Is there anything I can do to prevent shedding in dogs?

It’s best to “choose wisely” BEFORE you pick a pet. Long hair dogs do what they do. Be prepared!


I have a pyr too and that’s just how they are. The good news is that they will be a loyal, patient friend for life (and also bark a lot :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

We have a dog that’s sheds his coat you just have to keep brushing them it’s a natural progression with alotbof breeds of dogs I have carpet and have to vacuum every day in the lounge room but would not give him up for anything love him heaps


Get him to a groomer on a regular basis. They are very good at getting the loose under coat off. Also consider getting him a haircut for the summer. Good luck!


I smile when my shepherds leave hair every day…their love is EVERYWHERE!:heart_eyes:


You can’t stop it and it would be daft to try anything as hairs got to come out! Same as humans, we have to shed. But if he’s stripped regularly by a professional, it will lessen the ness in between visits

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From someone who has a husky that sheds like MAD every summer… Keep up with the brushing, invest in an undercoat rake, stock up on sticky rollers and take em to the groomers to get a nice blowout. Definitely helps alot!


They’re heavy shedders :woman_shrugging:t2: definitely do your research next time.


Deal with it! It’s a part of who they are! It’s only hair! I have 2 Goldens and it’s brushing, washing, sweeping, vacuuming all the time and yes some days I myself get annoyed but I also remind myself it’s not their fault! It’s a part of who they are!! :heart::paw_prints:


Maybe you should have thought about that before you got a dog, dogs and cats aren’t some thing you have. They are living mammals who need as much care and attention as a humans do.

See a professional groomer regularly. While I commend you for making the effort to brush your dog daily, it’s not a substitute for professional grooming. Find a groomer that you like amd stick with lt! It helps a lot!


When we had our Great Prynes we installed carpet the same color as the dog.


Beautiful dog! Please schedule a appointment with a recommend vet, just to make sure there’s no underlying issues ( infection, etc) then a groomer. I realize that this will be a expense, but it will be so worth it, it’ll make your life much easier, benifit your family and a comfortable happy dog​:sparkling_heart::two_hearts:

Get a dog that doesn’t shed as much. :woman_shrugging:t2: Stop worrying so much. You dog is a blessing and a beloved family member. Take him to a groomer regularly. Good luck!

One thing I learned is not to give him human food especially salty food. Salt will make him shed.

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This is a breed of dog that sheds alot. My suggestion is take him to a groomer once a month so they can get the under coat out. Which will help reduce the amount of shedding.


We have a German shepherd and we get her groomed every month typically and that helps with a lot of the under coat and keeping a lot of the shedding under control. We found that it’s easier for us to do that than deal with hair everywhere because we were in the same boat with our dog


We have a British bulldog who sheds a lot of hair he has the run of the house and goes where he like, I brush and hoover up regularly, we’re going on holiday with him next week, we were told a year ago that there was a chance he would only last about 9 months so when he was 4 a few weeks ago we cried with happiness as he has lukemia, he was referred to pet hospital in nesting and it cost us 5 grand, I took another job to pay for it I was insured but they only paid out a 10000 pounds per illness but I don’t care what it cost, so to be honest shedding hair is not a problem can’t believe your putting a status on about hair shredding just be glad you’ve got a dog who isn’t sick and stop moaning sickens me to be honest

A million different dog breeds and you picked a Pyr. Then complain of shedding. That’s like buying a half ton gas pickup truck to tow a big old camper with then complain about the gas mileage. Sorry but you should have thought that through first. Get those kiddos familiar with the vacuum. Pay for a grooming schedule like the others reccomend. Dog lover here…I feel your pain with 2 labs, and we own a diesel truck. :rofl:


We have 2 border collies. I vacuum up 2-3 dogs daily right now as they are loosing their winter fur! My pillows are constantly covered with fur. We never go upstairs as it is just storage and under remodel, but our male likes to run up and down the steps leaving piles of fur behind on each step. Those have to be shopvacced! Bad thing is I’m allergic to dogs. Wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love them

There is no fix to this. Invest in a roommate, sweep constantly, vacuum, brush twice daily, don’t shave because those dogs have a double coat and If you take it off then you’re running a risk for their health. There are some chews that help them for allergies and stuff. Before you do ask your vet.


My huge white dog was shredding so much that I had to vacuum twice daily to get rid of the dog hair. I finally decided to have her shaved, but not too short. That changed everything! Now I am only vacuuming once a day ever 3-4 days!


Here’s a thought. A fenced in yard or dog pen might help. No more sweeping dog hair all day.

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I have two labs that stay in my house and used to shed like crazy no matter what I did. I ordered commercial grade dog clippers online from Amazon and now shave them every 3-4 weeks. They actually love it, too. They get so excited when they know it’s time for their haircut and bath.

