Is my son a troublemaker?

My son who is 2 just started a MOD program. This is his first time being around more than one or two kids at a time He was previously in occupational therapy prior to starting school to help him and was doing great! I stopped it right before school On his third day I got a call from the school requesting a conference I spoke with the director and she stated that he was having tantrums crying, screaming and throwing toys. He does not do this in my home She stated she was also concerned for other kids safety and the teachers safety. She suggested I get a therapist to come back to his school to help him. She also stated that the teacher canā€™t get into a routine such as teaching him how to stand in line etc because my child is being disruptive and uncooperative. I asked her what are their expectations? She replied to listen and be cooperative. I do plan on getting a therapist for him ASAP. My question is. Is this normal behavior for a 2 year old? Are they asking for too much? Iā€™ve been upset thinking my child is the trouble maker of the class.

Hard to say. Had the same thing with my grandson. Turned out another child was bullying him. Found out when he had a bite mark on his back. Definitely a child, he has no siblings. The only kids he was with were at school. Once they moved him to a different class the behavior improved.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is my son a troublemaker? - Mamas Uncut

Id be having a talk with the director. Heā€™s 2. My son had horrible separation anxiety, and acted just like that in the beginning. It gets better, but they have to be willing to teach him and work with him. Kids arenā€™t robots. They arenā€™t born knowing how to act like an adult. They have big emotions in a little body. Hell, even most adults donā€™t know how they should act as an adult.


Yes heā€™s just not used to being in school and around other kids. Just socialize him with play dates and u do the disciplining when he starts acting out .


Heā€™s just 2 years oldā€¦ itā€™ll get better.


What the hell? Why would they expect that out of a group of 2 year olds???

My son is a very good listener except when heā€™s tired, and he just turned 3. But if someone he didnā€™t know told him to do something and he didnā€™t want to do it, I highly doubt he would.

My son is also is very attached to me when heā€™s upset or tired, and I could imagine him having separation anxiety. Youā€™re little guy might also be having some separation anxiety being away from you.

I am definitely not an expert with kids (I just go with the flow 99.9999% of the time), but I personally cannot imagine a bunch of 2 year olds all listening and ā€œcooperatingā€ at the same time. That is SO unrealistic to me.


Aww momma, your doing a great job with him. Please donā€™t feel like heā€™s a ā€œtrouble makerā€ he is 2 years old. Him lashing out is how most 2 years communicate something is wrong. Meaning he is upset about something. 2 and 3 are hard bc they feel such large emotions and still are running on pure instinct. 2 yr olds donā€™t know how to cope with emotions. Thatā€™s normalā€‹:heart: please do what YOU as the mother is best for himā€‹:heart: YOU are his safe place and YOU are his voice :heart: keep your head up, do what you feel is best and I wish you the best of luck on this new season of life with your sonā€‹:heart:


Wowā€¦hes 2 and is expected to do a lot in a short period of time :flushed:

Heā€™s TWO. Itā€™s all new for him, and itā€™s gonna take longer than 3 days for him to get adjusted. Heā€™s not a troublemaker, heā€™s overly anxious and still learning


He is acting out bc school is new & he is anxious. I think their expectations are too high, kids have to learn how to act in school, not already know everything, thatā€™s why he is going.


I used to be the lead teacher in a 2 year old room. I had 22, 2 year olds. I was able to get them all to walk in a straight line, they all got potty trained, and they all sat at a table not in high chairs and ate their lunches. You would be surprised at what 2 year olds are actually capable of. I think where their expectations are too high is with it being a new environment and they need to give him a couple weeks to get used to it.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is my son a troublemaker? - Mamas Uncut

That is not normal behavior for a 2 year old. Definitely sounds like he is acting out and disrupting class especially if heā€™s throwing toys.


Im sorry, but it seems to me they expect alot from a 2 yr old. I mean maybe they should see if they can do something differently. Maybe try to work with him @ home on those things.


