Is there any way I can refuse the flu vaccine or my toddler?

I have a question regarding the flu shot. I have my two 1/2-year-old to be registered in a daycare ( 3K) and today went there to register and was told -has to have the influenza shot is required, without this is impossible for him to attend I was told … I was in shock. I’m against this vaccine being mandatory( My toddler has all other vaccines besides this ) … to your knowledge, what should I do as I’m not willing to get this shot through my baby … is any way you heard a doctor note, medical reasons, etc … any personal or heard story … please help if you know anything… thank you for any help .


You are not obligated to give your child the flu vaccine. However, the daycare is not obligated to accept your child into their program either. You will most likely have to find another provider that doesn’t require vaccination, which may be very difficult to do. The last alternative is to privately hire a nanny for your child.

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Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there any way I can refuse the flu vaccine or my toddler?

The flu shot is so necessary


Get a vaccine exemption form and use it. If schools have to accept it I’m sure daycare do as well


Never ever heard of a flu shot being mandatory, it’s not even mandatory in public schools at least around here


I have NEVER heard of the flu vaccine being mandatory. My kids are 14 and 8 and have never had it, or the flu. That’s insane. See about a vaccine exemption form, or find a different school.


I’ve never heard of the flu shot being mandatory.


Usually the amount of colds etc that go through any school an daycare I would get the flu shot - we have only been getting it the past couple of years.

They get them in 2 doses for the first.

I guess you gotta ask urself if u want him in daycare or not. - if it’s mandatory an u can’t get a medical exemption then u won’t be able to put him in daycare.


It’s a business, they are allowed to mandate what vaccinations they require for children at their daycare.


My daughter almost died from the flu vaccine. I’ve mentioned this to other moms in groups before & was still told to vaccinate, called neglectful etc. I’m not going to watch my child die from a decision that is mine to make. My youngest has never & will never get the flu shot as long as I make that choice. None of us has has the flu since I stopped getting it for any of us. My oldest got it every year for his first 12 years. He was always sick. He was hospitalized often. I’d tell the daycare to F off & find another daycare.


They can mandate it all they want. It’s their business. You don’t want your child to get it, find a different daycare that doesn’t mandate it.


It’s unlikely you’ll get a doctors note saying your child is exempt unless they’ve gotten it before and had a negative reaction to it. Your best bet is to find a daycare that doesn’t require your child have that specific vaccine.


This is the last year I will be getting flu vaccine after their bullshit re covid vaccines and how pressured I feel I won’t be getting it nor the flu vaccine I’m bloody done with this crap

Yes yes yes. All you have to do is say no and fill out a paper.

I’m in the uk,my children don’t have the flu shot/spray, we get a letter from the school and we either say yes or no it shouldn’t be compulsory


Not mandatory the law should back you up and if not change day care

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Religious of medical exemption

They allow you to submit a religious letter… went through with my kids school… looked weird because they had CNN other vaccines… but said it was a new path we were following :woman_shrugging:t3: if it’s a private daycare you may not be able to use this…

Follow Del Bog Tree,Dr Rachel Ross from the Drs. Show that should guide you …

It’s a private business, they can require whatever they want. If you’re absolutely against it, start looking for a new daycare.


This comment section did NOT pass the vibe check


As a private business, the daycare has every right to mandate the flu shot. Find another daycare.


If they receive governmental funds they cannot force it… Maybe go that route?

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It all depends on how they are licensed. If they are privately owned, and therefore private pay, they can have whatever requirements they want. If they take any sort of government assistance or government funding, I don’t know that they legally can require.

Find another daycare. They are a private business and are allowed to run it how they want. If you don’t agree with it, go elsewhere. Simple as that.


You’ll need a Dr’s note. Unless he’s allergic to it, you may mot get one.
(It’s amusing how salty some of y’all seem. Unless you are up to date on all your shots, mind ya beeswax)

My advice, grow up. Like grow all the way up. The flu shot is no different than all the others shes had. Grow up ans get the flu shot


You have the right to refuse any vaccine for your child . However, a privately owned business such as as a daycare or private school has the right to refuse service and to choose which guidelines they require you to follow .If you do not want your child given the vaccine you will need to find another daycare.


Speak to your child pediatrician about this…not people from fb. That way you know the information you are getting is from a more reliable source.


My son is 4 and his daycare has made it mandatory for him to receive the flu shot since the pandemic… they want to avoid having to shutdown if the kids do get the flu … the school does not even allow them to attend if they have the sniffles. I always give my sons the shot as my middle son was hospitalized with the flu when he was 6 and was severely ill … then our entire family caught it… so I would never want to go through it again, and yes every business owner or private school can decide and make it mandatory


Flu shot isn’t mandatory. I’ve never gotten it for myself or my 9 year old, however there are other shots that will be required once they are school aged

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there any way I can refuse the flu vaccine or my toddler?

