So I decided to take a test. There’s a faint line (positive). I had sex with q guy on the 13th, and he was pulling out, and another guy on the 14 and 15th had taken plan b on the 15th. Then I thought I had my period on the 25th. It stopped and started again, then was spotting for a few days and took a test today due to having reflux and a bit sick whats the chances of this actually being positive?
Not likely, but possible. I would retest
Plan B can cause disruptions in your cycle also making you feel sick and nauseous. Give it time and test again. If you’re nervous schedule an appointment with your OBGYN.
I doubt it’s false. The hormone that pregnancy tests look for is only produced by pregnancy. Unless it is a faulty test, if the hormone is present, you are pregnant.
Plan b isn’t really reliable as it only works for those who aren’t considered over weight. As im sure you know, pulling out isn’t reliable either. Sounds like you’re likely pregnant and gonna have the task of figuring out who dad is. False positives really aren’t a thing, go to your Dr and have a blood test done and maybe a std test too to be safe
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. Is there such thing as a false positive? - #3 by josiecox25 - Mamas Uncut
Since pregnancy is detected by hormones I would say your prego.
Yeah not much of a chance of getting a false positive. I would say chances are good that you are pregnant.
Pull out method is not a very good one to use to prevent pregnancy. You’re more than likely pregnant.
I’ve had so many false positives
It’s possible but very uncommon. False negatives are much more common than false positives and a positive is likely caused by some other hormonal change, a positive test at all and you should go to a doctor to get checked out.
Lots of false negatives but false positives are pretty uncommon.
I wouldn’t say a false positive, you could possibly be pregnant but if you checked the test outside of the time window then it could be an evap line. I would go to the dr and get a blood test to know for sure or wait a couple of days and retest to see if the line gets darker.
You could spot right before your actual period. This has happened to me a few times (once after my Pap smear) and etc. Give it a few weeks and then test it again.
I’d say your pregnant follow up with another to see if the line is getting darker…also tell these guys so you can get a DNA test
I have 4 negative test and we’ll shes 11 now
I’d say your positive for everything including STDs
I was told by doctors they is never a false positive only false negatives
Don’t shoot the messenger but you asked on a public forum:
~You’re being reckless not only about STDs but unwanted pregnancies and I suspect you’ll be featured on an episode of Maury.
Good grief…
I hope it is a false positive.
Do better. There’s so many BC options available. And condoms are cheaper than your Starbucks.
While your at the doc have them check for a sti or d .be more damn careful
Who cares don’t post your garbage on here,have some respect for yourself,just wait it out
Ask your dr. For a blood test Best of luck!
How long did I wait took at the test?
I was told a faint line is positive and I caught mine before my period was suppose to be here and they told me it had to be multiples because of numbers and I started the next day after finding out
I would invest in a digital screen… because I had a hard time with the lines too, or have your Dr run labwork. Also testing first thing in the morning, your hormone levels will be higher if you are actually pregnant. If you are actually pregnant, your going to need to let both guys know and have a plan in place for a DNA test. Praying for a good out come for you and all involved.
There are no such thing as false positives unless it is an evap line. If it came up positive within 5 minutes you’re pregnant.
I’ll tell you like my mom told me “pullout doesn’t work its not a vacuum cleaner it’s not gonna suck it back when it’s pulled out” precum is a thing.
Sounds like a future spin-off to Mama Mia:rofl:
Get bloods done only way to know for sure
False positives are rare. A faint line is a line
You are more likely to have a false negative than a false positive. Plan B does not work if your body has already ovulated so if it is a positive test, I’d say schedule an appointment to see your doctor… you are more than likely pregnant. Now if the next question is on who is more likely to be the dad, it could really be either guy honestly
Unsure about your pregnancy, but definitely positive for Gonorrhoea👌
You should go to the doctor and get a blood test for stds & pregnancy. Sounds like too much unprotected sex with different people.
Raw dogging multiple guys? Lmao. Good luck!