That sounds like a pretty typical 2yo to me :woman_shrugging: my son wasnā€™t big in throwing tantrums. My bonus son was like this. Granted we do have him in therapy now, but he is very strong willed and we believe has some impulse control.
But the fact this is a new environment, it hasnā€™t even been that long for him to adjust should say something. If you have friends with kids his age, make some get together and see how he behaves. If heā€™s never had ti share a toy before, heā€™s going to act out when he does have to. Itā€™s not necessarily a bad thing, just something he may not have been taught yet.
They donā€™t call them the terrible twos for nothing. Donā€™t be surprised if he pinches, hits, bites. Those are typical acting out behaviors for his age also.


Heā€™s 2. Not a robot. Find a new childcare


Heā€™s 2.This is typical of a 2 yo.

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As a teacher to 2 year olds sounds like they are jumping the gunā€¦ hes trying to adjust to a new environment and is unsure how to


Coming from a child care providerā€¦who works with 2/3 year olds.M, this is very typical behavior for him. I think for them to call 3 days in asking for a therapist is not typical and uncalled for. Children are expected to have hard times adjusting to new environments, especially if they havenā€™t been in that type of environment before.
I would get a new child care program.


Childcare sounds unqualified


Hi please dont judge a child or a home. Some children are more sensitive to change and adjustments of everyday life and home is their comfort also from having just the family at home the sense of so many people and strangers at school can be overwhelming and frightening. Took me years to get a diagnosis for my child and even to this day cant deal with crowds or unfamiliar places or people. Your child is just that a child in a very big world that they just dont understand it could also be stimulation overload with too much going on all at once. He is a good kid maybe just needs the way he looks at the world looked at from his view. He will blossom in his own way. Be easy on yourself too parenting doesnt come with a handbook and every child is unique and beautiful. Autism could also be a factor and believe many if not most of us are on the scale it just depends on where and we all have our quirks and personalities . Just remember he is a child and he is still developing his own personality , any school for children his age should be able to care and nuture and create a safe enviroment for him too and not label any child. Cherish him and find somewhere that will nuture his spirit the right way and not quench it. Xx

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This sounds like typical behavior. Does the school know he was in therapy before school started. Sounds like their discriminating him. If they didnā€™t know he had services before, theyā€™d probably try harder to get him feeling comfortable and following the routine. Heā€™s 2! Sounds like they dont want to put the work in. What kid doesnā€™t struggle their first week :woman_shrugging:t4:

Have him screened for autism. The expectations they require for a 2 year old is absurd! I am sorry mama! I just wanna leave on a note to watch for abuse and neglect

Poor little man heā€™s a good boy heā€™s just being 2 yr old little boy he will get there .

Heā€™s 2 years old. They are expecting WAY too much.


Heā€™s 2 years old. Doing what 2 year olds do when transitioning into something new. They should understand this already. Find a new place.


Soundā€™s completely normal my 2 year old does it when heā€™s tired or just not getting his own way. I wouldnā€™t worry heā€™s a little person not a robot.


He is 2 years old they need to have patients with him itā€™s a new surrounding for him they need to help and work with him sounds like itā€™s not a good place for him maybe find a new school for him with adults that can actually do their jobs

Two year olds are not the most cooperative but it definitely seems like something is going on with him.That sort of behavior is not typical or the entire class of 2 year olds would be doing it.Maybe you could have a opportunity to peek in on him so you can see how he is doing with your own eyes.Its possible he is having a hard time adjusting to the new situation and honestly I would expect the provider to call at the end of week two not three days in because that seems like she is giving these kids no sort of adjustment time at all which is not fair.Im betting his old program was less structured than the new one is.Your child is not a trouble maker no worries but I do think early help in figuring out what can help him adjust is a great idea.Nobody knows your child like you so thatā€™s why I suggest its good for you to get a view of exactly how different his behavior is first hand and it will help you make better decisions going forward because itā€™s possible he isnā€™t in the best place for him.Its also possible he literally just needs understanding from this teacher while he gets comfortable in a new situation and if she doesnā€™t seem willing its maybe a red flag.

