Is my little girl too old for this?

If your sister is embarrassed then she can stay away. My boys all have favorite items and one of them is 14 … she’s hitting other milestones? Leave that bun bun alone.


I’m 26 and still have my stuffy from when I was a kid let her keep it. I grew out of it but still it makes me happy when I’m sad

I’m 18 and need to sleep with a stuffed animal of some kind, right now its a sloth stuffie that my boyfriend got for me on a whim…its a security thing…makes me feel safe and secure…do not take away Bun Bun!!! Your sister needs to mind her own ducklings.

It’s absolutely fine. Some people have so many issues with just allowing kids to be kids nowadays. Like you said, she does just fine going to school on her own and plays with her friends there, etc. I would def not be letting her stay at the sister’s though until she gets over herself and stops with the comments and rudeness

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My 16 yr old got a bunny from my mother at about 3yrs old “Bunny” still sits in her room if she’s had a hard day, or just needs a hug “Bunny” is there for her. Tell your sister to mind her own (parent her own kids, not yours)

Maybe your sister is jelly

My daughter is almost three and sleeps threw small stuff animal and a blanket she loves so no no child is to old

I have a stuffed bird bird that I carried around as a child. I’m now 34 and he still has a special spot in my bed. :heart:

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My 43 daughter still has her Teddy didn’t give it too her children it was her very first Teddy

All please tell your sister she has no ideal the comfort your child has with her best friend and to love your child for who she is.

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thats is so fine shes only 6 years old n loves her bunny my lil girl loves her puss toy tell your sister to take her judgement else where. let kids be kids

I still have my silky. When my headaches get real bad or stress it helps

I still have my doll from my first Christmas. I’m almost 30. I’d be lying if I said that when I come across her, I don’t give her a squeeze for reminiscing. Don’t let someone else be unnecessarily cruel to your child bc they hate themselves.

I am a 25 yr old grown ass adult and I still have my childhood favorite stuffed animal. And new ones that I also keep on my bed. They are all comfort for me, do not take that baby girls Bun Bun away, it will devastate her! Why take something away thats a comfort and security for your baby. Your sister can mind her own business and if she’s embarrassed for being around her 6 yr old niece for having her best friend with her than she can kick rocks until she gets over. She will eventually grow out of needing it all the time but please don’t ever take it away from her.

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Never!! That is her security I have a daughter that just turned 40 and she still has her blanky and pillow!

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Tell your sister to shove it :sweat_smile: it’s perfectly normal most of me and my sisters had stuffed animals into our early teens their attachment will change and it will just become sentimental :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Your sister needs to be cut out and major boundaries set. She’s out of line and with her level of disrespect I wouldn’t be letting my kid over. your LG is perfectly fine.


My eldest is almost 15 and still sleeps with the same teddy. Was like your daughter when younger. There is nothing at all wrong with it

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I was 13 and was still attached to my baby blankets. She’s not too old for Bun Bun, she’ll out grow him! Sometimes we have security blankets lol

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The only one with issues is your sister, I would look into that, is she jealous of your child, until resolved I wouldn’t let your daughter stay with her as she’s admitted she intends to treat her cruelly whilst there, who steals a child’s toy?


Your sister sounds like an entitled twa*
LG is 6yo. That’s normal.
it’s not sisters place to be like that and you need to look her straight in the face and tell her back tf off bun bun and let your LG be little.

I’m 20 turning 21 and i still own my stuffed animal I got as a baby tell her to mind her own business

Shes only 6. Let her keep bun bun. My 8 yr old son still has his moner (green monster plush) and my 5 yr old still has his hootie and white camo blankie. Let her be a kid and tell your sister that if its that embarrassing to her that she dosent have to come around any more aimple as that

My daughter had a serious obsession with a Elsa doll from 18 months up until about 6… She loved her seriously idolised her…I used to have to wedge her to sit up so it could have dinner with her, sit it in the bathroom Whilst she bathed lol shes 8 now and still has her but she just sits on top of the toy box now unplayed with … I gave Elsa to her baby brother the other day to hold to see what he made of her, he’s 7 months and she said … He’s not having her mum :rofl::rofl: she doesn’t play with her no more but Elsa is still there and still very much hers …I jokingly said to her dad I’m taking her to her wedding with us… my point is, she’ll grow out of it don’t take it off her xx

There is nothing wrong with it. My daughter is 12 and has a blanket that she’s Had since her first Christmas. That she still uses. Its a security thing.

My son I’m 4 and has a stuffed pig and mouse thay he takes everywhere I’d never take it because of someone else’s opinion!

My daughter just turned 8 and she still packs her monkey everywhere but school, they have tea parties and everything. She ain’t hurting anybody and she loves George, he makes her happy, so screw what other people say.

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Seriously though. What is wrong with your sister? It seems very odd that she has such strong feelings about this. Your daughter is 6 and still a very young little girl. Let her be little x


Do not take Bun Bun away!!! She is definitely not to old. Who cares what anyone else thinks. That is her comfort and she will be devastated if you take it away :disappointed:

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It’s her comfort and makes her feel happy and secure. Your never too old for teddy bears :teddy_bear: she’s a child for god sake your sister needs to let her be one

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No way!! She’s only 6…let her decide when she don’t want bun bun anymore…as for your sister I wouldn’t allow my little girl to stay with her knowing she would take bun bun away…I wouldn’t imagin the damage it will do to my little girl.


…my sister is 14 and still does this.

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No way my daughter is 9 and had a blanket she will not sleep without it as she has gotten a little older I see her leaving it more to the side and then looking for it at bed time or when she’s upset or just needs a little cuddle of it when she was 6 it went everywhere don’t take it off her … I also still have my security blanket I don’t use it obviously but it’d there in the cupboard and I’ll never get rid of it :rofl:

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I’m 30 and I still sleep with my whoobie :woman_shrugging:t3::rofl: (baby blanket) youre little girl is fine mama my son is 6 and literally does everything your little girl does tell her to stfu :rofl:

I know what I’d be saying to your sister!


Your sister needs to mind her own damn business. Leave that baby alone !

I’m 25 and I still carry cute stuffies around

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Lol I’m 42 and have my last set of baby blankets my Uncle Bill bought me and a lamb I got from the spaghetti warehouse when I was 2. I put them in my memory box when I got older and I felt weird carrying them around. I think shes still little and still needs it. There’s nothing inappropriate about letting a child wag around a stuffed animal for comfort. Where does your sister buy her audacities from? lol she sound mean


No! Let them be little for long! One day you will blink and they will want all these expensive things lol

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My 7yr old still sleeps with his elephant (Charles) he’s had since birth. Occasionally he tries to take it into public. We say it’s not allowed to leave the car if he brings it


My sister, had a dog her name Belle, Snoopy’s sister. I was Belles aunt, my mom her grandma. My sister had a voice for her and she was apart of the family. She went everywhere, my mom was ok letting my sister, express herself. She was probably around 11 that Belle retired. It’s ok let them have their friends. It’s creative, if you don’t have an issue then don’t make it one.


You’re not wrong at all. My son has had a little stuffed bear his entire life. He named him “hunny” when he was almost 2. He’s now 11 and Hunny still has a place in his bed at night. He has obviously grown a little away from it but I totally get it. My husband and I had teddy bears we were obsessed with when we were little… they have their own place on a shelf in our closet. Those two were there for us when we were little and shit was rough. I’m 31 and if anyone ever messed with my ‘pappel’ I was would be furious. Let them be little for as long as you can. They grow up too fast and in the world we live in today, our kids need some comfort!

wait … is this a live bunny or a stuffie?? im so confused

Definitely not too old for that… Jesus, why do people want kids to grow up so fast!!


She will outgrow it at her own time


I knew someone who has this pillow with a baby shirt inside @5yrs old or younger and now @ late 30’s, they’re still together and can’t sleep without the pillow, the spouse learned how to live with the pillow and takes care of it as well, made another kind for their eldest and soon for their youngest. :blush:
No harm done.

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My youngest is 3 and he is incredibly attached to his shark blanket. He doesn’t go to nursery with him but it’s rare at home that the blanket is ever out of sight. Considering what it means to him and how much he relies on it when he’s sad I would never tell him he was too old for something that comforts him and causes no harm.