A flu shot is not a mandatory shot for day care or schools. Find a different day care

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If you don’t like it talk to your GP about an exemption.

I’d just get the shot. My kids have severe asthma, that shot helps them every year.

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Tell them it’s against your religion, and fill out a form. My friends’ kids can go to school, and they have no vaccinations.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there any way I can refuse the flu vaccine or my toddler?

If you dont wanna get your kid the flu vaccine then keep them home simple as that. Its just the flu shot jeeze.

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Just get the damn thing… it’s a flu shot for christ sake…:man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

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It’s time you look for another daycare that doesn’t require it. If not best would be someone to stay at home with your baby. But I think you should reconsider your decision. And don’t listen to those that have opinions of their own and find a liable source.


Sounds like the mother has a decision to make now that she’s been made aware of the daycare policy. The daycare is choosing to protect the other students by requiring vaccination. Now the parents can choose to comply and send their kids there or they can opt to refuse the vaccine and find another childcare provider.

This is 100% legal in the US. And parents should absolutely vaccinate and feel secure knowing that their kids are protected by policies such as this.


Why would you be against the flu vaccine when flu can kill small children especially when you’ve had your child vaccinated against everything else? At the end of the day it’s their call if you don’t like it go somewhere else


Unfortunately it’s there policy and you need to respect that as they need to respect you won’t enrol your child cause you don’t want them having the vaccine. Prehaps find another daycare


Find u another day care. My nieces doesn’t have there children vaccine on anything. They still.go to day care and school.


Send him to a different school. Their choice to require The vaccine. If you don’t like their choice go somewhere else. Your 2.5 year old isn’t required to go to school. That is your choice.


Same as above, not allowed in the UK. Our kids do have a flu shot but it’s done up the nose. I refuse my kids it because my daughter had it aged 2 and now has narcolepsy with cataplexy x


I mean, my daughter did when she was 1 and 2. After that, she hasn’t and I haven’t in years. Her immune system is strong and so is mine.
But if they are requiring it, I guess there’s no way out of it lol

  1. To each their own.
  2. Flu shot is" only to prevent hospitalization with pneumonia "
  3. Mandatory is (a must) on various places.
  4. Places ( unfortunately ) do have rights to require for selves protection n others…
  5. If dont want vaccine( then) keep searching.

I would find a new daycare. Flu shot is not mandatory but the daycare can require it.


Simple. Find another daycare, or get him vaccinated. The flu kills, and I wish I could be vaccinated. Herd immunity is a real thing so if you don’t wanna participate then just keep your kid home. Simple.


It’s quite simple really have the vaccine or keep your child at home your right not to vaccinate but take the consequences


You’ll just have to choose another school. I had a similar issue with my daughter when I put her into Daycare. I can only offer 1 more piece of personal experience. The vaccine in no way shape or form hurt her. She’s almost 7 now.


Tell them it is against your religious belief. I’m sooo tired of people saying just get the shot…I have NEVER had a flu shot and I have survived.


Imagine a day care wanting to keep all of the children safe! The nerve :roll_eyes:


Nope. Take an exemption form. My daycare tried to so the same thing and it’s not mandatory. Crazy.

If you don’t want to follow their procedures, find another day care. End of story.


Find another daycare.


I can’t have the flu shot, the nasal spray for it, or Tamiflu. I’m allergic to it all. But I had a job tell me (after being there for a month already) that I had to get it. When I explained I was allergic to all of the stuff, I was told that I’d either be terminated or I’d have to be laid off until flu season was over. Thankfully I got another job a week later.


That’s ridiculous. I don’t blame you. Find another daycare


Most asinine comments I’ve ever seen. Y’all ever heard of polio? Tetanus? Measles? Stupid bitches whining about “their rights” but pull facts from their asses and trust gossip more than decades of research. The fact that you can live long enough to even type out your fear-mongering opinions on this platform is because of vaccines. You want to worry about potential side effects? How about worrying about your kid dying from getting a cut on their foot during tennis. That’s how Eisenhower’s son died. How about dying from stepping on a rusty nail? Not even making it to double digits because of all the childhood diseases you could’ve caught? Or maybe you make it to adulthood, but forever lose the use of your legs? That happened to FDR. You fuckers take tiny daily accidents for granted when just a few decades ago that meant you were on your way to your grave. The flu used to be deadly, and now people think of it like the common cold. Get your fucking vaccines, or if you really want to do the rest of society a favor, all you anti-vaxxers move to your own island and let yourselves and your kids die off because you think this is some kind of government conspiracy. Don’t trust the data? Do the science and testing yourself then! See you in hell.


their rules….either accept or find another care centre it’s that simple


How entitled are you? Either follow the policies or find somewhere else.


You can refuse it but daycares will refuse you
Your call :smiling_face:


De lo bueno no dan gratis, Si fuera bueno no obligarían a inyetarse

question is simple: do you want to protect your child from flue?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there any way I can refuse the flu vaccine or my toddler?

I don’t know where you are but this is not allowed in the Uk


Don’t need it what so ever, if forced like that it’s against your human rights


Yikes, definitely find another daycare.


Find a different day care

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Not all daycares require the flu shot… I wouldn’t settle on just one… my kids don’t get the flu shot & have not gotten the COVID vaccine, same as myself.

I’m not an antivaxxer… because I do believe in science… which if you had any virus & survive, your body makes antibodies for that particular virus for future exposure. Me & my children not getting the flu vaccine or the COVID vaccine doesn’t put others at risk, unless we were sick, same as if someone was vaccinated… & to prevent spread is to isolate yourself from population… Vaccines don’t prevent from exposure nor prevent it from being contagious… Vaccines are the virus & the antibodies for that virus in a little syringe… Vaccines are good for those who have not had said viruses… But if you have had both viruses before, like myself & children, then your body already has the antibodies to fight off said virus…

If you don’t want to utilize certain vaccines you don’t have too, but just as you have your rights… so does everyone else… Best advice is to find another facility :woman_shrugging:t4:


Ok. If they want you to vaccinate your baby. Make them sign a paper saying that if something happens to your baby due to the vaccine. They will be responsible for the damage…, I am against vaccines because you don’t know how is your baby going to react about it… Many kids got permanent. Damages after getting vaccinated. Not all but many. Yes they do…:rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:


Careful they’ll start calling you an anti vaxxer…


So EVERY child that goes there has been given it but one child that don’t will give them the flu :thinking: they sound like they work great


Flu shot isn’t the same as the covid vaccines. It’s up to you at the end of the day. I think a lot of centre’s require kids to be immunised. If you trust your GP talk about it with them.


Would you refuse the polio jab for your kid? MMR. ?Tetanus? Flu? Meningitis ? Don’t mind your kid losing limbs? Don’t mind your kid being unable to walk?


I’m in Australia and my little boy has had all his vaccines except the Flu vaccine and he can attend daycare. Flu shot isn’t mandatory at ours xx


Contact the daycare licensing board and find out if it is legal. If it is…look for another daycare or get your kid vaccinated

Find another daycare


Nice to see that Shannon Moe Gill can screen shot comments from this page and post them on her own page. In all honestly, you weren’t even honest on your post that you and your snooty friends are so busy commenting on people about. And in case you’re wondering science isn’t 100% , sometimes science like many other things is flawed.


For daycare, you probably just need a parental exemption. You get it from your health department. Most states still have this with the exception of California and a few others.

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Wow forcing the flu shot on children yeah no. That’s the only one that I don’t believe. All the other vaccines I agree but not the flu should b your choice


Depends what state you’re in. Live in CA or NY? Forget it. No medical or religious exceptions ever for anybody or anything.

What state are you in. Look into getting an exemption. If the place receives any type of state funds they must follow the states exemptions! Hoping you aren’t in Cali…

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Find another daycare. That’s their guidelines for their business. It’s their choice to require that and your choice to find a place that better suits you.


Look into an exemption. In TN we can print the form off online.

I have a question…if your son has all of his other vaccines, why is him getting a flu shot a big deal?


You can decline it. There are exemptions you can get depending on your state.

My children have never had the flu shot. Oldest 13 youngest is 6. They go to public and not private.

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2 of my sons couldn’t take it due to the shots having an egg base in it. They’re allergic to eggs.

It is their business. If you do not like their policy, I would suggest going to another center. Right now with COVID numbers increasing, I can’t say I am surprised by this. They are probably doing it as a precaution. If too many children and workers get sick, what then?


You can get religious exemption. I don’t know how different states work, but apparently it’s easy to get in Alabama (I don’t not have this. Don’t come for me).

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Depends on your state. A religious exemption should be sufficient

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Just get him the shot. The flu is deadly. More people are focused covid-19 right now which is more deadly, but so is the flu.


Then dont send him to daycare. It’s to protect the other children because you have no right to get them sick.


I am a peds nurse and fill out all the daycare and school forms plus give all the immunizations and I have never seen it required unless a person was going to college for the medical field or volunteering at a medical place.


The flu shot is completely optional. They don’t even require it for kids in school


Find a new daycare. I refuse the flu shot too. Last time my daughter got half of it she was so ill with the flu and ended up in the hospital. Every year since I’ve never gotten it for her and she’s been healthy. You can also find exemption forms online as well that can be notarized and acknowledged through the state.