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Yeah the childcare center sounds like they have never dealt with children
A lot of times these schools and day cares and stuff try to fit every child into the same one size fits all box
But donā€™t do that.

I canā€™t get my 4 year old to do these things, his 2!!

When do two year olds go to school?

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My 2 yr old has been in daycare for almost 4 months and she still has bad days. Her first week was bad though. She cried everytime i left her. Now she runs ahead of me and cant leave fast enough. It takes time.

Part of this is just being 2yo. Itā€™s like herding cats when theyā€™re that young.

Is it possible there was too much change for him and heā€™s just struggling and acting out and testing his boundaries at school which is the new place?


Wow. Heā€™s 2ā€¦ā€¦ itā€™s his first week. This is pretty typical. He has to LEARN how to do these things. A two year old doesnā€™t know how to line up and stand patiently, heck most kindergartners donā€™t lol. Sounds like the teacher needs to go back to school or take some refresher courses in early childhood development.


Youā€™re child isnā€™t a troublemaker. Heā€™s just a toddler. Sounds like you may need a different facility

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Temper tantrums are normal 2 year old behavior.

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My son is 2 and had a hard time adjusting however I find his behavior at the day care is fantastic he throws fits at home but is a angel there lol he cried alot on and off for about a week now he loves it and screams yay in the morning at drop off

Sounds normal to me!! He needs time to adjust! Teacher needs to relax!! Maybe try to work on how to behave in school at home. Like practice standing in a line and let him know that throwing toys can hurt your friends that we have to be easy/ becareful. Good luck momma!


2 years old? How can anyone expect him to understand and do everything they say. He is basically still a baby. Normal behaviour for that ages ā€œterrible twosā€

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Thatā€™s a typical 2 year old behavior pattern. Theyā€™re expecting way too much. Remove him from that school. Youā€™ll thank yourself later.

They gave this two-year-old three days to adjust to his new environment? Are they teaching a class full of two year olds or is this a group of, letā€™s say, 2 to 5-year-olds? Most kids donā€™t start preschool until 3/4.


Heā€™s only 2. He is trying to adjust to anew environment. If the daycare cannot understand that or child development, then find a new daycare. It would only be a concern if he continues for months on end, after adjustment period.

OMFG he is 2 not 5 FFS!

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Heā€™s 2, heā€™s not a troublemaker just being a toddler


Thatā€™s ridiculous! That teacher might prefer teaching high school

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He could just be overwhelmed with the changes and the other children. Its only been 3 days mama. Little ones take longer to adjust to big changes. This does NOT make him a bad child.

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Babe heā€™s 2. I teach 3 to 5 year olds and they will act the same during their first week or two if it is their first time in a classroom setting. Either those teachers donā€™t know what they are doing or they couldnā€™t be bothered to try and teach him. If at all possible I would find another school.


This little boy is two years old? And being expected to stand in a line and not be disruptive? Something isnā€™t right here.


Heā€™s 2ā€¦. What do they expect?

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So the teacher cant be borhered to teach your childā€¦ yea pull him and dont look back. They literally try to make you feel bad for your child being a child convince you he needs all these services. When in reality they are training him to fit in a mold ti not questioning anything and make the teachers job easier because then he wont be a individual.

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I work at a daycare and I am the teacher for the 2 year olds. It always takes a couple weeks for the child to adjust and even then you canā€™t expect a 2 year old to listen like that. I am working on teaching my 2 year olds to be able to do those things to eventually move up to the older classes one day but I donā€™t expect them to always listen


How is a toddler in school? Wouldnā€™t it be daycare

Expecting such things from a two year old is outrageous. Heā€™s not disruptive, heā€™s two!!


He 2 good Lord kids go through stuff is there any ay you could be at the school to help.