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De shedding shampoo, under coat rake , doggie pajamas to keep the fur in, talk with a groomer if it’s still an issue


But=y a roomba it is a must for someone living with a dog the roomba cleans up dog hair like a champ. You can also vacumn your dog

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I had an Akita, there were maybe 2 months a year the shedding got better. But even 1 year after she died, i could still find dog hair.

Sorry but hair does come off of dogs and cats!!

Seriously wholly Molly!!! It’s a natural process. Can you stop yourself from shedding a hair or too. Did you even do your research? Some people should not own pets!

If you want a dog that doesn’t shed, shave it!!

Sorry but you should have done some research they are a heavy coat high maintenance dog

That dog would likely lay down it’s life for you or any of your kids. Man the Kirby,and man the brush. Deal with it. When you get a dog you have made an oath . Just like bearing a child,you have an obligation . Moral obligation. Just think if they dog was you ,and you were doing the shedding. Would you want someone to dispose of you ? Man up .

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Most dogs shed a ton!!! We just vacuum our fanny off and deal with it. I bought a Roomba and it helps

Your dog is a shedder. Will always have hair but feeding them a better food helps some and using a de-shedder brush.

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Get the dog groomed and ask groomer to shave her as close as possible without making her bald. I think it’s a #12 blade

There’s alot of worse things than dog hair!

Get some professional grooming to that undercoat out your fur baby will be happier and you will cut ur sweeping in half!

Should have researched before you got a dog. Grooming services work wonders

Research the breed next time before you get a dog. All dogs shed some more severely than others. You just have to learns to live with the hair

My family would mix eggs with the dog food and helps a lot

Didn’t you research the breed of dog you were.looking at?? There really isn’t much you can do as that coat is designed to.shed in summer

My ex boss had a German Shepard and they gave it a bath weekly and used a conditioner on him and he did not seem to shed, maybe try a desheding shampoo and conditioner and they have special combs, good luck!!! Maybe ask a dog groomer for advice.

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There are dogs that don’t shed a poodle is one of them

There’s dog food you can get to help with shedding.

You will never eliminate the shedding but you can lessen it. First thing is with a high quality diet. Poor quality foods will increase shedding. Get a high quality food and top it with shed-ex. Its a supplement to help the skin and coat.
Do not use a furminator. You’re only damaging the coat. Get a double row shedding rake.
Taking him to a professional groomer for a shedding treatment will help out.
If you’d rather do it yourself invest in a high velocity pet dryer. Use it after using a shedding shampoo and conditioner.
I like to use Cowboy Magic sheen spray when deshedding dogs. Spray it on the coat, work it in with your hands, and let it dry before brushing. It helps the hair slide right out. It will make any surface slippery, though, so becareful.

I had a Shiba Inu that shed 3 times a year. I found the vacuuming her helped and it didn’t take her long to get used to it.

Find a good groomer, they will get deeper into the coat than you can. Take your pooch regularly and carry on your grooming routine, you will start to notice a difference in the amount your cleaning up.

Professional bath and blowout at least every 6 weeks, preferably more. Bonus if you can find somewhere that uses Best Shot’s 3 step deshed treatment.

Sorry about all the shedding. Purchase one of those cordless vacuums. Dyson is the best! I think they have the “11” one now or the one especially for dog owners. I have TWO dogs and believe me it’s worth the investment.$$$$$. Good luck. :heart::dog:

Get yourself one of those robot vacuums that can be programmed to clean a couple times s day.

By one of those Roaming Vacuum Cleaners…my daughters both have one. ONE LESS THING THEY HAVE TO CLEAN…Haha one is a Lab and the other is a German Shepherd Mix they also take them to their groomers and Vitamins were missing from there diets and a change of Food was needed…now they don’t shed as much as they used to.

You can buy onsies for dogs to wear. It catches the excess hair. I’d feel sorry for a dog wearing an extra layer in summer though.

Say its a dragon dog and it needs to go back in its shell but after it comes out it’ll be evolved like a caterpillar ya dig.
Now adopt out old dog and replace with a non malting breed

Have groomer use de shed shampoo. This helps some but should b done monthly.

I got a cordless vac it made cleaning easier and has been a game changer for us. It was expensive but worth every penny with regard to hair.

You picked a breed that sheds…alot…lol not much you can do…thats what animals do

Get a deshedding tool, a shampoo/conditioner that says it will reduce shedding. There is also a spray. Deshedding tool or brush removes the undercoat and excess hair. Bath and spray and deshed again. Check with vet but I used to give one of my Elkhounds Vitamin E to help with coat.

