Is pinworm common?

Pinworms are very common, especially in little kids. they usually are around the anus and are really itchy during the night. however they can migrate towards the vagina. you need to make sure she’s washing her hands and under the fingernails a lot. it’s super easy to reinfect yourself.

My daughter had them same symptoms doctor took a piece of scotch tape wrapped it around his fingertip sticky side out touched in that area and lo and behold there were little tiny things on the tape can’t remember what the medicine was but it cleared up right away after

Doctors were saying it was a yeast infection but was pinworms

Years ago when my daughter was 4 she was like that and found out she couldn’t use bubble bath or soaps with smells she had a reaction to it so she used just plain dove from than on and was fine ,also rinsed her wash out twice couse of detergents in underwear had to be rinsed out more . Usually if pinwarms I thought mad e more of ur hinny itch ,


Does she take bubble baths? That could be causing this or not rinsing all the soap off. Could also be what you are washing clothes in. I use laundry detergent for sensitive skin.


My sisters 3 children who were all under 6,they kelp scraching their but any my aunt told her to take a flash light in a dark room and check tbem.She saw the worms wiggling ,the next day she started giving them medication for it! Yelk!

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Pinworms are often acquired by playing in an outdoor sandbox. Especially if cats live in the area. They spread the worms by using the sandbox as a litter box.

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Yes my daughter had pinworms like 6 months old! Scary but not uncommon and easy otc meds treat it

We all have parasites. Try to cut out sugar and carbs while she is learning to wipe properly with baby wipes. Strictly a vegetable and fruit diet for 10 days will force them out! Epsom salt bath wouldn’t hurt

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My daughter had them at 3. Her as she said “ momma my butt hole is itchy” :joy:
She said it a few times I figured just normal itch but then it got to the point it was to much and then her tummy hurt. I got over the counter medication and they were gone. They come out at night and lay eggs around the anus that’s what makes them itch. The thing about them is the whole family can get them it’s an endless cycle like lice. You’ll need to have the whole family take medication regardless if you have them to ensure to stop the spread and literally clean everything. Best of luck to you it’s a stressful thing or at least it was for me.

Don’t put anything in her bath water check for diabetes

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It could be that u n Ed to change the laundry detergent and fabric softener that u use on her clothes … use one from r sensitive skin … Also her bath soap … the y could be leaving her skin dry… causing it to be itchy


Could it be a yeast infection? I dont know if it could happen this early though.

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Have they tested her for type 1 diabetes?

Use a mild soap (baby soap if needed) walk with her to the bathroom and remind her to wipe,flush and wash her hands and cotton panties as others have suggested. And add probiotics to her diet, they have yogurts, drinks gummies and more water to flush out.

Baby wipes next to my toilet…don’t know why I didn’t think of it before kids…

My mom would always make us take big doses of garlic at certain times of the year. Lived on a ranch and almost every thing had worms.

My daughter was the same at 5 or 6 ,it turned out she was sensitive to soap ,I used a virginal liquid soap and washed her underwear in a very mild washing powder, problem was solved

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My niece had it a around that age and my mom told my sister to give her a teaspoon of castor oil in a glass of orange juice. That is something my grandmother did for her kids when they had pinworms. It worked its an old home remedy.

Walmart sells PinX, I think is what it’s called. Pinworms are typically in fecies or rectum. They come out at night to lay their eggs on the butt cheeks. My niece had them when she was a baby. That otc medication should be used with adult supervision.

Pinworms are pretty common, but it’s usually more itchy around the butt

Pinworm can occur in kids quite a bit. Get her to be better about her handwashing, especially after petting pets.

My nephews all had pin worms growing up!

Never wipe, only pat dry :grimacing:

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So baking soda will help with the yeast? Do I just fill up the bath and how much baking soda do I out? And I just let her sit their?

Is she constipated? My 5 year old says hers itches and that’s what the doctors told me :woman_shrugging:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:

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My daughter also complained of same symptoms around same age. I took her to get tested for UTI, because i was born with kidney issues and everything was fine. Eventually I just started buying undies larger than the size the wears and change them often! I’m talking like every time she uses the toilet. She stopped saying it :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

Grandson had itchiness due to constipation.

Is common with small children , but it is spread but touching contaminated surfaces and then then hands in mouth, to my knowledge doesn’t have much to do with wiping improperly. This is only part of what I found for you … all of the other suggestions are excellent with regard to bubble baths and detergents but they don’t cause pinworms. Usually small kids contract it from school. Sorry this is long but please read the part I copied for you and good luck!

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If she drinks caffeine it could also be from caffeine sensitivity… i would also suggest changing soaps and maybe not taking baths only showers

I know with my daughter, if she rushes and doesn’t wipe properly, or even at all, after she goes potty, it’ll make her itchy. I usually have her go into the bathroom with a warm paper towel and cleanse her area. Always takes the itch away.

She could have a mild allergic reaction to her underwear. I can only wear certain kinds myself or I itch. And also if you eat meat then any kind of worms are possible

Could be sugar in her urine, needs to be checked for Diabetes. Pinworms are common in kids, especially in warmer climates.


Does she sleep with pets?

The doctor told me to change her soap & no more bubble baths. I know when I was growing up I had infection a lot my obgyn told me that I probably had infection when I gave birth same as when I was born

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Pinworm is also called thread worm I believe. If it were pinworm then she would most likely be waking in the middle of the night in pain as that’s when they leave the anus and travel forward and lay their eggs, usually around the vagina hence the otch and pain. They are certainly more active in night than in the day. They are quite common and very easily spread. Hand washing is super important. Soo many possible causes for little girls to get sore downstairs. Too much sugar can make my lg sore.

Just a thought I thought maybe if you get her to drink more water and less drinks that have afternoon it it might help her

That was supposed to be Acid

My daughter had them earlier this year she’s 5 and they place tape over both holes to verify it but yeah they seem fairly common

Pinworms are in your butt.

My friend’s daughter had pin worms. Turns out it was caused from her biting her nails, which had dirt under them. I know. Ugh. But they found out bc the dr did a tape test, and they could see them on the tape. Again, ugh. She had to keep her daughter’s underwear separated from the rest of everyone’s laundry, washed on hot cycle every night. Dont let it sit. And they gave her some type of medicine to kill the pin worms. And from then on my friend kept her daughter’s nails clipped short. Good luck.

Pinworms have eggs in the dirt. When a child gets that dirt in her mouth she can get them. They spend most of their days in the rectums, comming out to the surface to breed at night. That is what I remember had it a few times when I was a young child. I dont remember it itching my vagina tho.

Pinworm is from horses isnshe around them

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Common in school aged children

My daughter had them around the same age I never heard of them either I thought uti. She complained of itching down there but it was always worse at bedtime. So when ago didn’t work we went to the er. They gave her pin worm meds. Now I know and walmart sells the same meds for like $7

Tell her to start wiping herself or you will take something away

I had similar issues around that age. :slightly_frowning_face:

Could be the soap you use or fabric softner or after she takes bath does not rinse good enough soap left in there try yo see if you can link the itching to something she did. I never heard of pjnworn but one of my children had itching issue not in private but close to it and it was my fabric.softner for some reason she was allergic or senative in that area and not the rest if her body my doctor told me to rinse her after she rinsed herself and rinse her with clean non soapy bath water after she was done with bath at first worth a shot good luck