It sounds like he may not be ready for this kinda environment

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He is only 2! Itā€™s a new place and routine. It gets better with time. Their brains are learning and processing. Iā€™d find a new daycare

Terrible 2s my word his got s alot to get use to and explore his just a baby

I think you should take him out. Heā€™s two. They shouldnā€™t expect him to stand in line and listen all the time. Heā€™s probably stressed and they are probably hateful so that doesnā€™t help.


Heā€™s being 2 lol not a trouble maker I do think the teachers are expecting too much too soon my son just started kindergarten and it took him a week or 2 to adjust to the rules but he did and is doing great now

Heā€™s 2. This is typical behavior, they are expecting alot from the poor guy. Heā€™s had alot of big changes lately he is going to get overwhelmed, find him a better school with more qualified teachers please


Lol my son likes to do anything heā€™s not supposed and knows heā€™s not to but heā€™s a normal two year old! I worked at a daycare and it was like this. After working there the things Iā€™ve seen I swore I would always try to avoid putting my kids in one when I had them.

My son is almost 2 n Iā€™d be shooook if he stood in line and didnā€™t rip someoneā€™s hair out n eat their crayons honestly


Oh my. How uncooperative of the teachers! Heā€™s 2 and heā€™s not used to large groups. Heā€™s screaming , figuratively speaking, for that 1-1 attention heā€™s been used to and the change is a big shock to some kids more than others. Heā€™s a normal 2yo who does not need a therapist, at 2! Seriously?? He just needs calm, patience and gentle encouragement to help him settle in. Itā€™s not immediate and should not be expected to be either

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Find a different place for him Togo. That is insane. He is 2. He is going to act 2. That place sounds horrible!


Heā€™s freakn 2 :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:

He is 2??? I just donā€™t understand how people have these great expectations of babiesā€¦smh


This place reminds me of the private school on daddy day care :upside_down_face: heā€™s two. Heā€™s being developmentally appropriate. Hell Iā€™d hate to see their baby room standards. One year
Olds are being developmentally appropriate when they bite. Itā€™s part of learning at that age and is deemed appropriate. It seems like from this short info you gave us that they want robots? Itā€™s just not possible. And you donā€™t want your son to feel like early on that heā€™s an issue because he thinks or acts different. ADHD is not fully diagnosed till later, what do they do when they have a child like that undiagnosed that young? Shun him? Like forreal. They should be an open discussion type of care where they work WITH you to find solutions and get a child help and on the right track with early intervention IF need be.

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Hes 2ā€¦its normal :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow: you would think teachers teaching 2 year olds would understand that.

Your son doesnā€™t need a therapist at 2ā€¦he needs to grow and learn.


Heā€™s being 2 and when that happens the teacher should have a safe spot with a comforting item like a bear or blanket and once heā€™s ready he can join everyone else. Heā€™s only been here a little over 24 months thatā€™s still so little. Give him time and donā€™t worry. In my opinion he doesnā€™t need a therapist he needs teachers who can be attentive to what he needs and to be redirecting instead of calling him disruptive and uncooperativeā€¦:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: a 2 year old cannot be those things they are 2!


My daughter is 2 (will be 3 in February) I run an in home daycare and homeschool my 4th, 5th and 7th grade kids.
While I do use a pre-K curriculum for my toddler and daycare toddlers I do not expect them to sit down, sit still, listen intently, stand in line etc. the curriculum doe NOT expect or suggest them at kind of atmosphere either. Toddler do best with play learning, sensory learning, exploring, singing, dancing, moving, interacting. Not only do they learn best with this approach it also encourages a love for learning. I would never expect nor would I want my toddlers to stand in a straight line, sit still, listen etc. I would definitely be pulling my child out of that daycare. If they donā€™t even know the latest research on the appropriate expectations for toddler or best approach for teaching toddlers, then do they know the recommended diet? Recommend safety? Safety would be a huge concern, if they expect toddlers to act like older children, do they also expect them to know how to stay safe like older children, go potty alone like other children? This place seems to be stressing your child out. Toddlers and even young children donā€™t always know how to tell you whatā€™s wrong with words. Your child behavior is a way of communication. Never ignore sudden drastic changes in your childā€™s behavior. I would pull him out today and find a more qualified place.
When looking for a new place, do a tour, ask questions, find out expectations, what does the routine look like, curriculum, play learning, nature, sensory play, yoga, ASL, sample menu, nap time expectations, safety protocols, what do punishments look like? Re direct? Timeout? Quiet place?
Asking questions and doing tours can help you find the right place for your child.

