Is something wrong with me?

I’m the same way with my significant other. I’ve never experienced this before. But, the way I see it… I’ve never really found my person before him. No one else comes close.


Why do you need to find others attractive…there’s a difference in finding someone attractive and being attracted TO someone. I wouldn’t be too concerned about it. You’re in a good healthy relationship so be happy and enjoy life.


Women require deeper connection. Congratulations! You’re literally doing what biology requires❤️ in this day and age it’s so rare.
I’m the same btw. My man is the sexiest thing there is

I’m pretty much the same way but I’m obsessed with Jason Statham. I’ve been with my hubby 12 years but I’ve had a thing for Jason Statham for 19-20 years :joy:. But I get it I don’t check out other guys or care to lol.

I have always been this way when I am truly in love with someone. No one else matters and the same as you I have never had anyone think or feel the same way in return . I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being totally in love with someone and only seeing them as attractive.

No,its not…you fell into a routine.and he is trying to control you…when they start putting conditions then something wrong…ihave had that took me coue of years.i was deeply in with him but he thought he was too gooding and liked the attention,soi felt hurt mad and then i put my foot on his chest and said time to go.Best decision I made.I became me again.

People are still attractive but I just don’t take notice like that…my husband has all my eyes lol

Its called love and commitment and being happy with who your with, so there’s no desire, completely normal, im the same with with my o.h. we’ve been together 6 years

Normal for me. I can tell they’re good-looking but there’s no attraction if I’m in a relationship

I get like that. That’s being in love, committed.

So crazy to read this because I feel the same way since meeting my husband! It’s more so started in the last couple years but it drives me crazy because I know he looks at other women and thought the same… what if we were to break up? Would I be a lesbian? It’s the weirdest thing!

its normal if your really committed to your boyfriend and I’m like you too. I don’t know why maybe cause we love them truly. its not about the physical appearance anymore its more than that.

I’m the same way. My husband is my best friend and I don’t look at another man like “omg he’s so hot” I have absolutely no interest in another man. That’s true love… your eyes are for him only :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I think you’ve fallen into the “every day life” kinda like a rut, I’m 46yrs old now have been this way for a very long time, please take it from me, don’t loose your excitement in life, try to find what makes/made you happy and never fall into the day in day our kinda life, I regret fully.
Also, could be a hormone imbalance

I’m the same way! 16 years and counting! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Normal for me too, and so far 10 years….

No it just means your 100% about your man. I’m the same way

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Nothing at all. Sometimes we want different, not always more.

Being “awake” that is normal. You start seeing all the brainwashed- not attractive … for me anyway.

Im the same way and so is my husband.

normal, i feel same way

Boys don’t think like this though :roll_eyes:

Enjoy what you have , quit worrying over stupid shit good grief

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This is contentment! A good thing.

Its called love. Its happened to me also.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is something wrong with me?

No… seriously one sided. I’d tell him to find someone else to do it. Wow…sounds like a jerk. My opinion.


Yeah no, if all he wants is oral he better start paying you back with some good oral too


This happened to me right before our marriage ended. There were other things wrong with the marriage, mind you. But anytime we were intimate, it was him first and what/how he wanted it, me hardly ever.


Is he just being lazy or in pain in his body? If so, ride that dick girl

He maybe getting it elsewhere no way doing that tell him slide on

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It has got to go both ways or no deal


He may be enjoying being lazy anot not really having to do the work.


Nope, been there! You STRIAGHT up REFUSE to meet his need until he meets yours FIRST. If he refuses to participate, Thats a HUGE RED FLAG something else is going on, That was my experience, My Ex husband was cheating on me , What you are describing is what made me suspicious, and I was right.


My ex husband was like that. The whole relationship. Sex became a chore and something I just didn’t want with him.
That progressed into … Erm. Me not having a choice on it. I’m not saying your husband would do that. And the ex was abusive in every way he could be.
But honestly that feeling of being used like that is awful.
Sit him down and speak with him. If it’s never been an issue in the past maybe he’s just become selfish and if your making the right noises during the erm 30 seconds he might think he’s done his job.
The only way to deal with this is to speak to him hunni

hmmmm… almost like he would treat someone he was paying for a service.


That’s not ok. Sounds like hes treating u like a prostitute. Do what he wants then send u on ur way. Sad. I’m sorry hun. Find smq that’ll plz u just as much as u do them.

Yeah that’s not okay, stop doing for him until he does for you first!


Have you brought it up to him? I’d sit down and talk w him if you haven’t already, and if you dont get an answer, tell him its gonna stop until he can make you feel included for yourself, and not just for him.


Nope nope nope. Not. Ok.

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I’ve been in this exact situation. I stopped doing anything extra, it only got worse but I’m not doing the one sided stuff. I would express how i felt and no change. So talk to him about and if nothing changes, dont do anything hes not doing to you.


My honest opinion is there is either another woman, or he has an addiction he’s been hiding from you… which results in him only being able to receive sexual satisfaction this way. I agree… I’d hold out until he comes clean.


Just being lazy & selfish, in my opinion. Not everything is about them cheating.:roll_eyes:


Sorry but that’s a red flag sounds like he’s cheating on you. Has his normal behaviour changed


It might not be about cheating at all. Yeah it’s not fair but he could be depressed or something mental health or he could just be being lazy. You need to speak with him if you haven’t


He is selfish, he is lazy. Stop pleasing him. He doesn’t want to give it to you. Don’t give any back.


Maybe he watching porn . Check his history. Unless he getting a happy ending somewhere else. I’d ask

I would definitely talk to him … No one here can tell you what he’s thinking … I personally dont think it’s cheating … But I’ve been wrong before … Inbox me if you feel comfortable … I’ve been in a very similar situation but I don’t feel comfortable with speaking on it here

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I’ve been married 29yrs. When I met him he said he’d been cheated on with every woman he’d been with. I promised him I’d always stay faithful, if he did. We also promised to be up front with each other if we ever had trouble with drifting apart.
So I’ve always trusted him because he said he would never put anyone thru the same thing. After we’d been together 15yrs. He started talking to me about having problems with his hormones. It was like this. He had trouble and would always apologize. I then realized it was a midlife crisis problem. Idk y’all ages but I think he’s going thru that. Talk to him about it. Ask why. Tell him y’all need to be up front and talk about it and anything else you’ve noticed out if character. It’s a total personality change. It’s not easy. And it’s cost marriages because they do start to cheat. They say men don’t go thru menopause, but. They really do.


Go get you a good man. Dump his old ass. He is disrespecting you.

Lol my fiance doesn’t even go down there with mouth…we do other fun stuff lol if things are weird or not usual then ask him why? Lol hopefully you have a great communication about sexual stuff


99% of the time this happens, he’s cheating.


Have you tried offering to do all the work occasionally? You shouldn’t have to every time but he shouldn’t either

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Get yours before he gets his?Damn. Does anyone associate sex with intimacy these days?

Cut him off for awhile


It sounds like he’s found a pattern he really enjoys. Point out that you’d like to get some too, and also that you’d like to vary things! You are enabling this so you do need to say no.


Have you slacked off on you’re private area maintenance ??


Maybe his back hurts an he cant perform as long could be anything just talk to him


I’m betting he’s having erection issues but you should demand reciprocation or climb on top to control things


Maybe he found out that’s the fastest way he can get off? Tell him to perform on u see how he likes it for a change. Or try having sex a different way and see if it works. I honestly think he wants to bang real quick and be done and that’s the fastest way he knows how to get his

Don’t pleasure him anymore!!
Cut him off for awhile!!
He could be cheating!!


Has he gained weight or changed in appearance? It could be that he’s insecure of himself. My partner had this issue where he gained weight due to stress. He only wanted me on top or doggy lol. It was an issue and I got tired of it, I told him to stop being lazy or he wouldn’t get any. We worked it out now. If it’s not that then I’m afraid to say that there might be more to it. Either there is another woman idk. I would look more into it and not ignore it. Also, don’t give him head if you dislike doing it. Doing something you don’t want to it will only cause resentment on your part.


Tell him eh jog on!!!

It sounds like you don’t know your husband sexually not one desire, preference, or fetish he’s probably jerking off in the shower to the thoughts of what he really likes you better find out what he’s into a have no judgement I mean 8 years of the same routine is such a bore live a little :woman_shrugging:t5:


Most likely he’s getting it from someone new, that’s usually the case. Cutting him off is just going to make it worse. Make him use protection when you do have adult time, get In to get a pelvic exam, and speak with him after that


My bf had a phase like that. I guess it worked itself out in time. Idk you just need to find a way to spice it up. Make him want you. Ignore him for awhile. Have a night out with the girls. Make him jealous.


Is he watching porn?

No you’re not wrong and he’s very selfish. You need to talk to him about this and tell him it needs to change immediately or no one will be being pleased.


He’s only thinking of him,stop doing it…….


Just get on top and ride until you’re done


Why don’t you sit down and have a chat with him and see where you go from there if he was cheating he wouldn’t want anything at all


He is being lazy and selfish


My guy is the same way I put my foot down. I told him I wouldn’t do it anymore and it’s my turn. He completely stopped wanting sex for about a month or so. Then he gave in and compromised. Now I get more and he gets far less I only do it for a few minutes just enough to frustrate him and then I stop and he can either do me or have blue balls. Is it mean yes but do we both get what we want now yes.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is something wrong with me?

Have him speak w/ his physician. There may be physical changes happening to him that he doesn’t want to admit to or talk about.


Either a marriage counselor, sex therapy counselor, dig through his stuff or talk it with him with zero distraction. Dont do the deed till it happens.


No, its not okay!! You are a couple, not a prostitute and a John. He has to make an effort as well. When my ex started wanting only oral gratification and a wham bam without a Thank You Ma’am. I found out he was pleasuring elsewhere. The problem is not with you, but you may be ignoring other clues that will show you that he is not being faithful. I wish you good luck but I encourage you to dig deeper and do it SOON!


When he is in the mood just say no I’m tired I’m going to bed and keep doing that every time. Show him how you feel :woman_shrugging:t3:


U aint wrong. Talk to him or just say nope aint happening like that this time


Sounds like a real selfish piece of shit and he’s very clearly using you like some kind of prostitute, climb on top and use him instead :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

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I would be saying goodbye…


Talk to him about the issue. We don’t know why he is doing what he is doing. Have an open conversation.


You can put his penis in your mouth but not talk to him? And say hey I dont enjoy this, what about me, I have needs


Tell him it’s tit for tat; If he’s not going to satisfy you, then you’re NOT doing him either!!

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is something wrong with me?

Feel for you!
I understand what you’re dealing with. Just stop all together.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is something wrong with me?

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You guys need to talk it out. Sex or love-making is a two way act. It’s meant to bond together as a couple. If it’s so dry and one-way then you need to be direct and ask him what’s up. If there’s an underlying issue then you guys need to know so you can resolve it. It may be nothing but it could be something where you may need counseling or something else.

Don’t live in silence. Don’t be unhappy for fear of knowing the truth.

Best of luck. :heart:


NO hes being selfish and unfair put on stopage till he starts treating you like a wife should be treated


1st of all stop making it ok for him to continue to be like that by doing it! That’s part of the problem. You can’t continue to allow that then be upset by it. Your allowing it. Communicate! Spice it up! See counselor… whatever works


Unfortunately I see red flags…
I could definitely be wrong but seems like he’s treating you like a prostitute.


And this is whats wrong with society to many opinions and assumptions. Don’t let these cloud your judgement ask questions and get to the bottom of it. Everyone has issues speak up let your feelings known or you’ll end up being another seperated statistic because you didn’t communicate you know him best the fact your asking for advise rather then talking to him means you have drifted apart potentially.

Good luck


After 8 years I think he’s getting a bit bored. Maybe you should try and make bedtime more exciting, maybe try new positions or role playing or date nights! Or some sexy nightwear! Good luck!


Sit Ur husband down and talk to him bout it tell him how Ur feeling communication is the key to making a marriage last


Could be all sorts of reasons… How old is he… He may be struggling to perform properly and embarrassed…he may (in a very twisted way be being faithful to a mistress)… Or bored… Which ever it is you need to try and get him to open up… But… Don t think it is your job to fix alone… F£@& that sh*#… 2 people in a marriage 2 people have to work on it… Let him know you are unsatisfied!!!


Well this whole scenario is agitating. How have you lasted 6 months doing this same shit. Gurrrrl I’d save my damn mouth… I mean all that action for 30 seconds! You’re torturing yourself. Ask him what the problem is get straight to the point with your questions I.e are you bored is your dick having issues are you mucking around. All the normal stuff. Unless you both signed up for a sexless relationship this will get boring real quick and life’s too short for mediocre sex. Good luck


He should be checked out by a doctor. Sounds like he’s having difficulties…


Get straight to the point. Front him up deal with it is the only way. You have dilly dallied long enough six months. Just be honest.


JuSt be honest…tell him that he needs to satisfy you first, then you can take care of him…good luck


I would first of all start being more sexy. Not that you’re not sexy, but turn it up a notch. Get some lingerie & maybe plan a special night for just the 2 of you. This isn’t for everyone, but my husband & I have invited another woman to bed with us a few times & it’s definitely spiced things up. There’s always boundaries & rules to that, but If it’s something you’re open to then its worth it :smiling_face:
Good luck girl!!!