“Don’t be silly, wrap your Willy”
You guys are honestly a lil rude on this one… my advice be go to the doctor. I’ve heard but never experienced that faint lines can be a little inaccurate. Go to doctor get tested and they can confirm pregnancy or not by blood test and or ultrasound. Be careful and be safe
Sounds like my first pregnancy very faint line but it was definitely positive
I’m pretty sure she didn’t ask for an opinion on how many men she had slept with. I mean from the amount of degrading comments on this thread y’all better be virgins from all that shit y’all are talking. She could have been safer and used a contraceptive, but I don’t think it’s anyone’s place on this thread to judge and assume things when I’m pretty sure everyone of y’all have gagged on a set of balls just like she has. Don’t be a hypocrite, she came to y’all for HELP not to be judged.
Girl…you better go see a doctor.
Sooo everyone commenting rudely has never had unprotected sex? How’d you all get kids
On this episode of Maury…
Sounds like your pregnant.
Lots of “perfect” mothers on here🙄 very judgemental for sure. Bet y’all go to church every Sunday mornin. Hypocrites.
plan b doesn’t work if you were already ovulating.
Unprotected sex with multiple guys pull out do people still think you cannot get pregnant or STDs or aids what are you thinking.
Plan B would be more effective if you took it sooner, they say up to 5 days after intercourses BUT it is not always the case the sooner the better,I’d say the first guys the dad if you are pregnant,make sure your testing with your first morning wee or go to the doctors for a blood test,if your “maybe period” was heavy after having sex of 3 different occasions then chances are your not pregnant if it was very light/spotting and pink then 50/50 chance you’ve got a bun in the oven. If you don’t want kids use protection get on some contraception .
I’d go to the doctor and take more than just a blood pregnancy test!
How about a little concern with. Having no STDs and whos your baby daddy. Good luck.
You know… Sleep around with as many people as you want… But do it safely. Pregnancy isn’t the only worry.
The judgment on this post is disgusting. I bet all y’all go to church every Sunday too, huh? 🤦
To OP, you have a higher chance at a false negative than a false positive. I would absolutely go get blood work and get a full panel done
POssiey pregneat take a digatdigatel
Go to the doctors they can confirm if its positive or not.
I would say head to the doctor no judgment here on your extra curricular activities. Just be safe ,mindful and take care.
Yeah, just go to the doc. Don’t sweat the saints on here
Sorry everyone on here is judgmental af and thinks they have their s*** together my now husband, bf at the time, didn’t even pull out and I took plan B I believe that same day and my daughter just turned a year old! I say didn’t pull out because there was no ejaculation that time. It was pre-cum. I would definitely wait a few days then try again. I will say my first obvious symptom was very tender/painful breasts which is what prompted me to take a test.
Congrats I took plan b with mine and hes 7 I’d say positive take another test to be sure
Yes happened with my sister in law. Find out it’s chemical pregnancy
I had a pregnancy test that was positive but it was only because I left it on the counter for way too long before I checked it (Didnt suspect I was pregnant but I take heart medication so I always check) Check within the appropriate amount of time because evaporation lines can cause a false positive.
Plan B will not work if you are already pregnant when you take it.
Really how many people are you having sex with? Sounfs like you are really irresponsibly.
Why people don’t go to doctors instead of letting the public know how nasty they are!
Plan b works the day after sex but if you already beginning to pregnant from the first guy it would not effect the fetus so you could very well be pregnant and what you thought was your period could have been implantation bleeding.
oh boy. go see a doctor and get tested.
I’d head to health department or doctor as soon as possible. No judgment here but they will also give you a supply if condoms so you can be safe.
Why cant you just sleep with one person?
Dont listen to these people on here trying to put you down. Have sex with whoever you want to and however many partners you want to.
I would definitely go to the doctor or a health clinic to get a pregnancy test and an STD screening as well just to be on the safe side.
I would also try condoms next time around or think about starting birth control. Good luck. Hope all is well.
The positive test result is most likely accurate. Pull out method is highly unreliable against preventing pregnancy and plan b is not effective against an already existing established pregnancy, even if it’s an early pregnancy. Assume you are pregnant and seek medical care/treatment asap
False positives are extremely rare, I would get double checked
You better hope a baby is all you got after sleeping with 3 men unprotected🤢
My mate was sleeping around, and not using protection, used plan b, and because she was a bigger girl, plan b didn’t work as she was meant to take two, not sure if that could be the case here, but just a heads up it can happen.
BIRTH CONTROL…stay up to date with your OB checks
From my experience you’re definitely pregnant
Get a blood test. Only way to know for sure
I asked a nurse of 17 yrs in the family when I got a positive and she said yeast infections can cause hormones to do a false positive she advised cranberry and water and then retake after a few days I did but it was positive again and set an appointment and we’ll it wasn’t a false positive…iv also taken tests and gotten a negative to find out I was pregnant…best to get blood work done it is way more accurate
If you’re not on birth Control and there wasn’t a condom you are probably pregnant.
It’s to soon to get tested
The two I got negatives with I was on a birth control…one was the pill and the other was the naxplanon implant that didn’t work lol…
False positives are ultra rare. Sounds like you had implantation bleeding instead of a period. I would opt for a blood test. Make an ob appt immediately. Good luck!
The judgy comments on here are gross…
You can avoid all this stress by using condoms( STI s are a real thing still ) and find a BC you don’t have To worry about that works for you. I liked an IUD best but that was me. Your body may have been figuring stuff out or recovering from Plan B….hence the weird test… see Dr.
The question isn’t are you pregnant ? The question is …who ya baby daddy
I would go for a blood test. Pull out method is a joke btw. Best of luck 🤷
Get tested 4 weeks after that first guy. If it’s his you will already be 2 weeks pregnant. At 4 weeks.
Get birth control and condoms in future.
Half the people on here are being rude and judgemental, as If your husband’s or boyfriend’s aren’t texting other girls online… Don’t judge people. If you have a rude comment keep it to yourself and move on. She is grown and can do what she wants with her life. On a side note usually there are no false positives.
Depends how long you let it sit before checking it
Sounds like you are and that was implantation bleeding. Congrats momma now to figure out who the baby daddy is.
Really what about birth control and 1 relationship at a time.
Not to be mean but if had sexy one night and next night with a diffrent guy and next night again?.. Damn i hope your not. I would feel sorry for the child
Even if it’s faint, still means your pregnant.
If you tried a blue dye test they are notorius for false positives. Try a pink dye one and take it first thing in the morning.
She didn’t ask for your opinions on her sex life , all these judgmental comments are uncalled for. Answer the question or move on.
why are you having unprotected sex with more than 1 guy? that’s pretty much asking to get knocked up and dont know who the father is. sorry but I only being real here
Well, plan B isn’t full proof. I’m sorry that people are being so hateful as of a woman doesn’t have needs too. If you’re single, do you girl. But if the other guy truly pulled out successfully it’s probably the second guys baby. It could have been implantation bleeding. If it was a blue dye, I’d wait a few days and test with a pink dye test. The blues are notorious for evaps.
I don’t think you should be only worrying about being pregnant, I’d get tested for STI’s after all that
If it was a clear blue test they’re notorious for false postives after the 10 min mark.
I had a false positive once. Almost died right there in the bathroom. Turns out I’m in menopause. my husband almost fainted.
Everyone is being so rude with their unwanted comments on how another WOMAN lives HER life. I’m sure she knows all about BC and condoms and how the pullout method isn’t the best at preventing babies. It’s her life, let her her do whatever the hell she wants to. Guys sleep around all the time and get nothing but a high five, a woman does it and she’s disgusting or she should be more mature. SMH… Girl, do you. On another note… I was having unprotected sex using the pullout method and took Plan B right after and I still ended up being pregnant. Plan B doesn’t work if you are already pregnant. If you are unsure or don’t trust the test, go to your OB and ask for a blood test and they can tell you for sure. If so, you should then be able to get an ultrasound to see how far along you are and you can try to pinpoint it down to who the father may be. And yes, pregnancy tests can show false positives sometimes. Don’t let rude people get to you, no question is a stupid question. And you never learn if you don’t live your life.
Plan b likely worked , but can mess up your cycle (the spotting etc)
Pullout and pray isn’t a great contraceptive method proven probably by half of us commenting here today. With that said there are a few reasons you could have a false positive. I’d test again in a few days. It sounds like you could be pregnant by guy 1 in my opinion. Plan B wouldn’t work for guy 1 I don’t think, isn’t it suppose to be taken within 24-48 hours after? If you took it within that range for guy 2 It would/should have worked, but it’s also not fool proof. Test again in a few days with a digital one so there’s no guessing and you’ll have your answer