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Wow those teachers sound terrible. Heā€™s acting like a 2 year old. They need to be better tat their jobs.


He needs to be removed from environment. Itā€™s not good for him or the other children.

Itā€™s not normal for a
2 year old to be so disruptive to scare teachers and put other students in danger I donā€™t care what people say. Your child sounds like he is going thru some stuff but at that age I wouldnā€™t classify him a trouble maker

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My kid is 3 and doesnā€™t stand still in line sometimes ā€¦ Jesus they are still learning ffs

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Why is a 2 year old in school? Yes! This is completely normal behavior for a 2, even a 3 year old.
People need to let them be kids and start expectations at 5.

Heā€™s probably upset about having to be away from home at such a young age.


Tho I agree about the whole he is 2 thingā€¦my son and my niece are only 6 months apart in ageā€¦she is a only child he is my thirdā€¦when I tell you he will listen and she is a nightmareā€¦he can go to school and be cooperative and participate she on the other hand would do alot of the same things being mentioned in this postā€¦it really comes down to home trainingā€¦my son was taught right from wrongā€¦she was notā€¦my son is one of 3 with more socializationā€¦ny niece is a only child who only has really been around her parents. So yes a 2 year old is a 2 year old but what is expected isnā€™t to much to ask 9f a 2 year oldā€¦its to much to ask for a child who doesnā€™t know any better and isnā€™t ready to take that stepā€¦I know itā€™s hard to see your child as the problemā€¦I wouldnā€™t look at it like a problem just to soonā€¦I went thru this when my daughter was oneā€¦if the child cannot be managed behavior wise it takes away from other children who are ready to learn unfortunatelyā€¦I had to switch daycares as it clearly wasnā€™t a good fit for her at that timeā€¦

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Oh my gosh really sounds like they just donā€™t want to take the time to work with him one-on-one one two year old cannot be that distracted Iā€™m sorry he needs to be given a chance maybe you could go to the school and Shadow him for a week or two to get him adjusted for some reason heā€™s acting out maybe itā€™s because heā€™s insecure and a little bit afraid being inside surroundings heā€™s got to warm up to it good Lord heā€™s still a baby maybe heā€™s not ready for school yet cannot believe the principal and the teacher donā€™t they have a teacherā€™s aid that work in the classroom they could give him a little one-on-one

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He is 2!!! Sounds like they want him to be grown! I would be finding a different place for child care.


Very normal for a 2 year old to act that way its called terrible twoā€™s for a reason heā€™s still a toddler

Ummm his 2 seriously i dont know what they expect i think they are expecting way to much for a 2 year to stand in line

Is this school or day care? Not knowing how to behave around other kids may be an issue for him as he used to be the sole attention reciever. He is 2ā€¦

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Yes it sounds like he has ADHD. My son got diagnosed early too. Not that early but still young. Contact his pediatrician and they will guide you where to get appropriate testing to determine whether he has adhd or not. Teachers need to be willing to work with him, they just need extra guidance with paying attention and support more than anything.

