Your child, your decision. Your sister has no place to threaten to do such.

I have a teddy bear my great grandpa got me and it still goes everywhere with me I literally have him chill in my car and stuff when I go to work I’ve had it since birth thing like that are priceless as we get older no matter how raggedy it is or how old so I think your sister should mind her own it’s not gonna hurt her hell my daughter even has a dino teddy she takes everywhere and will freak if she doesn’t have him its comfort to them

She isn’t to old bun bun is ur LG’s comfort toy. Ur sister needs to get over it and let ur LG be. Id be putting my foot down. Tell ur sister she is not to touch bun bun and if she does she will not be watching her niece anymore

Omg! what harm is it possibly doing!? Leave her be. She’s only 6.


Tell your sister to go mind her own business she’s the one being childish

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Ur sister sucks, let that baby have her bunny.


Id rather my 6 yr old have comfort toy, instead he thinks he from the moon!!

My oldest has blanket and stuffed dog that went everywhere with him for years!!! He nearly 16 shows no signs that it was bad idea to let an 8 yr continue to use his comfort items

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My lad is 9 next week. He has a little dog (very old and much loved) that he’s had since a baby. His name is Jockey. He goes everywhere with him (except school) we misplaced him earlier in the year whilst on holiday and he properly broke down. It’s irreplaceable! Fortunately someone handed him in to the security office, and the look of relief on my sons face was pure. Don’t ever let anyone dictate how your children deal with attachment. They will grow out of it in their own time xx


Let her have her bun bun, she don’t need to be around your toxic sister.


No way! Let her enjoy being a child no matter what. You take that teddy bear away because of this and shes going to feel ashamed of playing like kids do coz “its inappropriate” “shes too old” or “its embarrassing” :woman_facepalming:

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Your Sister sounds like a tw@t


Let her be a child while she can. Life is hard so let her be and she will put him down when ready.

Absolutely not. I got my dad a stuffed animal when I was 4 for his birthday he asked me to hold on to it for him. I still have it and I’m turning 21 in a few months. These things have sentimental value. I slept with that puppy till I was a teen and now he sleeps with my son every night! You’re never too old for the things you truly love.

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Let her have its its her bun bun she enjoys it she if onle 6 tell your sister to but out

She will probably outgrow it in her own time

I’m 26 still sleep with teddys and my baby blanket I even take the baby blanket with me when I sleep at other places cuz I can’t sleep with out it let your little one have her best friend when I was six I took my favorite teddy to school with me she is not to old… your never to old to have something you love with me I had in my work bag for a long time one of those baby blanket with the teddy head

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My teenage boys still have their “blankies” on their bed. They’re children for only so long, don’t let anyone rush them into growing up. If she still wants her bunny, let her have the bunny.


My little girl is 8. She has a plush Eeyore that she’s had since birth. She still takes him everywhere but it’s now left in the car when we go to the shops. It’s not harmful and when she’s ready she’ll give it up

Leave things as they are, tell your sister to mind her own business.


She will out grow bun bun I’m sure

My 8-year old daughter has a knitted duck that has seen better days. So much so that the duck is now in a sleeping bag (pillow case sewed onto its neck) as there were so many holes that it was impossible to keep fixed.

So your sister has the problem!! And fyi my teddy bear Fluffy that I have had since I was 8 my 2 year old now plays with. And I would tell my sister that then my child won’t be staying with her again.

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Nope! My girls are now 20 and 23 and still have their blankies lol. They are happy and healthy, well adjusted members of society. Tell your friend to MYOB,

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Time for her to get some real friends. I’m sure she won’t feel so clingy after a while. Nothing wrong with her keeping it though.

My 7 year old still carries around different stuffed animals and like you said apart from school but other than that when we play family games a stuffie is normally with us she sleeps with them let her be a kid they are only little once

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I slept with an old decrepit lassie dog until I was 12. Your daughter is fine.

Let her keep bun bun for as long as she wants.


I still have one of my stuffed animals from birth. Let her have her comfort and shame on your sister for wanting to try and hurt her in anyway. That would be emotional abuse


I’m 28 and still sleep with a teddy in one arm whilst my partner is on the other side. I cuddle my Teddy when feeling overwhelmed too. If I’m sleeping out, my teddy gets packed and comes too.
It’s my comfort.
It doesn’t hurt or harm anyone else.
Don’t worry about it x

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My son is 12 and he still has his sammy dog and other teddies he sleeps with as long as she is happy then i dont see a problem xx

leave her be my grandson 10,11,12 stillfind comfort in their baby teds

eff what people think, she’ll grow out if it. I did everything with my stuffed dog choochie till I was 10. She’s a kid let her be one

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Definitely NOT to old! She’s still a baby… wish people would stop and let kids be kids for as long as possible…b4 we know it their grown n have kids of their own!
She will start to distance herself from it when she’s ready, forcing her will only cause her upset!
Tell your sister to do wan! :facepunch: xx