Vacuum the dog with a deshed vacuum attachment tool :blush:

Put a tea shirt on him it catches most of it and then when you take it off di it out side and shake it before you put it back on

Brush him with the furminator…other than that not much you can do…

There are basically two lines of great Pyrenees, One is more of the working dog and has a less fluffy coat, The really fluffy show ones really take a lot of work. Pyrenees shed a whole lot, all year round but they also have a major “end of winter shed”. . At that time all the undercoat can get loose at the same time and if you don’t keep up with daily grooming he will end up with terrible mats. To remove the undercoat you need to buy a rake that has cutting blades to help get the mats out,
and you need to be careful to learn to use it correctly are you can tear hair out And really injure their skin- The tool usually has two sides one with hooked shaped blades really close to each other, and the other side will have about nine blades that are spaced wider. (Don’t ever use the narrow spaced side on A Pyrenees. )
Here is an example of the tool I’m talking about: PET REPUBLIQUE Dematting Rake -

Do not try to comb or brush them when their hair is wet, They should be brushed before bathing

The dogs are double coated and it is very important that you not shave them in the summer, their coat is important for keeping them cool and protecting them from sunburn in the summer but will keep them very warm in the winter.

Unfortunately this is One of the things people should investigate before choosing a dog, because really can’t change it, Just like you need to check on whether the dog is calm or excitable.
You also need to be aware that if it still has it dewclaws, they need to be clipped at least monthly or they can grow in a circle back into the dogs skin. Dewclaws can be removed when the dog is very young, but after that it’s major surgery so for the rest of his life you have to be on top of the clipping of the dewclaws.

On the other hand, great Pyrenees can be well trained, but need some reinforcement to continue following their training because they are also very independent, being bred to take care of and protect sheep and other animals.

Once they’re past their adolescence they are very calm.

Bounce has a new dryer sheet that keeps hair off your clothes it works on all of ours.

Easy fix, shave his hair off. You can buy clippers from Walmart and keep his hair super short.

Get that brush, the furminator because it really does work but you do have to use it 30 minutes a day the first week.

You cant PREVENT a dog from shedding…I mean cmon…use your brain.

A good diet will decrease fur shed…but you need a summer blow out for those types.

Boswell pet hair eraser. 3 cats and a dog here- life saver even on hardwood floors. Much quicker than a broom

Uh that is the dog breed you got. Really not much you can do.


Make Yarn from Dog Hair or sell the doghair. Google…!!! Many people buy Dog Hair for spinning…to make wunderful warm Shirts… !

Get a Roomba. My son has one for his two dogs and says his floors have never been cleaner.

Have you tried a furminator? We used one on one of our dogs that shed a lot. It took out the thick undercoat & he did not mind it. Do not buy the cheap off brand ones, they are useless. Get that specific name brand one. Its like buying a Craftsman tool or a 10cent tool that will break the 1st time you use it.

Yeah the advice is too late do your research before buying a dog

Did you look up the dog you were getting? Lol

Blow out after a bath. Either do it yourself or find a groomer familiar with it

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Welcome to owning a dog :woman_shrugging:

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Take him to get professionally De-Shedded

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I have 3 hounds ,I vacuum up a full dog everyday

Embrace the fluff and the tumbleweeds this puppy’s your baby now :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: I have to hoover and sweep constantly and I only have two patterdale terrriers :joy:

Nickys Classic Nikky’s Classy Canine Grooming does a superb job of deshedding my Chow Chow who has tons of fur like your dog!

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I don’t wanna be rude but
:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:. You literally got one of the fluffiest hairiest breeds possible.

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Don’t bath him so much not good for the oils in his coat

they are thatvway my son has one lot combing

Sorry to tell you, but this happens with many dogs of many people.

Welcome to owning a dog​:rofl::joy:

Keep his hair cut a bit short

Welcome to pet ownership!

I would keep him in one room only

Get a zumba vacuum. Turn it on and relax. And get Alexa to order it to turn on. See, no problems.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t own a pyranese. It’s pretty simple, research dogs before you get them. The specific breed that you purchased sheds year-round in large quantities. You cannot prevent this. You need to have them groomed by a professional regularly.


That’s just having a dog :rofl:

Great Pyrenees are considered to be average to heavy shedders, depending on the climate they live in, so expect to have white hairs on your clothes, furniture, car, and toothbrush. Despite the shedding, he’s fairly easy to groom and only requires about 30 minutes of work per week.
It’s so obvious this dog would shed.

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That breed sheds constantly. Sorry.

It’s. A fact of life with breeds that she’d.
Love fluff

GPs only shed 2 times a year January thru June and July thru December . Enjoy

Brush my shepherd need brushing every day

Get you about 4 robot vaccumes and thats about all you can do.

Should always educate yourself about a breed before getting one. I have had 2 Pyrenees and shedding is part of them. I consider small price for their gentle and protective nature of my kids. I recommend a special brush called a furrinator.

What kind of vacuum do you have? Some have special pet attachments you can use. Does yours have a function to blow air out of the hose? When he is losing his summer and winter coats you can do a blow out at home. It’ll help with keeping on top of brushing.

Change clothes as soon as you enter the house into clothes that can be covered in pet hair. Change the fur covered clothes into PJs before bed. Or shave the dog almost bald if that’s healthy for the dog.

Sorry but it goes with the territory just kick back and enjoy