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Leave her Security with her ! I know elderly that still have what is left of their baby blanket and they are in their 30s and no different then the ones that twist their hair or suck their thumb almost 90 year old aunt and mid sixty relative! She will leave it as she gets older in her room .For now leave her with her Teddy Please !

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Completely normal.
Do not let your sister baby sit your child as she will destroy that sweet girl


My daughter is 5 and does this, I have no issue whatsoever and if someone else had a problem with it I’d tell them to mind their own business :+1:


Im 28 and if you go in my closet there is a box of important papers and a stuffie toy dog. Ive moved 3 times in my adult life and its the first box i bring i could never grt rid of that dog. My daughter is 3 and has a stuffie so sleeps with and brings with her everywhere its the first thing she asked for when leaving the house


No mine still have theirs and they’re 14&12. They stay in house for bedtimes

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I think your sister needs to mind her own business


I’m 25. And I still watch children’s movies. Sleep with my grandma. I still have my Bratz doll.


I’m 33 and still sleep with stuffed panda bear. My husband doesn’t mind a bit even if the panda does take up half the bed. Lol


My daughter is 9 and still takes her monkey “george” with her anywhere I’ll let her. Up until last year, she took him to school and everything, the teachers even had a special place for him to be during the day. Just since covid, did I make rules as to where she could bring him… she’s so dependent on him, I didnt want him bringing any germs home on him. She still sleeps with him, and like I said, takes him where allowed (grandparents, aunts and uncles, car rides) and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Let those babies be little as long as they want! No point in rushing them to “grow up” and let go of things that bring them comfort. Just let them be little.

Your little girl is not too old for her bunbun. And tell your sister to mind her own business.


My son is 7 next week and has George pig and takes him most places and sleeps with him x

I had my baby blanket until I was 21 and I still slept with it…only reason why I don’t have it now is because it got lost. I was so hurt losing my blankie.

My daughter is 10 and doesn’t go to bed without her bunbun. If your daughter needs that security, embrace it and remind her that if it makes her happy and feel safe then she can carry bunbun wherever she needs. As far as your sister, I’d have to take the “keeping it real” approach. Remind her that it’s not her child, she isn’t that child and your child has more confidence and security than your sister does. I think we tend forget that children are their own person and she isn’t in a position to take that security and innocence away from your daughter.

My sister is 28 years old & she still has what used to be a blanket from when she was a baby. I would love to see anyone tell her she’s too old for it. Nah… Its her comfort. You’re never too old for comfort.

My brother is 16 VERY popular in school he still carries around his “blankie” that he’s had since he was born he puts it in the freezer to keep it cool and none of his friends or any one makes fun of him :woman_shrugging:t3: who cares it’s a comfort item …

She is most definitely not too old! I still have my childhood stuffed animal. My parents tried to switch it but I didn’t go for it. Let her keep it and grow out of it in her own time.

I have one I sleep with and im very protective about and my husband thinks its funny but cute because if I don’t have my bear I’ll be up all night, but if I do I’m a light its crazy I’m about to be 26

My oldest is 19, she wasn’t feeling well not long ago and pulled out her “Lambie” her stuffed lamb from when she was little, my middle child just turned 13 and sleeps with her stuffed bunny “remote” don’t ask about the name lol, and my son is 10 almost 11 and has to have his bear, bearbear, to sleep with. He even says that if you wash him he will loose his memories. We all have our vice or our comfort…some times you just need to cuddle with something that you know will always be there…


My granddaughter has had a white tiger she’s had since the age of 3 it’s a security item why would you take something that give them that security away. You never know what that object has done in her life, so why take it away

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I have a stuffed bunny as well named bun bun she been my best friend since I was a baby mind u I’m 26 years old and I still even sleep with bun bun. I think your sister needs to mind her own business and let her be she will grow out of it eventually and or not but eventually she won’t take him everywhere with her. Let her be a kid and have her comfort their only little for so long

I’m 22, a mom, and I still sleep with my “Lovey”. Tell your sister to shove a sock in it.

