Is my son a troublemaker?

Sounds like separation anxiety to me.

He is 2. He is not a troublemaker.

I donā€™t even have any kids ā€¦but have you ever heard of the terrible twoā€™s

Your son is 2, heā€™s still in the process of trying to deal with his emotions and the way the world works. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not easy transitioning from being by himself to other kids and having to learn how to share and communicate. Switch schools. Heā€™s too young for a therapist mama. Heā€™s just trying to figure himself and the rest of the world out :heart:

I donā€™t think you need a therapist but idk. I was put in therapy at a young age and now I feel so closed up and I just canā€™t talk to people. I dont think your child would even understand being in therapy at this age it would probably confuse them and scare them even more.

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Umā€¦ Your son is 2ā€¦ Most 2 year olds act that wayā€¦ Thatā€™s why theyā€™re called ā€œthe terrible twosā€ why is your 2 year old in school?? Is it like a daycare/early headstart?? They seem to expect to much from him, before he can even have a chance to adapt to being away from you, and around a bunch of other kids. Heā€™s not a trouble makerā€¦ Heā€™s a 2 year oldā€¦ Barely a toddler. Literally learning the outside world, and barely understanding what these strangers want from him. And they donā€™t seem to be even trying to work with him at all. They donā€™t sound like they should even be teachers, at least not for kids that are that young Iā€™m sorry. They donā€™t sound like they have the patience.

What the heck? A two year old has to stand uniform in a line? Switch schools, thereā€™s nothing wrong with your son.

Have him tested at an early intervention program. Sounds like my son when he was 2. ADHD.

Heā€™s only 2. This is very normal

Well my son was 5 starting kindergarten and threw a fit like that on the teacher and she said he wasnā€™t mature enough to come to school, turns out it was the teacher my child was reacting toā€¦some kids and teachers do not mesh well togetherā€¦

I would say if this isnā€™t his behavior at home or with other kiddos when there a just a couple others, then I would say something happened to make him rebell at this school. Also if the teacher is afraid of a 2 year old they are not much of a teacher. In my opinion he is to young to be in that setting. Choose something with less kiddos and he maybe more comfortable.

Teacher donā€™t need be there if she donā€™t understand that theyā€™re ONLY 2, still a baby. It takes some time, why do they thinks theyā€™re perfect? Theyā€™re still humans and itā€™s new to them.

Iā€™d switch schoolsā€¦ they want 2 year old robots. He needs a daycare setting. Thatā€™s ridiculous


HES 2!!! Jesus. No wonder everyone is so quick to diagnose or label their kid with something. They are made to feel that normal kid behavior is not normal kid behavior. A troublemaker? No. News flash, heā€™s freaking 2. Therapist my assšŸ™„

Heā€™s 2, thatā€™s a big change and 3 days is not long enough for him to adjust. Thatā€™s doesnā€™t make him a troublemaker he some kids never adjust all the way but the manage and do the best they can! That still doesnā€™t make them troublemakers!


Heā€™s too . You may have started him too soon. Or needs more time to adjust


Heā€™s 2ā€¦
2 year olds through tantrums
2 year olds have separation anxiety
Thereā€™s a reason theyā€™re called ā€œthe terrible twosā€

He is 2ā€¦

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Do you know how many times a daycare worker hears " they dont do that at home" ? Home is their safe comfortable spot. Daycare is scary, verbal skills may not be there, he has to share, hes around all these other littles who yell scream and run. He maybe testing the boundaries seeing how far he can push. Most children his age take 2 weeks to settle in and feel comfortable in a daycare. AND heā€™s 2!

Omg they should know how to handle this situation!! Your child is acting like any toddler, boy or girl! And rememberā€¦kids brains donā€™t fully develop until they are much older( I believe its 24 in males) So some kids have a little more trouble comprehending what we are teaching them.
Thats why they need patience. Shame on the teachers!!

He is 2 ,sad i would be at home with him if possible.If not forget therapy You are mummy xxx

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Heā€™s 2. Yes thatā€™s to much all at once.

ā€¦when did we have to start asking if toddlers being toddlers is normal? Iā€™m sorry anyone made you think that.
Totally normal and the OT will help. My munchkin will be three in a month and has speech and OT once a week. It gets easier

He is 2 shouldnā€™t be in school anyway