Hes two and it was his third day, it is totally normal! Itā€™s something new, with unfamiliar people and his first time in a childcare facility Iā€™m assuming, they should be trained enough to understand that. My daughter just started daycare and went through this for a week and my childcare constantly reassured me she will be in routine soon and is just adjusting. Maybe find a facility that can do their job.

my sonā€™s first year at school heā€™s 4 and never went to a daycare however I do have 6 kids so heā€™s used to routine and other kids but apparently he eats alone because heā€™s messy? I feel so badā€¦ Im not sure if this is normal to do. my other 3 before him never had this happened. heā€™s a great kid but he is a busy little guy but not a mean kid. makes me sad he tells me he eats alone his teacher also wrote it the other day confirming. however she did say heā€™s still learning itā€™s been a few weeks so Iā€™m going to ask if this is a forever thing or will he be moved back with the other kids.

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He is only two! He didnā€™t get the exposure to multiple children to learn how to play, share, etcā€¦


Ummā€¦that is normal behaviorā€¦your child doesnā€™t need therapy for being a toddler showing their feelings. Instead ask yourself why your child acts that way around them. Usually children exhibit certain behaviors for a reason. If he is lashing out and not cooperating maybe there is nore to it. I know my child would probably have them runningšŸ˜‚ Sounds colonized and conformed to have such high expectations from someone so young.


I went through something similar with my 2 year old. He was also in a daycare he did not like, the kids were kept in one small room in front of a TV all day and my son does not watch much TV. So when he can not express his energy he acts out and he was looked at as the ā€œbadā€ kid and I was giving less the 2 weeks to find a new daycareā€¦ she shut down a month later. There is nothing wrong with your child. He is experimenting how far he can get away with things. Look into a daycare who is use to this behavior. My son is doing SO GOOD in the new daycare that knows how to handle it and it shows when he comes home because heā€™s not miserable! Good luck. I know itā€™s a frustrating and stressful thing.

What I would do is Send your kid back but do a monitor day but donā€™t let your child see u Observe your child so u can understand and better know and then go from there.


no two year old needs a therapist:/


Itā€™s his third day of a new schedule. Heā€™s a toddler. Yes he is absolutely going to have some trouble adjusting to so many new people and no that does not make him a trouble maker. Theyā€™re going to turn him into one and someone who doesnā€™t trust adults if theyā€™re not careful. Do the therapist to ensure that someone is there rallying for your son.


As soon as your child acts up someone wants to throw a therapist at him theyā€™re a typical 2-year-old that takes tantrums itā€™s not always about a therapist and they need help let the child grow up just correct him

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Heā€™s twoā€¦ thereā€™s a reason why itā€™s called ā€œterrible twosā€.

As someone who taught toddlers (ages 2-3) and has a 2 year old wild child, this is completely normal. Theyā€™re testing boundaries, pushing limits, and learning how to express themselves at this age. No 2 year old is going to be 100% cooperative; hell no 2 year old is going to be 20% cooperative even. I would honestly look into a different center because their expectations for a 2 year old is unrealistic and unreasonable. And itā€™s only his 3rd day?? Yea, no. I wouldnā€™t keep my son there.

Your child deserves better.


The hell heā€™s 2 and on his 3rd day of schoolā€¦ he isnā€™t going to be a perfect angel. Heā€™s scared and doesnā€™t really realize what is going on. He just knows heā€™s around a bunch of new people. It is absolutely normal. Just remind him not to throw toys. But everything else is freaking normal. No 2 year old knows how to stand in line.


I would highly suggest putting him back in OT. My sons goes to OT as well and it really helps with sensory integration so they know how to handle their emotions and sensory input. It could very well be that your son is being overstimulated with all of the other kids around. But heā€™s 2 so you canā€™t possibly think heā€™s being a trouble maker. He doesnā€™t understand whatā€™s setting him off or why heā€™s feeling that way.


Iā€™m so sorry, you need to take him out of that program.


He is 2 šŸ¤¦ and in a place he not familiar with he might have seperation issues put something in his backpack maybe a keychain or something of urs he should be ok like i said he is 2 what really do they expect if its all new to him prayers to you


Heā€™s 2!! Heā€™s just fine :roll_eyes: my son was all over the place at 2, and is so helpful, smart and amazing :star_struck: