Is there a name for what my sister is doing?

She a psychopath which includes manipulation and lying. I’m sure there’s more that can be added, but not much can be done about it unless she attempts to hurt herself or someone else.

Holy Hera this sounds like the start to a b rated Hallmark thriller. She nuts and DEFINITELY needs mental help l. I would highly suggest you talk to your mother about that. That is not normal or okay… Definitely not kosher.
Speaking as a mother who has lost a child yeah it’s super disrespectful.
Idk if there is an actual terminology for that condition but it sounds… Well psychopathic, I’m willing to bet she’s either a psychopath or a sociopath this is also coming from a view point of someone who has dated both. I say this because it sounds like she isn’t capable of experiencing empathy

She need evaluation. Sounds like she’s craving attention and in a destructive way. That needs legit help.

A lot of people do stuff like this unfortunately. Like faking cancer or a pregnancy for sympathy and attention. She needs therapy and your family to stop enabling her. This behavior is dangerous and can evolve into her harming her child. I would involve CPS to get guardianship moved to your parents so they don’t have to worry about the baby being harmed or neglected.

Get proof and get that baby taken cause she obviously isn’t fit to be a mother right now.

Discussing but unless she is obtaining money or goods not illegal. Being crazy she would know she could get ultrasounds and other things all over the internet. Has she been confronted? Are they gossip since you are so far away? How do you know she has done these disgusting acts? CRAZY girl.

Yes, if she gets money from these men it’s fraud

That’s the true definition of a psychopath. It’s not always a person who runs around blabbering complete gibberish, it’s not always a serial killer- and not all serial killers are psychopaths. Its also doesn’t just mean she’s just psychotic either, could have various other mental problems too. There’s such a broad spectrum, but she definitely falls into it with her manipulation, entrapment, extortion, disregard for violating people’s lives and privacy, and fraud. Doesn’t matter if it was trauma related, someone with so many mental illnesses or just one major one can cause them to be someone nobody recognizes and act in ways that aren’t usual without anything to trigger it.

However, she could just be a pathological liar. A bitch who knows what she’s doing is wrong but doesn’t give a fuck because she just wants petty attention and money.

When you confront her about it how does she respond? Does she really and truly believe that it all happened to her? If so, then yes it’s all very mental and she needs a lot of help. But if she’s fully aware that none of that happened to her and knows she’s lying, she’s just a catfishing pathological liar which can get her into some legal trouble for causing so much trauma to everyone she’s involved in her entrapment scheme.

Bottom line, get a lawyer. She needs to have her mental health evaluated immediately as she may not even be fit to be a parent let alone fit to speak to anyone without supervision. If it comes back that she isn’t mentally unstable and just a bitch anyone whose been involved with her can file for a no contact and block her on all social media. Your parents should kick her to the curb and gain custody over her child because mentally stable or not no child needs that kind of person to be raising them.

Doesnt the ultrasound photo have a date on them…hell mine had my name on it.

She got some serious mental health issues

Yes she a complete wrong un

You do know lying about babies and scaming men out of their money is fraud you could report her to the police might wake her up

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It’s probably a personality disorder or the beginning stages of munchausen by proxy

Sociopath. Lack of empathy and morals, alls fair for personal gain.

You’re sister is fuckin nuts. Seek counseling

Disturb!. There are people out there that have done it. Sorry that this has happened to you.

Borderline Personality Disorder

It’s sorta like munchausen by proxy

Narcissistic Sociopath

Unfortunately nothing can be done legally in michigan unless she is stealing someone identity for credit card fraud or something like that. It sounds to me like she has a mental issue personality disorder or maybe even a type of munchausen syndrome

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Sounds like a narcissist

Münchausen syndrome—is when someone tries to get attention and sympathy by falsifying, inducing, and/or exaggerating an illness/condition . They lie about symptoms, sabotage medical tests (like putting blood in their urine), or harm themselves to get the symptoms. Diagnosing and treating Munchausen syndrome is difficult because of the person’s dishonesty.

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She needs professional help

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If money is involved, would it be fraud?

Mental health problems

She needs help that’s crazy

She needs Dr Phil’s help!

She needs mental help ASAP.

Sounds munchausen-y to me

She is probably either mentally ill or an accomplished con (wo)man. I see no other options. ( What she is doing, if she is profiting, is illegal.)

Pathological liar and you should stay away from her

That’s fraud and defamation

Sociopath is the name for it

This is munchousen by proxy by the sounds of it

Yeah….it’s called fraud and mental illness.

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She sounds like a malignant narcissist

Blackmail. Fraud. It’s illegal.

Take the photos back.Women like her are what’s wrong w soooo many. Causes men to NOT trust ect… Shame on her.

The name for that is fraud.

She needs to get fucked in her ear, get a new brain…:wink::wink:

Maybe Munchausen by proxy

Pseudocyesis or Munchausen

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Ya it’s called dumblyingbitchsyndome and she a lost cause

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I am so sorry… I can’t even imagine… That is so sick. Besides her being an attention seeking psycho of a whore idk what mental issue she could have. But you def can talk to lawyers in your state and Michigan. I even think this can be taken through civil court. Like a cease and desist, trauma, fraud, and the list can go on. I would even call DCFS on her. I know that’s not what you want to do but tbh i wish my family called DCFS on my parents… Just start by talking to lawyers in both states.

PBD probably. She needs to be admitted somewhere

Yes it’s called cuntery


Yeah it’s called mental illness

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Sounds like some kind of Munchausen syndrome. She sounds like someone who needs attention constantly. No matter what the reason, it is absolutely disgusting of her to use the death of her own family member’s child to further her obscenely selfish ways. I would cut her off completely, she is a horrible person.


She crazy frfr she needs mental help

She needs to be committed :grimacing:


Best case scenario she’s a pathological liar with an extreme flair for attention seeking behavior. But the claiming of a tragic death of an infant from a family member really sounds like early munchausen, sociopathic tendencies or some severe bpd with a hella narcissist complex. She needs help

How old is her child hun? Xx

Did she do this prior to having her baby?

She needs real help! Not safe with her baby!


It’s called pathological lying.


That’s called narcissistic behavior.

This type of behavior falls under a few mental health issues and she needs to be evaluated.

Compulsive liar that you need to stay well away from … family or not

Pathological liar, fraud, user, NARCISSIST

She can go to Jail for this.

Imposter syndrome. She pretends to be the person and then acts like they’ve been using her story

I literally just went through this with a “so called” friend of mine. She gained access to my home and stole my middle sons ultrasound pictures from 2017!!! Thought she had blocked everyone from the post who wasnt meant to see she posted my ultrasounds claiming to be pregnant. I had a mutual friend message me and say i think you need to have a look at so and so’s. Facebook post. She even clearly forgot my name and date was on the corner … She deleted them. And then faked the loss of a pregnancy that never even occurred. Claiming the baby stopped growing and died at so many weeks and was still inside of her many weeks later.

People really do this wild ass shit! I trademark all my photos. And rarely post anything to do with my kids!

People are crazy!!! I am so sorry your going through this and for the loss of yours and your brothers sweet angels.

Narcissistic personality
Manipulation master.
Calous cold hearted.
Sociopathic psychopath

Mythomania/ pathological liar

Maybe contact Dr Phil

There isn’t anything you can do. I have a family member who does the same thing my sister. I haven’t talked to her in about 3 or more years. What you can do is be there for your parents

She needs to grow up and make her own way in life. Ur parents are just enabling her but letting her stay there with everything she is doing. Sounds very childish and it’s not ok what she’s doing. I would let everyone she knows in on what she’s doing.

She is attention seeking and trying financially gain from her siblings tragedies for joys. Sick and twisted check she is not on drugs and trying to cash in.

I think she’s just a plain old nasty attention seeker.

She a con woman, plain and simple.

Fraud. Entrapment. Been an a$$hole

She should definitely be evaluated but doubt she will cooperate. How did she get your ultrasound pics? Sounds like Borderline Personality Disorder. Destroys families.

pathological liar and possible psychopath!

Please seek out help for her, even if it has to be court ordered before she goes any further. Recently, a woman from my home town faked an entire pregnancy, had a baby shower etc. and then MURDERED a pregnant friend and literally cut her child from her stomach. She tried to drive the baby to a hospital and was pulled over on the way. Thankfully they realized at the hospital what had happen but this poor baby didn’t make it due to this awful woman’s actions. No one should EVER go through this. I’m not saying your sister would do this, but mental illness is so REAL. Unfortunately, the woman from my town was just plain crazy though and fooled everyone. Prayers for your entire family momma’ and I’m very sorry for your loss! :heart::heart: