Is there such a thing as a man who only has eyes for one woman?

I'm pretty sure my husband talks to other woman and looks at other woman's pictures online and comments on them all the time he's not fooling me should I start doing that to men should I stoop down to his level and do the same thing he does to me why do most men think this is ok like 90 percent of men do this if you don't want your woman to do it than why should you be able to you can't have your cake and eat it to, when woman get married we only have eyes for one man but when most men get married a few years down the road they start doing this maybe I should just be single I'm beginning to hate love. Is there such a thing as a man who only has eyes for one woman feel like they don't exist.

Yes, there is such a thing. You sound very hurt, I would talk to him about you feel. If it doesn’t change, you have to sit back and think about your options. You’ll have to ask yourself if you want to stay or if this is a deal breaker

So in my opinion, it’s a bit of a grey area. I am a man who has been married for 15 years and for the record I’ve never had an inappropriate relationship with another woman.

If I’m out and I see a woman that I find attractive I’m absolutely going to enjoy her beauty. That being said, I’m keeping my mouth shut and not making a comment.

As to going online just to look at pictures and make comments I would say that’s probably crossing the line.

Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there such a thing as a man who only has eyes for one woman?

There is, all men aren’t assholes lol
Two wrongs don’t make a right though… dont stoop to his level.

It’s normal for men and women to find other people attractive while they are in a relationship. To comment on their pictures online while in a relationship seems disrespectful to me. Tell him how you feel and if he respects you he will stop. If he doesn’t stop he probably never will and I would think about if it’s something you can live with if not end the relationship because it sounds like it makes you feel horrible.


Typical of a man.
No excuses.
I don’t believe that these types of men exist.

They exist. Mine certainly only is interested in me. I however don’t care if he watches porn, likes a photo or something. He’s not a prisoner. He is attentive, loving, absolutely not cheating. He respects the boundaries of our relationship that we have established as do I.

Sometimes I feel like some of y’all gotta stop trying to put put your partners into little boxes. It seems to cause more harm than good.

My man and I both look haha :joy: and we stir each other up about it. We literally don’t care as long as no touching is done


Yes, they do exist. You just have to find him.


Mine can’t be bothered to look elsewhere so only has eyes for me.


I think it’s really disrespectful obviously your going to pass someone or know someone and think they are attractive that’s human nature but what’s not is acting on it

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I wouldn’t say 90% especially because women cheat on men all the time too, hello that’s why there is paternity court.


That’s so disrespectful in a relationship period….
Unless your watching together lol that’s different

Hypothetically speaking…. After 1 year of marriage a “woman” is sleeping till 11am while her husband is in the driveway fixing her car. He finishes, goes inside and finds that she is just up and in the shower. He walks into the bedroom and on the night stand sits her cell phone that she usually takes with her. A gut feeling, which I’ve seen described as god talking to you said, look at the phone…. Until this day, 6 yrs into the realationship he decides to break his own rule, touching the partners phone. He felt so strongly about this that he had a conversation with his partner when the relationship was in its infancy.

When he punched the password in 1212 he almost fainted that it worked…. On the screen already was a text message from 15 mins earlier. It’s too graphic so I’ll paraphrase. The unknown texted writes “can I ejaculate onto your face AGAIN”. And that same person who had to see that loved so deeply that he stayed until finally being asked to leave so that the 3rd affair could be done without the dirty business of lying and sneaking around 4 years later.

There were many times pleading for couples therapy only to be brought on deaf ears. Hey. We are all human. I don’t hate this person. I actually love them. I feel sorry and am greatly saddened by the lack of empathy and emotion they possess. We all have to face ourselves.

The devil sometimes dresses in sheep’s clothing

You haven’t been single since 12 yrs old

They do exist! I’ve got one!


That happens because in your culture most of you think and accepts that as typical male behavior.

sure do exist honey …i got me one going on 13 yrs strong :heart:


As for a gaze, he’s married not blind. But when you choose to be married, you choose to forsake all others. There’s no reason for him to be chatting these women up. You are worthy and deserving of his respect.


My guy can look all he wants. Now as for talking to other women, I am not crazy about it. He can be friends with whoever he wants as long as there is no other woman out there who genuinely thinks they are together or will be. I have HUGE trust issues, and I fight those every single day so its not an easy task to trust him, but he hasn’t given me a reason to NOT trust him and I can’t hold my past against him.


Yes they exist. I do genuinely think everyone looks- women included. Not in the sense of looking to flirt/cheat/etc but quite literally just noticing attractive people. That’s normal and healthy.

Commenting, messaging and doing more is definitely not okay though. There ARE men who won’t cheat. But it is more rare than it should be.


We all look, it’s human nature.
It’s only a deal breaker when touch is involved


They definitely do exist they are just really hard to find.
My fiance and I have been together over 10 years, and neither of us would ever cheat on the other. We may wanna kill each other but we would never cheat or be disloyal to one another. :joy:


Nope. Do u have eyes for one man. No. U look at hot guys. It’s natural

Looking and doing more is 2 diff things.

Men are visual creatures, everyone including women look at hot people

Yes there is such a man, and I am blessed to be with one for almost 18 years now :heart:.


There is definitely men who only have eyes for one woman. I have one. We were Highschool sweethearts…27 years later, we are STILL happy as ever. My husband can look all he wants. He’s human. I have found other guys attractive too…I’m human. Acting on it is different. He can talk to women friends too …I don’t own him, and vice versa…but we both have 100 percent trust in one another. Talking as friends is non-issue.


Heck I’m heterosexual, but I have told women how beautiful they are the same as I have told men they are handsome.To me beauty is not something male or female it’s just beauty.

When you see a pretty woman , do you look, do you appreciate her beauty. My mom always told me “ if your husband isn’t sneaking looks at pretty girls there’s something wrong”. My husband regularly looks at girls online, it has never once occurred to me that I should be worried, it’s called trust, without it you have nothing.


Good ones are either taken or like us and say screw it

We all look. Now to to Google and look up Travis Barker Nudes. You’re welcome.


Biologically speaking i say no. Some are just better at hiding it ( i am speaking on checking other women out, not cheating). I was taught women do not go by physical attraction, but by phermones. So subconsciously women are smelling men out :joy::joy::joy::joy: casually mention how wonderful some man in the store smelled and he should subconsciously give you a reaction and be subconsciously be pissed and it will bother him bc he will be having these negative feelings and not quite understand why :joy::joy::joy:


I look at and flirt with other guys, plus I’m Polyamorous, so I emotionally love a few other guys other then my husband. And my hubby and I look at other girls together and talk about them, nicely tho. My hubby is mono, but trying to see about trying to figure out poly. But I just don’t see him able to live or love that way. Like I’m able to.

Honestly, I personally have no issue with looking. Hell, we look together as I also like women. I also look at other men and talk to other men. He knows and doesn’t care as he trusts me not to cross boundaries. I don’t care that my man talks to women as friends. I trust him not to do anything to disrespect me and his family. He never has. I think everyone looks but everyone has boundaries for their relationship and it’s wrong to disrespect those. If you can’t trust your man to respect those boundaries, why are you together?

My husband and I have eyes for one another. We have five boys. We still date like we are in high school. We sext all the time, we make out in the hallway as we pass by each other and pray that one of our kids doesn’t catch us and immediately start in with the “EWWWWWW MOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM” We hold hands, we cook dinner together and have conversations about things happening in the community, we make plans and goals for our future. We support each others hobbies even if they aren’t something we enjoy. We don’t nag, when we do something wrong, we apologize and correct the behavior. We own our bullshit and we aren’t afraid to say sorry. Some nights we sit next to each other cuddled up on the couch while we play games on our phones, other nights we gather around the dinner table and play board games with our kids. We do projects together. When we are in the car, we don’t just listen to music we talk. Our relationship is healthy because we’ve worked to make it healthy. Your blanket statement about women getting married only have eyes for one man is a little false their. People are people and some are more apt to check out other people, whether it’s a man or a women. Lots of people cheat. There is a lot that goes into making a marriage healthy and fun to be apart of. We are only getting one side of your story and we all know there are 3 sides to every story. Yours, his and the reality of the situation. What are you doing to grow and cultivate your marriage, together? When was the last time you flirted with him? When was the last time you made him feel handsome and irresistible to you? Men like to feel wanted and needed just as much if not more than a woman does. When they feel that way, they tend to reciprocate the treatment; maybe he just feels you aren’t that into him. You two should try going on a date, having a nice long conversation about the needs and wants of your relationship and find out why he is looking for satisfaction in other women? Share with him your idea of what makes a marriage healthy and fun to be apart of. Maybe you’ll find you both have different ideas or there’s just a little laps of communication. Work together, you’ll figure it out. Good luck.

Try it, and see how he reacts💁‍♀️then if he don’t like it then tell him you don’t like it either so Stop.

Best advice I got from my mom (her and my “step” dad have been married for 26 years, together 31) is that they all look, it’s human nature. If you trust your boyfriend/husband looking and even being friends with the opposite sex isn’t a bad thing. As long as clear firm boundaries are in place, both parties accept those boundaries and respect them, and there’s no hiding anything, trust your man. If for any reason a boundary is blurred or just plain out ignored, sit down with your SO and have a conversation about that boundary crossing and how it made you feel and how to make it better and how to not let it happen again

They’re around just hard to find. I don’t have to worry about my boyfriend having “wondering eyes” because I look at the women too, we enjoy doing that together.

That is a terrible view to have on men and women. Men can be just as faithful, and women cheat just as much :person_facepalming:

Grow up

I am married and I still notice good looking men. Who of us doesn’t like Jason Mamoa? Who said women don’t look ? We do as much as men.

My husband and I both check out girls together. I think I do it more than him, lol. And if I’m not mistaken I can recall a time we both agreed a guy was good looking.

I love my husband very much, but I’m not blind. Granted I don’t go lookin for or like men’s pictures online. I would recommend sharing that it hurts your feelings and explain why. My husband is not blind either but he’s not blatant if another beautiful woman walks by.

You seriously don’t know the answer to that? You’re head is either so far up your Tukkus or you’re just being a facilitator of chat…. It’s what’s between your legs! If you line up 10 average men and ask a woman with full confidentiality who if any she’d sleep with I bet the average would be 20%. Let’s say 2 out of 10.

Now do the same thing with a guy picking from 10 women with average to sub average looks. You’d find that the number would be probably 80% if not above. It’s freaking NATURE! hunters and gatherers! You ever watch a caveman documentary?? Do some homework

Men were given testosterone and women were given estrogen. Enough of the speculation. This is science. I personally know a man who had insecurities stemming from childhood about his size and strength. What did he do when he was capable? Started taking synthetic testosterone supplements. If anyone has been following along I think we know how this story ends. The added testosterone which ironically enough was probably a big part of him being attractive to his mate was the thing that destroyed them.

The biggest difference between a man wandering in a relationship and a woman is that a man can detach and have it be purely physical, almost animalistic. And also ironically enough women absolutely love that attitude. Women cheat for emotional fulfillment. My friends wife didn’t just have intercourse she carried on with a relationship… in my eyes this digs quite a bit deeper.