Is my little girl too old for this?

Hi, my LG is 6 and has a best friend. He is a regular size bunny teddy (bun bun) & she takes him EVERYWHERE apart from school. They play together, sleep together and eat meals together. I’ve never had a problem with it as she’s had him since birth. However my sister thinks it’s extremely inappropriate. General remarks like, she’s too old, it’s embarrassing etc. She’s even went as far to say she would remove Bun Bun when my LG stays with her! I know if I ever took Bun Bun away my LG would be devastated, she cries non stop when I put him in the wash. I couldn’t imagine ripping away her best friend because of the opinion of 1 person. As far as I am aware it’s not physiology harming her. She excels at school, has plenty of ‘living’ friends and interacts with them very well.

My question is, do you think my LG is too old for Bun Bun. Am I wrong for not taking him away?


As long as she is socially okay with real life friends, I don’t really think it’s a problem. If it makes her happy & comfortable then there’s no harm. & just because your sister doesn’t agree with it doesn’t mean she needs to act like that.

My youngest daughter will be 27 this year. She is educated, has a very good full time job, a very active and full social life, is engaged to a wonderful man, and has carried a stuffed Pluto everywhere with her since birth. He is about 3ft, or used to be before the multiple “life saving stitches”. He counts as her carry on when flying, he is just a part of her life.
Your daughter will be fine. Let her be, and tell her Aunt to stay out of it.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is my little girl too old for this? - Mamas Uncut

My 13 year old still has this panda that was her daddy’s too and she is just fine lol she might even take it to college if it makes it that long


Your sister sounds like a bitch. Let kids be kids for as long as they can. Let her stay young, happy and innocent. :heart:

She is still young my son is 12 and loves his stuffies he even takes them to school


I still have my baby blanket and I turn 30 this year. Comfort items are just that, comfort items.


Let her be a little girl! They don’t stay little for long. Enjoy it and let her do what’s best for her. You SIL can get bent.


I think it’s perfectly fine. That’s rude of her to say that.

I’m 24 years old with kids of my own and I still have a stuffed cat i sleep with. If she is happy with her bun bun let her keep it!:slight_smile:


Your sister is embarrassing lol.


My 8 year old son has favorite stuffys! There is nothing wrong with it at all! I had a stuffed tiger from 8th grade until my mid 20s when my 2 year old ripped him :rofl: now i have a stuffed dragon. Let her be little and ignore the haters :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Look, I’m 30 and I still have a soft toy I’ve had since I was 7. My sister is nearly 40 and she still has hers since she was a baby.

So who cares what other people think? Why would you take away something that comforts her because of other people’s views? Let her have it and let her enjoy it for as long as she wants.


I was like 15 when I stopped sleeping and chilling with mine :woozy_face: Let her be a child your sister crazy

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Look, I’m 30 years old and still sleep with a special blanket. My daughter has a special stuffy, my son has a special blanket, and my youngest has a special blanket. Who the hell cares? Your daughter is happy, healthy, and eff what that person thinks. Seriously.


My 15 yo still has her baby blanket. She doesn’t carry it everywhere any more but she has to have it at bed time. Even at sleep overs. She also needs it when she’s in sensory overload or emotional… it doesn’t harm any one. She is perfect to still have/need it.

I jave a 5 year old whos best friend is a stuffed monkey. Shes 6.She is still a kid. Its perfectly find

Pssssh if I still had my teddy I’d be sleeping with him tonight, and I’m 30. Life is short, and childhood is shorter. Let her keep her friend as long as she needs. Everyone needs a comfort tool.


Nothing wrong with comfort items. Don’t take it from her.

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No she isn’t to old at all

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No. When she’s done, if she’s done, I kept mine until 21, she’ll let it go


So I slept with stuffed animals until I was 12. Then I put them up on a shelf til I was like 16 and then started sleeping with them again. I am now turning 22, I live with my boyfriend, and I still sleep with my stuffed animals :blue_heart::blue_heart: there’s nothing embracing about it.


Let her stay little.


Let that baby have her BunBun!! It makes her happy and that’s all that matters!


My 8 year old still loves her stuffed animals. Heck, she conned me into a new one tonight :woman_facepalming:

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My daughter had a teddy that she took everywhere too until she was 7. Nothing wrong with it. They are only little and innocent once. Let her have her Bun Bun for as long as she wants. Why would you remove her security object? It’s pretty normal age behavior. Tell your sister to keep her hands away from that bunny and mind her own business. Why would she feel embarrassed about a 6yo caring a bunny?

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Your sister’s a jerk! I would not listen to her. She’s six she wants bun bun she should be able to keep bun bun. My son is 32 he has a cookie monster he has had since he was 18 months old it even went on deployment with him.


I had a blanket til I was 18! It’s comfort for her. Let her have it.

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No. My son is 6 and has had the same blanket since he was born. He won’t sleep without it and even brings it to the dinner table. :roll_eyes: but it’s his comfort item and who am I to judge him or hurt him by taking it away.


no! I would tell my sister to shut her face if she ever said that lol but that’s me

Don’t let LG stay with her & wash Bun Bun when she is asleep! You answered your own question… don’t let one person opinion dictate what you do with you do with your child.

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My 3 year old has a bunny named bun bun too! He’s been everywhere with her, and I couldn’t imagine taking him away. You sister sounds like a jerk, let her enjoy her stuffy.

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My children are 18 and almost 17 they still have and still sleep with the loveys since they received them at birth. I would tell my sister she needs to step off and stay in her lane!

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nothing wrong with Bun Bun. tell your sis to get enlightened. :rabbit:

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Let her have her stuffed animals. She’ll be ready to let go when she’s ready. Let her enjoy what makes her happy in the time being.

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My daughter is 6 almost 7 and has slept with the same tiny stuffed giraffe since she was a baby. She eats, sleeps, plays etc. She finds comfort in it, why take that away?


She is fine , not to old , leave bun bun with her , who cares what any one else thinks , I still have my wobbie, and I am 52 try and take it …


I’m 23 and still have mine
Took it everywhere

No I had a teddy bear I did everything with when I was that age , eventually she will grow out of it , I still have my bear til this day, it’s all sewed up by now :sob: my dad got me it so it just meant a lot to me ! It’s not your sisters kid , if you take away something that important it will devast her ! Your doing just fine !

Not that to old my little brother is 13 year old and still have her froggy as when he was baby that’s her baby it’s a comfort thing

I had my bunny til i was in my 20z before it fell apart. And my son is 16 and has this creepy bear he likes

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Your sister needs to :shushing_face: be quiet! Maybe she wants her own stuffie :joy:
Your LG is just fine :hugs:

I’m 21 and this is my stuffie I’ve had since I was born, I was heart broken when I thought I lost her. Your never to old for a comfort item


that is YOUR child at the end of the day what your sister says does not matter. let that baby have her stuffy.


I am 43 and still sleep with a blanket my mother made me as a child. It has been to the hospital with me for all four of my kids births. My son is nine a d he has a stuffed Teddy named Matt Dillion that he can not be away from. There is an thing unusual about a child or even a grown adult finding comfort.

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My son is almost 13 & still has his “Bear Bear.” He hasn’t taken it with him since he was a little shy of 8…“Bear Bear” came to Disney, which is where his Grandma bought it long ago. I think he will always have the bear too. Nothing wrong with it!! It is special to a child & great to have an imagination still.

It’s not. I’m 23 and still have a favourite teddy bear that I have in bed with me from time to time. My kids sometimes sleep with my teddy bear as well since it has my scent all over it.

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Your daughter is not ready to part ways . Leave her be . My daughter still has “ blankie” for comfort and she is almost 25 . Brilliant girl and highly educated . When she gets sad or homesick , however, she cries into her blankie .

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Your sister is the embarrassment. Let her keep her Bunbun. Some of us that are grown still have stuffed animals or blankets that make us feel secure or happy etc. Nothing wrong with it. :heart:


The fact that she can’t even handle him being washed is a big :triangular_flag_on_post:

I am 24 years old now. But when I was little I carried my baby blanket with me everywhere. Til I was almost 18 :woman_shrugging: no problem letting her keep it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::black_heart:

My daughter is 7 and has a stuffed bunny named bun bun. I don’t see anything wrong here. She’s a child let her enjoy her child hood. It would be selfish of you to make her think other wise.

Leave her alone , every one has something, Iam in my 60’s and I have a special blanket

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Let kids be kids let them have imagination that is what it wrong with society


Leave her alone with her bun bun. It’s her comfort. When she’s ready she will put bun bun away. Tell your sister to mind her own business and it’s not her place to take a way your child’s things just because she doesn’t approve

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Not her kid, not her choice.