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absolutely not in my opinion. you are her parents. people are going to hate and judge no matter what yoh do. you do what’s best for you and your daughter. i had a stuffed duck that went everywhere with me until i was almost 20. every sleep over. everywhere. he still sits in my room.

Definitely not too old! Hell, I had stuffed toys until I was like 11.

This is totally fine, but I wouldn’t be sending my LG to my sisters with that attitude :rage:


Lmfao your sister sounds like a d***


F your sister, she’s 6. Let her have the damn bun bun!!

Shes not too old and your sister better not be taking her safety net away from her!

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Let her have BunBun. Ignore the comments. Your daughter sounds well adjusted and happy. She will decide and know when to put BunBun on the shelf and if she never does, that’s OK. Be blessed❤

My daughter is 16 and still carries her very first blanket EVERYWHERE but school, It looks like an old beat up towel that has been sewed numerous times,buttons added, etc… it is her security and I’m ok with that whether shes 16 or 62🤷‍♀️. Every child has something that puts them at ease and usually it’s a blanket or stuffed animal, Tell your sister that YOUR child is YOUR child and you are fine with BunBun and that’s the end of the conversation.


Your sister is over reacting.

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BunBun isn’t the problem your sister is. Kids grow up so fast. Let them stay little and innocent for as long as possible.


I’m 27 and have a stuffed butterfly from when i was 5. Just knowing it’s in my house brings me comfort. There is nothing wrong with having a comfort item.


She’s only 6 not 16!


Take something away from your sister she takes everywhere like her keys and see how she feels…


My daughter is 16 & she still has Giggy …her blanket x

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Uh no, my daughter kept her “buddy” for 10 yrs near her. She just 13 and we moved and she still packed him safely with me. This is a comfort thing… and that lady needs to mind her business… I’d tell her if she touches it, she won’t see your child.

Your daughter, you decide what’s best for her. Bun Bun stays and, possibly, your sister goes.


Tell your sister to mind her own business. Let them be little while they can.

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Shes fine, don’t send her to your sisters anymore

let her be a child. I once scolded my husband after he told his niece “omg you are 13 and still play with dolls” :rage::rage::rage::rage:. I had a good talk with him about telling children at what age they should stop playing with toys.


Molly mae has Ellie bellie and look how well she’s doing for herself! And he features alot on her social media etc… don’t take her comfort away :two_hearts:


My 7 year old takes her blankey every where!!

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I have my baby blanket and still sleep with it that I was given as a baby. I’m now 23 lol it’s a safety feeling that I get from having it with me. Don’t listen to your sister


she’s 6. leave her alone.

besides, what’s wrong with carrying a teddy? I do it occasionally and I’m 23 xD maybe it’s a comfort thing, the material, so try and get other smaller things made from the same material, see how that goes?

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I would honestly not allow my child to stay with her if thats her intentions. Rip your sister away from her not the Teddy!


Omg no… Let kids be kids! Tell your sister to F off and not to touch her bun bun.


My daughter nearly 16 and still sleep and take her quacks (duck Teddy)with her everywhere she had it since day she was born and it use to be in the incubator with her so don’t take it away ignore what ur sister says there over 200 teddys in this house some my daughter some r mine as well and I would never ever make her get rid of any xx

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Aww let her enjoy that comfort for as long as she likes x

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Tell your sister to shut up. She is still a child better she play with a teddy instead of being stuck to an iPad or screen infront of her.

I am 28 years old and still have a teddy bear my dad gave me from when I was a kid. Up until almost 2 years ago I still slept with it. When I met my boyfriend and sleeping next to him made me feel safe I put my 'teddy" away. I went through a whole marriage ND 4 kids sleeping with this bear. My 9 year old has elephant he sleeps with as well.

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Absolutely not my 16yr old still snuggles her teddy from since she was a baby

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My oldest is 7 and has some favorite things! My three year old as well. But they’re especially obsessed with one blanket each in particular, and a couple stuffed animals each. They make them happy, calms them down when they’re upset or hurt, helps them go to sleep peacefully, etc… it’s a comfort thing! :purple_heart:

My daughter is almost 10 and still sleeps with the same teddy! I don’t see the issue. Tell her to mind her own