My LG is 6 and has a Teddy that the hospital gave her when her sister passed away. She packs it every where! Sentimental or just a raggedy walmart stuffy, I would throat punch someone telling me that it’s embarrassing for my child to act, play, and imagine like a DAMN CHILD.

My daughter is the same age and she does the same thing with a bear. I’ve never thought it was a problem. I think it’s cute. Keep the bunny as long as she wants it. It’s not hurting anything. Tell your sister to fly a kite.

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Im 27 and still have all my teddies from when i was little. Im sure she will be the same, dont break ur babies heart over other peoples opinions and believes. If a child is happy then leave them i say

I have blankie kids .2 and 6. If it makes my 6 year old happy to have it out side of school I let her. Let her be comfy/stress free.

I don’t obviously play with it anymore or sleep with it, but I’ve had a stuffed turtle since I was little. It was the last thing my grandma gave me and it was a comfort item as I lost her when I was young. I recently gave it to my daughter and she’s become attached to it too. Its not just a phase its a comfort item, and sometimes it takes time for her to adjust to just letting him stay on her bed. Six is definitely not too old. She’s still little mama, set your sister straight.

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Definitely do not take it away. It’s a comfort thing. I am 39 and I have had my pillow since I was a toddler. 39 years old and i can not sleep without it. If I’m spending the night somewhere it comes with me. Do not take comfort items away.


I’m 40 and still have my it was a blankie. I don’t sleep with it but it’s close by. Let your LG have it she will grow out of it one day.

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30 still sleep with my teddy :woman_shrugging:t3:

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I wouldn’t let my daughter go over there and it’s totally fine to ha e a comfort item. Your sister is being ridiculous.

My sister is 28 years old and still has a little lemur she’s had since she was a baby. She to this day still takes it everywhere she goes overnight, during day it stays home safe and sound. Eventually you will need to start telling her to leave him at home so he can stay safe and sound and she can have him anytime she is home. My sister is a grown woman who loves her lovie and isn’t childish or immature in any way.

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My son is 5 with a blanket that goes everywhere. I’m 27 and still sleep with my baby blanket. It’s a comfort thing leave her be and tell your sister to mind her own.

I am 37 and I sleep with a stuffed dog … Tell your sister to leave your child alone … I would even go as far as stop letting your sister see your daughter that way she can’t take bun bun away

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My daughter is 6 and has had a pink blanket since birth. She still takes it every where she plays as it’s her dog and all sorts of things. She dont take it to school but she still loves the thing. I would never take it from her. Let her be a kid.

Your sister is totally in the wrong… I have stuffed animals still from when I was a baby and even some as I aged up. I’m 24 and not ashamed to say that up until last year I had stuffed animals that stayed in my bed.

Do not take your daughters comfort item away from her. Hell my 11 year old boy still sleeps with his stuffies and I’m 33 and have more stuffies than my kids lol.

Your daughter will grow out of it. If she’s already able to go a school day without it then she understands separation. She’ll be fine. Your sister sucks!


No way is she too old. It’s her friend, her comfort. Your sister sounds bitter and sour. Let the little one keep her best friend. I think you could cause more harm taking the bunny away then letting her keep it. She will part with it when she’s ready (or pass on to her own children when she’s alot older). Just let your daughter be a kid and tell your sister if she touches the bunny, she will never get to look after your daughter again. Because I’m sure your sister will do something to the bunny if you don’t try to separate your daughter from it and it will be so traumatic for your little girl and you.

My 12 yr old only started leaving his bear at home this yr. he stills sleeps with him ever night. Do not take her bun bun she loves him your sister is just mean

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it makes her happy and secure leave her be she will let it be when she is ready

Definitely not!! That’s her comfort! You can’t take that away! Tell you sister you mind her own kiddos :speaking_head:

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Dont let her go over there.

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Almost 24 and I still sleep with my panda bear I’ve had for gosh knows how long. It’s comforting. Let her keep Bun Bun until she’s ready to let go.

I still have my rabbit “Amy” when my mom was 3 months pregnant with me , she slept in my bed, even after I was married, she’s been on vacation with us, because I was worried if … something went wrong( fire,ect) at the house I’d lose her
Don’t take bun bun away from her, our youngest daughter is 7 and still sleepswith and takes her “beary” with her for sleep overs …I make occasionally make beary her own plate at dinner, they are only young once … don’t strip that away
Here’s a picture of my Amy , I’m 42 ,I still have her, and would be devastated if I lost her

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I will say this….I have a daughter who will be 19 on November first. When she was 18 months old I got her a stuffed dog and she carried that thing EVERYWHERE and none of her siblings or friends throughout school ever batted an eye about it. When she was 2 1/2 she was diagnosed with cancer and that dog went into every treatment, procedure and even gave him a wristband to allow him to go into the OR with her. She has had him all these years. She left for college in August and had to come home Thursday because she had an Oncology checkup but forgot her dog because she was going to leave straight from school and didn’t want him to sit in her car all day while at school and smell like “hot car”. At her appt Friday they found a lump in her chest and told her she needed to see a surgeon today and her brother whom she shares an apartment with in Huntsville, TX, with 2 of his friends drove and hour and a half to meet her and I so she could have her “doggy” for her appt today.

He may crack jokes often about her “doggy”, but he knows that thing is her security and knew how important it was for her to have it at her appt.

I say let her have it! If SHE is not embarrassed by it then that’s all that matters! It’s not a pacifier that will mess her teeth up or a bottle that will rot her teeth if she continues to sleep with it. It’s a simple friend that makes her feel safe!


She’s still a kid- let her be one!

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When I was 15 I spent a good 4 months carrying around my Puppy (stuffed toy my boyfriend gave me) EVERYWHERE. School, Walmart, resteraunts - where I went, Puppy went. I was going through the hardest part of my life - as in, my GP wanted to institutionalize me but we settled on weekly therapy, medication, and cutting all my academic classes from AP to regular.

Do you want to know what I learned during those months of carrying a stuffed toy around as a teenager? Nobody cares. Nobody. Not once did I have a single person mock me or openly judge me for it. I’m sure there was some judgement but nobody said anything and it wasn’t enough for me to notice it. A lot of other teenagers confided in me that they still sleep with stuffies or special blankets and a couple even showed me their comfort items.

I’m 19 now and while I dont carry Puppy around everywhere, he comes with me on all overnight trips and on rough days rides around with me in the car. The rest of the time he is still in my bed.

That stuffed toy was a huge factor in giving me something to live for when life seemed pointless. My therapist even encouraged me to keep him with me and I brought him to sessions more than once.

My son stopped sleeping with his Puffy when he went to college.
He’s a fine man now.
I’m sure she’s going to be a fine adult as well.
Your sister tho, not as sure about her

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Let that baby play with Bun Bun for as long as she wants to! She will have fond memories of all of this as she grows up and is eventually “too old” to do so.

I had my blankie from birth till I was 22 and then lost it.

Leave that baby alone. She will put it to the side in time, but maybe keep it until she’s grown and that’s okay.

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Let her be a child and love on bun bun until it’s her natural time to move on.


She’s only 6 and it sounds like she’s well rounded so what is Bun-Bun hurting. Not a thing I would politely tell my sister to raise her kids how she wants but you’re going to raise your kids how you deem fit. Heck if truth be told I carried around a strawberry shortcake doll until I was abt 15 and I sucked my thunb until I was 28 yes I know I should be embarrassed but like my mom said who was I hurting

6 is still young. Kids eventually grow out of stuff. My daughter had a favorite blanket and she just stopped using it to sleep. She’s almost 10. Nothing wrong with kids having a comfort and to hell with peoples judgements. They can mind their own business.

There’s so many shitty things going on in the world today! If you’re daughter having a Stuffie til she’s 30 makes her happy let her have it! Some people are such joy suckers!

I’m 21 and I slept with my baby blanket till I was 14 and then since I was 18 I’ve slept with my bfs teddy bear. It’s a comfort thing. Sometimes we grow out of it to an extent but other times we just want it

She wouldn’t be going to my sisters alone that’s for sure.

Let her decide. She isn’t too old.

Definitely no! My son had his Mr. Bear until he was 10. I have him now.
That chic can kick sand as far as I would be concerned. It is a comfort thing. Nothing negative about it!

My daughter is 18 and has had a stuffed lamb since she was little. She still took him on vacation and just left for college and Lamby went with her

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I still have my stuffed puppy named scruffy from when I was 7 14 years ago and I’d loose it if someone took him

In my opinion that’s one of societies issues, children are no longer allowed to be children. Your daughter will let you know when it’s time to let Bun Bun go don’t allow your sister or anyone else tell you


I am 22 years old and I still to this day sleep with my baby blanket , Age doesn’t matter when it comes to comfort

Not too old at all.
Your sister sounds toxic.